About tableview in BSP?

     I hava a question about tableview  in BSP. How to get many records not only one from tableview in OnInputProcessing .
     I am forward to your help . Thank you !

Multiple line select in TableView
here you can find a good guideline for your problem

Similar Messages

  • Adding new rows in tableview of BSP

    Hi all,
       I am facing the very serious problem with using the tableview in bsp .The requirement is to add new rows to the tableview and update this content to internal table.The problem is when i enter some value in column and hit any button or triggered any event ,the value of column in table view gets cleared and i couldn't able to captur the value to internal table ...
    can anyone please help me to  sort out this problem.

    Hi Senthil,
    I think this would provide solution to your problem.
    the problem is whenever you edit the value in the tableview view the associated internal table of the table view has to be updated with the new values. for that you need to read the cell value from the table view.
    as its a tableview, you should read the value from the exact cell whose value has been modified and update that value in the internal table. here is the psuedocode. hope it helps.
    loop thru the selected rows of the table,
    'selectedrowindextable'  this info you can get from
    table_event TYPE REF TO cl_htmlb_event_tableview.
        LOOP AT selectedrowindextable ASSIGNING <i>.
    itab is the table which actually stores that data
    which you pass to the table view
          READ TABLE  itab INTO wa_itab INDEX <i>.
          i_rownum = <i>.
          CONDENSE i_rownum.
    construct the id of the Cell whose value is to be read
    for table view name, if u r showing it as a view in a
    tray object prefix the table view name with tray object
    id followed by '_'
    to read column 'totalcost' in 5th row the cell name
    would be 'trayid_tableviewid[5].totalcost
    Alternative you can get this format from the
    request->get_form_fields method also
       CONCATENATE 'tabviewname[' i_rownum '].colname' INTO req_cell.
       CONDENSE req_cell.
       l_value = request->get_form_field( req_cell ).
       CONDENSE l_value.
       wa_itab-colname = l_value.
       MODIFY itab FROM wa_itab INDEX <i>.
    Let me know if you have any questions.
    thanks and Regards,

  • Tableview in BSP

    I would like to display some info in htmlb table view.
    cud anyone help me ?

    The tableview HTMLB element itself has quite complete documentation (look in tag browser, SE80, under
    <i>BSP extensions/Transportable/HTMLB/<htmlb:tableView></i>
    SAP help has a detailed work through of some sample applications that include the use of table views on several pages (i.e. see results page)
    <a href="http://help.sap.com/saphelp_47x200/helpdata/en/c8/101c3a1cf1c54be10000000a114084/content.htm">Creating Web Applications with BSPs</a>
    Then for a bit more complexity ..one very useful Blog on this site is:
    <a href="/people/brian.mckellar/blog/2003/10/31/bsp-programming-htmlb-tableview-iterator Programming: HTMLB TableView Iterator</a>

  • 2 questions about  TableView

    1-With table.getSelectionModel().selectedItemProperty() returns the actual selected item.
    Well, I want to get the last selected item too, a method like lastSelectedItemProperty() ?
    2-Is there a way to create a calculate column, that is not a property of the actual bean class passed to this TableView in an ObservableList ? I mean a property of another bean or a value that is calculated by a bind with the properties of the actual bean and others.

    liveTable.getSelectionModel().selectedItemProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<LiveTableItem >()
         public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends LiveTableItem> observable, LiveTableItem oldValue, LiveTableItem newValue)
              //you get current and previous selected object. either of them could also be null so check for that.

  • Grouping Key Rows In HTMLB Tableview BSP

    Hello Experts,
    I've a HTMLB Tableview in BSP Application. I need to group the key rows with same value into one.
    Current Layout
    KEY  VALUE 1    VALUE 2
    A       X                 Y
    A       X                 Y
    B       X                 Y
    B       X                 Y
    Required Layout
    KEY  VALUE 1    VALUE 2
    A       X                 Y
              X                 Y
    B       X                 Y
             X                 Y
    It's somewhat similar to grouping the key rows in ALV. Not sure how to achieve this in BSP.
    Please help....
    PS: Posted this thread in BSP Forum earlier and haven't got any response yet. So reposting it in ABAP General for a quick response.

    Hi Satyajit Mohapatra,
    please refer to fixedColumns. Therefore check on your system:
    Page: TableViewFixedColumns.bsp
    There you can find the solution.
    Regards, Jonas

  • TableView Iterator in WebDynpro as in BSP

    Hi all,
    i'm planning to move from BSP to WebDynpro ABAP and have a question:
    Does WD ABAP provide the same kind of <htmlb:tableView> as BSP? Especially, does it support the concept of an tableview iterator?
    Thx & Regards,

    Yes you'll find everything.
    You'll find also the ALV extension of a table.
    I was familiar with iterator and I like it so much; in WDA you can reach the same result but in a different way.
    Basically you have to prepare, in advance, all the data in the table rows and then in the table configuration you'll describe the rules for each column (even with variants per row).
    You have to study the Table UI object with table cell variant and then ALV features.

  • Merging cells in Tableview

    I am creating a tableview in which I would like to merge few cells for few of the rows (based on some condition). I am also trying to make use of Table Iterator for the same but not getting proper clue.
    Can someone please help.
    Thanks and regards,
    Sachin K

    There are about a millions sources here in this forum for that A quick search will provide several for you.
    Here are some links you should check out...
    BSP Element - Dynamic tableView with Internal Table
    And of course the basics...
    <a href="/people/brian.mckellar/blog/2004/06/11/bsp-trouble-shooting-getting-help">BSP Trouble Shooting: Getting Help</a>
    <a href="/people/brian.mckellar/blog/2003/10/31/bsp-programming-htmlb-tableview-iterator">BSP Programming: HTMLB TableView Iterator</a>
    Here is a code sample of doing something in the <b>IF_HTMLB_TABLEVIEW_ITERATOR~GET_COLUMN_DEFINITIONS</b>
      FIELD-SYMBOLS: <def> LIKE LINE OF p_column_definitions.
      APPEND INITIAL LINE TO p_column_definitions ASSIGNING <def>.
      <def>-COLUMNNAME = 'SID'.
      <def>-TITLE      = 'System'.
      <def>-WIDTH      = '10%'.
      <def>-SORT       = 'X'.
      APPEND INITIAL LINE TO p_column_definitions ASSIGNING <def>.
      <def>-COLUMNNAME  = 'STATUS'.
      <def>-TITLE       = 'Status'.
      <def>-WIDTH       = '10%'.
      <def>-SORT       = 'X'.
      APPEND INITIAL LINE TO p_column_definitions ASSIGNING <def>.
      <def>-TITLE      = 'Date'.
      <def>-WIDTH      = '10%'.
      APPEND INITIAL LINE TO p_column_definitions ASSIGNING <def>.
      <def>-TITLE      = 'Time'.
      <def>-WIDTH      = '10%'.
      APPEND INITIAL LINE TO p_column_definitions ASSIGNING <def>.
      <def>-COLUMNNAME = 'ALERTMSG'.
      <def>-TITLE      = 'Text'.
      <def>-WIDTH      = '50%'.
      <def>-WRAPPING   = 'X'.
      APPEND INITIAL LINE TO p_column_definitions ASSIGNING <def>.
      <def>-COLUMNNAME = 'UNAME'.
      <def>-TITLE      = 'Assigned User'.
      <def>-WIDTH      = '10%'.
      <def>-SORT       = 'X'.
    Follow that with the code from <i><b>IF_HTMLB_TABLEVIEW_ITERATOR~RENDER_ROW_START</b></i>
      m_row_ref ?= p_row_data_ref.
    and ending with this code from <i><b>IF_HTMLB_TABLEVIEW_ITERATOR~RENDER_CELL_START</b></i>
    * Data Declarations
      DATA: dataValue TYPE STRING,
            tmp TYPE STRING,
            tmptext TYPE STRING.
      CASE p_column_key.
        WHEN 'STATUS'.
          dataValue = m_row_ref->STATUS.
          case dataValue.
            when ''.
              tmp = '@5B@'.
              tmptext = m_row_ref->STATUST.
            when 'C'.
              tmp = '@5B@'.
              tmptext = m_row_ref->STATUST.
            when 'D'.
              tmp = '@5D@'.
              tmptext = m_row_ref->STATUST.
            when 'E'.
              tmp = '@5C@'.
              tmptext = m_row_ref->STATUST.
          p_replacement_bee = cl_htmlb_image=>factory( id = 'img'
                      src = tmp
                      alt = tmptext ).

  • How to avoid security information pop up when using BSP in SRM

    Hi. I have created a custom BSP and have flagged it as HTTPS in the properties, and the URL does start HTTPS.
    I have then put this BSP in a role in SRM and can access it from the internal ITS after logging into SRM. Obviously the main SRM URL is also HTTPS. The BSP actually does its job fine.
    However, when I click on the BSP I get the security information pop up telling me that the page contains both secure and nonsecure items every time.
    How can I avoid this?
    I have read the article on the wiki, but it does not apply to my BSP as there are no links at all in my BSP, and everything is HTTPS.
    We can not change the IE settings as all our desktops are locked down and configured in the same way from an outsource company.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Hi. I'd already seen that, and it is not quite the same as mine. That link is about calling a BSP as a catalog in SRM and switching from HTTPS to HTTP.
    I am calling the BSP direct from the SRM main menu and everything of mine is HTTPS, I am not switching.
    Do you have any other ideas?
    Thanks a lot for your help.

  • BSP / Web-Dynpro (Java / Abap)  what to use in this case ?

    Hi all,
    i have some questions about all this BSP/Web-Dynpro stuff. We have an application (for health care written in Visual Studio) out there at our customers. Some of these customers are using SAP as their backend system. So we've writte some backend functionality (a cash processing, additional reports, a special invoice system etc.etc.) in Abap and Abap-Objects. Actually we are planing a new release for this backend stuff which is using the normal SAP Gui.
    Maybe we plan for the next release to convert our app to a Web based app and we discuss what SAP technology we should use for that.
    Here are my questions :
    - When and why should we use Web-Dynpro (Java) ?
    - Can't we use BSP ?
    - Is there any future for BSP ?
    - When will Web-Dynpro for ABAP be released (actually we are not a Java Shop so Abap is prefered)?
    Hope someone can answer my question.

    If you don't mind, I am going to terminate discussion of Web Dynpro ABAP here. It is not that I want to, but we are in a difficult position with this development, and can not really discuss it too much.
    But, let me first make a few (last) comments:
    (*) BSP is available since WebAS 610 (which is now nearly at the end of its lifetime). WebAS 620 is the main platform out there, with NW04 (WebAS 640) now shipping, and the next product is inevitably coming. If you keep in mind that SAP supports each release at least 7 years, and we will be shipping BSP in an upcoming release, you can see that with BSP you are not going to left stranded for many years to come.
    (*) Web Dynpro Java is out and shipping. A very nice development environment. You can build nice things with it.
    (*) Web Dynpro ABAP: it will become a very nice product as well. We should know :). But, it will definitely not ship on NW04 platform. Which unfortunately means the next great NW shipment (both naming and date is not available).
    From our experience, most people seem to make their decisions based on the available Java versus ABAP skills in the shop. However, the other factor to look at is also "pixel perfect" rendering. Only with BSP can you influence the rendering. Web Dynpro is more a development platform for business applications, and as such they must conform to the designated model/concepts, etc.

  • BSP Changing the Column name

    Hi experts,
    I have used tableview in BSP . In the output it displays the column name as per the table which i have referred. I want to change the name of the column. How Should i do that.. anyone plz explain me with an example.
    Thanks in Advance
    Edited by: Vijay Babu Dudla on Apr 28, 2009 12:59 AM

    Hi ,
    If you want to change the column name, you can put your code following:
    <htmlb:tableViewColumn columnName    = " "
               *title        = " put the cloumn name here"*
    Please try.
    Any doubt let me know.
    Chris Gu
    Edited by: Gu Chris on Apr 28, 2009 5:26 AM
    Edited by: Gu Chris on Apr 28, 2009 5:26 AM
    Edited by: Gu Chris on Apr 28, 2009 5:27 AM

  • Portal eventing between bsp and VC

    Hi everybody
    I need to use portal eventing to have a bsp and a VC iview communicate.
    The bsp iview should be displayed within the VC iview as html view, raise a portal event with some sort of parameters inside, and then be dynamically hidden by the main iview.
    I have often read about VC and bsp exchanging signals when belonging to the same page, but will this work even with bsp iview within VC iview? Has anyone ever achieved this?

    Hello Vincenzo,
    It won't work, since the html view is implemented as an iframe on top of the model. If you want to use portal eventing, you should have the iViews inside a portal page which acts as a container and you also have the entire portal framework working for you.

  • How to use "document.getElementById()" using MVC and  bsp:call

    I follow the tutorial from saptechnical .com about F4 in BSP and it works.
    But my problem, is that is not working in my BSP I get javascript error "document.getElementById() is null" the popup appear I select the value but when I press the button to close the popup and pass the value nothing appears.
    I think that is because im Using MVC and Views that call a controller (like view inside views).
    I have in my main.htm this:
    <htmlb:form id     = "search"
                   method = "get" >
            <bsp:call url     = "search.do"
                      comp_id = "search" >
    The code with the help values is in the search.htm(this the page associated with controller search.do)
    So Im thinking that my problem is because the form isnt in the SAME page than my inputField  and that is why im getting that error.  Can be this true ?
    And if it is,  how can I solve it?, I have several pieces of page with controllers and If I try to put the form tag in each "piece" I get an error that a button was left without a parent form tag, and I there isnt any button tag without form tag. So I think that another element tray, tabstrip or something require form tag also.
    I hope that I could explain my problem and someone can give me a hand.
    Can It be that this js statement
    document.getElementById("i_VKORG_low").value = fval;
    only works only if the form tag is in the same htm page, and cause I have teh form tag declared in the main.htm and the fieldtext i_VKORH_low in search.htm it doesnt works ?
    EDIT: I cant post my javascript source code...dont know why I get an error from the forum that the post is not supported

    If I remember well, the MVC framework adds the comp_id of the bsp_call to all elements in the subcontroller.
    Try using:

  • Passing paramters and calling a PCUI screen from a BSP Application

    We have developed a custom BSP application which displays a list of Opportunities in a HTMLB table view based on a search criteria.
    When I click on a particular opportunity no., I should call a PCUI screen which should display that particular opportunity details.
    Any help is greatly apperciated.

    You are going to have to be more specific in what you want.
    First I would read the following pieces of info.  They will help you with general problems, also with creating an Iterator and read the select rows of a table.
    BSP Element - Dynamic tableView with Internal Table
    <a href="/people/brian.mckellar/blog/2003/10/31/bsp-programming-htmlb-tableview-iterator">BSP Programming: HTMLB TableView Iterator</a>
    Just shooting from the hip I am assuming you are clicking on a selected ROW in the tableView where you defined the tableView with <i>selectionMode="SINGLESELECT"</i> and <i>onRowSelection="MySelectEvent"</i> then on the OnInputProcessing Event Handler you read the selected row (see <a href="TableView and selected row)
    So and of course once you read the selected row in the OnInputProcessing event handler you can do further porocessing.
    However if you are wanting to provide the user with the ability to click an icon or text link in the row then please refer to the Iterator for that.

  • Freeze the column headers for htmlb:tableView using CSS

    I am using a <htmlb:tableView > in BSP to display data.
    i want to freeze the column headers so that they dont scroll when table data is scrolled.
    Is it possible ?

    Hi Rajendra,
    Have a look at the links below:
    [Freeze tableview header-I|https://forums.sdn.sap.com/click.jspa?searchID=24813847&messageID=3088768]
    [Freeze tableview header-II|Freeze table header in HTMLB Tableview]
    [Freeze Columns of tableview|https://forums.sdn.sap.com/click.jspa?searchID=24813847&messageID=3517748]
    Search the forum and you will find information on this.

  • BSP Doubts

    Hi Experts,
    Can anybody can explain to following doubts
    1) Does the BSP htmlb library is ligther than the WebDynpro ABAP, I mean which page loads faster
    2) Is Custom javscipts are supported in WebDynpro ABAP.
    3) Is RTL Rendering can be controlled in WebDypro ABAP ?
    4) Is there any client-side regular expressions can be used in the BSP ,otherwise cl_abap_regex is the only options to validate which will becomes a server side validation (ABAP Stack )
    5) Is there any control of the BSP input elements if we declare data type as numeric, system should allow the numericals only
    6) Can BSP HTMLB is supported by the Opera, Chrome and Safari browsers
    7) How to handle the Back Page problem, everytime it is getting session out whenver tried using BACK page in IE.

    Hi Naga,
    the sort of questions you are asking require a good understanding of the underlying technologies to not only get the answers but to understand the implications of these answers as well.
    I encourage you to "have a go". Roll up your sleeves and try everything you have asked about yourself. You will learn much more than the simple answers to these seven questions.
    To start you on the way you should understand that the BSP runtime framework provides server-side scripting for the ABAP web application server. In this regard BSP applications can be seen as no different to .JSP, .ASP, PHP or any other similar model. The BSP runtime environment sits on top of the Internet Communication Manager (ICM). The provided tag libraries such as HTMLB execute on the BSP runtime. These tag libraries are typically used to produce HTML and Javascript code that is returned as part of the HTTP response to the web browser for rendering and execution by the browser. You do not have to use these tag libraries, or any others you build yourself, if you do not want to.
    The WebDynpro ABAP runtime also sits on top of the ICM - but in most other respects is very different from the BSP runtime. At runtime a WDA application produces as a response a data stream (lets assume it is XML) that is passed to a purpose build renderer to produce the specific user interface elements for the client application. Most people are used to the WDA client being a web browser. As web browsers have varying and somewhat limited rendering capabilities the WDA renderer for a web browser runs on the server as part of the WDA runtime and translates the XML response from the WDA application into the appropriate HTML and Javascript before it is transmitted to the web browser. If the client application includes its' own WDA renderer the server simply transmits the XML datastream to the client application which then renders the UI itself. This is how the desktop version of NetWeaver Business Client works. It uses MFC libraries to render the UI natively on windows clients.
    If you have absorbed the two paragraphs above you should realise a few things. Firstly you can send anything you like in the response to a HTTP request using the BSP runtime. Secondly you have essentially no control over the response you send to a WDA HTTP request.
    So to quickly address your specific questions....
    1) Does the BSP htmlb library is ligther than the WebDynpro ABAP, I mean which page loads faster
    That would probably be true when your client is a web browser - it almost certainly would not be true if you were using the desktop version of the NetWeaver Business Client or the WDA Flex client.
    2) Is Custom javscipts are supported in WebDynpro ABAP.
    3) Is RTL Rendering can be controlled in WebDypro ABAP ?
    Yes - I think. Have a go and find out.
    4) Is there any client-side regular expressions can be used in the BSP ,otherwise cl_abap_regex is the only options to validate which will becomes a server side validation (ABAP Stack )
    Sure - you can put any client-side code you like in a BSP response.
    5) Is there any control of the BSP input elements if we declare data type as numeric, system should allow the numericals only
    Sure - use client-side scripting to do this. Alternatively create your own BSP tag library to do this.
    6) Can BSP HTMLB is supported by the Opera, Chrome and Safari browsers
    The HTMLB tag library only supports specific browser versions. Check SAP documentation for these specifics. But you do not have to use these tag libraries and you can create your own if you like as well.
    7) How to handle the Back Page problem, everytime it is getting session out whenever tried using BACK page in IE.
    I assume you are talking about a stateful BSP application. This is a web browser issue. If you build a stateless BSP application you can prevent this and there are other techniques to prevent it with stateful pages as well. Personally I recommend avoiding stateful BSP applications.
    Graham Robbo

Maybe you are looking for