Accessing TimestTen data from an application

Not sure weather my subject line is correct.
Requirement is, we want to fecth data from timesten using some application. On serching the forum and net we came to know that we can't create SP in Timesten.
What is the alternative to acheive our goal.
Example : at present we have a sp which fetches data from the database as per the user requirement ( From a GUI ). we want to replicate the same using TimesTen to enhance performance and reduce response time.
Please suggest.

I think I must be misunderstanding this question.
Applications fetch data from databases (TimesTen included) by connecting to the database using a supported API (ODBC or JDBC for TimesTen) and then using the API to send SQL requests (SELECT ... etc.) to the database and receiving back the results. Stored procedures are typically used to encapsulate some of the application logic, together with some of the SQL, within the database but there is nothing that you can do in an SP that you cannot also do in the application using application logic and SQL.
Perhaps you could clarify your question as I am sure I am missing something here...

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    Hi Anders Ohlund,
    You can pool the data from one application to anothers. You can use the syntax :
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    Can you please elaborate whether the data you are getting is from excel file or from database.
    1. If you are populating it from excel , then you can use the Excel service, Power pivot etc mechanism.
    2. If you are getting it from SQL database then you can use BCS service application and use the OOTB external list and content type to display the same in your home page.
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    Hello Damondhar,
    I agree with Mr. Villalba, you should use the information brodcaster to broadcast precalucated views or workbooks to Knowledge Management in the portal. This can be done by events, e.g monthly. Your external users will then have accees to the directory in which the reports are saved (through KM iviews).
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    With many applications, when deleting the app the app's data is deleted with it.

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    The best way to do this would be to use destination_app statement. Please refer to the below link from
    Alternatively, you can definitely export the data from one application and import it to the second.
    Hope this helps.

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    client1 = New DdeClient(server, topic)
    For i As Integer = 0 To l.Count - 1
    client1.StartAdvise("QO." & l(i).t & ".TAD$last", 1, True, 60000)
    client1.StartAdvise("QO." & l(i).t & ".TAD$open", 1, True, 60000)
    client1.StartAdvise("QO." & l(i).t & ".TAD$high", 1, True, 60000)
    client1.StartAdvise("QO." & l(i).t & ".TAD$low", 1, True, 60000)
    client1.StartAdvise("QO." & l(i).t & ".TAD$pclose", 1, True, 60000)
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    client1.StartAdvise("QO." & l(i).t & ".TAD$time", 1, True, 60000)
    Catch ex As Exception
    End Try
    End Sub
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    Private Shared Sub client1_Advise(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As NDde.Client.DdeAdviseEventArgs) Handles client1.Advise
    For q As Integer = 0 To l.Count - 1
    If l(q).t = w(1) Then
    Dim item() As String = e.Item.Split("$")
    If l(q).Open = "#" Then
    l(q).Open = "0"
    End If
    If l(q).hi = "#" Then
    l(q).hi = "0"
    End If
    If l(q).lo = "#" Then
    l(q).lo = "0"
    End If
    If l(q).Close = "" Or l(q).Close = "#" Then
    l(q).Close = "0"
    End If
    If l(q).pclose = "#" Then
    l(q).pclose = "0"
    End If
    If item(1) = "open" Then
    l(q).Open = Format(Val(e.Text), "0.00")
    ElseIf item(1) = "last" Then
    l(q).Close = Format(Val(e.Text), "0.00")
    ElseIf item(1) = "high" Then
    l(q).hi = Format(Val(e.Text), "0.00")
    ElseIf item(1) = "volume" Then
    l(q).Volume = Val(e.Text)
    ElseIf item(1) = "low" Then
    l(q).lo = Format(Val(e.Text), "0.00")
    ElseIf item(1) = "pclose" Then
    l(q).pclose = Format(Val(e.Text), "0.00")
    If l(q).pclose <> "" And l(q).pclose <> "#" And l(q).Close <> "" And l(q).Close <> "#" Then
    l(q).c = Format(l(q).Close - l(q).pclose, "0.00")
    l(q).cp = Format(((l(q).Close - l(q).pclose) / l(q).pclose) * 100, "0.00")
    End If
    l(q).flag1 = 2
    ElseIf item(1) = "date" Then
    l(q).Date1 = e.Text
    ElseIf item(1) = "time" Then
    l(q).Time = e.Text
    End If
    Exit For
    End If
    End Sub
    Am I doing something wrong which inreases CPU usage to 80 or 90 % ?
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi MikeHammadi,
    According to your description, you'd like to get data from another app using NDDE library.
    When using the NDDE library, the CPU usage is high. As the NDDE library is third-party library, it is not supported here. I suggest you checking if the problem is caused by the NDDE library.
    If you'd like to get data from another app. I suggest you could save the data in the dataBase, and then read it in another application if necessary.
    If you have any other concern regarding this issue, please feel free to let me know.
    Best regards,
    Youjun Tang
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    xml class:
    package {
        import flash.xml.*;
        import flash.display.*
        public class xml extends MovieClip
            public var xmlRequest:URLRequest;
            public var xmlLoader:URLLoader;
            public var xmlImages:XML;
            public function xml()
                xmlRequest = new URLRequest("images.xml");
                xmlLoader = new URLLoader(xmlRequest)
                xmlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, xmlLoaded);
            private function xmlLoaded(event:Event):void
                xmlImages = new XML(;
    Thanks in advance

    One of the ways:
    package {
         import flash.xml.*;
        import flash.display.*
        public class XMLLoader extends EventDispatcher
              public var xmlRequest:URLRequest;
              public var xmlLoader:URLLoader;
              public var xmlImages:XML;
              public function XMLLoader()
              public function loadXML(url:String):void {
                   xmlLoader = new URLLoader()
                   xmlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, xmlLoaded);
                   xmlLoader.load(new URLRequest(url));
              private function xmlLoaded(event:Event):void
                   xmlImages = new XML(;
    var xmlLoader:XMLLoader = new XMLLoader();
    xmlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onXMLLoad);
    function onXMLLoad(e:Event):void{

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    Moderator message: please do more research before asking, show what you have done yourself when asking.
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    Edited by: Thomas Zloch on May 20, 2011 2:09 PM

    Hi All,
    Could you please suggest which BAPIs we need to use to access employee data from systems like CSS, ISP GTP etc
    Moderator message: Welcome to SCN!
    Moderator message: please do more research before asking, show what you have done yourself when asking.
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    Edited by: Thomas Zloch on May 20, 2011 2:09 PM

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    Thanks & Regards

    Hi Gregor,
    The weblog was very useful. Thank you.
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    Thanks & Regards

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    eg. HR Plannning to CostCenter Planning.
    I am aware of a method to load data using transformation file mapping source and target dimensions and run DM package and this works fine.
    However, the challenge is if i try to automate this process then i will have to hardcode the application tech name and save as variant to use that in process chain. Now, if i hardcode the tech name of the application then it might happen that during full optimization the tech name might change and the automation load will fail.
    so how to handle this situation? any standard practices available?
    appreciate your inputs/thoughts.

    Exactly. The main problem is that there is no statement to transfer the data. Please take a look at the below link from
    Since the structure of both the applications is same, you dont require add_dim or rename_dim, etc. However, you definitely need the when statement.
    If you want to transfer all the records, then you can have something like
    *IS *
    Hope this helps.

  • Combining data from different applications

    Dear all,
      I am using BPC 5.1
      I have a "Sales" application with dimensions "account", "entity", "time", "rptcurrency", "category", "product". And another "HR" application with the same dimensions as "Sales" except for "product".
      How do i create a report that combines data from both applications, assuming my dynamic template is opened with a current view of "Sales".

    Hi Lip,
    I just tried what you need and it worked fine.
    In your case, build a report say evdre, for HR application, and for the same sheet, change the current view to Sales and build one more evdre. You get a prompt saying one evdre may break while expanding other.Disable this prompt, belive me , it will work fine.
    The page key of HR application will have all dimensions refering to cvv of HR application, change it to refer to cvv of sales application( for only the dimensions both applications have in common).
    Now the report is dynamic with current view of Sales application.
    Hope this helps,
    It took to long for me to reply:)
    Edited by: kranthi kumar on Sep 30, 2008 11:53 AM

  • Access SAP data from xMII 12.1 without RFC or JCO

    Hi All,
    Is it possible to access/get data from SAP in xMII without RFC/ JCO call?
    Let me know if there is other option available..

    As far my knowledge goes the primarily used forms of achieving MII to ERP connectivity,
    1) MII -- ERP (via RFC, IDOC's, BAPI's)
    2) MII -- PI(XI) -- ERP
    3) MII -- ESR -- ERP (Web-services)
    But, I completely concur with Mike on this, you do not need to create any function modules unless you have no other choice.
    Check this link for List of Bapi's available and their description
    [BAPI List|]
    If none of the BAPI's really meets your requirement then you can go for "RFC_READ_TABLE" this RFC accepts the SAP table name and desired column names. (in a way you will be accessing the SAP DB you are looking for...)
    Yet, if none of the above options suffices your requirement only then you go for writing a custom Function module.
    [Writing Function Module|]
    Good Luck!!

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    Is there any other way to copy data from one application to another application?
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    You can also call a custom DTSX package in SSIS via the datamanager.
    there are at least 5 ways of transfering data in BPC between apps.
    1. Through the front end (excel etc) via evdre/evsnds
    2. Through Script logic using *Dest App
    3. Using BPC's standard export dtsx package via DM
    4. Using SSIS using BPC's custom SSIS tasks
    5. Through Script logic using stored procs.
    i am sure people will come up with more.
    remember if you use ssis and move data into any table but the wb, you need to process the cube afterwards.

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