Access ATG REST webservices from javascript..?

Hi All,
Can we access ATG REST web services from Javascript/jQuery..? If yes, then how..?

Hi Nitin, I'm able to access /atg/dynamo/Configuration component's properties using REST services from following code -
<resource component="/rest/bean/atg/dynamo/Configuration">
     <default-acl value="[email protected]:read,write,execute"/>
     <property name="httpPort" secure="false"/>
client Java code :
public class RestClientRequest {
     public static void main(String[] args) {
          RestSession mSession = RestSession.createSession("localhost", 8180, "[email protected]", "chinna");
               String loginStatus = mSession.login();
               if(loginStatus == null || "null".equals(loginStatus)){
                    System.out.println("Login failed");
RestResult result = RestComponentHelper.getPropertyValue("/atg/dynamo/Configuration", "httpPort", null, mSession);
String test = result.readInputStream();
but getting exception when i try to get repository item using the below code
<resource component="/rest/repository/atg/commerce/catalog/ProductCatalog">
<default-acl>[email protected]:read,write,execute"</default-acl>
Client Java code:
public class RestClientRequest {
     public static void main(String[] args) {
          RestSession mSession = RestSession.createSession("localhost", 8180, "[email protected]", "chinna");
               String loginStatus = mSession.login();
               if(loginStatus == null || "null".equals(loginStatus)){
                    System.out.println("Login failed");
RestResult result = RestResult result = RestRepositoryHelper.getItems("/atg/commerce/catalog/ProductCatalog", "product", null, mSession);
String test = result.readInputStream();
Exception :
Login successful
Login Status : ATG3990000 Unauthorized Server returned HTTP response code: 401 for URL: http://localhost:8180/rest/repository/atg/commerce/catalog/ProductCatalog/product
     at in.vcarve.RestClientRequest.main(
Caused by: Unauthorized Server returned HTTP response code: 401 for URL: http://localhost:8180/rest/repository/atg/commerce/catalog/ProductCatalog/product
     at Source)
     ... 3 more

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         <classpathentry exported="true" kind="var" path="C:/ATG/ATG9.3/REST/lib/commons-fileupload-1.2.1.jar"/>
         <classpathentry exported="true" kind="var" path="C:/ATG/ATG9.3/REST/lib/commons-io-1.4.jar"/>
         <classpathentry exported="true" kind="var" path="C:/ATG/ATG9.3/REST/lib/dom4j-1.6.1.jar"/>
         <classpathentry exported="true" kind="var" path="C:/ATG/ATG9.3/REST/lib/log4j-1.2.15.jar"/>
         <classpathentry exported="true" kind="var" path="C:/ATG/ATG9.3/REST/client-lib/java/atg-rest-client-1.0.jar"/>
    import java.util.HashMap;
    import java.util.Map;
    public class RestClient {
    RestSession mSession;
    protected void execute() throws RestClientException {
         System.out.println("inside execute");
         mSession = RestSession.createSession("localhost", 8080, "<USERNAME>", "<PASSWORD>");
         try {
         System.out.println("Login Successful");
         catch (Throwable t) {
         finally {
         try {
         System.out.println("Logout Successful");
         catch (RestClientException e) {
    * @param args
    public static void main(String[] args) {
         System.out.println("inside main");
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
         RestClient testATGRest = new RestClient();
         try {
         catch (Throwable t) {
    ================= Not Found http://localhost:8080/rest/bean/atg/userprofiling/ProfileServices/loginUser This session is not logged in and cannot be logged out

    I am trying to expose a method using REST Webservice and access the method using the browser.I have followed the steps specified in the thread: .Have added a component called ProfileRESTWebservice and have defined a method “getLoginInfo” in the class file. The following entry is placed in the restSecurityConfiguration.xml
    <resource component="/atg/userprofiling/ProfileRESTWebservice" secure="true">
    <method name="getLoginInfo" secure="false"></method>
    But, I am receiving the following exception when trying to access the method using http://localhost:8080/rest/bean/atg/userprofiling/ProfileRESTWebservice/getLoginInfo
    10:07:33,147 ERROR [BeanServlet] Error code: 400
    atg.beans.PropertyNotFoundException: Can't find property named: getLoginInfo in class: com.vs.commerce.profile.ProfileRESTWebservice
    Can't find property named: getLoginInfo in class: com.vs.commerce.profile.ProfileRESTWebservice atg.beans.PropertyNotFoundException: Can't find property named: getLoginInfo in class: com.vs.commerce.profile.ProfileRESTWebservice
    at atg.servlet.pipeline.PipelineableServletImpl.passRequest(
    at atg.servlet.pipeline.PipelineableServletImpl.service(
    Can you pl help me out on this?

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    <address2>Apt 12</address2>
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    I have not tried it but I would probably try to extend XMLOutputCustomizer and override sendToOutputStream(Object pDocument, DynamoHttpServletResponse pResponse) method as per the requirement. Here pDocument would actually be an instance of org.dom4j.Document so you can access and update its root element. You can also process other output elements as well by iterating through the elements and when done write the Document object through org.dom4j.Document to XMLWriter. Something like below:
    Document doc = (Document)pDocument;
    //process Document object writer = new, createDefaultOutputFormat());
    writer.write(doc)Override the default /atg/rest/output/XMLOutputCustomizer configuration to refer your class and see if it serves your purpose.
    API reference for XMLOutputCustomizer:

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    My table is there :
    <af:table value="#{bindings.LocView1.collectionModel}" var="row"
                                  emptyText="#{bindings.LocView1.viewable ? 'No data to display.' : 'Access Denied.'}"
                                  fetchSize="#{bindings.LocView1.rangeSize}" rowBandingInterval="0"
                                  queryListener="#{bindings.LocView1Query.processQuery}" filterVisible="true" varStatus="vs"
                                  selectionListener="#{bindings.LocView1.collectionModel.makeCurrent}" rowSelection="single"
                            <af:column sortProperty="#{}" filterable="true"
                                       sortable="true" headerText="#{bindings.LocView1.hints.SoffOffCode.label}" id="c1">
                                <af:outputText value="#{row.SoffOffCode}" clientComponent="true" id="ot1"/>
                            <af:column sortProperty="#{}" filterable="true"
                                       sortable="true" headerText="#{bindings.LocView1.hints.SoffCode.label}" id="c2">
                                <af:outputText value="#{row.SoffCode}" id="ot2"/>
                            <af:column sortProperty="#{}" filterable="true"
                                       sortable="true" headerText="#{bindings.LocView1.hints.SoffLat.label}" id="c3">
                                <af:outputText value="#{row.SoffLat}" clientComponent="true" id="ot3"/>
                            <af:column clientComponent="true" sortProperty="#{}" filterable="true"
                                       sortable="true" headerText="#{bindings.LocView1.hints.SoffLng.label}" id="c4">
                                <af:outputText value="#{row.SoffLng}" clientComponent="true" id="ot4"/>
                            <af:column sortProperty="#{}" filterable="true"
                                       sortable="true" headerText="#{bindings.LocView1.hints.SoffZoom.label}" id="c5">
                                <af:outputText value="#{row.SoffZoom}" id="ot5"/>
    Javascript code:
    [object HTMLDivElement];
    <div id="t1::ch" style="overflow: hidden; position: relative; width: 366px;" _afrcolcount="5" class="xzg"><table class="xzi" summary="This table contains column headers corresponding to the data body table below" id="t1::ch::t" style="position:relative;table-layout:fixed;width:525px" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><th style="padding:0px;padding-left:5px;width:100px;"></th><th style="padding:0px;padding-left:5px;width:100px;"></th><th style="padding:0px;padding-left:5px;width:100px;"></th><th style="padding:0px;padding-left:5px;width:100px;"></th><th style="padding:0px;padding-left:5px;width:100px;"></th></tr><tr><th _d_index="0" _afrfiltercol="true" class="xzr" align="left" nowrap="nowrap"><span id="t1:_afrFltrc1" class="x1u"><input id="t1:_afrFltrc1::content" name="t1:_afrFltrc1" class="x25" type="text"></span></th><th _d_index="1" _afrfiltercol="true" class="xzr" align="left" nowrap="nowrap"><span id="t1:_afrFltrc2" class="x1u"><input id="t1:_afrFltrc2::content" name="t1:_afrFltrc2" class="x25" type="text"></span></th><th _d_index="2" _afrfiltercol="true" class="xzr" align="left" nowrap="nowrap"><span id="t1:_afrFltrc3" class="x1u"><input id="t1:_afrFltrc3::content" name="t1:_afrFltrc3" class="x25" type="text"></span></th><th _d_index="3" _afrfiltercol="true" class="xzr" align="left" nowrap="nowrap"><span id="t1:_afrFltrc4" class="x1u"><input id="t1:_afrFltrc4::content" name="t1:_afrFltrc4" class="x25" type="text"></span></th><th _d_index="4" _afrfiltercol="true" class="xzr" align="left" nowrap="nowrap"><span id="t1:_afrFltrc5" class="x1u"><input id="t1:_afrFltrc5::content" name="t1:_afrFltrc5" class="x25" type="text"></span></th></tr><tr><th id="t1:c1" _d_index="0" _afrleaf="true" _afrroot="true" class="xzj" align="left"><div style="position:relative; float:right"><table id="t1:c1::afrSI" _afrhoverable="true" style="display:none" class="x104" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td _afrsortasc="1"><a tabindex="-1" class="xzm" title="Sort Ascending"></a></td><td _afrsortdesc="1"><a tabindex="-1" class="xzn" title="Sort Descending"></a></td></tr></tbody></table></div><div class="x19p">SoffOffCode</div></th><th id="t1:c2" _d_index="1" _afrleaf="true" _afrroot="true" class="xzj" align="left"><div style="position:relative; float:right"><table id="t1:c2::afrSI" _afrhoverable="true" style="display:none" class="x104" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td _afrsortasc="1"><a tabindex="-1" class="xzm" title="Sort Ascending"></a></td><td _afrsortdesc="1"><a tabindex="-1" class="xzn" title="Sort Descending"></a></td></tr></tbody></table></div><div class="x19p">SoffCode</div></th><th id="t1:c3" _d_index="2" _afrleaf="true" _afrroot="true" class="xzj" align="left"><div style="position:relative; float:right"><table id="t1:c3::afrSI" _afrhoverable="true" style="display:none" class="x104" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td _afrsortasc="1"><a tabindex="-1" class="xzm" title="Sort Ascending"></a></td><td _afrsortdesc="1"><a tabindex="-1" class="xzn" title="Sort Descending"></a></td></tr></tbody></table></div><div class="x19p">SoffLat</div></th><th id="t1:c4" _d_index="3" _afrleaf="true" _afrroot="true" class="xzj" align="left"><div style="position:relative; float:right"><table id="t1:c4::afrSI" _afrhoverable="true" style="display:none" class="x104" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td _afrsortasc="1"><a tabindex="-1" class="xzm" title="Sort Ascending"></a></td><td _afrsortdesc="1"><a tabindex="-1" class="xzn" title="Sort Descending"></a></td></tr></tbody></table></div><div class="x19p">SoffLng</div></th><th id="t1:c5" _d_index="4" _afrleaf="true" _afrroot="true" class="xzj" align="left"><div style="position:relative; float:right"><table id="t1:c5::afrSI" _afrhoverable="true" style="display:none" class="x104" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td _afrsortasc="1"><a tabindex="-1" class="xzm" title="Sort Ascending"></a></td><td _afrsortdesc="1"><a tabindex="-1" class="xzn" title="Sort Descending"></a></td></tr></tbody></table></div><div class="x19p">SoffZoom</div></th></tr></tbody></table></div><div id="t1::db" class="xz9" style="position: relative; width: 366px; overflow: hidden; height: 521px; z-index: 1;" _afrcolcount="5"><table class="xza x102" style="table-layout:fixed;position:relative;width:525px;" _totalwidth="525" _selstate="{'0':true}" _rowcount="179" _startrow="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr _afrrk="0" class="xzy p_AFSelected"><td style="width:100px;" class="xzv" nowrap="nowrap"><span id="t1:0:ot1">26</span></td><td style="width:100px;" class="xzv" nowrap="nowrap">01</td><td style="width:100px;" class="xzv" nowrap="nowrap"><span id="t1:0:ot3">47.90782714384932</span></td><td style="width:100px;" class="xzv" nowrap="nowrap"><span id="t1:0:ot4">106.88643654861448</span></td><td style="width:100px;" class="xzv" nowrap="nowrap">15</td></tr><tr _afrrk="1" class="xzy"><td class="xzv" nowrap="nowrap"><span id="t1:1:ot1">26</span></td><td class="xzv" nowrap="nowrap">02</td><td class="xzv" nowrap="nowrap"><span id="t1:1:ot3">47.91542113773543</span></td><td class="xzv" nowrap="nowrap"><span id="t1:1:ot4">106.88540658035276</span></td><td class="xzv" nowrap="nowrap">15</td></tr><tr _afrrk="2" class="xzy"><td class="xzv" nowrap="nowrap"><span id="t1:2:ot1">26</span></td><td class="xzv" nowrap="nowrap">03</td><td class="xzv" nowrap="nowrap"><span id="t1:2:ot3">47.90768330745696</span></td><td class="xzv" nowrap="nowrap"><span id="t1:2:ot4">106.89544877090452</span></td><td class="xzv" nowrap="nowrap">15</td></tr><tr _afrrk="3" class="xzy"><td class="xzv" nowrap="nowrap"><span id="t1:3:ot1">26</span></td><td class="xzv" nowrap="nowrap">04</td><td class="xzv" nowrap="nowrap"><span id="t1:3:ot3">47.90716549312801</span></td><td class="xzv" nowrap="nowrap"><span id="t1:3:ot4">106.86879834213255</span></td><td class="xzv" nowrap="nowrap">14</td></tr><tr _afrrk="4" class="xzy"><td class="xzv" nowrap="nowrap"><span id="t1:4:ot1">26</span></td><td class="xzv" nowrap="nowrap">05</td><td class="xzv" nowrap="nowrap"><span id="t1:4:ot3">47.89841940184846</span></td><td class="xzv" nowrap="nowrap"><span id="t1:4:ot4">106.82674130477903</span></td><td class="xzv" nowrap="nowrap">13</td></tr><tr _afrrk="5" class="xzy"><td class="xzv" nowrap="nowrap"><span id="t1:5:ot1">26</span></td><td class="xzv" nowrap="nowrap">06</td><td class="xzv
    Javascript:  alert(document.getElementById("t1:121:ot3").innerHTML); this retrieve in value
    But only 50 rows in this result. I have many rows. How I can get all???

  • Not able to print anything on ATG Rest webservices

    Hi..I am new to ATG Rest.. Just for the heads up, i followed following steps :-
    1 ) Added rest module to MANIFEST.MF
    2) Created a custom class which looks like this -
    package com.sgs.utils;
    import atg.nucleus.GenericService;
    public class SGSdummy extends GenericService {
      public void dummy() throws Exception {
    3) Mapped it to the property file -
    4) Configured the security for above component in restSecurityConfiguration.xml
    <resource component="/atg/commerce/order/dummy" secure="false">
    <!--  <default-acl value="Profile$role$admin:read,write,execute"/> -->
      <method name="dummy" secure="false"/>
    I commented acl as i really didn't need it for a POC plus it was throwing 401 unauthorized.
    5) Now I am calling it from chrome's Advanced Rest Client. However, status is 200 OK but I am not able to print a logDebug or sysout in my SGSdummy class.
         When i check console, it says "Depth 0 is greater than maximum depth 0"
         I tried to change maxDepthAllowed in but in vain..I need help to proceed.

    Now I am trying to create a REST request using custom client. I believe it should be a POST request as I am trying to call a method. My custom client looks like this :-
    import java.util.HashMap;
    import java.util.Map;
    public class RestDemoClient {
      /** The m username. */
      private String mUsername;
      /** The m password. */
      private String mPassword;
      /** The m host. */
      private String mHost;
      /** The m port. */
      private int mPort;
      /** The m session. */
      private RestSession mSession = null;
       * Instantiates a new method call by rest.
      public RestDemoClient() {
       * Execute.
       * @throws RestClientException the rest client exception
      private void execute() {
       mSession = RestSession
         .createSession(mHost, mPort, mUsername, mPassword);
       Map<String,Object> params = new HashMap<String,Object>();
       params.put("atg-rest-input", "json"); 
       RestResult result = null;
       try {
        result = RestComponentHelper.executeMethod("/atg/rest/SGSdummy", "addOrder", new
          Object[] {}, params, mSession);
       } catch (RestClientException e1) {
       try {
        if (result != null && result.getResponseCode() == 200) {
         System.out.println("Executed Successfully.");
        } else {
           .println("Error while execution : Error Code ["
             + result.getResponseCode()
             + "] and Message ["
             + result.getResponseMessage() + "]");
       } catch (IOException e) {
        System.out.println("Error while execution Successfully.");
       * @param args
      public static void main(String[] args) {
       RestDemoClient stepUtils = new RestDemoClient(); 
       stepUtils.mUsername = "admin";
       stepUtils.mPassword = "admin";
       stepUtils.mHost = "localhost";
       stepUtils.mPort = 8080; 
    But everytime i execute this, I get following exception :- Unauthorized Server returned HTTP response code: 401 for URL: http://localhost:8080/rest/bean/atg/rest/SGSdummy/addOrder
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
    I tried different set of credentials but nothing seems to work out for me.
    However it always works fine for GET requests. I am able to see status as 200 OK but it never hits my addOrder() method in SGSdummy class, hence I am not able to print sysout in that method. For status 200 OK GET requests, my logs say "[JSONOutputCustomizer] Depth 0 is greater than maximum depth 0. Outputting object of class java.lang.String as string rather than continuing to nest."
    Can you give me some pointers how to run it without any errors plus it should print a random sysout in my custom class. Thanks

  • Access netui pageflow data from javascript in a response.jsp

    How do I access a pageflow variable from a javascript in a response.jsp page? I understand that the follow line can be used in a response.jsp:
    <netui:label value="{pageFlow.m_applicant.createdDate}"/>, but it can not be used in a javascript of that rensponse.jsp.

    You can't directly bind to a pageFlow variable but you can store the
    variable in the page using the getData tag and access it via javascript as I
    have done in this example.
    <netui-data:getData resultId="myId" value="{pageFlow.theString}" />
    <script language="javascript">
    function showAlert()
    var myJpfProperty = "<%=pageContext.getAttribute(
    "myId" )%>";
    alert( "Here is the Jpf property value: " + myJpfProperty );
    Here is some related documentation, though it doesn't show a javascript
    - john
    "jackz" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:4074251a$[email protected]..
    How do I access a pageflow variable from a javascript in a response.jsppage? I understand that the follow line can be used in a response.jsp:
    <netui:label value="{pageFlow.m_applicant.createdDate}"/>, but it can notbe used in a javascript of that rensponse.jsp.

  • Access report row data from javascript

    -- I have a report. Something like this.
    Select id, name, htmldb_item.checkbox(1, '#ROWNUM#')
    from test;
    -- I can get the rownum via javascript.
    var ml = document.wwv_flow;
    var i;
    for(i = 0; i < ml.elements.length; i++){
    alert("name = " +;
    alert("value = " + ml.elements[i].value);
    -- I would like to access the other items I selected in the report from javascript. ie. id and name.
    -- So knowing the rownum how do i get those values for a given row?

    hi jfortney,
    i have one problem in oa framework, ie i need to get the row number by javascript but could not do . my way is
    document.getElementById('tableid').rows.length.. but there is no id for that table when i c the view source. so please suggest me some idea as to how to get the row number of a table in oa framework page.
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    PROCEDURE toTest (
    test Test)
    htp.script('here i want the value of test', 'javascript');
    would be really great if somebody can help me fast.
    thanks a lot

    I think it might have something to do with htmldb_Get
    Hope that clue gets you somewhere. I would love to see a working example of this for 4.02 if anyone actually has one.
    Regarding dynamic actions there's a severe limit on the number of them I believe.29? Which is one reason I avoid them and
    just do things in javascript. Personally I think javascript is actually easier to understand because one does not have to
    divide an actiivity up into several pieces. But that might just be specific to my brain, I don't know.

  • How to access the controller method from javascript onclick event?

    Hi All,
       I am totally new to development. And I got struck in calling a controller method from javascript function.
       I have no idea about ajax and all those things. Please can anyone help me to solve this issue!
    Thanks in advance.

    As I know, you can use jQuery to do this, here is an example.
    Example of your Controller Method.
    [HttpPost] // can be HttpGet
    public ActionResult Test(string id)
    bool isValid = yourcheckmethod(); //.. check
    var obj = new {
    valid = isValid
    return Json(obj);
    and this would be your javascript function.
    function checkValidId(checkId)
    url: 'controllerName/Test',
    type: 'POST',
    contentType: 'application/json;',
    data: JSON.stringify({ id: checkId }),
    success: function (valid)
    if(valid) { //show that id is valid }
    else { //show that id is not valid }
    If you have further issues, I would suggest you move to MVC forum, it is appropriate and more experts will assist you.
    Best Regards,
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
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  • Accessing an XI webservice from EP

    I am trying to access a webservice running on XI from EP6 SP9. It is giving the exception Problem in server response: [Not found].. "
    any help would be appreciated.

      see whether you are able to access the webservice
    through a browser... before testing the same with
    the ep.
      Probably the web service is down or its returning an
    malformed response..

  • Accessing a japplet method from javascript using plugin

    I am currently trying to invoke a public method coded in a swing applet from my javascript.
    As per the documentation and discussion at this site,tried to workaround by using document.AppletName.MethodName.
    I am using Javaplugin 1.2.2 and an Object tag (not an applet tag)
    I am getting "object not found' error on running it.
    Any possible suggestions as to why its happening?

    part of my javascript code is pasted below.
    I tried using applet tag instaed just in case but keep gettin the same message.'Not an object"
    <BODY onload ="setUserName()">
    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="javascript">
    function setUserName(){
    var str =;
    var query = str.charAt(0) == '?' ? str.substring(1) : str;
    -----> document.BApplet.setUser(query);
    BApplet will appear below in a Java enabled browser.<BR>
    <OBJECT id="BApplet" classid="clsid:8AD9C840-044E-11D1-B3E9-00805F499D93"
    WIDTH = 100
              HEIGHT = 100
              ALIGN = middle
              VSPACE = 0
              HSPACE = 0
    <PARAM NAME = CODE VALUE = "com.common.BApplet.class" >
    <PARAM NAME = CODEBASE VALUE = "./lib" >

  • Accessing public JApplet method from javascript

    I am currently trying to invoke a public method coded in a swing applet from my javascript.
    As per the documentation and discussion at this site,tried to workaround by using document.AppletName.MethodName.
    I am using Javaplugin 1.2.2 and an Object tag (not an applet tag)
    I am getting "object not found' error on running it.
    Any possible suggestions as to why its happening?

    You have to set the scriptable property to true in the object tag. I have included a sample object tag here below. Just change the applet name and applet class name. It has surely worked for me.For more details mail me : [email protected]
    <OBJECT classid="clsid:E19F9330-3110-11d4-991C-005004D3B3DB" name="AppletName");
    WIDTH ="200" HEIGHT ="250" codebase=",3,0,1"
    <PARAM NAME = CODE VALUE = AppletName.class ><PARAM NAME="type" VALUE="application/x-java-applet;jpi-version=1.3.0_01">
    <PARAM NAME="scriptable" VALUE="true">
    <EMBED type="application/x-java-applet;jpi-version=1.3.0_01" name="AppletName" CODE = AppletName.class WIDTH ="200" HEIGHT ="250" scriptable=true pluginspage="">

  • Calling REStful webservices from Designer

    I know we can connect to a webservice via wsdl type data connection, but has anyone tried calling Restful web service by any chance?
    If so please let me know how can we do that.

    Hi Paul,
    Are RESTful services supported in the newest version of LiveCycle? If so can you provide a short example? Thank you,

  • Accessing a public method from javascript in an applet!!!

    I'm have an applet (named say applet.class) in an html page that has a public method like this....
    public void doShowFrame()
              Frame frame = new frame();
         frame.setVisible (true);
    What I want to do is to call that method with javascript, I've tried to do it like this...
    function show(){
    But when i press the button that launch the java scipt the browser says
    'applet' is unidentified...
    What's wrong, what can I do??
    how hard was that? seriously.

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