Abap OO chain method call

Hi Guys,
Is it possible to use such bolded statement in ABAP OO?
data: some_object type ref to dummy.
create object some_object.
Best regards,

Hello Wojciech
I use frequently the interface IF_RECA_MESSAGE_LIST as message handler for my classes. The interface is defines as instance attribute (e.g. MO_MSGLIST).
At the beginning of the CONSTRUCTOR method I instantiate this interface:
  me->mo_msglist = cf_reca_message_list=>create( ).
In order to collect SYST messages I use the following method:
  me->mo_msglist->add_symsg( id_detlevel = '1' ).
However, if your bolded statement implies that instance <i>some_object</i> instantiates another object instance and <b>simultaneously</b> calls one of its methods I do not think this is (yet) possible.

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    Thank you very much, best regards, Martin
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    DATA: container_r  TYPE REF TO object,
          grid_r       TYPE REF TO object,
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    * IMPORTANT NOTE: class names must be in UPPER CASE
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    Hi ...
    Apologies ... for confusion ... actually both are required ...
    the type 'E' as well as CL_GUI_CONTAINER.
    The below code worked for me ...
    check out how I cast it to the parent class type ...
      DATA : lv_container   TYPE seoclsname VALUE 'CL_GUI_CUSTOM_CONTAINER',
             lv_control     TYPE seoclsname VALUE 'CL_GUI_ALV_GRID',
             lv_method      TYPE string VALUE 'SET_TABLE_FOR_FIRST_DISPLAY',
             lt_par_tab     TYPE abap_parmbind_tab,
             ls_param       LIKE LINE OF lt_par_tab,
             lref_cont      TYPE REF TO cl_gui_container,
             lv_data        TYPE REF TO data.
    CREATE OBJECT lref_container
            container_name = 'ALV_AREA'.
        ls_param-name = 'I_PARENT'.
        ls_param-kind = 'E'.
        lref_cont ?= lref_container.
        GET REFERENCE OF lref_cont INTO lv_data.
        ls_param-value = lv_data.
        INSERT ls_param INTO TABLE lt_par_tab.
    **  Now create ALV Control.
        CREATE OBJECT lref_alv_ctrl
    **  Set table for 1st display
        DATA : lv.
        lv = lref_alv_ctrl->mc_fc_print.
        CALL METHOD lref_alv_ctrl->(lv_method)
            i_structure_name = 'T001'
            it_outtab        = lt_company.
    Edited by: Varun Verma on Aug 12, 2008 4:19 PM

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    2     Border border = (Border)getValue();
    3     if (border == null)
    4         return "null";
    6     return getCode(border);
    7 }
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    Too bad! I'm doing some thing wrong?
    Thank in advance
    PS: Sorry about my english! it's not very good! Escribo mejor en espa�ol!

    Hi, your spanish is quite good!
    getCode(...) returns the Java code for the given border.
    So getCode(BevelBorder border) returns a Java string that is something like this "new BevelBorder()".
    I want Java to resolve the method to call.
    For example: A1, A2 and A3, extends A.
    public void m(A1 a) {...}
    public void m(A2 a) {...}
    public void m(A3 a) {...}
    public void m(A a) {...}
    public void p() {
        A a = (A)getValue();
        // At this point 'a' could be instance of A1, A2 or A3.
        m(a); // I want this method call, to call the right method.
    }This did not work. So, i've used instead of m(a):
        m(a.getClass().cast(a));Didn't work either. Then:
        m(A.class.asSubClass(a.getClass()).cast(a));No luck! But:
        m(A1.class.cast(a)); // idem m((A1)a);Woks for A1!
    I don't know why m(A1.class.cast(a)) works and m(a.getClass().cast(a)) doesn't!
    thanks for replying!

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    This call does thew trick.  I just had to make sure the prog name that I pass has "CP" from the 30th pos for it return the result.   Here is thew subroutine that I use:
    form get_test_method_count using     query_class
                               changing  test_method_count.
      data: l_progname type progname.
      l_progname = query_class.
      l_progname+30 = 'CP'.  "needed so the following method will recognize this as a class
      data: l_result type if_aunit_prog_info_types=>ty_t_testclasses.
          call method cl_aunit_prog_info=>get_tests_of_program
              progname = l_progname
              result   = l_result.
          if l_result is not initial.
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              test_method_count = lines( result_rec-methods ).
        catch cx_root.

  • "asynchronous method call"

    Dear all,
    I am writing a program for which I would like to enable parallel processing. As the programm is designed in classes and methods, I thought it would be nice and consistent to use methods calls instead of asynchronous function calls. I found a class for remote method calls but this does not appear asynchronous.
    Any idea if it is possible?

    Perhaps a way to accomplish this is to create an OO transaction in SE93. Take a look at http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw04/helpdata/en/a8/485d60cf4611d4b2e90050dadfb92b/frameset.htm for further details.
    You can then issue the statement CALL TRANSACTION <tcode> UPDATE 'A' (for asynchronous), or as suggested in one of previous discussions, use
          TCODE = <your_oo_tcode>
    You can also look at ABAP Object Services, especially Transaction Service, at http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw04/helpdata/en/ab/9d0a3ad259cd58e10000000a11402f/frameset.htm.
    Hope this helps.

  • Taskflow Method call receiving null parameter.

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    I am using I have created in my application an extra project which is pure Java objects and exposed a master class as a POJO DC. In my application, I have a taskflow where I have dragged and dropped one method from my POJO DC - 2 of the parameters of this methods are coming from an application scope bean. I have debugged the application, and made sure that the object being returned by the getter of my app scope bean is not null. So basically, when the breakpoint is in the return statement of my getter the oject is not null and it has been correctly initialized. Just after that, the next breakpoint is in the class receiving the parameter in my POJO DC class. In there, the object is NULL.
    Does anyone knows wat could be the reason??

    Hi Frank Nimphius-Oracle,
    That is precisely the problem.  The object is being passed as to the taskflow as an input parameter (getting it from my application scope bean). If I access the pageFlowScope inside my taskflow I see it and its there, correctely intialized. However, when I call a method call activity that consumes that object as parameter, all what it gets is null.
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    new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream("filename.txt"));
    /* ... code ... */
    in.close();But will this?
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    myPropertiesClass.store(new FileOutputStream("file.txt"));MyPropertiesClass extends Properties, and uses its store().
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    "After the entries have been written, the output stream is flushed. The output stream remains open after this method returns."
    My question is will the FileOutputStream("file.txt") be closed and garbage collected eventually after this method call because I don't have a reference to it? myPropertiesClass sticks around for a long time afterwards, will the FileOutputStream as well?
    Thanks for any insight,

    My question is will the FileOutputStream("file.txt") be closed and garbage collected eventually after this method call because I don't have a reference to it? > myPropertiesClass sticks around for a long time afterwards, will the FileOutputStream as well?Your only hope would be if FileOutputStream overrode finalize and closed the stream there -- but it doesn't (check the API -- finalize isn't overridden). I doubt if Properties retains a reference to the OutputStream you pass to store -- why would it need to? In any case, the bottom line is that output stream isn't being closed until your process exits.
    Why not bite the bullet and rewrite that line of code so that you can explicitly close the stream?
    OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream("file.txt");
    try {
    } finally {
    }It's not one line, but who cares? You could wrap it up in a short utility method:
    static void storeProperties(Properties properties, String path) {...}

  • Using a dynamic variable in the Import command of a Method call

    I am trying to make a Method call fully dynamic.
    I have found out how to make the Method name dynamic, but I am having trouble figuring out how to make the Importing statement dynamic.
    in my code below:
          CALL METHOD o_main->(v_call)
              it_ekko = i_ekko.
    I would like to know if it's possible to make both "it_ekko" AND "i_ekko" dynamic so I can use this same call for various tables.
    Hope that makes sense...thanks for your help.

    Hi Andrew,
    The method call is fully dynamic; not only the parameters can be specified dynamically but also the method name.
    This is a help extract:
    DATA: line     TYPE c LENGTH 80,
          text_tab LIKE STANDARD TABLE OF line,
          filename TYPE string,
          filetype TYPE c LENGTH 10,
          fleng    TYPE i.
    DATA: meth  TYPE string,
          class TYPE string,
          ptab TYPE abap_parmbind_tab,
          ptab_line TYPE abap_parmbind,
          etab TYPE abap_excpbind_tab,
          etab_line TYPE abap_excpbind.
    DATA: exc_ref TYPE REF TO cx_sy_dyn_call_error,
          exc_text TYPE string.
    class    = 'CL_GUI_FRONTEND_SERVICES'.
    meth     = 'GUI_DOWNLOAD'.
    filename = 'c:\temp\text.txt'.
    filetype = 'ASC'.
    ptab_line-name = 'FILENAME'.
    ptab_line-kind = cl_abap_objectdescr=>exporting.
    GET REFERENCE OF filename INTO ptab_line-value.
    INSERT ptab_line INTO TABLE ptab.
    ptab_line-name = 'FILETYPE'.
    ptab_line-kind = cl_abap_objectdescr=>exporting.
    GET REFERENCE OF filetype INTO ptab_line-value.
    INSERT ptab_line INTO TABLE ptab.
    ptab_line-name = 'DATA_TAB'.
    ptab_line-kind = cl_abap_objectdescr=>changing.
    GET REFERENCE OF text_tab INTO ptab_line-value.
    INSERT ptab_line INTO TABLE ptab.
    ptab_line-name = 'FILELENGTH'.
    ptab_line-kind = cl_abap_objectdescr=>importing.
    GET REFERENCE OF fleng INTO ptab_line-value.
    INSERT ptab_line INTO TABLE ptab.
    etab_line-name = 'OTHERS'.
    etab_line-value = 4.
    INSERT etab_line INTO TABLE etab.
        CALL METHOD (class)=>(meth)
        CASE sy-subrc.
          WHEN 1.
      CATCH cx_sy_dyn_call_error INTO exc_ref.
        exc_text = exc_ref->get_text( ).
        MESSAGE exc_text TYPE 'I'.

  • Error on /SafeMode: error while trying to run project uncaught exception thrown by method called

    i try run VS 2012 with /SafeMode. I create new empty Winform. When I start debug, I got:
    "error while trying to run project uncaught exception thrown by method called through reflection"

    Hi Matanya Zac,
    Did you restart your machine? How about installing the VS2012 update 4?
    >>error while trying to run project uncaught exception thrown by method
    Did you install the VS update in your VS IDE? I met this issue before which was related to the VS update:
    If still no help, I suggest you repair your VS, and then restart your machine, test the result.
    Best Regards,
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager Excel connection Manager failed

    I used VS Studio 2008 (BIDS version 10.50.2500.0) on an WinXp machine (v 5.1.2600 SP3 Build 2600) to create a package that writes multiple query results to different tabbed sheets of a single excel spreadsheet. The package was working just fine and has run
    successfully multiple times, but all of a sudden when opening the project, every single Data Flow task with an Excel Connection Manager displayed error icons. Each raises the following error message when attempting to open the Advanced Editor:
    SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005 Description: "Unspecified error". Error at DataFlow task name: SSIS error Code DTS_E_CANNOTACQUIRECONNECTIONFROMCONNECTIONMANAGER. The AcquireConnection method
    call to the connection manager Excel connection Manager failed with error code 0xC0202009. There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the Acquire Connection method call failed. Exception from HRESULT: 0Xc020801c (Microsoft.SQlServer.DTSPipelineWrap)
    From the time I created the original package (when it worked fine) until now:
     1) I have been using the same computer, the same login account and the same permissions.
     2) I have been writing to the same (32 bit) 2010 Excel file (which I created) in a folder on my local machine.
     3) The filename and location have not changed; a template file is used each time to move and overwrite the previous file. Both are in the same locations.
     4) I can independently open the target Excel file and the template Excel files with no errors.
     6) The ConnectionString has not changed. The Connnection String I am using is
      Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Conversion\Conversion\Results_dt01.xlsx;Extended Properties="EXCEL 12.0 XML;HDR=YES;".
     7) Run64BitRuntime is set to False.
    8)  Delay Validation is set to true
    9) This is not running under a SQL job  
    10) There are no child packages being run
    I CAN create a NEW Excel Connection Manager, assigning it the exact same target Excel spreadsheet, successfully, but when I attempt to assign it to the Data Flow destination this error occurs:
    "Test connection failed because of an error in initializing provider. Unspecified error."
    Thinking that the driver might be corrupt, I opened a second SSIS package, which also uses the Excel Connection Manager (same driver) and this package continues to work fine on the same workstation with no errors.
    I have searched online for causes of this error for many hours and found nothing that helps me to solve this issue.
    Does anyone have any suggestions for me?

    Yes, I have verified that the Excel file is not in use or opened by anyone, including me. It has been two months since I opened this particular package, although I have been working with other packages in this project. I just discovered that another
    package in the same project has the same problem - all Data Flows that output to an Excel Destination now have the same error icons. This second packages outputs to an entirely different Excel file than in the first package.  A summay:
    Package #1 has error on every Excel Destination and uses templateA to overwrite fileA and then writes to fileA
    Package #2 has error on every Excel Desintation and uses templateB to overwrite fileB and then writes to fileB
    Package #3 has no error on any Excel Destination and is linked to multiple files (none are A or B)
    Package #1 and #2 are in the same project, but Package #3 is in a separate project .
    I will try replacing the Excel files with new ones for Package 1 and 2.

  • [Load data from excel file [1]] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_CANNOTACQUIRECONNECTIONFROMCONNECTIONMANAGER. The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "Excel Connection Manager" failed with error code 0xC0202009. There may be error messa

    [Load data from excel file [1]] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_CANNOTACQUIRECONNECTIONFROMCONNECTIONMANAGER.  The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "Excel Connection Manager" failed with error code 0xC0202009.  There
    may be error message
    I am using BIDS Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 and running the package to load the data from excel .
    My machine has 32 bit excel hence have set property to RUN64BITRUNTIME AS FALSE.
    But the error still occurs .
    I checked on Google and  many have used Delay validation property at Data flow task level to true but even using it at both excel connection manager and DFT level it doesnt work

    Thats my connection string
    Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=E:\SrcData\Feeds\Utilization.xlsx;Extended Properties="Excel 12.0;HDR=NO";
    Excel 2010 installed and its 32 bit edition
    Are you referring to install this component -AccessDatabaseEngine_x64.exe?
    You can try an OLEDB provider in that case
    you might need to download and install ms access redistributable
    Please Mark This As Answer if it helps to solve the issue Visakh ---------------------------- http://visakhm.blogspot.com/ https://www.facebook.com/VmBlogs

  • What are the methods called while navigating from one applet to another one

    Hi All,
    Could any one brief me about "When you navigate from one applet to another what are the methods called ?".
    Thanks in advance.
    Best Regards,


  • Issue with a method call in a TaskFlow (works 2 times instead of 1)

    Hi guys,
    i'm using jdev11. and the integrated weblo or remote weblo
    I'm encountering a problem with a method call which is invoked inside a Task Flow.
    Let me tell us the details of :
    I'm invoking a method call which is part of a Task Flow from the backingbean of the view which is placed before the method call in the taskFlow diagram.
    AN outcome String from the method of the backing bean allows to navigate to the method of the Task flow.
    The method call is called and works normally BUT MY PROBLEM IS THAT THE METHOD IS CALLED TWO TIMES SO THE RESULT IS FALSE.
    For information, the second time the method is called it takes care of the result when it is invoked the first time. So its parameters are updated and are a little different from the first time to the second time.
    NB : This method consists of inserting a row in the database. My result is 2 rows inserted instead of one.
    Thanks for help for this strange behaviour

    create a temp calculated column
    =IF(ISBLANK([Duration]),"",[Item Start Date]+([Duration])
    and check if it's working OK
    Romeo Donca, Orange Romania (MCSE, MCITP, CCNA) Please Mark As Answer if my post solves your problem or Vote As Helpful if the post has been helpful for you.

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