About TCP Simultaneous Close

Hello everyone I am a for students from China, here is my problem, my English is not good, this is done by google translate.
Lab Topology
RHEL6.3 server + sock 0.3.2
Host    Entry  sock -v  -b 12345 43415
Host    Entry  sock -v  -b sock -v -y 3000 -b 43415 12345    
//#:  -y n  #ms for SO_SNDTIMEO (send timeout)
Theoretical Results That RFC Can Be Described Within The Framework of
Come From
RFC 793(Page 37)    and     《The TCP/IP Guide Version 3.0》(page 886 “Simultaneous Connection Termination”)
The truth of the matter was quite different .
Only Host Reply ACK。Several attempts Failure。Does not appear, RFC 793 described phenomenon。

No.3  and No.4  Time Interval  0.04900300-0.01900100 = 0.030002======>TCP Simultaneous Open Result Full
No.19  and No.20  Time Interval  56.2792190-56.2762190 = 0.003======>TCP Simultaneous Connection Result Bad
I Do Not Know Where The Wrong?
If Host The first receive the ACK ,From  CLOSING—>TIME-WAIT,Once go in TIME-WAIT Status ,TCP Stop Send Package(ACK) ?
Hoping to be answered here
Sincerely Blessing

thanx for your replies i was very glad
AND i have one more question can you give me some examples about file transferr please? let's say sample codes like befere.
thank you.

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    i will wait for your replies.

    thanx for your replies i was very glad
    AND i have one more question can you give me some examples about file transferr please? let's say sample codes like befere.
    thank you.

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      MySqlConnection connection = newMySqlConnection(stringConnection);
                    MySqlCommand cmd = connection.CreateCommand();
                    connection.Open(); and i have a try catch. accoding to your opinion, i should put  connection.Close() in the block of try,or outside of block of try? according to you,if i open the connection and do not close,is it bad?or i open 2 times(using different istancse,like connection1 and connecton2),is it ok? thank u very muchbest regardsmartin  

    This code will work in tests. But it will propably fail in a production environment. You don't even close the connection and that is bad enough. This is how you should never,
    EVER work with disposeable objects!
    MySqlConnection connectionLev = newMySqlConnection("server=P30LSIMUL;user id=root;database=cncp20l");
    MySqlCommand cmd = connectionLev.CreateCommand();
    catch (Exception ex)
    MySqlConnection connectionLev = newMySqlConnection("server=P30LSIMUL;user id=root;database=cncp20l");
    MySqlCommand cmd = connectionLev.CreateCommand();
    catch (Exception ex)
    If code like that runs in any production environment, you are about to get fired.
    From a catapult.
    SqlConnections implement Finalize so when the GC does collect them, they will be properly closed. That can be anywhere between "milisccond the reference vanishes" and "the programm is closed after 100 years of the computer running without
    a hitch and reboot."
    Put one of those blocks (or both) into a loop that runs 100 times and you will run out of avalible SQL conenctions.
    Since you alraedy have a try...catch block, just use the construct that Magnus showed you:
    Put the variable outside of the try (so finalize can access it). Check for null (in case an exception happened before/during the creation, not during the use of it) then Dispose.
    Note that finalize is even run after the function it is contained in returns (about the only code that can still run then). And that you should always log/expose ex.ToString(), never only the message (that one contains only 5% of the information, the otehr
    95% are much more important).
    More tips about exception handling:
    Let's talk about MVVM: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/wpf/thread/b1a8bf14-4acd-4d77-9df8-bdb95b02dbe2 Please mark post as helpfull and answers respectively.

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    But I find a strange problem.
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    Is my code wrong or the socket is this?
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    my new version of code...
    but there are still some problems
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      public void sendFile(final String file) {
            new Thread(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    try {
                        DataOutputStream dis = new DataOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream());
                        dis.writeUTF(new File(file).getName());
                        BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(new File(file)));
                        BufferedOutputStream bos = new BufferedOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream());
                        byte[] buffer = new byte[8192];
                        int count = 0;
                        while ((count = bis.read(buffer)) != -1) {
                            bos.write(buffer, 0, count);
                        System.out.println("FINISHING SENDING FILES!");
                    } catch (Exception e) {
        public void receiveFile() {
            new Thread(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    try {
                        BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(socket.getInputStream());
                        BufferedOutputStream bos;
                        DataInputStream dis =new DataInputStream( socket.getInputStream());
                        while (true) {
                            String fileName = dis.readUTF();
                            bos = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(new File(fileName)));
                            byte[] buffer = new byte[8192];
                            int count = 0;
                            while ((count = bis.read(buffer)) != -1) {
                                bos.write(buffer, 0, count);
                    } catch (Exception e) {

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    In the fmir transaction (to open and close fm posting periods), if the "From" column for a particular year is blank (not zero, but BLANK), and the "To" column has 12, then will the whole year be open? Or does the "From" column have to have a 1 or 0?
    Please respond.

    As you told, when FROM is blank it means -- "First Posting Period Allowed (in Interval 1)" , check F1 Help, so real open period is 1 to 12 .
    I hope this clarification help to you understanding,

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    also an error msg appears wanting to close Hdspa modem if I ignore this msg I can continue.If I respond to this msg firefox will close as modem disconnects.Also if u don't watgh out u can be typing over previously typed inputted data as the cursor drifts.I am even having trouble typing this report.It misses letters or incorrectly types others i did not type.This can happen on other comps. running other versions of F?F also.If this were a virus, it should not be on this laptop as I had TECH.insttall compleely new windows Xp and I have only conneced To Inernet a few imes>Isn't F/F supposed to have f/wall and anti virus prottection inbuilt?Can' access In. expl. as an alternative either as it says It is offline.Going to synchronise as per instructions doesn't enable I explorer eiher Any suggestions please, welcomedThis bad spelling is computers not mine!!!!

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    The AE has 2 HDDs plugged in via Hub and the AX has a printer and speakers in it. I understand the HDDs will just be slow on the USB, but they seem to work pretty well - surviving suspends and such gracefully. Same with the printer.
    So far things have been running along till the last day or so. Any answers or help would be appreciated:
    1) Just curious, with 2 iphone 3Gs on the network and two Macs, Can the AE connect the iphones at 802.11g while preserving the speed of the 802.11n macs, or does the network all slow to 802.11g speeds (The macs are connectd on 5ghz, the iphones on 2.4 of course)
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    dead thread.

  • Suggest to have more information about ducument line close status

    Version: (Please provide the current version)
    2005B Patch 35
    Description of requirements: (Please provide a detailed description)
         We cant tell line status as close but which type in default report or query report
         Mainly there are 3 type :
         1-1 close by hand because typing mistake
         1-2 close by hand because customer modification
         1-3 close by target document normally
         1-4 close by target document normally but return
    Business needs: (Please describe the impact on your business, if the functionality is not realized)
         For this reason, when boss ask for sales report from sales order, we can't tell the number
         and have some fake number and when the line is closed, we can't ask customer put more reason.
    Valid as of: (Date that this legal requirement is applicable)
         Not a legal issue.
    Examples: (Please describe a typical example, how the functionality should work.)
         For Exemple - Sales Order Report or Query Report for Sales Order
         When the line status is close in Sales Order, there are a few situation.
         (1) Maybe after partial delivery, the customer cancle left quantity.
         (2) Maybe after partial delivery, the sales find out there is typing wrong so that close the line
             for a new line to modify.
         (3) Maybe after partial delivery, the price getting lower for left quantity or ship date modified for left quantity.
         (4) More there maybe some data wrong after partial delivery and need to return to redo again.
    Current Workaround: (Please describe the workarounds you are using at the moment)
         Close whole document and put status reason with user define field on header.
         Rewrite sales report by query and use the user define as flag.
    Proposed solution: (Please suggest how the new functionality should work)
         More line close status information support and sales/purchase report support.

    Version: (Please provide the current version)
    2005B Patch 35
    Description of requirements: (Please provide a detailed description)
         We cant tell line status as close but which type in default report or query report
         Mainly there are 3 type :
         1-1 close by hand because typing mistake
         1-2 close by hand because customer modification
         1-3 close by target document normally
         1-4 close by target document normally but return
    Business needs: (Please describe the impact on your business, if the functionality is not realized)
         For this reason, when boss ask for sales report from sales order, we can't tell the number
         and have some fake number and when the line is closed, we can't ask customer put more reason.
    Valid as of: (Date that this legal requirement is applicable)
         Not a legal issue.
    Examples: (Please describe a typical example, how the functionality should work.)
         For Exemple - Sales Order Report or Query Report for Sales Order
         When the line status is close in Sales Order, there are a few situation.
         (1) Maybe after partial delivery, the customer cancle left quantity.
         (2) Maybe after partial delivery, the sales find out there is typing wrong so that close the line
             for a new line to modify.
         (3) Maybe after partial delivery, the price getting lower for left quantity or ship date modified for left quantity.
         (4) More there maybe some data wrong after partial delivery and need to return to redo again.
    Current Workaround: (Please describe the workarounds you are using at the moment)
         Close whole document and put status reason with user define field on header.
         Rewrite sales report by query and use the user define as flag.
    Proposed solution: (Please suggest how the new functionality should work)
         More line close status information support and sales/purchase report support.

  • Simple question about 2 simultaneous animations

    Hi all, I'm a newbie in Flash and I have to do some work to
    I have one animation that I want to run in loop, and this
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    So, how can I do an looping animation to be the stage/background of
    another animation.
    Thank you in advance.

    > So, how can I do an looping animation to be the
    > stage/background of another animation.
    Put the looping animation inside a movie clip symbol. Movie
    clips have
    their own timelines, and theirs are independent from the main
    timeline. In
    this way, your movie clip animation can loop while the main
    timeline does
    David Stiller
    Adobe Community Expert
    Dev blog,
    "Luck is the residue of good design."

  • TCP Open and Close using NI TCP VI's

    Do I need to close the TCP connections on both ends.  For example, I have a "server" that Listens and then a client that opens the TCP connection.  Do I have to close the TCP connections on both ends.  I'm closing it at the client side but is it also suppose to be closed at the Listening end?

    Guy04 wrote:
    Do I need to close the TCP connections on both ends.  For example, I have a "server" that Listens and then a client that opens the TCP connection.  Do I have to close the TCP connections on both ends.  I'm closing it at the client side but is it also suppose to be closed at the Listening end?
    Whenever you optain a LabVIEW refnum through an Open or similar function you should close it at some point too. A TCP refnum is really sort of a pointer to a local network socket and therefore represents resources in the form of memory and network stack management information. Not closing a connection refnum returned by the listen node may prevent your server to serve new connections after some time, since all internal network ports are blocked or the nework stack runs out of resources.
    So close the connection refnum returned by the Listen function after the server is done serving your client and of course do the same on the client side as you already did. Also if you use Create Listener and Wait on Listener (which allows you to write server applications that can serve multiple connections simultanously) close the Listener refnum too when your server is done. Not doing so may prevent the server to be opened at the same port without restarting LabVIEW or at least your application.
    Rolf Kalbermatter
    Rolf Kalbermatter
    Rolf Kalbermatter
    CIT Engineering Netherlands
    a division of Test & Measurement Solutions

  • TCP/IP problem: closes on client side, not on server side, can't reconnect!

    Hey folks. I have a Java servlet that establishes a TCP/IP connection (via the Socket class) to a credit card processing company. Sometimes (usually early in the morning), for some reason the servlet starts timing out when using the socket (read timeouts), and the servlet responds by attempting to close() the socket, then re-open. The reopen doesn't work (no route to host).
    The credit card processing company put a sniffer on their end, and they don't see anything when our reads time out or when we subsequently do a close(). Thus, they assume the connection is still established. When we try to open a new connection, our SYN packets do get through to them just fine, but they reply with RST packets because they think the prior connection is still established (thus they reject the new connection attempt)... but for us, that connection had gone dead.
    They recommend we send FIN packets to them etc., i.e. that we do a proper TCP/IP close.... but if the connection suddenly goes dead to us, we can't do that... our close() attempts send absolutely nothing to them (no FIN packets, nothing at all).
    Any ideas? Our servlet runs in Java 1.2 under BEA Weblogic 4.5.1 on an HP/UX box. I'm thinking that, after a long time (hours) with no data transferred, our socket times out somehow on our end only (the card company appears to have no such idle-timeout policy), and thus our read/write/close attempts send nothing to them (because the socket is now invalid), but of course the subsequent open attempt sends SYN's just fine. A search of the "weblogic.properties" file produces no apparent TCP/IP socket idle-timeout values to increase or eliminate.
    Please help if you can... right now, the connection can be down for hours because of this (with many fruitless incidents of our open-attempt SYN's responded to with RST's), and we have to call the credit card processing company to have them reset the port, which allows our next open attempt to work.

    Strange... You say:
    Thus, they assume the connection is still established. When we try to open a new connection, our SYN packets do get through to them just fine, but they reply with RST packets because they think the prior connection is still established (thus they reject the new connection attempt)... but for us, that connection had gone dead.
    According to me, normal TCP behavior shouldn't behave like that.
    A connection is identified by the two ends. Each end is a pair of <IP><Port>... This pair is likely to be the same all the time on the server, but will change on the client. The first time you issue a connection to the server, you will have a TCP connection identified by <ClientIp><FreeLocalPort1>-<ServerIp><ServerListeningPort>. The second time you connect, another free local port will be used. The previous cannot be reused - either because still in use, or because of a kind of 'grace' period during which this port number cannot be reused (this is to prevent mis-interpretation of packets that might be delayed on the network - connection is in the state TIME_WAIT).
    Therefore, I don't understand why the server replies with RST when your client tries to reconnect.
    Unless it has nothing todo with the TCP layer itself... You will see the same RST packet if the server application itself (not the TCP layer) refuses the connection because of some logic that says 'only one connection per client host'. If the server didn't notice your first connection was dead, it is likely to refuse your second attempt. See what I mean?
    Remember a TCP connection can be half-closed. This means that if your client closes the connection, the server won't be able to send you anything but can still read what you send. In this case, if the server sits waiting for your data, it will never detect the connection lost... This is why most tcp daemons start a timer when reading incoming data. After a predefined period of inactivity, they decide the connection is dead and will close their side of the pipe - the connection is now fully closed.
    Hope it was clear (despites my poor English and the very late hour in the night ;-)
    Can point you to more accurate TCP doc if needed.

  • Unknown open TCP ports on router

    Anyone know how to close these open ports on my Cisco 7606 router?
    Anyone know what these TCP ports are used for?
    49   - Not sure what this one is other than what IANA reports about TCP port 49
    I'm sure I could add an ACL to block communications to my router based on this ports but would rather figure out how to close 'em so this already overloaded router doesn't have additional processing.
    Cisco-7606# sh tcp br all
    TCB       Local Address           Foreign Address           (state)
    12EFC1C0              TIMEWAIT
    1CC4F57C              TIMEWAIT
    1A419F90            *.*                       LISTEN
    1C581740            *.*                       LISTEN
    1A417BBC            *.*                       LISTEN
    12FB03A8            CLOSEWAIT
    12FB099C            CLOSEWAIT
    12FA7DF0            CLOSEWAIT
    1CD47780            CLOSEWAIT
    1CDDBCE0            CLOSEWAIT
    Cisco-7606# sh ver | i image
    System image file is "disk0:c7600rsp72043-advipservicesk9-mz.122-33.SRD3.bin"

    I can offer some suggestion about one of your port numbers. TCP port 49 is used for TACACS. If you are using TACACS for authentication, or authorization, or accounting then we know why port 49 is open and blocking TCP49 will prevent TACACS from working with your router.
    I have no insights or suggestions about the other port numbers that you mention.

  • Unexpected Broker Exception: [can not close un-opened protocol] ???

    Has anyone seen this problem in the log file.... It occurred during a shutdown of the broker... Is it something I need to worried about?
    Broker Startup Info:
    Open Message Queue 4.3
    Sun Microsystems, Inc.
    Version:  4.3  (Build 7-g)
    Compile:  Fri Nov  7 19:11:27 PST 2008
    Copyright (c) 2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.  Use is
    subject to license terms.
    Java Runtime: 1.6.0_07 Sun Microsystems Inc. /usr/jdk/instances/jdk1.6.0/jre
    [30/Jan/2009:11:45:08 MST] Syncing message store: false
    [30/Jan/2009:11:45:08 MST]    IMQ_HOME=/opt/openmq/mq
    [30/Jan/2009:11:45:08 MST] IMQ_VARHOME=/opt/openmq/var/mq
    [30/Jan/2009:11:45:08 MST] SunOS 5.11 amd64 vdev3th (4 cpu) root
    [30/Jan/2009:11:45:08 MST] Max file descriptors: 65536 (65536)
    [30/Jan/2009:11:45:08 MST] Java Heap Size: max=933888k, current=253184k
    [30/Jan/2009:11:45:08 MST] Arguments: -loglevel DEBUGHIGH -force -passfile /var/svc/profile/openmq.passfile
    [30/Jan/2009:11:45:08 MST] Initializing ClusterDiscoveryService
    [30/Jan/2009:11:45:08 MST] [B1004]: Starting the portmapper service using tcp [ 7676, 50, * ] with min threads 1 and max threads of 1
    [30/Jan/2009:11:45:08 MST] [B1060]: Loading persistent data...
    [30/Jan/2009:11:45:08 MST] Using built-in file-based persistent store: /opt/openmq/var/mq/instances/imqbroker/
    [30/Jan/2009:11:45:08 MST] attempting to set Message Bytes Limit to 10240K for destination mq.sys.dmq [Queue]
    [30/Jan/2009:11:45:08 MST] attempting to set Message Count Limit to 1000 for destination mq.sys.dmq [Queue]
    [30/Jan/2009:11:45:08 MST] Loading Stored destination mq.sys.dmq [Queue] connectionUID=null
    [30/Jan/2009:11:45:17 MST] [B1007]: Stopping Service jms with protocol tcp(host = *, port=0, mode=dedicated)
    [30/Jan/2009:11:45:17 MST] Exception shutting down  protocol, ignoring since we are exiting:
    java.io.IOException: Unexpected Broker Exception: [can not close un-opened protocol]
            at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.net.tcp.TcpProtocol.close(TcpProtocol.java:353)
            at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.service.imq.IMQIPService.stopService(IMQIPService.java:292)
            at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.service.ServiceInfo.stop(ServiceManager.java:664)
            at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.service.ServiceManager.stopService(ServiceManager.java:307)
            at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.service.ServiceManager.stopAllActiveServices(ServiceManager.java:430)
            at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.BrokerStateHandler$ShutdownRunnable.shutdown(BrokerStateHandler.java:483)
            at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.BrokerStateHandler$ShutdownRunnable.run(BrokerStateHandler.java:383)
            at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:619)
    [30/Jan/2009:11:45:17 MST] Session: Resuming Session [5282756623254863360][0]Consumer.java: resuming after detatch Consumer - Q:temporary_destination:__queue_10.80.165.6_65423_1:[consumer:5282756623254870016, type=CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE]
    [30/Jan/2009:11:45:17 MST] JMX Connector Server jmxrmi stopped successfully
    [30/Jan/2009:11:45:17 MST] Cleaning up transactions on connection IMQConnCLOSED,[email protected]:65423,admin:44113
    [30/Jan/2009:11:45:17 MST] Destroying temp destination Q:temporary_destination:__queue_10.80.165.6_65423_1 on connection death
    [30/Jan/2009:11:45:17 MST] [B1159]: Destination temporary_destination://queue/ [Queue] has been destroyed
    [30/Jan/2009:11:45:17 MST] WARNING [B2181]: Removing 1 messages associated with destination temporary_destination://queue/ [Queue]
    [30/Jan/2009:11:45:17 MST] Cleaning up transactions on connection IMQConnCLOSED,[email protected]:65423,admin:44113
    [30/Jan/2009:11:45:17 MST] [B1066]:   Closing: [email protected]:65423->admin:44113 because "[B0061]: Client exited without closing connections". Count: service=0 broker=0
    [30/Jan/2009:11:45:17 MST] closed connection IMQConnDESTROYING,[email protected]:65423,admin:44113:
    java.io.IOException: [B4117]: Unexpected Broker Exception: [destroyed Connection]
            at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.service.imq.IMQIPConnection.writeData(IMQIPConnection.java:1563)
            at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.service.imq.IMQIPConnection.process(IMQIPConnection.java:631)
            at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.service.imq.OperationRunnable.process(OperationRunnable.java:170)
            at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.util.pool.BasicRunnable.run(BasicRunnable.java:493)
            at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:619)
    [30/Jan/2009:11:45:18 MST] [B1048]: Shutdown of broker complete.
    [30/Jan/2009:11:45:18 MST] Broker exiting with status=0 because [B1199]: Shutdown Requested by adminIf more detail are needed, please ask and I will supply whatever is necessary...
    Edited by: Turret on Jan 30, 2009 1:10 PM

    Hi Tom,
    Thanks for the quick response!
    I am glad to hear that the log level is the reason for the output and not an issue with the broker!
    Thanks again....

  • Send multiple strings over TCP - Like messenger service

    Hello all Java Coders,
    I'm new with TCP programming.
    I'm beggining to learn about TCP and sockets connections in Java. In order to achieve this, I was coding a mini-program so I can learn a little bit about this.
    I'm trying to make a simple TCP program.
    The server sends a string to a client...
    I already searched for a couple of hours in google and so on, about what I'm doing wrong.
    [The server code (Just click)|http://pastebin.com/m39fd1273]
    [The client code (Just click)|http://pastebin.com/m57471803]
    I hope that someone can help me with this and, if you have patience, please tell me the reasons my code doesn't work.
    Many thanks,
    P.S.: I think that the problem is on the server side...

    Sorry jverd.
    I was just trying to put things organized.
    Well, I can't get the String to be sent to the client.
    No error occurs.
           try {
                srvr = new ServerSocket(1234);
                skt = srvr.accept();
                System.out.println("Connected!\nPreparing data exchange...");
                stream = skt.getOutputStream();
                out = new PrintWriter(stream, true);
                System.out.println("Done!\nReady to Send!");
            } catch (IOException ex) {
                System.out.println("Ups, didn't work!");
            while(!data.equalsIgnoreCase("end")) {
                System.out.print("String to send: ");
                data = input.nextLine();
                System.out.print("Sending string: '" + data + "'\n");
            try {
                skt = new Socket("localhost", 1234);
                if (skt.isConnected()) {
                    System.out.println("Connected!\nPreparing data exchange...");
                    stream = skt.getInputStream();
                    inputStream = new InputStreamReader(stream);
                    in = new BufferedReader(inputStream);
                    System.out.println("Done!\nReady to Receive!");
                } else {
                    System.out.println("Server not available!\nExiting...");
            } catch (IOException ex) {
                System.out.println("Ups, didn't work!");
            while (!data.equalsIgnoreCase("end")) {
                while(!in.ready()) {}
                data = in.readLine();
                System.out.println("Received String: '" + data + "'");

  • Close Front Panel Causes System Hang.

    I have an application where there are several front panels that I would like to have open at once, but where when they stop they would close.  I was using the scripting function fp.close - but as the application has got more complicated this seems to work less and less well.  Basically when i hit close, the system hangs for a few seconds, then the time critical stuff i have tends to timeout and then crash, and everything goes funny for a while. 
    My (uneducated) guess is that when it closes a front panel it drops loads of stuff straight out of memory - in an uncontrolled way. 
    After going for a cup of coffee it usually sorts itself out.  But clearly this isn't a sustainable solution for my application or my kidneys.
    Am I doing something wrong? - Is there something i should do to allow the Vi to finish before i try to close it? Should i be releasing references or somethign to make things better.  I thought about running the close vi sub as a new thread - but not sure if this would actually do anything different.
    Attached - the subroutine that i pass a vi ref to.
    RunningVis_CloseSubVi.vi ‏17 KB

    There's nothing in the attached VI that would necessarily cause your problem. I would, however, suggest that you feed your reference through the nodes in proper flow control method rather than branching off like you've done.
    When a VI fails to close quickly, I have most often found it's due to open references which aren't explicitly closed. File references, VI references, multiple calls in a loop acquiring the same reference over and over without releasing it, .NET calls not being closed - that kind of thing.

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