Address book=A mess

Since I downloaded SL 10.6.1, my address book is a total mess. I normally have around 400 names and when I opened it, I counted 7000 entries...each address being replicated indefinitely. Even with the merger of the names, it remains messy. same thing with first/last names orders with a complete confusion of the first and last names. Under leopard it was working perfectly well.what should I do?

I have exactly the same problem.
Since upgrading, my address book has duplicated all the groups and therefore doubled the number of addresses in my mail/iphone etc.
also when I type a name then the wrong email is attached and vice-versa. everything has been jumbled up.
Any solutions? the boards seem to be remarkably quiet on this repeated query...

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    Yes, you can have 2 Macs synced using MobileMe.
    Open System Preferences/MobileMe - Sync
    Select the button: Synchronize with MobileMe
    Select Contacts and another other applications you want to sync and click: Sync Now.
    In the Address Book application from the Menu Bar click: Card / Look for Duplicates. You can delete dupliates that way if necessary.
    Restarting your iPhone may help with the duplicates there.
    To restart iPhone, first turn iPhone off by pressing and holding the Sleep/Wake button until a red slider appears. Slide your finger across the slider and iPhone will turn off after a few moments. Next, turn iPhone on by pressing and holding the Sleep/Wake button until the Apple logo appears.
    Message was edited by: Carolyn Samit

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    how did you import them? you can delete all new contacts (they are in the "last import" section in AB). then reimport the contacts correctly.

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    Set him up his own Mac User account on the computer and he can have his own Address Book to mess up
    3:12 PM Wednesday; December 20, 2006

  • Gconsync drops postal addresses with big Address Book changes?

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    I've observed that when I do large amounts of changes in Address Book, like a dozen or so in an hour, the postal addresses of random contacts get lost at the Google end.  Once this happens, efforts to fix the contacts one-by-one seem pointless.  I have to save/export my Mac Address Book, delete contacts at both ends, then reload from my backup to make things right.
    Anyone else seen this behavior? 

    Finally fixed it.  I am quite sure one of your address books is messed up.  To fix it:
    1. Figure out which address book is messed up.  I have three, iPhone, iPad, iMac. Shut off iCloud on one of them and try address book updates on the other two.  When the problem disappears, you will know which address book is messed up.
    2. Next fix the address book on the errant device.  I did it by restoring, WITHOUT using a backup.  Can't use a backup because the same error will be there.  This is a pain because you need to reorganize your aps, logins etc.  So, you might want to try shutting off iCloud and removing the address book from the device.  Then turn iCloud back on.  It will load a new address book.  I don't know if this will fix the problem. Might be hidden files that have the problem.
    3. This, by the way, also caused a huge power drain for me.  You can tell if you have the same problem by opening address book and checking if it is continually trying to sync.
    [email protected]

  • I don't get it: Address Book's low quality, UI mess, and bugs stand out...

    ... especially compared to all other great Leopard apps.
    Hi Folks. I'm a switcher from Windows XP, and generally I've been very impressed with 10.5.2, and happy with my decision (Macbook Pro 2GB, 2.2GHz). However, one of the most incredibly painful experiences I've had is using the Address Book application.
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    Second, can anyone recommend a usable replacement that works well? I have Office 2008, with Entourage, but I frankly don't trust MS apps to work well either, or to play nice with others (e.g., Spotlight).
    Finally, below are a few observations after using the program for a week - not complete bug reports (sorry, I'm too busy to debug for you, Apple) but just a few examples of the pain the program's caused me. Am I alone in this?
    o #1 problem: It's lost my trust - the ultimate sin of a program. If I
    hadn't created a backup, more than once I would have been extremely
    screwed. Cards someone disappearing, field edits lost, etc.
    o Edit/view modes: Bad. Apple: go read your own UI guidelines on this.
    o What's up with Save? It seems to be automatic (saves when I exit),
    but also has a command. Sadly, there is a bug in which Save disabled
    when in View (not Edit) mode, >> even if changes have been made <<
    (e.g., in the notes field, which can be edited in non-Edit
    mode. Another example: add a smart group, try to save - gets a beep.
    o Selection in Notes field: I can not figure out the selection
    logic. Clicking on it selects all, but seems crazy inconsistent, e.g.,
    it re-selects all when trying to make an edit. Want to really see
    problems? Try shift-clicking!
    o Undo is horribly unpredictable - It should simply undo the last
    edit, whether it was typing in a field, merging cards, deleting a
    card, etc. Unfortunately, it's not consistent. For example: delete a
    card, edit a few others, then undo - undoes the delete, not the
    edits. Many other problems with undo...
    o Escape key: I can't figure this out: Does it undo, clear, or abort
    editing? It's a mess.
    o Printing formats: I can't say enough how terribly limited this
    is. For example, it doesn't support classic planner sizes, and the
    compact format is ungodly.
    o Non-mouse navigation and editing is extremely frustrating, and 100%
    keyboard operation seems impossible. For example, you can't select
    field pop-ups (work, mobile, etc) or check the "Company" checkbox.
    o CSV import just plain broken - unusable. I read practically every
    post here on the topic, and it's terrible. I was able to work-around
    the bug by using vCard instead, which does work. Had to convert from
    CSV to vCard using an external program (Gmail). Ugh.
    o BUG: Creating a new note puts an extra space character in the field.
    o No support for encrypted information in Notes field. Isn't this
    built in to OS X?
    o I'd really like to be able to copy an address in one card, and
    paste it into a new contact with fields preserved.
    o BUG: Can't print multiple smart groups: Shift-select two ore more
    smart groups, type command-P, it de-selects!
    o Bug: Editing fields sometimes allows selection of the field name
    itself, e.g., you can select the "Note:" tag on left.
    o Q: Any way to filter items that are printed by whether a field is
    empty or not? I have some without phone numbers, and I don't want to
    print them...

    Are you using the access control list on the AirPort Extreme base station (AEBS)? If so, turn it off.
    Open the Network preference pane. Drag AirPort to the top of the list. Better yet, disable Ethernet. Can it connect?
    If that isn't it... the list of possibilities is short. The IP address starting with 169 indicates that it is not properly connecting with the DHCP server on the AEBS. Apparently, reading through your text, you have successfully established the wireless connection with the AEBS it is the communication with the DHCP server that is failing.
    Have you been able to try the MacBook on other wireless networks?
    Did you accidently configure this AEBS to use WDS? If so there is an option that prevents wireless clients from joining.
    If you do have WDS enabled, you should disable it since you aren't wirelessly connecting any other base stations.

  • Gmail google cal Spanning Sync MobileMe Contact Address Book = What a mess

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    What a mess!
    I now have over two thousand contacts, hundreds of duplicates, hundreds of empty cards, dozens of names without any information whatsoever.
    The "find duplicates" and merge functions on address book are a joke and even so, spanning sync seems to keep adding them back on..
    What's going on!?
    Anyone else have this problem?
    How are you solving it?
    Or do you have an altogether different system for consolidating google calendar , contacts and iphone!

    Do you mean each Contact has double-entries in the All group? Or do you mean the contacts appear in multiple Smart Groups as well as the All group?
    You can restore a previously backed-up Address Book by using the built-in "*Revert to Address Book backup...*" function on the file menu.
    Before you start doing anything though I would suggest backup your current messed-up Contacts using the same backup function.
    You can also try exporting the All group as a vCard, deleting all your Contacts and smart groups, re-import the vCard and start over. It should notify you on import of duplicates.

  • Address Book Duplicates/ A Mess

    Every contact in my address book that is in a smart group now has double entries for each contact. And the regular groups are doubled and a mess. Sync may have done this. I have a backup of my system, where would I find and what I should copy over?
    I tried the look for duplicates function, but it did not fix it.

    Do you mean each Contact has double-entries in the All group? Or do you mean the contacts appear in multiple Smart Groups as well as the All group?
    You can restore a previously backed-up Address Book by using the built-in "*Revert to Address Book backup...*" function on the file menu.
    Before you start doing anything though I would suggest backup your current messed-up Contacts using the same backup function.
    You can also try exporting the All group as a vCard, deleting all your Contacts and smart groups, re-import the vCard and start over. It should notify you on import of duplicates.

  • Recent changes (v 31) have made a mess of the address box and addressing; address book entries are incorrectly entered and lists don't work.

    Not really a question. I've gone back to an earlier version of T-Bird because the address block format and addressing function in V31 is a total mess. When calling addresses from the address book, they are incorrectly entered. Lists simply don't work at all. V24 was pretty good so I've turned off auto updates.

    Thanks Bob for that very fast reply!
    But neither "Modifying hal configuration" nor "Using the Desktop Environment settings" (xfce) worked. So I tried the "I don't want this crap, how do I turn it off?" solution and well it works
    Maybe I turn it back on in a month or so.. but for now i'm fine with no hot plugging but a working keyboard...
    Thanks and Bye!
    Last edited by smaxer (2008-12-09 17:42:43)

  • Messed up iCal/Address book

    This is quite protruded, but stick with it.   Since moving to iCloud I seem to be having a problem with my address book and iCal.
    To demonstrate this problem I ran a test.   On my iPad i created a new contact "Jon Doe" who's birthday is 1st December 1980.   This birthday showed up on my iPad calendar correctly just like you'd expect.
    However, move to my iMac.   In iCal Jon Doe's birthday shows up on the correct day, but has him turning 30 this year. (If he was born in 1980 he should be turning 31).   In Address book Jon Doe's birthday has somehow magically moved from Dec 1st to December 2nd.   Although it does correctly have him born in 1980.
    On my iPod, Jon Doe's birthday shows up on the Calendar as Dec 2nd (It doesn't say how old he is turning on iOS) and in the Address book it has his birthday as Dec 2nd 1980.
    3 different devices, 3 different results.   But this is where it gets really messed up.
    I then created a new contact on my iPod.  "Jane Doe" also born on Dec 1st 1980.   She shows up in the calendar and contacts on my iPod correctly.
    On my iMac Janes birthday is Dec 2nd in Address Book but Dec 1st in iCal ( And it incorrectly has her turning 30, not 31).
    On my iPad Janes birthday is Dec 2nd in Calendar and contacts.
    However, the really messed up thing is that since I added Jane, Jons birthday has moved!
    My iPad says his birthday is now on Dec 3rd in contacts and Calandar.   My iMac has moved him to Dec 3rd in iCal and 2nd in Address book.   My iPod hasn't moved his birthday from the 2nd in contacts or Calendar, but this was wrong in the first place.   And if I then delete Jane, Jon doesn't go back.   His birthday is now the 4th in iCal but stayed where it was in everything else.
    I'm not making this up!   I now have no idea when any of my friends and families real birthdays are.   I have conflicting info on 3 devices and between the software on those devices and absolutely no way of figuring out which is correct.  So much for iCloud syncing everything.
    I'm in New Zealand so I figured this could be something to do with Time Zones but I have rigorously checked my settings and all 3 devices know that they are in NZ and have "time zone support" activated in the calendar prefs and this still wouldn't explain how contacts birthdays could 'move' when a new contact was added. 
    Has anyone heard of this problem?  Do you have any clue what's going on?   Or Any idea when my girlfriends real birthday is?   Any help massively appreciated. 

    I had the same problem. When I checked the information for the address card in a text editor, I found the birthday value was off by 11 months. Here is the simple way to repair your address card (and iCal birthday entry):
    Select the address card for which the birthday is not showing in iCal.
    Export to a .vcf format file by selecting "Export" from the "File" drop down on you toolbar.
    Open the .vcf formatted file in a text editor (like TextEdit).
    Find the "BDAY" line.
    Replace the incorrect data with the correct data.
    Save the file.
    Import and replace the old address card with the corrected .vcf file.
    It worked for me!
    Message was edited by: Jingle Boy

  • Mail and Address Book mess up

    Hey guys, every time I do a search for an email address when filling in the recipient in Mail it messes with my Address Book. The problem usually occurs when the contact whose address I'm searching for has only their first name filled out in Address Book. For instance, Jane. I start typing Jane into the recipient bar and confirm the desired email address. Now when I do that, it automatically rewrites my Address Book entry and fills the contacts surname using their first name. So I'm left with a contact called Jane Jane in my Address Book. Any thoughts??

    tried, but no results with both suggestions.
    Thanks anyhow.
    I have a bakup of the disk and therefore I could restore it, but of course this will take very long. Do you any idea of which file/folder should I try to restore instead of the entire disk?
    I tried to do this just for the 2 files of both applications (Mail and Address book), but I did not have any improvement.
    Thanks for any help!

  • HT2486 Why does icloud really mess up my address book?

    Need therapy or Help. All my macs are supposed to link and cotnacts saved, yet i have 2 icloud acocunts in my address book and cannot create groups with out it immediatly adding an icloud group...puzzled. It is me or is address book moving from a really easy App to use to a nigtmare....with mass duplicates, slow workings etc? but it could be

    Apple's answer, via the Genius Bar at the 5th Ave Store in NYC, is as follows:
    "You have to use a differnent e-mail address because Notes syncing is designed to remain compatible with Lion (10.7).  Even though it is inconvenient, you just have to make up a new address solely for the purpose of syncing Notes.  You don't have to ever use the address/log in/check mail; just type it into your iPhone once and Notes will sync."
    Once you enter this address and turn on Notes syncing in the iCloud System Preference panel on your computer, and in the iCloud Settings panel on your iPhone, Notes will sync.  You will then have two Notes accounts on your phone, "iCloud" and "On My iPhone."  For new notes to sync, make sure you switch the default account to "iCloud" in the Notes settings on your phone.
    Unfortunately, this will only sync new notes going forward.  I have not been able to get my existing notes to sync, other than by copying each one and pasting into a new note (and deleting the old one).  If you were syncing notes under 10.7, you might be able to change the account the notes are associated with (i.e. move them from "on my phone" to "iCloud') using the Mail application on your computer, but if you have not synced notes before I think you're out of luck.

  • Messed up address book

    I keep trying to clean up my address book by deleting duplicate entries, combining cards, and eliminating obsolete entries. Once I do this I make a backup of the corrected file. When I reload this file it brings back all the stuff I deleted and corrected and overwrites it. It is as if it refuses to ever actually delete anything despite the fact that it warns me it will overwrite my database. I have also gone through the trouble of deleting EVERYTHING from .mac and then re-syncing from my computer. same problem - - all the garbage comes back from the address book. Essentially both .mac and my address book are useless at this point. any ideas, anyone?

    how did you import them? you can delete all new contacts (they are in the "last import" section in AB). then reimport the contacts correctly.

  • Address Book/iSync - email addresses moving to phone number fields

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    I fixes all cards last night and just a minute ago, when I was in Address Book I noticed some or all of the email addresses had moved again. I reverted to my backup from last night and it fixed things, but I'm wondering what's going to cause those addresses to move again.
    I do use iSync to sync my AB contacts to my Motorola phone (I think I have it set up where it's one way, computer to phone) and I have Entourage that's using my AB contacts to populate its address book.
    Any thoughts about what in my environment is causing this?

    Thank you for the suggestion. I did this, but noticed that some cards were still messed up. So I reverted back to a clean copy of my address book from last night. Then I went to iSync and synchronized with my Motorola phone. That's when iSync says that it's going to modify over 5% of my contacts in AB (122) at which point I said okay. Problem appears to be that the cards it modifies is random.
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    I'm sure this needs to go to a different section...

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