Action method getting called multiple times.

Hi All,
The problem that I am facing is pretty weird.
The issue is the i have an input field that takes date as input field.
This field is inside a data taable
FYI: I tried converter still same problem.
So when ever I enter wrong data as "asda" inside this date field I get a validation error. which is good. So assume it took me 3 submit clicks to fix all my errors on the page.
So now when I click the submit for the 4th time.
The action method gets trigerred 4 times.
Desperately waiting for a fix.
Thank you in advance.
                                        <h:dataTable id="disbursementTable"
                                             value="#{certTemplateBean.disbursements}" var="disbursement"
                                             styleClass="disbursementTable" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1">
                                             <h:column >
                                                  <h:inputText id="disburseDate" styleClass="#{certTemplatesListBean.errorHolder.disburseDate} ms" size="10"
                                                       <f:validator validatorId="RegExp" />
                                                       <f:attribute name="regexp" value="[0-9]{2}/[0-9]{2}/[0-9]{4}" />                                             
                                                       <f:attribute name="fieldRef" value="Disbursement Date :" />
                                                       <f:attribute name="message" value="Invalid Date" />
                                                       <f:attribute name="bean" value="certTemplatesListBean" />
                                        <h:commandLink id="addPro"
                                             <h:outputText value="Add Profile direct"/>

Probably got to do with the JSF jar files. I am not sure though. Can you check if the below link is useful?

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  • Backing  Bean constructor getting called multiple times

    I have a List of records in the Table with a link Add.
    When i click Add i show a popup dialog which is attached to the dialogListener.
    On clicking OK on the dialog i want to add a record in the List in the backing Bean, but the Bean constructor is getting called multiple times.
    and the list to which the table is attached is also getting called multiple times.
    is there a way in which the method gets called only once?
    Message was edited by:

    af:table have property ContentDelivery. When <default> (lazy), the table "frame" iz rendered in first page cycle, and content (rows in table) are fetched lazy i.e. in second cycle. Thus, your backing bean is constructed twice.
    If you set ContentDelivery to immediate, the table including data rows is generated in single page cycle thus your backing bean is constructed only once.
    Hope this helps,

  • ValidateEntity getting called multiple times

    There is a parent EO and a child EO. There is a composite association between the parent and child.Association accessors are generated for both source and destination. In the ChildEO's doDML method , the following code is added.
    Long abc = getPArentEO().getAttr1();
    Long xyz = getPArentEO().getAttr2();
    getParentEO() is the association accessor .
    After the addition of this code, all the method validators of the parent are getting fired more than once. The validateEntity of the parentEO is getting called more than once if I set some attribute of the childEO in childEO's doDML . Is this the expected behaviour?

    Even on adding the setter in prepareForDML (either in parent or child) , the validateEntity is getting called multiple times. In fact ,validateEntity is getting called once before prepareForDML and again after. One of my method validators fail on the subsequent call giving an error ..Please help.

  • Php include file getting called multiple times

    I have created a form in file career.php. To carry out the validation user_registration.php is called at the beginning of the file.
    user_registration.php in turn calls library.php. Issue is that library.php is getting called multiple times.
    I have attached phperror.log which confirms the same.
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <?php // This file is used for validating user form data. It calls process_upload.php to validate file uploaded by user
    $errors = array();  
    $messages = array();
    $testing = TRUE;
    error_log("Enter- user_registration.php. Testing mode $testing", 0);
    try {
              error_log("user_registration.php: Entered try catch block",0);
              error_log("Successfully called library.php",0);
              $public_key = '6LeDsNUSAAAAAIoaYuNhGm2zx_qgBECiybUWUkt6';
              $private_key = '6LeDsNUSAAAAACuvmJrec-_5seLdmhqUMngt8AiU';
              $recaptcha = new Zend_Service_ReCaptcha($public_key, $private_key);
              if(isset($_POST['submit'])) {          // Only execute if form is submitted by user
                error_log("user_registration.php. Submit button pressed by user", 0);
                $mail = new Zend_Mail('UTF-8');
                if (isset($_POST['name'])) {
                        $val = new Zend_Validate_Regex('/^\p{L}+[-\'\p{L} ]+$/u');
                        if (!$val->isValid($_POST['name'])) {
                          $errors['name'] = "Please enter your name, no numbers permitted";
    error_log("Exit- user_registration.php.", 0);
    error_log("Enter- library.php. Testing mode $testing", 0);
    if ($testing)  // If true then go to testing mode
              $library = '/Applications/MAMP/htdocs/mgtools-india/ZendFramework/library';
              set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . $library);
    try {
    error_log("Exit- library.php. Testing mode $testing", 0);
    Marker - 12-Oct-2012 10:27:26 AM
    [12-Oct-2012 04:57:33 UTC] Enter- user_registration.php. Testing mode 1
    [12-Oct-2012 04:57:33 UTC] user_registration.php: Entered try catch block
    [12-Oct-2012 04:57:33 UTC] Enter- library.php. Testing mode 1
    [12-Oct-2012 04:57:33 UTC] Exit- library.php. Testing mode 1
    [12-Oct-2012 04:57:33 UTC] Successfully called library.php
    [12-Oct-2012 04:57:36 UTC] Enter- user_registration.php. Testing mode 1
    [12-Oct-2012 04:57:36 UTC] Entered try catch block
    [12-Oct-2012 04:57:36 UTC] Enter- library.php. Testing mode 1
    [12-Oct-2012 04:57:36 UTC] Exit- library.php. Testing mode 1
    [12-Oct-2012 04:57:36 UTC] Successfully called library.php
    [12-Oct-2012 04:58:38 UTC] Enter- user_registration.php. Testing mode 1
    [12-Oct-2012 04:58:38 UTC] Entered try catch block
    [12-Oct-2012 04:58:38 UTC] Enter- library.php. Testing mode 1
    [12-Oct-2012 04:58:38 UTC] Exit- library.php. Testing mode 1
    [12-Oct-2012 04:58:38 UTC] Successfully called library.php
    [12-Oct-2012 04:58:38 UTC] user_registration.php. Submit button pressed by user
    [12-Oct-2012 04:58:39 UTC] user_registration.php, Processing enquiry form
    [12-Oct-2012 04:58:39 UTC] Enter- process_upload.php. Testing mode 1
    [12-Oct-2012 04:59:01 UTC] Exit- user_registration.php.
    I am not able to understand why user_registration.php and library.php are executing again and again.
    I ran this test on local testing server MAMP.
    The results are the same on remote server also.
    Please guide.

    I'm not sure what's happening there. The important question is whether the code is executed successfully.
    Since you're using the Zend Framework, it might be better to ask in a dedicated ZF forum.

  • Validation Event getting called multiple times

    I am saving an eform after entering a wrong percentage in it.On opening the same eform it gives the validate message "Percentage not valid" pop up .This popup should come only once but its coming around 25-26 times.I checked and find that the validate event is getting called multiple times for the same field.Can someone tell why this is happening and how to resolve this

    Hi rupali Sri,
    Our forum here is for questions related to the LiveCycle Collaboration Service product.
    You might want to post your question to the Livecycle Forms forum:
    If that's not the correct forum, start from here:
    Hope this helps.
    Good luck,
    LCCS Quality Engineering

  • CommandLink in dataTable rendered method is called multiple times

    I have a dataTable in which one of the columns contains a commandLink. The commandLink has the "rendered" option bound to a backing bean method. When the page is submitted, the backing bean method gets called 8 times for each row in the table if the value returned is "true" and 3 times per row if the value returned is "false". Since the page is designed to "navigate" back to itself, I can understand it getting called more than once, but 8 times??? What's up with that?

    Because you have a bug in your code.
    If you want further help post a Short, Self Contained, Compilable and Executable, Example Program ([url]SSCCE) that demonstrates the problem.
    And don't forget to use [url]code formatting when posting code.

  • Finalize() method being called multiple times for same object?

    I got a dilly of a pickle here.
    Looks like according to the Tomcat output log file that the finalize method of class User is being called MANY more times than is being constructed.
    Here is the User class:
    package com.db.multi;
    import com.db.ui.*;
    import java.util.*;
    * @author DBriscoe
    public class User implements Serializable {
        private String userName = null;
        private int score = 0;
        private SocketImage img = null;
        private boolean gflag = false;
        private Calendar timeStamp = Calendar.getInstance();
        private static int counter = 0;
        /** Creates a new instance of User */
        public User() { counter++;     
        public User(String userName) {
            this.userName = userName;
        public void setGflag(boolean gflag) {
            this.gflag = gflag;
        public boolean getGflag() {
            return gflag;
        public void setScore(int score) {
            this.score = score;
        public int getScore() {
            return score;
        public void setUserName(String userName) {
            this.userName = userName;
        public String getUserName() {
            return userName;
        public void setImage(SocketImage img) {
            this.img = img;
        public SocketImage getImage() {
            return img;
        public void setTimeStamp(Calendar c) {
            this.timeStamp = c;
        public Calendar getTimeStamp() {
            return this.timeStamp;
        public boolean equals(Object obj) {
            try {
                if (obj instanceof User) {
                    User comp = (User)obj;
                    return comp.getUserName().equals(userName);
                } else {
                    return false;
            } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
                return false;
        public void finalize() {
            if (userName != null && !userName.startsWith("OUTOFDATE"))
                System.out.println("User " + userName + " destroyed. " + counter);
        }As you can see...
    Every time a User object is created, a static counter variable is incremented and then when an object is destroyed it appends the current value of that static member to the Tomcat log file (via System.out.println being executed on server side).
    Below is the log file from an example run in my webapp.
    User Queue Empty, Adding User: com.db.multi.User@1a5af9f
    User Dustin destroyed. 0
    User Dustin destroyed. 0
    User Dustin destroyed. 0
    User Dustin destroyed. 0
    User Dustin destroyed. 0
    USER QUEUE: false
    INSIDE METHOD: false
    AFTER METHOD: false
    User Dustin destroyed. 1
    User Dustin destroyed. 1
    User Dustin destroyed. 1
    User Dustin destroyed. 1
    USER QUEUE: false
    INSIDE METHOD: false
    AFTER METHOD: false
    User Dustin destroyed. 2
    User Dustin destroyed. 2
    User Dustin destroyed. 2
    User Dustin destroyed. 2
    User Dustin destroyed. 2
    User Dustin destroyed. 2
    User Dustin destroyed. 2
    User Dustin destroyed. 2
    USER QUEUE: false
    INSIDE METHOD: false
    AFTER METHOD: false
    User Dustin destroyed. 3
    User Dustin destroyed. 3
    User Dustin destroyed. 3
    User Dustin destroyed. 3
    User Dustin destroyed. 3
    User Dustin destroyed. 3
    User Dustin destroyed. 3
    User Dustin destroyed. 3
    User Dustin destroyed. 3
    USER QUEUE: false
    INSIDE METHOD: false
    AFTER METHOD: false
    User Dustin destroyed. 4
    User Dustin destroyed. 4
    User Dustin destroyed. 4
    User Dustin destroyed. 4
    User Dustin destroyed. 4
    User Dustin destroyed. 4
    User Dustin destroyed. 4
    User Dustin destroyed. 4
    User Dustin destroyed. 4
    USER QUEUE: false
    INSIDE METHOD: false
    AFTER METHOD: false
    User Dustin destroyed. 5
    User Dustin destroyed. 5
    User Dustin destroyed. 5
    User Dustin destroyed. 5
    User Dustin destroyed. 5
    User Dustin destroyed. 5
    User Dustin destroyed. 5
    User Dustin destroyed. 5
    User Dustin destroyed. 5
    USER QUEUE: false
    INSIDE METHOD: false
    AFTER METHOD: false
    User Dustin destroyed. 6
    User Dustin destroyed. 6
    User Dustin destroyed. 6
    User Dustin destroyed. 6
    User Dustin destroyed. 6
    User Dustin destroyed. 6
    User Dustin destroyed. 6
    User Dustin destroyed. 6
    User Dustin destroyed. 6
    User Dustin destroyed. 6
    USER QUEUE: false
    INSIDE METHOD: false
    AFTER METHOD: false
    User Dustin pulled from Queue, Game created: Joe
    User Already Placed: Dustin with Joe
    User Dustin destroyed. 7
    User Dustin destroyed. 7
    User Dustin destroyed. 7
    User Dustin destroyed. 7
    User Dustin destroyed. 7
    User Dustin destroyed. 7
    User Dustin destroyed. 7
    User Dustin destroyed. 7
    User Dustin destroyed. 7
    User Dustin destroyed. 7
    INSIDE METHOD: false
    INSIDE METHOD: false
    USER QUEUE: true
    INSIDE METHOD: false
    INSIDE METHOD: false
    User Dustin destroyed. 9
    User Joe destroyed. 9
    User Dustin destroyed. 9
    User Dustin destroyed. 9
    User Dustin destroyed. 9
    User Dustin destroyed. 9
    INSIDE METHOD: false
    USER QUEUE: true
    INSIDE METHOD: false
    INSIDE METHOD: false
    INSIDE METHOD: false
    USER QUEUE: true
    INSIDE METHOD: false
    INSIDE METHOD: false
    It really does seem to me like finalize is being called multiple times for the same object.
    That number should incremement for every instantiated User, and finalize can only be called once for each User object.
    I thought this was impossible?
    Any help is appreciated!

    I am already thinking of ideas to limit the number of threads.
    Unfortunately there are two threads of execution in the servlet handler, one handles requests and the other parses the collection of User objects to check for out of date timestamps, and then eliminates them if they are out of date.
    The collection parsing thread is currently a javax.swing.Timer thread (Bad design I know...) so I believe that I can routinely check for timestamps in another way and fix that problem.
    Just found out too that Tomcat was throwing me a ConcurrentModificationException as well, which may help explain the slew of mysterious behavior from my servlet!
    The Timer thread has to go. I got to think of a better way to routinely weed out User objects from the collection.
    Or perhaps, maybe I can attempt to make it thread safe???
    Eg. make my User collection volatile?
    Any opinions on the best approach are well appreciated.

  • Listener method is called multiple times

    why is a listener method called multiple times when the user interacted
    with the component just once?

    Because you have a bug in your code.
    If you want further help post a Short, Self Contained, Compilable and Executable, Example Program ([url]SSCCE) that demonstrates the problem.
    And don't forget to use [url]code formatting when posting code.

  • [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] selector method get called 2 times

    i am sending NSSNotifcation to root view controller in iPhone app but its observer method getting notified two times how its possible can any one guide me
    i have use this code to post notification in my detail view controllers which are going to get added in popover view
    -(void) viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated
        [super viewDidAppear:YES];
        [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:SetPopOverSizeNotification object: [NSNumber numberWithFloat:480]];
    and added observer in my root view controller
    - (void)viewDidLoad
        [super viewDidLoad];         [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(setPopoverSize:) name:SetPopOverSizeNotification object:nil];
    the method implementation is as follows
    #pragma mark - Popover Notification Method
    - (void)setPopoverSize:(NSNotification *)notification
         NSNumber *height = (NSNumber *)notification.object;
          [myPopover setPopoverContentSize:CGSizeMake(320, [height floatValue]) animated:NO];
    Also removing observer as follows
    - (void)viewDidUnload {
        [super viewDidUnload];
        [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self name:SetPopOverSizeNotification object:nil];

    Hi Saravanan,
    I am  calling this component directly from my application. This component is not used anywhere. The component name is : ERC_C_REQ_MGMT_UI and the application name is: erc_a_req_mgmt
    I am calling an application configuration ERC_A_REQ_MGMT to execute it.
    Vishal Kapoor

  • Validators getting called multiple times?

    I am working on a project where were we have used BackingBean validators for an input text component.
    When I first submit, the validator method getting called once, when I submit again, its getting called twice, and it goes on. After clearing the session, the validator getting called once, then twice, ...
    I don't know why this happens. Can any help me with this? What could be reasons for this weird behavior? What might went wrong in our code.

    An SSCCE please.

  • Firefox making same GET call multiple times

    Firefox is making the same AJAX call multiple times for a single event when it should really do it once. Actually, with each single click the number of calls multiplies. I have tested the application using Chromium and Eclipse's internal browser and I have no problems.
    I removed all add-ons and started Firefox in safe-mode, but the problem persists.
    Please advise,
    Arthur Nobrega

    Hi Arthur, do you have a page available that demonstrates this problem? If so, please post a link. Perhaps your test doesn't actually need to make a network request: for example, perhaps it could add a message to the page indicating that the relevant section of code was triggered.
    Since this site focuses on end user support, you might also consider taking this question to a more developer-oriented forum such as the unofficial [ mozillaZine Web Development board], or to StackExchange.

  • Problem adding listners(getting called multiple times)??

    I got a small doubt,
    If I have two radio buttons, if I implement item listeners on that two radio buttons ,
    Depending on the value I get from the database I set it to be selected , but the question is why is the item listener called many times when I write
    This code is written in one item listener --universal radio button.
    Universalbtn.addItemListener(new ItemListener()
    Public itemStateChange(){
    //Some processing from the database
    Else if (type=�S�)
    )Here�s the exact code �
    objUniversalRadBtn.addItemListener(new ItemListener() {
                                        public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent iE) {
                                                    arrStoreFamilyList=new ArrayList();
                                                    ArrayList arrResults=null;
                                                    try {
                                                                //calling the service, to store the values selected or entered in UI.
                                                                                                                ("admininvmgmnt.service", arrStoreFamilyList);
                                                    catch(EnPVException enPV) {
                                                    if(arrResults.get(0).equals(BOOLEAN_VALUE)) {
                                                                objMessageUI=new MessageUI();
                                                                if(strInvType.equals(INVENTORYTYPE_PARTIAL)) {
                                                                }else {
                                                    }else {
                            objSpareRadBtn.addItemListener(new ItemListener() {
                                        public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent iE) {
                                                    arrStoreFamilyList=new ArrayList();
                                                    ArrayList arrResults=null;
                                                    try {
                                                                //calling the service, to store the values selected or entered in UI.
                                                                                                                ("admininvmgmnt.service", arrStoreFamilyList);
                                                    catch(EnPVException enPV) {
                                                    if(arrResults.get(0).equals(BOOLEAN_VALUE)) {
                                                                objMessageUI=new MessageUI();
                                                                if(strInvType.equals(INVENTORYTYPE_UNIVERSAL)) {
                                                                }else if(strInvType.equals(INVENTORYTYPE_PARTIAL)) {
                                                    }else {
                            });Pls kindly , let me know why is this happening , as I had overcomed this problem many times and I changed my code when this happened with the textfields in some cases � (when I wrote focuslost events on textboxes , the same case happened �calling the other listener many times and then the cursor got focused in the textfield)
    thnx & regards

    Inside the Method itemStateChanged() dont use
    objPartialRadBtn.setSelected() or objSpareRadBtn.setSelected()
    If you still want to use then do

  • Init method is called multiple times

    init method in my servlet is called more than 1 time.
    I think it is supposed to be called only 1 time,when the application is loaded.
    anything to do with web.xml ???
    or else what r the situations that init method is called more than 1 time

    actually I figured out the problem.
    I am using logger staements for debugging.
    I am also using singlethread model for servlet.
    I came to know that it creates multiple instances of servlet...
    which inturn calls init method multiple times.
    i took out that singlethread model,now it is working perfect.

  • LoginModule login() method being called multiple times

    I have a J2EE application that is deployed in Oracle 10g that implements a cutom login module. The custom class (MyClassLoginModule) implements the LoginModule interface. Everything works great if the username and password entered by an end user are correct. However, it appears that if a user enters an incorrect password after failing authentication the container executes the MyClassLoginModule.login() method again. In some cases, it calls it serveral time each failing authentication.
    This wouldn't be a problem however, the username and password are also the end users workstation accounts. This behaviour is capable of locking their accounts in one failed attempt.
    Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated.

    We're using FORM based authentication. The problem is not with multiple requests, but appears to be an issue with the container. See the following for more info:
    LoginModule login method called twice on unsuccessful logins

  • Unwanted behavior: Action method being called several times

    I have a managed bean that calls a session ejb which itself does a search. The problem is that it is supposed to retrieve a resultset ONCE and the displayed behavior is that it never stop doing so. It fetches the resultset N TIMES.
    Here is the managed bean and the method to look at is the performSearch method:
    package arcoiris;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.List;
    import javax.faces.model.SelectItem;
    public class SearchManagedBean {
        //Collected from search form
        private String keyword;
        private String country;
        private Integer[] postcode;
        private boolean commentExists;
        private Integer rating;
        private boolean websiteExists;
        //Used to populate form
        private List<SelectItem> availableCountries;
        private List<SelectItem> availablePostcodes;
        private List<SelectItem> availableRatings;
        //Retrieved from ejb tier
        private List<EstablishmentLocal> retrievedEstablishments;
        //Service locator
        private arcoiris.ServiceLocator serviceLocator;
        public SearchManagedBean() {
            System.out.println("within constructor SearchManagedBean");
        //Getters and setters
        public String getKeyword() {
            return keyword;
        public void setKeyword(String keyword) {
            this.keyword = keyword;
        public String getCountry() {
            return country;
        public void setCountry(String country) {
   = country;
        public boolean isCommentExists() {
            return commentExists;
        public void setCommentExists(boolean commentExists) {
            this.commentExists = commentExists;
        public Integer getRating() {
            return rating;
        public void setRating(Integer rating) {
            this.rating = rating;
        public boolean isWebsiteExists() {
            return websiteExists;
        public void setWebsiteExists(boolean websiteExists) {
            this.websiteExists = websiteExists;
        public List<SelectItem> getAvailableCountries() {
            List<SelectItem> countries = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
            SelectItem si_1 = new SelectItem();
            SelectItem si_2 = new SelectItem();
            SelectItem si_3 = new SelectItem();
            return countries;
        public void setAvailableCountries(List<SelectItem> countries) {
            this.availableCountries = availableCountries;
        public List<SelectItem> getAvailablePostcodes() {
            List<SelectItem> postcodes = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
            SelectItem si_1 = new SelectItem();
            SelectItem si_2 = new SelectItem();
            SelectItem si_3 = new SelectItem();
            si_1.setValue(new Integer(75001));
            si_2.setValue(new Integer(75002));
            si_3.setValue(new Integer(75003));
            return postcodes;
        public void setAvailablePostcodes(List<SelectItem> availablePostcodes) {
            this.availablePostcodes = availablePostcodes;
        public List<SelectItem> getAvailableRatings() {
            List<SelectItem> ratings = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
            SelectItem si_1 = new SelectItem();
            SelectItem si_2 = new SelectItem();
            SelectItem si_3 = new SelectItem();
            si_1.setValue(new Integer(1));
            si_2.setValue(new Integer(2));
            si_3.setValue(new Integer(3));
            return ratings;
        public void setAvailableRatings(List<SelectItem> availableRatings) {
            this.availableRatings = availableRatings;
        public Integer[] getPostcode() {
            return postcode;
        public void setPostcode(Integer[] postcode) {
            this.postcode = postcode;
        public List<EstablishmentLocal> getRetrievedEstablishments() {
            return retrievedEstablishments;
        public void setRetrievedEstablishments(List<EstablishmentLocal> retrievedEstablishments) {
            this.retrievedEstablishments = retrievedEstablishments;
        //Business methods
        public String performSearch(){
            System.out.println("performSearchManagedBean begin");
            SearchRequestDTO searchRequestDto = new SearchRequestDTO(this.keyword,,this.postcode,this.commentExists,this.rating, this.websiteExists);
            System.out.println("java bean "+this.keyword+" "" "+this.postcode+" "+this.commentExists+" "+this.rating+" "+this.websiteExists);
            SearchSessionLocal searchSession = lookupSearchSessionBean();
            List<EstablishmentLocal> retrievedEstablishments = searchSession.performSearch(searchRequestDto);
            System.out.println("performSearchManagedBean end");
            return "success";
        private arcoiris.ServiceLocator getServiceLocator() {
            if (serviceLocator == null) {
                serviceLocator = new arcoiris.ServiceLocator();
            return serviceLocator;
        private arcoiris.SearchSessionLocal lookupSearchSessionBean() {
            try {
                return ((arcoiris.SearchSessionLocalHome) getServiceLocator().getLocalHome("java:comp/env/ejb/SearchSessionBean")).create();
            } catch(javax.naming.NamingException ne) {
                java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(getClass().getName()).log(java.util.logging.Level.SEVERE,"exception caught" ,ne);
                throw new RuntimeException(ne);
            } catch(javax.ejb.CreateException ce) {
                java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(getClass().getName()).log(java.util.logging.Level.SEVERE,"exception caught" ,ce);
                throw new RuntimeException(ce);
    }Here is the object request passed:
    package arcoiris;
    public class SearchRequestDTO implements Serializable {
        private String keyword;
        private String country;
        private Integer[] postcode;
        private boolean commentExists;
        private Integer rating;
        private boolean websiteExists;
        public SearchRequestDTO() {
        public SearchRequestDTO(String keyword, String country, Integer[] postcode, boolean commmentExists, Integer rating, boolean websiteExists){
            this.postcode = postcode;
            this.commentExists = commentExists;
            this.rating = rating;
            this.websiteExists = websiteExists;
        public String getKeyword() {
            return keyword;
        public void setKeyword(String keyword) {
            this.keyword = keyword;
        public String getCountry() {
            return country;
        public void setCountry(String country) {
   = country;
        public Integer[] getPostcode() {
            return postcode;
        public void setPostcode(Integer[] postcode) {
            this.postcode = postcode;
        public boolean isCommentExists() {
            return commentExists;
        public void setCommentExists(boolean commmentExists) {
            this.commentExists = commmentExists;
        public Integer getRating() {
            return rating;
        public void setRating(Integer rating) {
            this.rating = rating;
        public boolean isWebsiteExists() {
            return websiteExists;
        public void setWebsiteExists(boolean websiteExists) {
            this.websiteExists = websiteExists;
    }and here is the session ejb:
    package arcoiris;
    import java.sql.Connection;
    import java.sql.ResultSet;
    import java.sql.SQLException;
    import java.sql.Statement;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.List;
    import javax.ejb.*;
    import javax.naming.Context;
    import javax.naming.InitialContext;
    import javax.naming.NamingException;
    import javax.sql.DataSource;
    public class SearchSessionBean implements SessionBean, SearchSessionLocalBusiness {
        private SessionContext context;
        private arcoiris.ServiceLocator serviceLocator;
        // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="EJB infrastructure methods. Click the + sign on the left to edit the code.">
        // TODO Add code to acquire and use other enterprise resources (DataSource, JMS, enterprise bean, Web services)
        // TODO Add business methods or web service operations
         * @see javax.ejb.SessionBean#setSessionContext(javax.ejb.SessionContext)
        public void setSessionContext(SessionContext aContext) {
            context = aContext;
         * @see javax.ejb.SessionBean#ejbActivate()
        public void ejbActivate() {
         * @see javax.ejb.SessionBean#ejbPassivate()
        public void ejbPassivate() {
         * @see javax.ejb.SessionBean#ejbRemove()
        public void ejbRemove() {
        // </editor-fold>
         * See section 7.10.3 of the EJB 2.0 specification
         * See section 7.11.3 of the EJB 2.1 specification
        public void ejbCreate() {
            // TODO implement ejbCreate if necessary, acquire resources
            // This method has access to the JNDI context so resource aquisition
            // spanning all methods can be performed here such as home interfaces
            // and data sources.
        // Add business logic below. (Right-click in editor and choose
        // "EJB Methods > Add Business Method" or "Web Service > Add Operation")
        public List<EstablishmentLocal> performSearch(SearchRequestDTO searchRequestDto) {
            System.out.println("within performSearch");
            List<EstablishmentLocal> establishments = new ArrayList<EstablishmentLocal>();
            try {
                Context ctx = new InitialContext();
                DataSource ds = (DataSource)ctx.lookup("java:/guia");
                Connection con = ds.getConnection();
                Statement stm = con.createStatement();
                String query = buildQueryFromSearchRequestDTO(searchRequestDto);
                ResultSet rs = stm.executeQuery(query);
                int rowCount = 0;
                    rowCount = rowCount + 1;
                    try {
                        EstablishmentLocal establishment = lookupEstablishmentBean().findByEstablishmentId(rs.getInt("establishment_id"));
                        System.out.println("est name "+establishment.getEstablishmentName());
                    } catch (FinderException ex) {
                    } catch (SQLException ex) {
                System.out.println("rowCount = "+rowCount);
            catch (SearchRequestMalformedException ex){
            }catch (NamingException ex) {
            }catch (SQLException ex){
            //TODO implement performSearch
            return null;
        private String buildQueryFromSearchRequestDTO(SearchRequestDTO searchRequestDto) throws SearchRequestMalformedException {
            StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
            //Head of the query
            sb.append("SELECT ");
            sb.append("e.establishment_id, ");
            sb.append("e.establishment_name, ");
            sb.append("avg(r.rating) as avg_rating ");
            sb.append("FROM ");
            sb.append("establishment e, ");
            sb.append("rating r, ");
            sb.append("comment com, ");
            sb.append("establishment_country ec, ");
            sb.append("country_ref cou ");
            sb.append("where ");
            sb.append("e.establishment_id=ec.establishment_id and ");
            sb.append("ec.country_id=cou.country_id and ");
            sb.append("e.establishment_id=com.establishment_id and ");
            sb.append("r.establishment_id=e.establishment_id and ");
            //Conditional parts of the query
            //If user wants comment to be present
                sb.append("e.establishment_id=com.establishment_id and ");
            //If user has typed in a keyword
            if(!searchRequestDto.getKeyword().equals("") && !searchRequestDto.getKeyword().equals(" ")&& searchRequestDto.getKeyword()!=null){
                sb.append("e.establishment_name like '%"+ searchRequestDto.getKeyword() +"%' and ");
            //If user has choosen a country
            if(searchRequestDto.getCountry()!=null && !searchRequestDto.getCountry().equals("") && !searchRequestDto.getCountry().equals(" ")&& searchRequestDto.getCountry()!=null){
                sb.append("ec.country_id = " + searchRequestDto.getCountry() + " and ");
            //If user wants website to be present
                sb.append("e.establishment_website is not null and ");
    /* conditions
    si utilisateur a renseign� un premier code postal "e.establishment_postcode = 'postcode_one' --si racine
            si autre code postal "or e.establishment_postcode = 'postcode_two'
            ainsi de suite
    and--vient de si racine
            //Tail of the query
            sb.append("0=0 ");
            sb.append("group by e.establishment_id ");
            //If the user wants a minimum rating
            if(searchRequestDto.getRating() != null && searchRequestDto.getRating().intValue()!=0){
                sb.append("having avg(r.rating) >= " + searchRequestDto.getRating());
            sb.append(" ");
            sb.append("order by e.establishment_id ");
            return sb.toString();
        private arcoiris.ServiceLocator getServiceLocator() {
            if (serviceLocator == null) {
                serviceLocator = new arcoiris.ServiceLocator();
            return serviceLocator;
        private EstablishmentLocalHome lookupEstablishmentBean() {
            try {
                return (arcoiris.EstablishmentLocalHome) getServiceLocator().getLocalHome("java:comp/env/ejb/EstablishmentBean");
            } catch(javax.naming.NamingException ne) {
                java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(getClass().getName()).log(java.util.logging.Level.SEVERE,"exception caught" ,ne);
                throw new RuntimeException(ne);
    }I just don't understand why it does so. The peformSearch should be executed ONCE only.
    Here is my face config file:
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    <!DOCTYPE faces-config PUBLIC
      "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD JavaServer Faces Config 1.1//EN"
    </faces-config>Can anyone help?
    Thanks in advance,

    Just reactivating my thread hoping someone will reply to it....

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