ABAP proxy to Stored procedure on MySQL sync

I have one question regarding above scenario. Scenario is like this: user will run sync scenario from some ABAP report, which will connect to PI through ABAP proxy, execute some stored procedure on MySQL server, get data back and update some Z-table in SAP.
My concern is beacuse of stored procedure and some weird situations. Stor.procedure selects data and immediately after does update on same data. What I happend in my situation. I ran it for the first time, with debugger, ABAP proxy made call and returned data, but because of compiling and debugging, I lost connection and I LOST DATA, because stored procedure made select and update and I don't have this data anymore. Is there any chance to restart this kind of process? I know this will not happend usually, but want to be sure.
Edited by: Mario Slopar on Sep 6, 2011 10:58 AM

I lost connection and I LOST DATA, because stored procedure made select and update and I don't have this data anymore. Is there any chance to restart this kind of process?
Mario - Try the tcode - SXMB_MONI to check the message that was sent from SAP to PI, as you say you lost the connection in between while debugging the failed message will be listed after you run the above Tcode. You will be able to restart the message from the same screen.
Also, i presume that the scenario is a synchronous one - SAP<->PI<->SQL, i would suggest you try and decouple the systems involved by making calls Asynchronous(depending on the business needs ofcourse)

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    -> BEGIN
    -> SELECT note FROM kmdoc where username=name;
    -> END
    -> //
    Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.22 sec)
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    | note |
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    | Test Title |
    | Say Hello |
    7 rows in set (1.16 sec)
    Query OK, 0 rows affected (1.67 sec)
    procTest.java as following:
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    import java.sql.*;
    public class procTest{
    public static void main(String[] args)throws Exception {
    String driverConnection="jdbc:mysql://localhost/";
    String catalog="mycatloge";
    String user="myname";
    String psw="mypsw";
    String connDbUserPsw=driverConnection+catalog+"?user="+user+"&password="+psw;
    try {
    catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {}
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    checkpoint 1
    java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: -9
         at java.lang.String.substring(String.java:1480)
         at com.mysql.jdbc.DatabaseMetaData$TypeDescriptor.<init>(DatabaseMetaData.java:7031)
         at com.mysql.jdbc.DatabaseMetaData.getCallStmtParameterTypes(DatabaseMetaData.java:6615)
         at com.mysql.jdbc.DatabaseMetaData.getProcedureColumns(DatabaseMetaData.java:2637)
         at com.mysql.jdbc.CallableStatement.determineParameterTypes(CallableStatement.java:904)
         at com.mysql.jdbc.CallableStatement.<init>(CallableStatement.java:72)
         at com.mysql.jdbc.Connection.prepareCall(Connection.java:999)
         at com.mysql.jdbc.Connection.prepareCall(Connection.java:978)
         at km.procTest.main(procTest.java:17)
    Exception in thread "main"

    I got the answer from the following Link:
    Use a nightly snapshot of Connector/J 3.1 from
    I replace the old connection driver mysql-connector-java-3.1.1-alpha-bin.jar
    with the more new driver mysql-connector-java-3.1-nightly-20040408-bin.jar
    which I believe is not the final one!
    Now ,Stored Procedure with parameter in mysql 5.0 work ok!

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    Or, you can google "jdbc mysql stored procedure".

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    So it appears that it is a java issue.
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    Yes, I read through the threads, that is Why I cam here after posting back with MySQL trying all the suggeestions, I still can't find the thread from the MySQL/J developer, I did find the one from a MySQL developer though.
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    I am now using crystal reports 2008 evaluation copy for 30 days. I am trying to create a stored procedure with parameter, here is my sample Stored Procedure code;
    DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `puerto`.`SP_FindEmployees`$$
    CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `SP_FindEmployees`(SIDNo VARCHAR(10))
         SELECT * FROM employees WHERE IDNo=SIDNo;
    when i try to call the procedure in sqlyog here is my sample code;
    CALL sp_findemployees('0000000001')
    it is successfull, but when i try to  connect it with crystal reports 2008 I got no fields in my stored procedure andi got this error message ;
    "Database Connector: 'HY00:[MySQL][ODBC 3.51 Driver][mysqld-5.1.33-community]incorect number of arguments for procedure puerto.sp_findemployees; expected 1, got 0 [Database vendor code: 1318]"
    CR2008 was not asking a parameter values.
    But when I try using stored procedure that i've made in MSSQL, CR2008 asking parameters and succefully created the reports needed.
    My Objective is to make a stored procedure  in MySQL by using select statement and filter it with parameter(s) that I will pass and CR2008 will use this stored procedure.
    i also try the view with this code below and it was successfull in CR2008.
    DROP VIEW IF EXISTS `puerto`.`ep_employees`$$
    CREATE ALGORITHM=UNDEFINED DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` SQL SECURITY DEFINER VIEW `ep_employees` AS (SELECT `employees`.`IDNo` AS `IDNo`,`employees`.`FullName` AS `FullName` FROM `employees`)$$

  • MySQL Stored procedure, INOUT parameter question.

    Hello, I'm trying to run a stored procedure in MySQL 5.0 through the use of Java. Here's what I have:
    Part of my Java code (which is taken from the MySQL Connector/J documentation):
        CallableStatement cStmt = conn.prepareCall("{call demoSp(?, ?)}");                                   
        cStmt.registerOutParameter("inOutParam", Types.INTEGER);
        cStmt.setString(1, "hello");
        cStmt.setInt("inOutParam", 4);
        System.out.println(cStmt.getInt("inOutParam"));The stored procedure (which has been taken directly from the MySQL Connector/J documentation, PDF format, Page 4)
    CREATE PROCEDURE demoSp(IN inputParam VARCHAR(255), INOUT inOutParam INT)
        DECLARE z INT;
        SET z = inOutParam + 1;
        SET inOutParam = z;
        SELECT inputParam;
        SELECT CONCAT('zyxw', inputParam);
    ENDI have tested the query in MySQL and the stored procedure does work correctly. The Java code successfuly runs the stored procedure, but the INOUT parameter always returns as 1. This behaviour indicates that when the stored procedure runs, inOutParam is set to 0, regardless of what value it is given in the Java code. Therefore, is the INOUT parameter fully supported? Maybe my Java code is incorrect?
    Thanks in advance for a response.

    I don't see anything obviously wrong with the code. That you are always getting 1 out, suggests the possibility that the input value isn't going in, is defaulting to 0 and 0+ 1 is being returned...
    As a guess, try doing:
    cStmt.setInt(2, 4);instead of:
    cStmt.setInt("inOutParam", 4);It could be that MySQL has some problems with "by name" parameters...
    Alternately, modify the stored procedure to put inOutParam into a table and see what value is being recieved...

  • Fields in Stored Procedure does not appear in Crystal reports 2008.

    I am now using crystal reports 2008 evaluation copy for 30 days. I am trying to create a stored procedure with parameter, here is my sample Stored Procedure code;
    DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `puerto`.`SP_FindEmployees`$$
    CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `SP_FindEmployees`(SIDNo VARCHAR(10))
         SELECT * FROM employees WHERE IDNo=SIDNo;
    when i try to call the procedure in sqlyog here is my sample code;
    CALL sp_findemployees('0000000001')
    it is successfull, but when i try to  connect it with crystal reports 2008 I got no fields in my stored procedure andi got this error message ;
    "Database Connector: 'HY00:[MySQL][ODBC 3.51 Driver][mysqld-5.1.33-community]incorect number of arguments for procedure puerto.sp_findemployees; expected 1, got 0 [Database vendor code: 1318]"
    CR2008 was not asking a parameter values.
    But when I try using stored procedure that i've made in MSSQL, CR2008 asking parameters and succefully created the reports needed.
    My Objective is to make a stored procedure  in MySQL by using select statement and filter it with parameter(s) that I will pass and CR2008 will use this stored procedure.
    i also try the view with this code below and it was successfull in CR2008.
    DROP VIEW IF EXISTS `puerto`.`ep_employees`$$
    CREATE ALGORITHM=UNDEFINED DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` SQL SECURITY DEFINER VIEW `ep_employees` AS (SELECT `employees`.`IDNo` AS `IDNo`,`employees`.`FullName` AS `FullName` FROM `employees`)$$

    Crystal Reports 2008 and MySQL 5 , ODBC driver 3.5 and ODBC driver 5.1.
    I use ODBC connector 3.5 because I got errors in ODBC drivers in 5.1.
    Do you have step by step procedure for creating add command dialog box?
    I try creating the add command dialog box
    here's my sample sql statement i don't know if its correct because no data appearing in my crystal report
    Select * from employees where idno=@IDNo
    in Command Parameter Dialog Box
    Parameter Name = @IDNo
    Prompting Text = @IDNo
    Value Type = String
    DefaultValue = 0

  • How to call stored procedures from java program?

    I have tried to run a program that calls a stored procedure on MySQL
    server version 5.0.17 by using connector/j 5.0, but it always fails on the
    statement: con.preparecall() ,
    have looked on the internet and found out that people can all mysql
    stored procedure all right in their programs, really dont know what's
    wrong with this small peiece of code:
    import java.sql.*;
    public class TestDB {
          // procedure being called is:
         CREATE PROCEDURE `dbsaystorm`.`getsite` ()
            select  name  from tblsite;
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              try  {
                  Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost/dbname",
                            "user", "pwd");
           * executing SQL statement here gives perfect correct results:
            // PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("select name from tblsite");      
            // ResultSet rs =ps.executeQuery();
                  // but in stored procedure way...
                  //it fails here on this prepare call statement:             
                  CallableStatement proc = con.prepareCall("call getsite()");
                  ResultSet rs =proc.executeQuery();                      
                  if (rs == null) return;                                      
                  while (rs.next()){                 
                      System.out.println("site name is: "+ rs.getString(1));                                
              } catch (SQLException e) {e.printStackTrace();}
               catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();}         
    }it always gives this exception:
         at com.mysql.jdbc.StringUtils.indexOfIgnoreCaseRespectQuotes(StringUtils.java:959)
         at com.mysql.jdbc.DatabaseMetaData.getCallStmtParameterTypes(DatabaseMetaData.java:1280)
         at com.mysql.jdbc.DatabaseMetaData.getProcedureColumns(DatabaseMetaData.java:3668)
         at com.mysql.jdbc.CallableStatement.determineParameterTypes(CallableStatement.java:638)
         at com.mysql.jdbc.CallableStatement.<init>(CallableStatement.java:453)
         at com.mysql.jdbc.Connection.parseCallableStatement(Connection.java:4365)
         at com.mysql.jdbc.Connection.prepareCall(Connection.java:4439)
         at com.mysql.jdbc.Connection.prepareCall(Connection.java:4413)
         at saystorm.server.data.database.TestDB.main(TestDB.java:29)
    where have I gone wrong?
    when I commented out the statement that makes the procedure call and call preparedstatement to execute SQL select statement, it gave perfectly correct result.
    it looks like there is no problem with java prog accessing MYSQL server database, but the it seems that it's just java can't call stored procedure stored on the mysql server version 5.
    can it or can't it? if it can, how is that accomplished?

    It is a bug in the driver because it shouldn't be
    returning that exception (null pointer) even if you
    are doing something wrong.
    Are you using the latest version of the driver?
    The stored procedure runs when you run it from the
    gui/command line using a MySQL tool - correct?
    As suggested you should be using the brackets. What
    is the data type of the 'name' field?
    You could try returning another value like one of the
    select 1, name from tblsite;
    select name, 1 from tblsite;
    That might get around the bug
    Additionally try just the following...
    select 'test' from tblsite;yes, the driver used is in connector/j 5.0--the lastest one, and the
    procedure can run correctedly at either command line or GUI mode
    with no problem whatsoever, the returned data type is string type,
    I have not got the chance to test it again with those values you
    suggested, as I have abandoned the laptop I used to write that code
    initately. There have been some other really weird cases happened on
    that computer. I guess that must be something wrong with the JVM
    installed on it, it was upgraded from jre5.0.04 to 06, and to 09.
    something within hte JVM must have been messed up(the only reasonable
    explanation). Because the same code runs correctly on my new laptop,
    using the same environment: jvm 5.0_09, mysql 5.0.18, connector/J 5.0.
    that old laptop really was a nightmare.

  • Confusion when writing Stored Procedure...

    Iam having confusion when writing Stored Procedure.Plz solve my confusion.
    Can we write Stored Procedure using JDBC like the Code I have given.If So,what is the wrong i had made in the Code?.Iam using MySQL 5.0.27.
    If it can't be done with the code that i had written, Iam telling Some steps that I have learned,suggest, whether it is correct or not?
    Step 1:
    Create Stored Procedure in database separately.We can't create stored procedure in JDBC(Am I Right?).
    Step 2:
    After writing Stored procedure call the procedure inside JDBC using preparecall method of callable statement.
                  out.println("<b>MySQL Driver Loaded Sucessfully </b>"+"<br>");
                  connection=DriverManager.getConnection ("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/exportproc? user=root&password=sachin");
                  statement = connection.createStatement();
                  out.println("<b>Statement Created</b>");
                  sql="create procedure exportproc(in name varchar(15),in password varchar(12))"
                          +"insert into exportproc values(name,password)"
                  out.println("<b>Query assigned to sql</b>"+"<br>");
                  statement.executeUpdate("create database exportproc");
                  statement.executeUpdate("use exportproc");
                  out.println("Table Created");
              }Message was edited by:

    create a stored procedure in mysql , i dont know mysql , any way we take your code
    create procedure exportproc(in name varchar(15),in password varchar(12))
                          insert into exportproc values(name,password)
                          endprocedure created ....
    now just call in java by using CallableStatement
           CallableStatement cs = con.prepareCall("{call exportproc(?,?)}");
             cs.setString (1, "vijay");
             cs.setString (2, "123");
             cs.executeUpdate ();

  • ABAP Proxy TO DB2 (Stored Procedure)

    Hi all,
    I am sending ABAP Proxy to DB2 database.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    - <nr1:SD002_ZKTSD_SHIPT_Msg xmlns:nr1="http://amkor.com/SD">
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    - <ns0:SD002_SDSHPTO_Msg xmlns:ns0="http://amkor.com/SD">
    - <Statement>
    - <SDSHPTO action="EXECUTE">
      <P_SAPC isInput="true" type="CHAR" isOutput="true">300</P_SAPC>
      <P_COMP_NAME1 isInput="true" type="CHAR" isOutput="true">300</P_COMP_NAME1>
      <P_COMP_NAME2 isInput="true" type="CHAR" isOutput="true">300</P_COMP_NAME2>
      <P_L_SHIPTO isInput="true" type="CAHR" isOutput="true">300</P_L_SHIPTO>
      <P_ADDR1 isInput="true" type="CHAR" isOutput="true">300</P_ADDR1>
      <P_ADDR2 isInput="true" type="CHAR" isOutput="true">300</P_ADDR2>
      <P_ADDR3 isInput="true" type="CHAR" isOutput="true">300</P_ADDR3>
      <P_ADDR4 isInput="true" type="CHAR" isOutput="true">300</P_ADDR4>
      <P_ADDR5 isInput="true" type="CHAR" isOutput="true">300</P_ADDR5>
      <P_ADDR6 isInput="true" type="CHAR" isOutput="true">300</P_ADDR6>
      <P_ATTENTION isInput="true" type="CHAR" isOutput="true">300</P_ATTENTION>
      <P_CNTY_SDES isInput="true" type="CHAR" isOutput="true">300</P_CNTY_SDES>
      <P_CNTY_FDES isInput="true" type="CHAR" isOutput="true">300</P_CNTY_FDES>
      <P_TELEPHONE isInput="true" type="CHAR" isOutput="true">300</P_TELEPHONE>
      <P_FAX isInput="true" type="CHAR" isOutput="true">300</P_FAX>
      <P_INTERCOMPANY isInput="true" type="CHAR" isOutput="true">300</P_INTERCOMPANY>
      <P_INV_HEADER isInput="true" type="CHAR" isOutput="true">300</P_INV_HEADER>
      <P_INV_DETAIL isInput="true" type="CHAR" isOutput="true">300</P_INV_DETAIL>
      <P_MONDAY isInput="true" type="CHAR" isOutput="true">300</P_MONDAY>
      <P_TUESDAY isInput="true" type="CHAR" isOutput="true">300</P_TUESDAY>
      <P_WEDNESDAY isInput="true" type="CHAR" isOutput="true">300</P_WEDNESDAY>
      <P_THURSDAY isInput="true" type="CHAR" isOutput="true">300</P_THURSDAY>
      <P_FRIDAY isInput="true" type="CHAR" isOutput="true">300</P_FRIDAY>
      <P_SATURDAY isInput="true" type="CHAR" isOutput="true">300</P_SATURDAY>
      <P_SUNDAY isInput="true" type="CHAR" isOutput="true">300</P_SUNDAY>
      <P_IFDATE isInput="true" type="CHAR" isOutput="true">300</P_IFDATE>
      <P_IFTIME isInput="true" type="CHAR" isOutput="true">300</P_IFTIME>
      <P_IFSTATUS isInput="true" type="CHAR" isOutput="true">300</P_IFSTATUS>
      <P_IFDESC isInput="true" type="CHAR" isOutput="true">300</P_IFDESC>
      <P_IFUSER isInput="true" type="CHAR" isOutput="true">300</P_IFUSER>
    I am getting the following error:
    Exception caught by adapter framework: Error processing request in sax parser: Error when executing statement for table/stored proc. 'SDSHPTO' (structure 'Statement'): java.sql.SQLException: [SQL0204] SDSHPTO in  type *N not found.
    2007-01-12 09:50:22
    Delivery of the message to the application using connection JDBC_http://sap.com/xi/XI/System failed, due to: com.sap.aii.af.ra.ms.api.RecoverableException: Error processing request in sax parser: Error when executing statement for table/stored proc. 'SDSHPTO' (structure 'Statement'): java.sql.SQLException: [SQL0204] SDSHPTO in  type *N not found.. Setting message to status failed.
    Can anyone tell me the reason for the error?
    Thank you

    Dear chang
    When you want to update a DB the structure of the tartget node shud satisfy few criterias. For example it should have the doc structure:
    <dbTableName action=”UPDATE” | “UPDATE_INSERT”>
    Also follow this link for more clarification:
    <a href="http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw2004s/helpdata/en/22/b4d13b633f7748b4d34f3191529946/frameset.htm">http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw2004s/helpdata/en/22/b4d13b633f7748b4d34f3191529946/frameset.htm</a>
    PS: Award points for helpful replies

  • How to receive output of Stored Procedure in OSB as Sync Reply

    Dear OSB Experts-
    I need help for the following scenario as part of our requirements:
    1. We have a OSB proxy Service which receives Input Msg from a JMS Queue, does validation and transformation of the message and publishes the transformed msg to a business service.
    2. The Business Service uses the DB Adapter framework to call a Stored Proc.
    Our requirement is to send the output of the stored procedure back to the OSB Service in a Sync Reply and subsequently the OSB service will do further processing.
    Also in case of exceptions in stored procedure we need to catch it and send back the exact SQL Exception Msg to OSB.
    However we are not able to figure out how do we capture and send the output of the stored procedure back to OSB.
    Can someone please provide pointers on the same.
    Thanks in advance for your inputs.

    Hi Dibya,
    Please refer -
    Invoking Stored Procedure from OSB 10gR3
    Above thread has discussed that how to call stored procedure from OSB. Do a service callout and in response variable you would receive the response from OSB. In stage error handler capture the error and do the required processing.

  • Stored procedure : how to call SP in sender JDBC adapter for mysql

    HI friends ,
    we have JDBC---->XI--
    >SAP  scenario. For some business requirement, we have to call STORED PROCEDURE , please let me know how to call  SP in sender JDBC adapter for mysql .

    Hi Mojib,
    Please create a sample stored procedure like this which contains select statement and in communication channel give
    wite stored procedure name only to sql query statment and in update statement write <test>.
    I am executing this stored procedure successfully.
    Create Proc GetResultX As
    Select * From TESTX
    Execute statement for stored procedure is :
    Exec GetResultX
    Laxmi Bhushan Jha
    Rewards point if found usful
    I have given same answer to one of the same  thread

  • Sync HTTP to ABAP proxy

    I am looking for a Sync HTTP to ABAP proxy scenario screenshots.
    Can someone help?

    See the below links

  • MySQL Stored Procedures

    Title and summary says it all...
    I've read over and over that stored procedures are more
    robust, but I've yet to use one (Knowingly).
    So, if I have query such as
    insert into table (Name,Description) values ('Taco','Do not
    eat at Ma Bell');
    How would that be created/used?
    Also I was reading there are stored procedures for getting
    the next ID available, I forget its name offhand, but perhaps a
    procedure that does
    get next ID
    update that ID (with insert info above)?
    select * (return that record)

    Stored procs are great for performing complex database tasks
    but for simple table inserts, updates, etc. you won't see much
    benefit in using them over just straight SQL queries with cfquery.
    Check out the online reference for mySQL stored procs

Maybe you are looking for