Adding suffix to batch of image files

I have over a hundred scanned photos saved in Pictures (not in i Photo). They are jpg format, but the names I have given them do not include the suffix dot jpg. Is there any way I can add this suffix to all of them, without having to open each one and click file/save as to add the suffix.
Related to this, I understand that when a jpg file is opened/edited /saved, there is a slight degradation in picture quality each time this process is carried out. Is there any degradation when you simply open a file and click file/save as, to rename it?
One last thing. When I dragged a file from Pictures to the desktop and then to iPhoto (with the original dragged back from dektop to Pictures), I noticed that the image in Pictures looked sharper than the same image in iPhoto. Should this be so? Has there been degradation here?
I hope someone can help

I have over a hundred scanned photos saved in Pictures (not in i Photo). They are jpg format, but the names I have given them do not include the suffix dot jpg. Is there any way I can add this suffix to all of them, without having to open each one and click file/save as to add the suffix.
There’s absolutely no need to do this. The OS knows they are jpegs. If you simply must see the file suffix try Finder -> Preferences -> Advanced and check the box at ‘Show All File Extensions’.
IF you do try rename the files to add JPEG, you’ll get a file called My Picture.jpeg.jepg
Related to this, I understand that when a jpg file is opened/edited /saved, there is a slight degradation in picture quality each time this process is carried out. Is there any degradation when you simply open a file and click file/save as, to rename it?
Well the question is moot in this case, but there is no need to open and save a file to rename it. You can do this in the Finder without ever opening it. Simply select the file and then click on the name - it will be edited. You can also batch rename files using Automator or an app like Name Mangler.
One last thing. When I dragged a file from Pictures to the desktop and then to iPhoto (with the original dragged back from dektop to Pictures), I noticed that the image in Pictures looked sharper than the same image in iPhoto. Should this be so? Has there been degradation here?
What you were seeing in iPhoto is the thumbnail image that iPhoto makes of every file that’s imported. (It does this to speed up display). View the file full size and compare.

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    Here is an example script that will do the re-naming also place the original filename into the metadata.
    CSV format is fileName,Product IE:
    Copy and paste the script into ExtendScript Toolkit (This gets installed with Photoshop)
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    Edit > Preferences > Startup Scripts
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    #target bridge 
    if( BridgeTalk.appName == "bridge" ) { 
    fileNameToProduct = MenuElement.create("command", "Rename to Product", "at the end of Thumbnail");
    fileNameToProduct.onSelect = function () {
    function renameToProduct(){
    var Path =app.document.presentationPath;
    var descFile = File.openDialog("Open Product File","CSV File(*.csv):*.csv;");
    if(descFile == null) return;'r');
    var datFile=[];
    var line = descFile.readln();
    if(line.length > 5) datFile.push(line);
    for(var t in datFile){
    var str=datFile[t];
    str= str.split(',');
    var fileName = File(Path+"/"+ str.shift());
    var product = str.shift();
    if(!fileName.exists) continue;
    var ext = fileName.toString().toLowerCase().match(/[^\.]+$/);
    var thumb  = new Thumbnail(fileName);
    var md = thumb.synchronousMetadata;
    md.namespace = "";
    md.PreservedFileName =;
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    David Madrian

    Do you parents have Lightroom? If yes, then it's simple:
    export a subset as catalog with previews and without originals,
    send to parents,
    have them open the catalog and annotate,
    receive catalog from parents,
    import into your main catalog.
    If no, I'm thinking of this workaround:
    Select a subset, Save Metadata (that's important!) and export with originals to a intermediate catalog,
    Go to your intermediate catalog folder, find the exported originals and batch-downsample them for sending.
    Send downsampled files to parents.
    Have them annotate the files with some proper utility that uses proper IPTC or XMP fileds (not some proprietary metadata). The free ExifTool GUI might work well.
    Receive the files and write over downsampled files from intermediate catalog. Now the files have annotations.
    Open intermediate catalog and Read Metadata. Now the intermediate catalog has annotations.
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    I've taken the script mentioned above and modified it to the best of my abilities.  Still getting the same error, unfortunately:
    function main(){
    var suffix ="cropped";
    var docPath =Folder("~/Desktop");
       alert(docPath + " does not exist!\n Please create it!");
    var fileName*)\.[^\.]+$/)[1];
    var fileExt[^\.]+$/).toString();
    var saveFile = new File(docPath +"/"+fileName+suffix+'.'+fileExt);
    switch (fileExt){
       case 'jpeg' : SaveJPEG(saveFile); break;
       default : alert("Unknown filetype please use manual save!"); break;
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    function SaveJPEG(saveFile, jpegQuality){
    jpgSaveOptions = new JPEGSaveOptions();
    jpgSaveOptions.embedColorProfile = true;
    jpgSaveOptions.formatOptions = FormatOptions.STANDARDBASELINE;
    jpgSaveOptions.matte = MatteType.NONE;
    jpgSaveOptions.quality = jpegQuality; //1-12
    activeDocument.saveAs(saveFile, jpgSaveOptions, true,Extension.LOWERCASE);

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    Kind regards,

    Pascal, what is your intent here? Are you going to use these images in a springboard or some other content? If so, they would go under the public_html folder on your drive which is visualized in JDev as your "Web Content" folder. If you place files or folders under the ApplicationController/src folder, they will show up under "Application Sources" in JDev.
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    --[SCRIPT batch_exportPages2DOC] (* Enregistrer ce script en tant que script ou progiciel. Exécuter ce script ou déposer l'icône d'un dossier sur son icône. Il ouvre tout document Pages du dossier et l' enregistre en fichier DOC  dans le dossier "was_Pages_now_DOC". Celui-ci peut être sur le bureau ou dans le dossier "~/Documents". Si le GUIscripting n'est pas activé le script demande votre mot de passe pour l'activer. Le script récupère le dossier d'exportation par défaut dans le fichier de préférences de Pages. Éviter de cliquer durant l'exécution du script sauf évidemment pour sélectionner le dossier source. ************* Save the script as script or application bundle. Run it or drag and drop a folder icon on its icon. It opens every Pages's documents stored in the folder and save it as DOC file in a folder named "was_Pages_now_DOC". This one may be on the desktop or in the "~/Documents" folder. according to the property storeOnDesktop. If GUIscripting is disabled the script ask for your password to enable it. The script extract the default export path from the Pages's preferences file. Don't click when the script is running. Except, of course, to select the source folder. ************* Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) 2008/04/20 2009/06/17 adapté pour format .doc 2009/12/13 updated for MacOs 10.6… *) property theApp : "Pages" property theExt : "pages" property nomDuRapport : "report_Pages2DOC.txt" property nom_du_dossier : "was_Pages_now_DOC" property storeOnDesktop : true (* true = dest folder will be on Desktop false = dest folder will be in "~/Documents" *) property msg1 : "" -- globale property msg90 : "" -- globale property msg91 : "" -- globale -- property msg92 : "" -- globale property msg94 : "" -- globale property msg96 : "" -- globale property msg99 : "" -- globale property rapport : "" -- globale property dossierDeStockage : "" -- globale property dossierParDefaut : "" -- globale property localExport : "" -- globale property newExt : "" -- globale property newType : "" -- globale property isOs4 : missing value -- globale property isOs5 : missing value -- globale property theMenu : missing value -- globale property menuExport : missing value -- globale property types : {{"doc", "SLDocumentTypeMSWord", 2}, {"pdf", "SLDocumentTypePDF", 1}, {"txt", "SLDocumentTypePlainText", 4}, {"rtf", "SLDocumentTypeRichText", 3}, {"rtfd", "SLDocumentTypeRichTextBundle"}, 3} --===== (* our settings *) property typeNum : 1 (* 1 = WORD, 2 = PDF, 3 = Txt, 4 = rtf, 5 = rtfd *) property theButton : missing value (* 1          button PDF 2          button Word 3          button RTF 4 button Standard *) --===== on run (* lignes exécutées si on double clique sur l'icône du script application • lines executed if one double click the application script's icon *)             tell application "System Events" to set dossier to choose folder (* dans un bloc System Events pour avoir un titre de dialogue "localisé" • in a System Events block to get a localized dialog title. *)           my commun({dossier})             --          my commun({"Macintosh HD:Users:yvan_koenig:Desktop:for_see:" as alias}) end run --===== on open (sel) (* sel contient une liste d'alias des éléments qu'on a déposés sur l'icône du script (la sélection) • sel contains a list of aliases of the items dropped on the script's icon (the selection) *)           my commun(sel) end open --===== on commun(elems)           my nettoie()           my prepareMessages()             tell application "System Events"                     if not (UI elements enabled) then set (UI elements enabled) to true (* Active le GUI scripting • Enable GUI scripting *)                     set titres to title of processes           end tell -- to System Events             if theApp is not in titres then my activateTheApp() (* Active et ferme la fenêtre du document créé à l'ouverture • Activate and close the doc's window created at opening *)           set {newExt, newType, theButton} to item typeNum of types (* item 1 = {"doc", "SLDocumentTypeMSWord",2} item 2 = {"pdf", "SLDocumentTypePDF",1} item 3 = {"txt", "SLDocumentTypePlainText",4} item 4 = {"rtf", "SLDocumentTypeRichText",3} item 5 = {"rtfd", "SLDocumentTypeRichTextBundle",3} *)           set sysAtt to (system attribute "sys2")           if 4 > sysAtt then                     if my parleAnglais() then                               error "This script requires MacOs X 10.4 or higher !"                     else                               error "Ce script requiert MacOs X 1.4 ou ultérieur !"                     end if           else if 5 > sysAtt then                     set isOs4 to true                     set isOs5 to false                     if my getVersion() < "4" then                               set theMenu to 3                               set menuExport to 13                     else                               set theMenu to 10                               set menuExport to 9                     end if           else if 6 > sysAtt then                     set isOs4 to false                     set isOs5 to true                     if my getVersion() < "4" then                               set theMenu to 3                               set menuExport to 13                     else                               set theMenu to 10                               set menuExport to 8 (* was a wrong 9 *)                     end if           else                     set isOs4 to false                     set isOs5 to false                     if my getVersion() < "4" then                               set theMenu to 3                               set menuExport to 13                     else                               set theMenu to 10                               set menuExport to 8 (* was a wrong 9 *)                     end if           end if           my fermeFenetres() (* • Close existing windows *)             my afficheLeMessage(msg1) (* Éviter de cliquer… • Don't click… *)           tell application theApp to set localExport to localized string "Export"           set dossierParDefaut to my getDefaultExport() as text           set rapport to ""           set dossierDeStockage to my creeDossierDeStockage(nom_du_dossier) (* Unicode text *)             try                     repeat with elem in elems                               try                                         my exploreTraite(elem as alias, "")                               end try                     end repeat                       if rapport = "" then set rapport to msg90                     -- crée un fichier texte sur le Bureau                     set p2d to path to desktop                     set p2r to (p2d as Unicode text) & nomDuRapport                     tell application "System Events"                               if exists (file p2r) then delete (file p2r)                               make new file at end of p2d with properties {name:nomDuRapport}                     end tell                     set rapport to rapport as text                     write rapport to (p2r as alias)             on error MsgErr number NroErr                     if NroErr is not -128 then                               beep 2                               tell application (path to frontmost application as string) to ¬                                         display dialog "" & NroErr & " : " & MsgErr with icon 0 buttons {msg99} giving up after 20                     end if -- NroErr is…                     return           end try             my nettoie()           if my parleAnglais() then                     my afficheLeMessage("Export done.")           else                     my afficheLeMessage("Traitement terminé.")           end if end commun --===== on nettoie() (* pour ne pas stocker dans le fichier script • So it will not be stored in the script file *)           set dossierDeStockage to ""           set dossierParDefaut to ""           set rapport to ""             set localExport to ""           set newExt to ""           set newType to ""           set isOs4 to missing value           set isOs5 to missing value           set theMenu to missing value           set menuExport to missing value           set theButton to missing value           set msg1 to ""           set msg90 to ""           set msg91 to ""           set msg92 to ""           --           set msg94 to ""           set msg96 to ""           set msg99 to " " end nettoie --=====  on afficheLeMessage(m)           beep 1           tell application (path to frontmost application as string)                     activate                     if my parleAnglais() then                               display dialog m buttons {" OK "} default button 1 giving up after 10                     else                               display dialog m buttons {" Vu "} default button 1 giving up after 10                     end if           end tell end afficheLeMessage --===== on creeDossierDeStockage(Nom) (* S'il n'existe pas, construit un dossier destination sur le bureau ou dans "~/Documents" • If does not exist, create a destination folder on the desktop or in "~/Documents" *)           local dd, dds           if storeOnDesktop is true then                     set dd to path to desktop as Unicode text           else                     set dd to path to documents folder as Unicode text           end if             if Nom ends with ":" then                     set dds to dd & Nom           else                     set dds to dd & Nom & ":"           end if           (* dossierDeStockage n'existe pas, on le crée • dossierDeStockage is not available, build it *)           tell application "System Events" to if not (exists item dds) then make new folder at end of folder dd with properties {name:Nom}           return dds as Unicode text end creeDossierDeStockage --===== on exploreTraite(elem, ptree) (* elem est un alias • elem is an alias *)           local elem_, cl_, type_Id           set elem_ to elem as Unicode text           tell application "System Events" to tell disk item elem_                     set cl_ to class                     if cl_ is folder then                               set type_Id to ""                     else                               set type_Id to type identifier                     end if           end tell --  "System Events"           set cl_ to cl_ as Unicode text             if type_Id is in {"", ""} then (* C'est un fichier Pages. • It's a Pages document *)                     my TraiteUnDocument(elem_)           else if cl_ is in {"file package", "«class cpkg»"} then                     set rapport to rapport & msg91 & elem_ & return (* "Package", Attention, un package EST un dossier "spécial". • Caution, a package IS a "special" folder. *)           else if cl_ is in {"folder", "«class cfol»"} then                     my ExploreUnDossier(elem_, ptree)           else                     set rapport to rapport & msg92 & elem_ & return (*  "Pas un document Pages". • "Not a Pages's document" *)           end if -- typeId_ is … end exploreTraite --===== on ExploreUnDossier(dossier, ptree)           local nomElement, cheminElement, c           repeat with nomElement in list folder dossier without invisibles                     set cheminElement to dossier & nomElement                     tell application "System Events" to set c to name of (dossier as alias)                     my exploreTraite(cheminElement as alias, ptree & c & ":")           end repeat end ExploreUnDossier --===== on TraiteUnDocument(leCheminOriginal_UniText)           my export2Doc(leCheminOriginal_UniText as alias, leCheminOriginal_UniText) end TraiteUnDocument --===== on export2Doc(p, leCheminOriginal_UniText) (* • here p is the path as alias *)           local flag, nom_de_p, nouveauChemin, w, bof, x, p_xport           try                     tell application theApp                               open p                               set flag to false                               repeat 300 times (* Attends que le fichier soit réellement ouvert. • Wait until the file is really open *)                                         if my getNbWindows() > 0 then                                                   set flag to true                                                   exit repeat                                         end if                               end repeat                     end tell -- to theApp                     if flag is false then error number 8888 (* Le fichier n'a pu être ouvert. • The file can't be open. *)           on error MsgErr number NroErr                     if NroErr = 8888 then                               set rapport to rapport & msg94 & leCheminOriginal_UniText & return                     else                               set rapport to rapport & "### " & MsgErr & " ### " & errNbr & return                     end if                     return (* can't do the remaining tasks *)           end try             tell application "System Events" to tell file leCheminOriginal_UniText                     set nom_de_p to name           end tell -- System Events             if nom_de_p ends with theExt then set nom_de_p to text 1 thru -(2 + (length of theExt)) of nom_de_p           set nouveauChemin to dossierParDefaut & nom_de_p & "." & newExt           --log nouveauChemin           tell application "System Events" to if exists (file nouveauChemin) then set name of file nouveauChemin to nom_de_p & my horoDateur(modification date of file nouveauChemin) & "." & newExt (* name stamped *)           try                     set {w, bof} to my getFrontWindow()                       tell application "System Events" to tell application process theApp                               click menu item menuExport of menu 1 of menu bar item theMenu of menu bar 1 (* Exporter… *)                               repeat until exists sheet 1 of window w                                         delay 0.1                               end repeat                               tell sheet 1 of window w (* sheet containing the buttons PDF, Word, RTF, Standard *)                                         --          get properties of UI elements of radio group 1                                         if isOs4 then                                                   click button theButton of radio group 1                                         else if isOs5 then                                                   click checkbox theButton of radio group 1                                         else                                                   click radio button theButton of radio group 1 (* I hope that they will no longer change it *)                                         end if -- isOs4 is true                                         (*                                         if typeNum is 2 then                                                   delay 0.2                                                   tell pop up button 1                                                             click                                                             click menu item quality of menu 1                                                   end tell                                                   delay 0.2                                         end if                                         *)                                         click button 1 (* Suivant… *)                                         repeat until exists button localExport                                                   delay 0.1                                         end repeat                                         click button localExport (* Exporter… *)                               end tell -- to sheet…                                 repeat 20 times                                         if exists sheet 1 of window w then                                                   click button 2 of sheet 1 of window w (* "Ne pas consulter " dans éventuel rapport d'anomalies • "Don't review" in sheet reporting possible export anomalies *)                                                   exit repeat                                         end if                                         delay 0.1                               end repeat                     end tell -- to process … System Events                       if dossierDeStockage is not dossierParDefaut then (* we must move the file from folder dossierParDefaut to folder dossierDeStockage *)                                 set p_xport to dossierDeStockage & nom_de_p & "." & newExt                                 tell application "System Events" to if exists (file p_xport) then set name of file p_xport to nom_de_p & my horoDateur(modification date of file p_xport) & "." & newExt                               tell application "Finder" to duplicate file nouveauChemin to folder dossierDeStockage (*                               • before 10.5, System Events is unable to move *)                                 my wait4File(p_xport)                                 tell application "System Events" to if exists file nouveauChemin then delete file nouveauChemin                     end if -- dossierDeStockage is not…                     my ferme1fenetre()             on error errMsg number errNbr                     set rapport to rapport & msg96 & p & return & errMsg & " ### " & errNbr & return           end try end export2Doc (* ===== • Build a stamp from the modification date_time *) on horoDateur(dt)           local annee, mois, jour, lHeure, lesSecondes, lesMinutes           set annee to year of dt           set mois to month of dt as number (* existe depuis 10.4 *)           set jour to day of dt           set lHeure to time of dt           set lesSecondes to (lHeure mod 60)           set lHeure to round (lHeure div 60)           set lesMinutes to (lHeure mod 60)           set lHeure to round (lHeure div 60)           return "_" & annee & text -2 thru -1 of ("00" & mois) & text -2 thru -1 of ("00" & jour) & "-" & text -2 thru -1 of ("00" & lHeure) & text -2 thru -1 of ("00" & lesMinutes) & text -2 thru -1 of ("00" & lesSecondes) (* • Here, the stamp is  "_YYYYMMDD-hhmmss" *) end horoDateur (* ===== • Take care, the front window may be an Inspector or a dialog one. *) on getFrontWindow()           local namesOfWindows, w, flag           tell application theApp to activate           set flag to false           tell application "System Events" to tell application process theApp                     set namesOfWindows to name of every window                     repeat with w in namesOfWindows                               if subrole of (get properties of window w) is "AXStandardWindow" then                                         set flag to true                                         exit repeat                               end if                     end repeat           end tell           return {w, flag} (* • w is the name of the front document's window *) end getFrontWindow (* ===== • Wait that the file is completely written on disk *) on wait4File(p) (* • p must be Unicode text *)           local oldSize, nnn, newSize           set oldSize to 0           tell application "System Events" to set nnn to name of file p             repeat                     try                               tell application "System Events" to set newSize to physical size of file p                               if oldSize < newSize then                                         set oldSize to newSize                               else                                         exit repeat                               end if                     end try           end repeat end wait4File --===== on activateTheApp()           local bof, status           tell application theApp to activate           if my getStartingStatus() is false then tell application "System Events" to tell application process theApp to keystroke return           repeat                     set {bof, status} to my getFrontWindow()                     if status is true then exit repeat           end repeat end activateTheApp (* ===== • Close existing open windows *) on fermeFenetres()           repeat while my getNbWindows() > 0                     my ferme1fenetre()           end repeat (* • Now there is no open window *) end fermeFenetres --===== on ferme1fenetre()           tell application theApp to activate           tell application "System Events" to tell application process theApp to keystroke "w" using {command down} end ferme1fenetre --===== on getPlistValue(valName, default)           local thePlist, u           set thePlist to (path to preferences folder as Unicode text) & "" & theApp & ".plist"           tell application "System Events"                     if exists file thePlist then                               tell contents of property list file thePlist                                         try                                                   set u to (value of property list item valName) (* Unicode Text *)                                         on error (* On est là si Pages n'a rien enregistré avec des préférences neuves • Here if Pages never saved with the new preferences file. *)                                                   set u to default                                         end try                               end tell -- to contents of…                     else (* On est là s'il n'y a pas de fichier de préférences • Here if there is no preferences file. *)                               set u to default                     end if           end tell -- to system events           return u end getPlistValue --===== on getStartingStatus()           return my getPlistValue("LSDefaultsUseDefaultStartingPoint", false) end getStartingStatus --===== on getDefaultExport()           local u           (* son of a *****, I forgot that they don't use the same name !! *)           if theApp contains "Pages" then                     set u to my getPlistValue("SLDocumentDefaultExportDirectory", "~/Documents")           else if theApp contains "Numbers" then                     set u to my getPlistValue("LSDocumentDefaultExportDirectory", "~/Documents")           else                     error "I didn't coded a Keynote version !"           end if             set u to (POSIX file (do shell script "echo " & u)) as text           if u ends with ":" then                     return u           else                     return (u & ":")           end if end getDefaultExport --===== on getNbWindows()           tell application "System Events" to tell application process theApp to return count of windows end getNbWindows --===== on getLocale(a, x)           tell application a to return localized string x end getLocale --===== on getVersion()           try                     tell application theApp to return version           on error                     return "1"           end try end getVersion --===== on parleAnglais()           local z           try                     tell application theApp to set z to localized string "Cancel"           on error                     set z to "Cancel"           end try           return (z is not "Annuler") end parleAnglais --===== on prepareMessages()           if my parleAnglais() then                     set msg1 to "Don’t click when the script is running." & return & "Except, of course, if it ask for."                     set msg90 to "No problem during the export process."                     set msg91 to "Package"                     set msg92 to "Not a " & theApp & "’s document"                     --                     set msg94 to theApp & " can’t read it"                     set msg96 to "Not copied."                     set msg99 to "Oops"           else                     set msg1 to "Éviter de cliquer durant l’exécution du script" & return & "sauf s’il le demande."                     set msg90 to "Exportation réussie sans incident."                     set msg91 to "Package"                     set msg92 to "Pas un document " & theApp                     --                     set msg94 to theApp & " n’a pas pu le lire"                     set msg96 to "Pas copié."                     set msg99 to " Vu "           end if           set msg91 to "### " & msg91 & " ###  "           set msg92 to "### " & msg92 & " ###  "           --           set msg94 to "### " & msg94 & " ###  "           set msg96 to "### " & msg96 & " ###  " end prepareMessages --===== --[/SCRIPT]

    Try this app:
    Batch convert Pages files to doc and pdf.

  • How do I add an image file to a library?

    My project requires files (normally in the form of JPEGs and PDFs) to be added to a library. The file paths are passed into the plug-in via sockets.
    In QuarkXPress we do this by using a hidden document, which is not visible or accessible by the user. Files are placed on the document and then transferred into the library. I can see how to do some of this in InDesign:
    Create a library using - ILibraryCmdUtils::CreateLibraryNewLibCmd()
    Add an item - ILibraryCmdUtils::CreateLibraryAddItemCmd()
    The bit I can't work out is the hidden document. I was hoping that a document could be created as hidden via the INewDocCmdData interface - no joy. I cannot see any reference to hidden documents anywhere in the SDK documentation. Does InDesign have a default one? So I'm wondering if this is the best way to do it.
    Can anybody point me in the right direction? It might be that hidden documents is not the best approach.
    Best regards and thanks in advance.

    Thanks to Dirk's help, I've now got my library code up and running. I can now handle my library through commands from an external source and from any user action. Had a few problems with outstanding bosses, but I've managed to configure the code to prevent this.
    With that out the way my attention has moved back to adding image files to the library via a hidden/headless document. I've written some code that will transfer images from the document to the library using ILibraryCmdUtils::ProcessLibraryAddItemCmd().
    The bit that's giving me problems is the file to document bit. The SDKHelper sample code (function PlaceFileInFrame) shows how this can be done, but there is a snag - I don't want the user to see the document that is used to transfer files to the library. Unfortunately a document UIDRef will not work in IHierarchy as it is not a displayable item.
    Does anyone know of a way this can be done? The user should not see or interact with the document.

  • Is there a way to save an image file as a jpeg and add -web or -print to the file name?

    I am trying to find a way to save my image file as a jpeg and add -web or -print to the existing file name.  This way I can easily see which files are lower resolution for web posting or high resolution for printing.

    I helped somebody do a very similar thing about a week ago.
    The trick is to use the Batch command's ability to construct a file name.
    Tell the batch to append, e.g. "-x" without quotes, to the name of each saved file.
    The batch runs an Action which does a save as JPEG, resize image, add logo, save as JPEG, then close document.
    The output is "<document name>-x.jpg" and "<document name>-x-x.jpeg".
    Then use Windows Explorer to rename "*-x-x.jpg" to "*-print.jpg".
    Then rename "*-x.jpg" to "*-web.jpg".
    The name construction that I used there was just an "x" appended to the document name. Use whatever you like. Also juliew subsequently referred to the method as a "double-batch" run, although it is not. One run of the batch will output two JPEGs for each input document.
    I hope the disagreements in that thread don't cause too much disruption.
    If you want, the Batch command itself can be recorded in another Action which would store the parameters of the batch, then you could run that Action anytime without having to set up the details of the batch each time. It would always output to one specific folder, though.

  • I am unable to drag and drop image files in a JAVA supposrted site. I have all the lastest versions of softwarte here - everything is up to date.

    I am no longer able to drag and drop image files int this JAVA supported site. It had always worked flawlessly in the past.
    I would open the site, go to Send Files, allow access, fill out the fields and then drag and drop my image files. Now I can only use the ADD (+) button to do so.
    I have the latest versions of OS-X Lion and JAVA installed on my computer

    This is the Tech Sheet on the subject:
    Photoshop Help | Managing paths
    It contains this item under Manage Paths:
    When you use a pen or shape tool to create a work path, the new path appears as the work path in the Paths panel. The work path is temporary; you must save it to avoid losing its contents.
    Ok, the red you referred to is a Stoke you added. Then QuickMask is not involved.

  • How to batch upload PDF files into database BLOB

    I have a requirement to batch upload PDF files into BLOB column of an Oracle 8.1.7 table from Forms 6i Web. The content of the blob column (ie. the PDF content) MUST be displayable from all client software (eg. Oracle Web forms, HTML forms, etc.)
    Our environment is
    Middle-tier is 9iAS on Windows/2000
    Database is Oracle on VMS
    Oracle Web Forms 6i Patch 10
    Basically my Oracle web form program will display a list of PDF files to upload and then the user can click on the &lt;Upload&gt; button to do the batch upload. I have experimented the following approaches but with no luck.
    1. READ_IMAGE_FILE forms built-in = does NOT work because it cannot read PDF file. I got error FRM-47100: Cannot read image file
    2. OCX and OLE form item = cannot use this because it does NOT work on the Web. I got error FRM-41344 OLE object not defined
    3. I cannot use DBMS_LOB to do the load because the PDF files are not in the database machine.
    4. Metalink Note 1682771.1 (How to upload binary documents back to database blob column from forms). When I used this, I got ORA-6502 during the hextoraw conversion. In using this solution, I have downloaded a bin2hex.exe from the Google site. I've noticed that when I looked at the converted HEX file, each line has the character : (colon) at the beginning of each line. I know the PDF file has been converted correctly to HEX format because when I convert the HEX file back to BIN format using hex2bin.exe, I'm able to display the converted bin file in Acrobat Reader. When I removed the : (colon) in the HEX file, I did NOT get the ORA-6502 error but I CANNOT display the file in Acrobat Reader. It gives an error "corrupted file".
    5. upload facility in PL/SQL Web toolkit - I tried to automatically submit the html form (with htp.p) but it does NOT load the contents of the file. I called the URL from Oracle forms using web.show_document. There seems to be issues with Oracle Web forms (JInitiator) and HTML (+ htp.p).
    The other options I can think of at this point are:
    1. Use SQL*Loader to do the batch upload via SQL*Net connection and use HOST() built-in from Oracle Webforms to execute SQL*Loader from the 9iAS.
    2. Write a Visual Basic program that reads a binary file and output the contents of the file into a byte array. Then build a DLL that can be called from Oracle webforms 6i via ORA_FFI. I don't prefer this because it means the solution will only work for Windows.
    3. Write a JSP program that streams the PDF file and insert the contents of the PDF file into blob column via JDBC. Call JSP from forms using web.show_document. With this I have to do another connection to the database when I load the file.
    4. Maybe I can use dbms_lob by using network file system (NFS) between the application server and VMS. But this will be network resource hungry as far as I know because the network connection has to be kept open.
    Please advise. Thank you.

    I have downloaded a bin2hex.exe from the Google site.
    ... each line has the character : (colon) at the
    beginning of each line. I'm afraid it isn't a correct utility. I hope you'll find the source code of a correct one at metalink forum:
    Doc ID: 368771.996
    Type: Forum
    Subject: Uploading Binary Files: bin2hex and hex2bin do not reproduce the same file
    There is some links to metalink notes and some example about working with BLOB at Maybe it helps. Sorry for my English. If there is any problem with code provided there, let me know by e-mail.

  • Shortcuts for Batch and Image Processor in Bridge CS6

    I use Batch and Image Processor all the time, and I'd like to use a shortcut.
    Can you tell me if there is a shortcut or how I can program one?
    I set up shortcuts for those two commands in Photoshop, but they don't work in Bridge.
    I remember from the time I started with Photoshop and had Deke McClelland's book with his set of shortcuts. There was a shortcut that worked with image processor, but it was just a set you did install and no explanation. When I moved to a different computer and a newer version of Photoshop, these keys got lost.
    Is there any way to automate Batch and Image Processor?

    There is no way to economically batch process in Bridge without having to go thorough sub-menus.
    I'm sorry you can't get it to work, but on my system it works flawless.
    Testing a bit more it seems you don't need to use a unique shortcut at all. I also tried to use the shortcut for Batch I created in PS itself to get the Batch window to front for running actions on open files. For me that is [control + Cmd + B] but feel free to find an other one.
    When I discovered you don't need the unique shortcut at all I used the same shortcut for Bridge CC. . Also created [Control + Cmd + i] for the Image processor.
    Both started without problems.
    To extend I also created both same shortcuts for Bridge CS6. This also was working correctly, off course, having only PS CC open using the shortcut in Bridge CS6 it auto started PS CS6.
    So can you specify a bit more about what OS you are using on what computer (I have OSX 10.8.4 on a MacPro 2012)
    Some screenshots to show the shortcuts in System prefs and how the show in the Bridge Submenus:

  • Problem using email to upload image files to Mobile Me gallery

    I will cross post this question to both Mail and Mobile Me discussion groups because I don't know where my problem lies.
    I have published a gallery page from iPhoto to my Mobile Me gallery. There are two ways to upload additional photos. I am not having trouble adding image files with the Upload feature. I cannot get the email function to work. The emails I send to the email address for the gallery bounce back to my mail inbox.
    Subject: Delivery Notification: Delivery has failed
    and in the body of the bounced email:
    Recipient address: [email protected]
    Reason: SMTP transmission failure has occurred
    Diagnostic code: smtp;521 5.2.1 Fatal failure of WOA
    Remote system: dns; (TCP||51195||25) ( ESMTP [2.3.3/gso-r197-19Feb2007] ready to rumble)
    Original-envelope-id: [email protected]
    Reporting-MTA: dns;asmtp028-bge351000 (tcp-daemon)
    Original-recipient: rfc822;[email protected]
    Final-recipient: rfc822;[email protected]
    Action: failed
    Status: 5.2.1 (SMTP transmission failure has occurred)
    Remote-MTA: dns; (TCP||51195||25)
    ( ESMTP [2.3.3/gso-r197-19Feb2007] ready to rumble)
    Diagnostic-code: smtp;521 5.2.1 Fatal failure of WOA
    One of the images I am trying to attach is a jpeg file of 61 kb.
    I have tried to drag the image from my desktop to the body of the email. I have tried using the "attach" function and selecting the file name. I am not sending any text with these files.
    When I built these albums, I checked and enabled all the options.
    I am having this same issue when I try to upload via email to any of my Mobile Me gallery pages.
    There is currently one photo displayed here:
    If anyone wishes to try to upload to that gallery using email (Send to Album) that would be great and if successful, that might provide a clue to my problem.
    As I say, I currently have one photo there. If you find a lot more, please do not add.
    What's the problem?

    The images I am trying are newly created and old.
    A weird hint perhaps...
    I just copied an image from Apple's home page and pasted it into the email and tried again...
    it worked.
    So I tried again, dragging from iPhoto and it did not work... the email bounced back.
    So I tried again, this time using copy and paste (like I did from Apple's page) from iPhoto... it did not work.

  • Opening image files in their own windows in PS4

    Before PS4, I could open image files in their own windows. In PS4, when I want to open more than one file, these open with tabs and any new file I open is added to the tab queue. It is annoying to right click on each tab so each file is in its own window. Is there a universal preference to change this annoying behavior?
    Using a Windows environment with Photoshop CS4 Extended.

    see the tabs setting in the preferences. you can turn that off.

Maybe you are looking for

  • Printing from pc laptop over wireless network

    Hi, I have been successful getting my mac to see my wife's xp pro laptop and the laptop sees the mac. I installed the canon i960 driver on the laptop but can't get it to print. If I open the i960 q on the mac and send a file from the laptop nothing h

  • Display date prompt in crystal report output

    Hi There, In my report output the values entered in date prompt(range) is not displayed. I've prompt  that is created on document created on field. The properties of prompt are Posting date...... date.........static values value field : ERDAT..... va

  • Button on SWF to export it in PDF

    Hello All, We have created XCelsisus dashboard and have published the SWF of this dashboard to InfoView in BO. The Users want that they should be able to execute the SWF and at the same time, they should be able to download a PDF version of this SWF

  • BAPI for cross company-code stock transport order

    Hello experts, I need to create cross company-code stock transport orders, is there any bapi that can perform this? If you guys have some sample code it will be great. PD: i found the bapi BAPI_PO_CREATE1, but i don't really know if it'll work for th

  • SAP Wedynpro ABAP

    HI All, Whether can i write SAP Webdynpro ABAP Certification ?