About Tcode SE30 Documents and Info

Hi Experts;
I want to make improvement at my z program.
I'm examine performans my z program using se30 tcode.
But I dont know exactly How is read results?
Are there any documents & Info about SE30?
Best regards.
Moderator message : yes, please read the sticky threads of this forum and search on SCN, e.g. the blogs section.
Edited by: Thomas Zloch on Oct 17, 2011 10:53 AM

my protection system is fine, i hope, but that aside for a
not all search engines take notice of the robot.txt true..
lets say my file system is like this...
docs (folder)
index.php (dummy file)
what i want to prevent is any search engine from getting to
any files unless they come via the home page, i use a tag system...
?page=1&something=else method
all my pages are fresh and not been viewed other than via the
home page as no one knows what the folder names are for each
section of the site. i.e. one folder maybe called
''somethingreallylongthatnooneknow' only me
all files are inserted into the pages using the 'include()'
but still they show up in the search engine after a month or
i would block them but that defeats the object of putting
stuff on the site i want it spidered but not like they are doing,
some search engines i know search others search engines and
somewhere along the line one of them is not taking notice of the
robot.txt file.
also now can they get the folders that i use, all folders are
created new and all have a default index.html file which redirects
them to the 404 error no page found.
how do they get my files? !!!!

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    Hi Baba,
    A <b>Change Document</b> is an object that contains a log of all the changes that were made on a specific business object (like a product or a business partner), so you will always be able to identify what was changed, when it was changed and who changed it.
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    Hope it helps,
    Kind Regards,

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    var layerStates = [];
    var layerCount = doc.layers.length;
    var count = 0;
    function addLayers(layerArray) {
            for (var i=0; i<layerArray.length; i++) {
                // create an object representing a layer state
                var o = {};
                o.name = layerArray[i].name;
                o.visible = layerArray[i].visible;
                o.locked = layerArray[i].locked;
                layerStates[count] = o;
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    // show that we did something, incomplete though it is
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    for (var i=0; i < layerStates.length; i++) {
            s += layerStates[i].name + ": ";
            s += (layerStates[i].visible ) ? "visible" : "invisible";
            s += ", ";
            s += (layerStates[i].locked ) ? "locked" : "unlocked";
            s += "\n";
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    var doc = app.activeDocument;
    var docName = doc.name;
    var xml = new XML("<root></root>");
    var layerStates = [];
    var layerCount = doc.layers.length;
    var count = 0;
    function addLayers(layerArray, xmlObj) {
        for (var i=0; i<layerArray.length; i++) {
            // create an object representing a layer state
            var lay = layerArray[i];
            var x = new XML("<layer/>");
            x.@name = lay.name;
            x.@visible = lay.visible;
            x.@locked = lay.locked;
            layerStates[count] = x.toXMLString();
            // if this layer has layers of its own, iterate through those
            if (lay.layers.length > 0) {
                addLayers(lay.layers, x);
    addLayers(doc.layers, xml);
    var xmlFile = new File();
    xmlFile.copy ('C:/Program Files (x86)/Adobe/Adobe Illustrator CS4/Presets/en_US/Scripts/data.xml');
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    In my case, pasting into the spreadsheet lost all text formatting (mostly text set to bold). The results of formulas were pasted, and checkboxes were pasted as "on" or "off". The DB did not contain any pop-up menus or radio buttons, but I expect they would transfer as a number showing the list position of the chosen item.
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    1.  Restore the OS X that you formerly used to run Word 2004;
    2.  Partition your hard drive or attach an external hard drive and install Snow Leopard (and Rosetta) so that you can "dual-boot" into Microsoft Word 2004;
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    Hello Rkumar
    If you have defined a documentation for your ALV report which you want to display when the INFO button is pushed you can use the following coding:
             DOKCLASS           = 'RE'                                          " = report
             DOKNAME            = '<name of your ALV report>'
             SHORT_TEXT         = 'X'              
             OTHERS             = 1.     

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    From the finder window, click File, click new folder, you can drag all documents into that Folder making it the master folder. You can ajso drag folders into the Master folder, and have them as sub-folders if you wish to  do that. Either way they will all be in one master folder.

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    There's a few aspects to this - and such several "correct" answers.
    First, what exactly will you be doing? Are you just editing or will there be vfx/color grading etc? If it is the latter, and you're in SD, I'd personally go with uncompressed 10-bit. The files will be large, but it will be worth it if you do a lot of processing.
    ProRes files will be much smaller, and still look very good, but may not hold up as well to heavy processing.
    Not sure what you mean with #2... what other codec(s) are you looking at. Saying it is "unnecessary for SD" is an interesting comment - depends on what you want to do with the footage.
    Some info about ProRes (and uncompressed) bitrates:
    http://sportsvideo.org/main/blog/2009/08/11/apple-final-cut-prores-lowers-bitrat e/
    http://documentation.apple.com/en/finalcutpro/professionalformatsandworkflows/in dex.html#chapter=10%26section=1%26tasks=true

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    In the past I used ABBYY FineReader

Maybe you are looking for

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