A serious problem in Migration workbench - BUG!

When migrating a MS SQL Server 2000 database to Oracle
using Migration WOrkbench 2.0.2 I've run to a serious problem.
Capturing the source database went OK, then creating the
Oracle model started and it finished after some time, but -
after looking at the Oracle model pane I could see no
objects mapped!
SInce it looked almost impossible to get any technical
support I started to hack thru the Workbench repository
myself and found out that the objects were actually mapped,
but the user which owned them was not mapped to some reason.
Namely, when issuing the query
SELECT obj_owner, count(*) FROM om_obj_info GROUP BY obj_owner;
I saw most of the objects owned by the user named
'<DOMAIN>_Administrator' (that what was captured from MS SQL)
while the user mapped in the Oracle model was named simply
"Administrator". After updating manually the obj_owner
field for all those records with 'Administrator' I could
see the migrated objects on the Oracle Model pane.
However that way of doing the job seems rather owful for
me since I will be to perform migration many times for
individual objects - I want them to appear immediately, not
after hacking thru repository!
Who may help to find a GOOD workaround?
I may provide the export file of the Migration Workbench
repository if needed.

can you use the sp_changedbowner with the parameter "sa" if the database you are migrating is not already
owned by "sa". If this does not help you, please send the error.log file which can be found in the
%ORACLE_HOME%\Omwb\logs directory as well as a zipped version of the repository, if possible,
to [email protected] and we will be happy to investigate the problem further.
Tom - Team OMWB.

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    I bought an iMac this weekend and for various reasons did not configure with data from my MacBook Pro when I first turned it on, but waited until two nights ago to use Migration Assistant to transfer all but users.
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    I'd think it was a video card issue, but there are too many incongruous symptoms. If I could at least start up from the OS disk again I could get my data off... Any ideas, diagnoses or suggestions would be much appreciated.
    With gratitude and blessings.

    The problem is described in a different post as well, and it is considered to be answered. However, the answers are not very satisfactory because they are complicated.
    The underlying problem is that MacOS is looking for a FileVault user, while after migration the user files are actually not within a FileVault bundle.
    I believe that there must be a setting to change the login properties for the user to not look for a FileVault user, but for a plain, non-encrypted user. So please, somebody from Apple answer this questions!
    Command line very welcome, because I only have a command line user right now. And oh, my MBA didn't ship with a boot DVD so I don't even have the chance to reinstall my system easily. Also, getting my data out of the FileVault on my current machine, transfering everything again (almost 250 GB) and then putting them back into FileVault seems a bit too much effort for what appears to be a simple bit set somewhere…

  • Problems With Auto Update of Migration Workbench.

    I'm running v1.5.1 on MAC and am starting to look at migrating a MYSQL database to ORACLE.
    I wanted to make sure I had the latest updates so I used the "Check for Updates" function, which showed there were two updates available.
    Oracle Migration Workbench - Translation Core
    Oracle Migration Workbench - Translation Sybase.
    I'm not doing a Sybase conversion so figured I can leave that one alone.
    I ticked the box beside the first option, and I got the following ERROR:
    *An error occurred downloading updates. Click Back to return to the previous page and retry installation, or Cancel to close the wizard.
    Seeing the URL, I thought I would try to download and install the zip file manually. I was able to download the zip file and save it to my local drive successfully.
    However, when I try to install from a local file, I get the following error dialogue.
    This update cannot be installed. It requires other extensions which are not installed, or which are installed but incompatible.
    Extension: oracle.dbtools.migration
    Req. Version: Min=
    Installed: Not Installed
    After checking in the help About section, I see the following... I'm kind of at a loss for what to do next.
    Thanks in advance.
    Oracle SQL Developer 1.5.1
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    Oracle Migration Workbench     oracle.sqldeveloper.migration     Loaded
    Oracle Migration Workbench - MS Access     oracle.sqldeveloper.migration.msaccess     Loaded
    Oracle Migration Workbench - MySQL     oracle.sqldeveloper.migration.mysql5     Loaded
    Oracle Migration Workbench - SQLServer     oracle.sqldeveloper.migration.sqlserver2005     Loaded
    Oracle Migration Workbench - Translation Core     oracle.sqldeveloper.migration.translation.core     Loaded
    Oracle Migration Workbench - Translation MS Access     oracle.sqldeveloper.migration.translation.msaccess     Loaded
    Oracle Migration Workbench - Translation MS SQL Server     oracle.sqldeveloper.migration.translation.sqlserver     Loaded
    Oracle Migration Workbench - Translation MySQL     oracle.sqldeveloper.migration.translation.mysql     Loaded
    Oracle Migration Workbench - Translation Sybase     oracle.sqldeveloper.migration.translation.sybase     Loaded
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    Oracle MySQL Browser     oracle.sqldeveloper.thirdparty.mysql     Loaded
    Oracle SQL Developer     oracle.sqldeveloper     Loaded
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    hi joshm!
    just checking. have you seen this article yet? (it sounds like you've already tried a number of things from it, but i'll throw it in the mix, just in case.)
    iTunes displays a -69 error when syncing iPod
    love, b

  • Problems using the workbench to migrate mysql to Oracle

    I have ran into couple of problems using Oracle workbench
    migration tool.
    I was wondering if anyone out there has any insight.
    1. If a date field in a mysql table has a default (let's say
    9999-12-31) the script for oracle table will also have
    9999-12-31 as a default field. This doesn't seem to work in
    Oracle because Oracle expects to see something like to_date
    ('9999-12-31','yyyy-mm-dd'). I couldn't find a way to modify
    that in the Workbench.
    2. If a numeric field is defined in the mysql database as
    smallint, the workbench creates a corresponding Oracle field
    as num(250), while oracle would expect the presicion no more
    than 38. Again, I couldn't find a way to fix it in the
    3. If I'm attempting to modify a oracle field's parameters in
    the workbench,it won't let me to move to another table
    without asking "do you want to save the changes" and won't
    move on unless I click on "No".
    I would appreciate any comments on these issues

    Check your trash can on the desktop. The old version is automatically moved to the trashcan. You should be able to move it from the trashcan back to the Apps folder within the iTunes folder. The update that was pushed out was for iBooks to work with iOS 7 not iPhone 5. iOS 7 was released today.

  • Problem migrating MS Access to  Oracle 8i using Oracle Migration Workbench

    Downloaded Migration Workbench. Ran setup but it says that the Migration Workbench must be installed into an Oracle 9 home. I though it would work with Orachle 8 (according to the documentation). We obly have ORacle 8i here.
    Does anyone know away around this?

    Hi Caroline,
    the workbench just needs to be installed into an Oracle 9i home or a new ORacle Home. It will still work against an Oracle 8i database.
    There is a dedicated Migration Workbench discussion forum available.

  • Serious problem with Leopard search. I think it qualifies as a bug.

    If any of you can figure out a workaround for this, you'll beat Apple Support—which was unable to come up with a fix after more than an hour and a half on the phone (most of that time on hold).
    As you know, the ability to click "Other" in the Search window has disappeared, so we can no longer specify certain volumes to search. The serious problem is this: If you need to search a volume on the network, such as a hard drive on your Airport Extreme, your only option is to select the Network icon in the Search window—which means you must wait for every computer and volume on the network to be searched!
    A real-life example is this: All my music is on a hard drive attached to Airport. Two computers are in the network, so each can access the tens of thousands of songs on the hard drive. Under Tiger, searches on this drive were instantaneous. But now, under Leopard, try searching for a certain song on that drive, and it takes nearly 5 minutes (20 seconds would be a long wait!), because we cannot limit the search to just that volume. After my first search took forever, I searched two more times and clocked it with a stopwatch. The first took 4 min. 10 seconds, and the second search took 4 minutes 31 seconds. This renders Search useless for ordinary activity.
    I strongly regret that this volume no longer can be listed in the sidebar of the Finder window, but I can live with that. (You have to navigate to it by clicking on the Airport base station icon.) However, one cannot live with 5-minute searches on a volume that requires intensive searching.
    Until Apple fixes this, can anyone figure out a workaround, so that searches can be limited to just one thing in the network? (Imagine if there were 6 or 15 or 32 computers in the network!)
    Thank you.

    Folks, I have the answer...
    While on the phone with an Airport Extreme engineer at Apple (on a different matter), I asked the question at hand. He answered it in a heartbeat, and it is very simple. But we're not all crazy—remember, I previously spent an hour and a half on the phone with an Apple Specialist who couldn't figure it out either, even while researching it as I waited on hold! Nor did anyone on this forum come up with the answer.
    So... How to limit a search to an "air disk" (a hard drive plugged into an Airport Extreme)—without having to click on "Shared" in the Find window for an unwanted 4-minute search on ALL networked devices:
    Simply open any Finder window, click on your base station in the left column, then click to highlight the name of the air disk in the next column. Then use the search field in the upper right corner of that window. Just as always happens on the Mac, that search will be limited to the item highlighted—in this case, the air disk.
    As soon as you start a search, this way, the window changes into a search/find window which now DOES list the air disk across the top, in that line that begins "Search:"
    Where we've all been thrown, on this, is that we were all expecting to go Command-F to get a search window while the air disk was highlighted. But that will NOT get your air disk listed as one of the search options! We cannot go Command-F; we have to type our search into an ordinary Finder window (with the air disk highlighted) instead of turning it into a search window first.
    Truth is, the air disk really should show up in a Command-F window as a selectable item. But until that's fixed, the workaround is easy.

  • Logic Pro9,serious problem with projects: bug?

    I started working with Studio Logic suite one month ago.
    I'm very happy of it, but I have a (serious) problem.
    Sometimes (totally random) I open a project and appear a message "Some Audio files changed lenght", and I find many recorded tracjs disappeared or changed.
    In three cases I had to cancel the project and start from the beginning.
    The last time fortunately I put a backup on another hard-disk, so I cancelled the projects and copied it from the backup.
    How can I solve it?
    I use Logic Pro 9 on Macbook with Snow Leopard
    Please, help me
    PS:after the message appear, even if I close without saving and re-open the files the problems it's still the same.
    Even in backups made from Logic.
    My backup was the old folder copied on another hd
    Message was edited by: ghigo85

    Ok, found a solution so that you can work just on your old user account.
    In the new user account go to
    user (your username for the new account)/library/preferences
    Copy the files
    then go to to your home (c) drive, or Macintosch HD or whatever you have called it, then go to
    and the paste the three items into the folder called
    Then log out of the new account and into the old one, go to your main boot (c) drive again, to Users again, and to the Shared folder you have just pasted the items into, copy the three, then go to
    user (your username for the OLD account)/library/preferences
    ... and paste the three files (you will be asked if you want to replace them, just answer yet), and hey presto it should all work fine.

  • Migration Workbench hangs during 'Mapping Indices'

    During the creation of an Oracle Model, Migration Workbench hangs after displaying the message 'Mapping Indices'. The problem can be reproduced with 100% reliability. The Migration Workbench task must be ended with Task Manager. The source is an SQL Server 7.0 database. Oracle is 8.1.7, Migration Workbench is and the SQL Server option is Any idea what the problem might be?

    Hi Peter,
    This sounds like it could be a bug.
    Can you try the migration with a new repository first? If the problem persists then please e-mail [email protected]

  • Will there be a fix for Firefox's problems with Hotmail. I have gone back to 3.5.9 but mostly I am disappointed by the lack of action on this serious problem where a major and critical feature of a major international website is unavailable in the Firefox

    Will there be a fix for Firefox's problems with Hotmail. I have gone back to 3.5.9 but mostly I am disappointed by the lack of action on this serious problem where a major and critical feature of a major international website is unavailable in the Firefox browser.
    == URL of affected sites ==

    We've reached out to the Hotmail team and they've determined that this is a bug in their code. (It was masked by a timing issue in 3.5 that was fixed in 3.6.) We've worked with them to develop a fix but they may not have deployed it yet.

  • Migration Workbench

    I was able to Download Migration Workbench with no problem. The problem comes in during installation. According to the info on workbench, it specifies that you can migrate to 8i and/or 9i. Do you have a version of Migration workbench that will migrate Access and Sybase Apps to 8i?
    We are using: Oracle 8.1.7 on Windows 2000
    Error Message: "Oracle Migration Workbench must be installed in Oracle 9.0.1 home"

    What this message really means is the following:
    If you have an Oracle9i installation you can install the Oracle Migration Workbench into that directory, OR you can create a new directory and associated Oracle Home and install it into that directory.
    Therefore if you have Oracle8i, install the Oracle Migration Workbench into a new Oracle Home.
    The Oracle Migration Workbench does support the migration of non-Oracle databases to Oracle8i and Oracle9i.
    And yes we will be changing the message! :)
    If you have any further problems post a message to the Oracle Migration Workbench forum.

  • Problem with migrating data (SQL Server 2k offline data capture)

    Hi there,
    I try to migrate a SQL Server 2000 database to Oracle 10g (R2) using offline data capture. I following the online Tutorial “Migrate from Microsoft SQL Server to Oracle Database 10g Using Oracle Migration Workbench” and everything seems OK until “Migrating the tablespaces, users and user tables to the destination database” http://www.oracle.com/technology/obe/10gr2_db_vmware/develop/omwb/omwb.htm#t5. I have two errors on 2 (out of 85 ) tables saying “ Failed to create default for Table :
    ORA-00907: missing right parenthesis”. I checked the column/table names and they seems OK. I don’t understand why I got these errors. However, when I checked the ‘SA’ Schema in Oracle Enterprise Manager Console, I can see all the tables (including the two problem ones).
    I then carry on to the next step and tried to migrate data to the destination database (http://www.oracle.com/technology/obe/10gr2_db_vmware/develop/omwb/omwb.htm#t6) I am now stuck on step 5. “…copy the files from c:\omwb\data_files to the c:\omwb\Omwb\sqlloader_scripts\SQLServer2K\<timestamp>\Oracle directory…” I cannot find the ‘c:\omwb\data_files’ directory, in fact, I don’t have a directory called ‘data_files’ on my machine. I noticed the ‘c:\omwb\Omwb\sqlloader_scripts\SQLServer2K\<timestamp>\Oracle’ directory contains the all the 85 [tableName].ctl files (plus two other files: ‘sql_load_script’ and ‘sql_load_script.sh’). From the screenshots online, ‘c:\omwb\data_files’ seems contains files with the same name as the [tableName]. Therefore, I did a search with [tableName] but cannot find any apart from the [tableName].ctl file in the ‘c:\omwb\Omwb\sqlloader_scripts\SQLServer2K\<timestamp>\Oracle’ directory. What should I do next?
    OS: windows 2003 with SP1
    Oracle: 10g Release 2
    SQL Server 2000
    Any help would be extremely appreciated.

    Sorry, I am new here. Could you please tell me (or point me to the related documents about) how to output the Oracle model as a script?Action-> Generate Migration Scripts
    And what do you mean by ‘The default conversion may have failed’? Do you mean data type mapping? I went through all the columns and tables and checked the data types in the Oracle model already. The processing for the default for a table column could have something the basic workbench default parser cannot handle.
    I hope you are finding the workbench to be a productive aid to migration.
    Oracle Migration Workbench Team

  • Connection with SQL Server 2000 to SQL Developer 1.2 Migration Workbench

    Hi all,
    I keep getting the following error with setup for SQL Developer 1.2 Migration Workbench connection to SQL Server 2000 database:
    "Status: Failure -Network error IOException: Connection refused:connect"
    I can access the Microsoft SQL Server 2000 database with username
    and password using Enteprise Manager. However for some odd
    reason the Oracle SQL Developer 1.2 cannot connect to it.

    I was having this problem too. I'll mangle this explanation, but Our SQLServer instance was on a local server with some named DNS something. So, to get to the server, we used theservername.outdomain instead of an IP. We could never get it to connect through the named server. We got an SQLServer instance going on a server that we could connect to through a regular IP, and it connected just fine.
    Also, are you using the JTDS driver, or microsofts driver? We have only been able to connect with the JTDS driver. http://jtds.sourceforge.net/

  • Some serious problems with Mountain Lion

    Hi everyone,
    I upgraded my mid 2010 15" MBP to Mountain Lion 2 days ago, and I have some serious problems with my machine now.
    - Wifi problem: like many members 's machines, mine has problem to connect to the wifi after sleep or restarting, I had to wait 10 to 15 minutes for it to connected to my home network. Anh I tried to remove all of my settings in System Preferences/Network and added new connection. And now it cant connect to wifi anymore. I'm writing this article while sitting on the floor with my Ethernet cable plugged in my MBP. I connected to internet through a DSL modem and a Airport Extreme as a bridge and Access Point. I also tried to set up all of my network device but my MBP can't connect to the wifi still.
    - Keyboard problem with Pages: I was very happy with the new iCloud syncing for Pages documents but after 5 minutes, I met a big problem with Mountain Lion. Whenever I type in Pages with Vietnames Keyboard( Mac OS X built in or from another developer: http://www.trankynam.com/gotv/ ), Pages stops working immediately. I can still drag the Pages's window around but can't type or do any editing. After that I have to force quit pages. It is really stupid that I'm writing a book in Pages and now I have to stop my working till apple fixes this ridiculous bug. I tried German Keyboard as well and Pages worked flawlessly. Do you hate Vietnamese, Apple?
    - Messages problem: Since upgrading to Mountain Lion I couln't send or receive any messages. It worked perfectly in Messages beta.
    Does anyone have the same problems like me? Any solution such as how to reinstall Messages(I googled but found nothing)
    Apple, please test your software more before release it. I feel like I have no computer at the moment because I can't work, can't surfing the web wirelessly and can't communicate with my friends.

    - Messages problem: Since upgrading to Mountain Lion I couldn't send or receive any messages. It worked perfectly in Messages beta.
    Does anyone have the same problems like me? Any solution such as how to reinstall Messages(I googled but found nothing)
    What Messages to what type of Buddies or Contacts ?
    I found out that the problem with my wifi was my MBP received automatically a ridiculous IP such as instead of as it should be.
    WIll be part of the Issue as will be DNS issues.
    mDNSresponder crashed with Handsoff! v1.5.3. After upgrading Handsoff! to v2.0.2, it works again.
    In this case mDNSresponder also being stopped will stop DNS working.
    I would guess if you have resolved these that you can Chat to people again.
    4:33 PM      Friday; July 27, 2012
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"
      iMac 2.5Ghz 5i 2011 (Lion 10.7.2)
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb (Snow Leopard 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
    "Limit the Logs to the Bits above Binary Images."  No, Seriously

  • Facing problem in migration of StoO_error,StoO_sqlstatus,StoO_fetchstatus

    Migration Workbench convert the sqlserver code but i am facing problems with StoO_error,StoO_sqlstatus,StoO_fetchstatus.
    Please clarify me how to handle this in ORACLE
    I need to know the equivalent Oracle code for the Sql Server code.
    DELETE FROM User_Rights_Access
              WHERE User_ID = p_User_Id;
         IF LEN(p_SelectedRights) > 0 THEN
              NULL;/*DECLARE CURSOR userselectedrights_cursor */
                   OPEN userselectedrights_cursor;
                   FETCH userselectedrights_cursor INTO
              IF userselectedrights_cursor%NOTFOUND THEN
                   StoO_sqlstatus := 2;
                   StoO_fetchstatus := -1;
                   StoO_sqlstatus := 0;
                   StoO_fetchstatus := 0;
              END IF;
              WHILE StoO_fetchstatus = 0 LOOP
                   INSERT INTO sa.User_Rights_Access (User_ID, Rights_Id, del_flag)
                        VALUES (p_User_Id,                     t_SelectedRightsID,                                         0);
                        FETCH userselectedrights_cursor INTO
                   IF userselectedrights_cursor%NOTFOUND THEN
                        StoO_sqlstatus := 2;
                        StoO_fetchstatus := -1;
                        StoO_sqlstatus := 0;
                        StoO_fetchstatus := 0;
                   END IF;
              END LOOP;
                   CLOSE userselectedrights_cursor;

    I think the declaration of these variable is left out by default as most short procedures do not need them.
    Check out the 'Generate Maximal PL/SQL' stored procedure option, which is detailed in the stored procedure option help page. This option can be applied per procedure.
    Thank you for your time,
    Oracle Migration Workbench Team

  • Error in Migration Repository using Sql*Developer Migration Workbench

    To migrate a MS access mdb database to Oracle using Sql*Developer Migration Workbench, I try to create first the the Migration Repository in SQL*Developer.
    The repository is created, but under PACKAGES I could see that package MD_META has been compiled with errors.
    Error(27,2): PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
    Error(30,23): PL/SQL: ORA-00904: : ungültiger Bezeichner
    Well, when I ignore this and continue with the next step of the migration process "Capture Microsoft Access Exported XML file" to create the Captured Model, I get the following error message:
    ORA-04063: package body "AO_PERSONAL.MD_META" enthält Fehler ORA-06508: PL/SQL: aufgerufene Programmeinheit : "AO_PERSONAL.MD_META" konnte nicht gefunden werden ORA-06512: in "AO_PERSONAL.MD_PROJECTS_TRG", Zeile 3 ORA-04088: Fehler bei der Ausführung von Trigger 'AO_PERSONAL.MD_PROJECTS_TRG'
    Target database RDBMS is Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release So the proposal of note 427916.1 to create the Repository in a 10.2 RDBMS does not solve the problem.
    I even tried to use the Quick Migrate feature in SQL*Developer, but got the same error message.

    "inserted value too large for column"
    Is there a LOGON trigger on the database or user ?
    I'd be surprised at SQL Developer trying to insert data into anything on connect.
    I'd suspect code being executed by the database, maybe using a MODULE or PROGRAM from v$session or USERENV / SYS_CONTEXT.

Maybe you are looking for