ADF create form : change value fields

Hi all,
I have a create form:
first problem
one field is an ID known by my backing bean
          <af:inputText value="#{bindings.Mpr.inputValue}"
            <f:validator binding="#{bindings.Mpr.validator}"/>
            <af:convertNumber groupingUsed="false" pattern="#{bindings.Mpr.format}"/>
            <af:clientListener method="getMpr" type="mouseOver"/>
            <af:serverListener method="#{backing_main.remplirChampMprCreerNote}" type="seekMPR"/>
          </af:inputText>I would like that when my page appears this value field *#{bindings.Mpr.inputValue}* be filled by this one *#{backing_bean.myID}* .
second problem
I have 3 richTextEditor who provide auto-completion (If you type ADF and then *<ctrl+space>*, ADF would be replaced by Application Developpement Framework thanks to a bean)
It works outside a create form . Inside a create form the problem is when calling my bean I have a validator alert who say "you must enter a value" and my Component's value is reseted..
Does someone knows these problems ?

Hello simply,
I have an af:form generated by a viewObject's drag and drop, the automatically generated code use bindings, I just replace 3 af:inputText by 3 af:richTextEditors and I add the listeners for <ctrl+space> event.
here is the JSF page :
    <af:document title="une note au dossier médical">
            <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
            var comp;
            var target;
            var prevKey;
            var curKey=0;
            function wysiwygKeyPress(event) {
                prevKey = curKey;               
                curKey = event.keyCode;
                var wysiwygValue="";
                if(prevKey==17 && curKey==32)   // CTRL + espace
                    var richTextEditor = comp; //wysiwygmode
                    if (target.contentWindow.document.attachEvent){   //IE specific
                            wysiwygValue = target.contentWindow.document.body.firstChild.innerHTML;
                             wysiwygValue = target.contentWindow.document.body.innerHTML;
                      else {     //FF specific
                         wysiwygValue = target.contentDocument.body.firstChild.textContent;
                    AdfCustomEvent.queue(comp, "customEvent",{value1:wysiwygValue}, true);
            function rteMouseOver(event) {
                comp = event.getSource(); //helper function
                target = event._target;
                //IE could not find the event._target
                var clientId = comp.getClientId()  + "::cont";
                var iframe = document.getElementById(clientId);
                if (iframe.contentWindow.document.attachEvent) { //IE
                   target = iframe;
                   //IE uses attachEvent
                   iframe.contentWindow.document.attachEvent('onkeydown', function() { wysiwygKeyPress(iframe.contentWindow.event); });
                else {
                //FF uses addEventListener
                  iframe.contentWindow.addEventListener('keydown',wysiwygKeyPress, true);
          <af:inputText value="#{bindings.Mpr.inputValue}"
            <f:validator binding="#{bindings.Mpr.validator}"/>
            <af:convertNumber groupingUsed="false" pattern="#{bindings.Mpr.format}"/>
          <af:inputText value="#{bindings.Commentaire.inputValue}"
            <f:validator binding="#{bindings.Commentaire.validator}"/>
          <af:spacer width="19" height="17"/>
          <af:richTextEditor value="#{bindings.Observation.inputValue}"
                <af:clientListener type="mouseOver" method="rteMouseOver"/>
                <af:serverListener type="customEvent" method="#{backing_main.ctrlSpaceHandler}"/>
          <af:spacer width="15" height="22"/>
          <af:richTextEditor value="#{bindings.Traitement.inputValue}"
                <af:clientListener type="mouseOver" method="rteMouseOver"/>
                <af:serverListener type="customEvent" method="#{backing_main.ctrlSpaceHandler}"/>
          <af:spacer width="17" height="18"/>
          <af:richTextEditor value="#{bindings.Conclusion.inputValue}"
                <af:clientListener type="mouseOver" method="rteMouseOver"/>
                <af:serverListener type="customEvent" method="#{backing_main.ctrlSpaceHandler}"/>
        <af:commandButton text="Sauvegarder la note"
  </f:view>A pageDef file is automatically created :
<pageDefinition xmlns=""
                version="" id="ajoutNote3PageDef"
    <iterator Binds="TmpnoteView1" RangeSize="25"
              DataControl="AppModuleDataControl" id="TmpnoteView1Iterator"/>
    <invokeAction Binds="Create" id="invokeCreate" Refresh="prepareModel"
                  RefreshCondition="${!adfFacesContext.postback and empty bindings.exceptionsList}"/>             
    <attributeValues IterBinding="TmpnoteView1Iterator" id="Mpr">
        <Item Value="Mpr"/>
    <attributeValues IterBinding="TmpnoteView1Iterator" id="Observation">
        <Item Value="Observation"/>
    <attributeValues IterBinding="TmpnoteView1Iterator" id="Traitement">
        <Item Value="Traitement"/>
    <attributeValues IterBinding="TmpnoteView1Iterator" id="Conclusion">
        <Item Value="Conclusion"/>
    <attributeValues IterBinding="TmpnoteView1Iterator" id="Commentaire">
        <Item Value="Commentaire"/>
    <action IterBinding="TmpnoteView1Iterator" id="Create"
            RequiresUpdateModel="true" Action="createRow"/>
    <action id="Commit" RequiresUpdateModel="true" Action="commitTransaction"
</pageDefinition>I add to this form a create button and a commit button, you could see it in the pageDef :
<action IterBinding="TmpnoteView1Iterator" id="Create"
            RequiresUpdateModel="true" Action="createRow"/>
<action id="Commit" RequiresUpdateModel="true" Action="commitTransaction"
            DataControl="AppModuleDataControl"/>I call these actions in the bean creerNote called by my submit buton:
public String creerNote() throws IOException {
        // --- modify fields to remove some html tags --- //
        // --- 1. get EL context --- //
        FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
        Application app = facesContext.getApplication();
        ExpressionFactory elFactory = app.getExpressionFactory();
        ELContext elContext = facesContext.getELContext();
        // --- 2. get ExpressionValues --- //
        ValueExpression valueExpObserv = elFactory.createValueExpression(elContext, "#{bindings.Observation.inputValue}", String.class);
        ValueExpression valueExpConcl = elFactory.createValueExpression(elContext, "#{bindings.Traitement.inputValue}", String.class);
        ValueExpression valueExpTrait = elFactory.createValueExpression(elContext, "#{bindings.Conclusion.inputValue}", String.class);
        // --- 3. get String values --- //
        String texteObserv = (String)valueExpObserv.getValue(elContext);
        String texteConcl = (String)valueExpConcl.getValue(elContext);
        String texteTrait = (String)valueExpTrait.getValue(elContext);
        // --- 4. remove some html tags --- //
        texteObserv = texteObserv.replaceAll("<p>","");
        texteObserv = texteObserv.replaceAll("</p>","");
        System.out.println("[] CreerNote > observations après traitement : "+texteObserv);
        texteConcl = texteConcl.replaceAll("<p>","");
        texteConcl = texteConcl.replaceAll("</p>","");
        System.out.println("[] CreerNote > conclusions après traitement : "+texteConcl);
        texteTrait = texteTrait.replaceAll("<p>","");
        texteTrait = texteTrait.replaceAll("</p>","");
        System.out.println("[] CreerNote > traitements après traitement : "+texteTrait);
        // --- set new values --- //
        valueExpObserv.setValue(elContext, texteObserv);
        valueExpConcl.setValue(elContext, texteConcl);
        valueExpTrait.setValue(elContext, texteTrait);       
        // --- set mpr field --- //
        ValueExpression valueExpMPR = elFactory.createValueExpression(elContext, "#{bindings.Mpr.inputValue}", String.class);
        valueExpMPR.setValue(elContext, getMprSelected());
        // --- call the create pageDef's action --- //
        bindings = getBindings();
         OperationBinding operationBinding = bindings.getOperationBinding("Create");
        // --- call the commit pageDef's action --- //
        bindings = getBindings();
        operationBinding = bindings.getOperationBinding("Commit");
        return "Abrev";
}As you know, If I type <ctrl+space> I call the method ctrlspaceHandler who change the value of the component.
public void ctrlSpaceHandler(ClientEvent clientEvent) {
        // --- get applicationModule --- //
        // --- get myViewObject --- //
        ViewObjectImpl mesAbrev = am.getThesaurusVO1();
        ViewCriteria vc =  mesAbrev.createViewCriteria();
        ViewCriteriaRow vcRow = vc.createViewCriteriaRow();
        // --- get richTextEditor's last word without html tags--- //
        RichTextEditor rte = (RichTextEditor) clientEvent.getComponent();
        String texte = (String)clientEvent.getParameters().get("value1");
        System.out.println("[] ctrlSpaceHandler > valeur du rte via rte.getParameter: "+texte);
        int indiceDernierMot = texte.lastIndexOf(" ");
        String abr = texte.substring(indiceDernierMot).toUpperCase();
        abr = abr.replaceAll("<BR/>",""); abr = abr.replaceAll("<br>","");
        abr = abr.replaceAll("</P>",""); abr = abr.replaceAll("</p>","");
        abr = abr.replaceAll("</FONT>",""); abr = abr.replaceAll("</font>","");
        abr = abr.replaceAll("</SPAN>",""); abr = abr.replaceAll("</span>","");                                           
        System.out.println("[] ctrlSpaceHandler > abréviation recherchée : "+abr);
        // --- add a criteria to my viewObject --- //
        vcRow.setAttribute("Msgcourt", "like '"+abr+"'");
        // --- seek the abbreviation --- //
        // --- get row found --- //
        Row row = null;
            row =;
            System.out.println("[] ctrlSpaceHandler > ligne trouvée : "
                           +row.getAttribute("Spr") +" - "
                           +row.getAttribute("Msgcourt")+" - "
        // --- if found --- //
            // --- get abbreviation's detail --- //
            String detail = (String)row.getAttribute("Msglong");       
            System.out.println("[] ctrlSpaceHandler > message long = "+detail);
            // --- replace abbreviation by detail in the text and update graphical component --- //
            texte = texte.replaceAll(abr.toLowerCase(), detail);
            texte = texte.replaceAll(abr.toUpperCase(), detail);
}When debug I see all my method bean works fine.
But as result on the form I have a message who say "first enter value", I can bypass this problem if I remove all richTextEditor's required attributes. Biggest problem is that my richText component is cleared after ctrl+space... My test with a richTextEditor bind to a bean was OK, the only difference here is my richTextComponents uses bindings with pageDef.
Thank you,

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    Thanks for the suggestion Frank! Just so I understand you, the ADF Faces text component that I am adding would be in addition to the radio select one component? Then if you click on radio button 1, enter data in the text field, that action should bind it to field1 and similarly for the other fields when radio button 2 or 3 is clicked? In this case I am assuming that I do not have to display the actual db fields1 - 3 on the form?
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    Thanks again for your suggestions. I really appreciate it!

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    Yes but you will have to create some custom JavaScript to do this.
    Also you should be aware that the "Required" property is only processed when the form is submitted to a scripted web page or "mailto:" process.

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    The key figure you are creating in KE2K is not a value field, i.e. you can't post to it and you can't use it in a report. It is a caluculated value that can be used only in assessment and top-down-distribution.
    In Ke2K, enter a name for your key figure, then click on the the white sheet button to create it. Now the formular area is open for input. Input your formular (e.g. VV001 + VV002 - VV003 .... where VVXXX are the technical names of value fields).
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    Now the key figure is available as any value field in the tracing factor selection of your assessment cycle.
    I hope this made it clearer.

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    This is what I found out when asking our team that prepares the patches...
    As you know the patches are generic and as a result can be applied to other platforms that JDeveloper is supported on. However the .bat that comes in the patch is for Windows only, but for other platforms you can most times copy the script from the file and replace the windows commands with their equivalent, for the required OS. Of course, ensuring to follow the patch readme instructions and to test the customized script to ensure the updates are applied correctly.
    Open the bat file in a text editor and you should be able to see what files are being replaced and/or installed, and in what locations.
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    If the customer isn't confident or comfortable doing that Support can help out.

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    Barondra BERGET

    If you want to change the description of a characteristic
    or value field you must change the descriptions of the related
    data element.
    Therefore you need to perform the following steps:
    1. In KEA5 / KEA6, type in the name of the characteristic/
       value field and click on the create / change button
    2. On the next screen, double click on the data element of your
       characteristic/value field
    3. On the 'Display Data Element' screen, click on the tab strip
       "Field label".  You can see the four field lables short, medium, long
       and heading.  You should change all four field labels and then
       regenerate the data element.  After having done this you may have to
       to regenerate the characteristic/value field and the operating
       I hope this answers your query. If so please close this message by
    pressing the confirm button. Else do not hesitate to get back for more
    Kind Regards,
    Abhisek Patnaik,

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    I was looking at your other post today regarding a create form. I think I may have something that is similar to what you are trying to do; before posting, let me explain what my JSF does, and you can comment.
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    Hi Vasantha,
    For this you can do manually cancel copa line item by using
    T CODE- KE4S00 ofter you post line item correctly (please maintain correct alternative unit of measurement )by using
    T CODE - KE21n .
    With this method you will delete CO-PA line item and you will loose connection to the original billing document.

  • ADF Create form : Invalid owner exception

    i hve a master details form
    i hve to insert in to three more tables
    i created Eo's and Vo's for each and the association and links were created accordingly
    i want this form as a single page
    now i have to treat every view object as seperate one in the page
    i need to keep one create button for each view object to initialize the create page
    i tried to do with invoke action in executables
    now i am getting an error while initing the second create form
    *oracle.jbo.InvalidOwnerException: JBO-25030: Failed to find or invalidate owning entity: detail entity EO_ActivityDt, row key oracle.jbo.Key[-7 ].*
    is it possible prepare a create form from multiple table together with single create action
    pls advice

    try chaging the pre-allocation size value (toplink map->Database Info tab->Sequencing).
    If you are using Oracle db, also make sure that you database sequence increment and TopLink sequence preallocation sizes are the same.
    For more info refer to
    Re: Toplink Sequence - Preallocation in Oracle
    Hope this helps,

  • Create characteristic and value field in kea0

    Hi there,
    I am writing a doc about above mentioned subject and wondering if somebody can inform me, if there are certain standard points I have to considerate like,  for e.g. regenerate the system?

    Hi Kristina,
    Creation of COPA data structure must be defined very carefully. Please note that adding value fields and CHARs are very easy in COPA but removing them is just near to impossible. Also you must remember that there is a limit of Max 120 value fields and 50 Characteristics in standard SAP. You can check note 160892 in case you want to increase the limit. The other thing you should take into account is it should be possible to regenerate the operating concern in KEA0 before and after the changes to the data structure. COPA will not generate any transport request for these changes automatically so you need to transport them viw transaction KE3I. In case you have added a new Characteristics and you want to update the historical data as well you should take help of reallignment (KEND). For value fields you need to repost the documents through KE4S, KE4ST, KE4SFI and KE4SMM.
    I have tried to give some details if you need more information please let me know.

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    How can I change the value fields in co-pa in the user-exit than? Do I have to generate these
    records myself?
    Regards, Lars.

    Welcome To SDN!!
      use enhancement COPA0001 , component EXIT_SAPLKEDRCOPA_001
    Kiran Sure

  • ADF Create form

    hai ,
    i have one master detials form . i hve to insert in to three tables say cutomer master , customer personal details , Customer contact
    i have created entities ,associations and view objects , View Links for 3 tables and added to app module
    I just drag n drop the view objects to create a form
    Here i need to call *3 Create methods* of each View Objects to to init the create form
    and while Saving it shows error for customerid  in Cusomer Personal Details Table which should be inserted from the customer master table using View link /Association
    Pls advice

    hi timo
    i hve created as follows ,
    Created Eo's for 3 Tables n then Associations were created automaticaly with reference to Forign key constraints
    and Created the VO's for each n View Liks are created based on associations
    and added to app module
    i drag n drop the three VO's to create master form say vo1,vo2,vo3
    for each vo it have its own create method
    Now i tried
    with 3 create buttons
    ie i should click Create button 1 to init the fiirst table attribute n second button to init the second table attr n so on
    its working
    i hve added those three create method to page def executables its showing error for row key
    i tried with 1 backing bean and call the three create methods in the button action
    its showing error like
    oracle.jbo.InvalidOwnerException: JBO-25030: Failed to find or invalidate owning entity: detail entity EO_ActivityDt, row key null.
    *" Failed to find or invalidate owning entity: detail entity EO_ActivityDt, row key null.*
    *Failed to find or invalidate owning entity: detail entity EO_CorrespondenceHd, row key null. "*
    pls advice

  • Change value field.

    how can I change a value of a field of one form with an applet?
    have I 1 metod for to get some information of document where my applet work?
    <applet code="Applet1" width=300 height=300 >
    <input name="ps" type="password">
    I need change with "applet1" value of "ps" , is it possible?

    First of all you need to give the input a valid id
    <input name="ps" id='ps' type="password">
    Then call javascript to set the value for this element from your applet:
              try {
                             new URL("javascript: document.getElementById('ps').value='shit, this works';"));
              } catch (Exception e) {

  • ADF input form, changing mode to input rather than display

    aim of what i am tring to do:
    create an input form using ADF and UIX which accepts input and moves to a different page.
    approach taken:
    I have a data control based on a business component created from a database table. I have dragged the columns onto a UIX page as an input form without navigation.
    the problem/question:
    how do i set the data controls mode to create upon displaying the page? I want the page just to accept input and submit. it will never be used for displaying data, which is its current default state.
    i have tried calling the create method of the data control from a few places, but i am not sure where the correct place to call this is.

    You can create a dataaction before the page is called and drag the Create method on to it.
    Or you can add the create method as a button to the page that will end up calling your insert page.

Maybe you are looking for

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  • Deployment issue of webcenter portal application

    Hi, While deploying webcenter portal application I am getting below exception: Caused By: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: oracle.webcenter.lifecycle.listener.FeatureMetricApplicationListener This is what I did: 1. Created a separate schema using we

  • Clocking digital I/O using a hardware timer.

    I am using a DaqCARD-6062E to create a JTAG interface to a microcontroller. Using the delay VI's to create the clock and shift out bits serially takes a long time since I have to shift out 600 bits and the smallest delay I can use is 1ms (making the