Adobe Acrobat Issue

After loading Acrobat XI, I cannot access my banks website. I keep getting an Internet Explorer Security windoe saying (A website wants to open content using this program on your computer) Name: Acrobroker, Publisher: Adobe Systems. No matter whick choice IK click, I just get a blank screen.

I am moving your posint at Forum(for service) to Acrobat Forum(for desktop application).

Similar Messages

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    I have a user who has Adobe Reader 9.3.4 installed on his system and he also has Adobe Acrobat Pro 6.0.
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    Adode PDF Document
    The Adobe Acrobat/Reader that is running can not be used to view PDF files in a Web Browser.
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    I checked the file extension as to what the default program is for opening up PDF's and it does say that it is Adobe Reader 9.3.
    What do I need to do to correct this issue?  He needs to have Adobe Reader and Adobe Acrobat installed on his system.

    The reason that you are getting this message is because, your default application to handle .PDF is set as Adobe Acrobat 6 which is not compatible for opening files in browser.
    I read that you have checked that the default application is Adobe Reader on your system, but that is application that Windows has associated with any file with .PDF extension.
    Internally, Adobe Acrobat is set as the default PDF viewing application.
    You can set Reader as the default viewing app by doing the following steps:
    1. Uninstall Adobe Reader from your system.
    2. Install Adobe Reader 9.3.4 from
    3. While installing, the installation dialog will ask you, which app do you want to set as the default app for viewing PDFs. Make sure that you chose Adobe Reader and continue further.
    4. Voila, you will have Adobe Reader as the default app while you open files in browser.

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    Reader Forum (it is a different product)

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    We have questions relating to the Document Cloud services offered with Acrobat DC.  We are considering disabling the cloud feature to stay in compliance with HIPAA.  Has anyone else worked through these issues?

    Hi mikem82897618,
    You can refer the following link to know what can be done with Adobe Document Cloud Services when working in Acrobat DC:
    Store Files Online, Share & Access From Anywhere | Adobe
    Also, visit this link to know more on how Adobe Document Cloud services are compliant with HIPAA security standards:
    E-signatures vs digital signatures | eSign services from Adobe
    Please specify more details on the same as why you would need to disable the Cloud feature.
    What and where exactly are you facing the trouble?
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    Hi all,
    Sylonious, did you manage to sort this problem out? I have been experiencing similar problems. I think my problem was because I had many different versions of JDKs. I have done a complete re-install. I would be really grateful to you (and anyone else) for help with this problem.
    I have re-installed JSDK1.4.2_03, set the "path" variable to "C:\JSDK1.4.2_03".
    When I compile using "javac" I get an error saying "javac" is not recognised.
    When I compile using "C:\j2sdk1.4.2_03\bin\javac" no error is thrown.
    Every time I try to run a java file, I always get the NoClassDefFound error. When run with the -verbose option, files are loaded from C:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.4.2_03\bin - is this correct?
    I have removed all previous references to java in the registry editor.
    Please help !

  • I don't know if this is the right section but I experience the following issue with Adobe Acrobat Pro XI installed on Windows 8.1. When I start Acrobat the related window opens normally but, after some scroll up and down along the document, it blocks, Acr

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    Have you opened Acrobat and gone to Help>Updates to get an updated install?

  • Adobe Acrobat 8 Plug-in GUI issues in Mac OS 10.4.11 using XCode 2.5

    I am trying to port my plug-in to Acrobat 8. I have been maintaining this plug-in from Acrobat 5 on both PC and Mac. I am now having some trouble with the UI components of the Plug-in on the Mac. I can load and debug my plug-in on Acrobat 8, however my toolbar does not show up. Also, the modal dialog box that needs to launch does not. I am having trouble locating an example, or some documentation.
    For the Toolbar button, I am using the following code from the Stamper example.
    void *GetStamperToolButtonIcon(void)
    #ifdef MAC_PLATFORM
    extern CFBundleRef gPluginBundle;
    AVIconDataRec iconData;
    // Find a resource in the plugin bundle by name and type.
    CFURLRef pingURL = CFBundleCopyResourceURL( gPluginBundle,
    NULL );
    ASFile asf = NULL;
    ASPathName aspn = ASFileSysCreatePathName (NULL,ASAtomFromString("CFURLRef"),
    pingURL, NULL);
    ASFileSysOpenFile(NULL, aspn, ASFILE_READ, &asf);
    ASUns32 dataSize = ASFileGetEOF(asf);
    ASUns8 *data = (ASUns8 *)ASmalloc(dataSize + 1);
    ASFileRead(asf, (char *)data, dataSize);
    iconData.dataStm = ASMemStmRdOpen((char *)data, dataSize);
    iconData.eColorFormat = kAVIconColor;
    return AVAppCreateIconBundle6(kAVIconPNG, &iconData, 1);
    #elif WIN_PLATFORM
    This works for the stamper, and correctly displays the Stamper Icon in the toolbar, but when I try to create a new PNG file with the same name, the button no longer works. Also, if I try to change the name of the PNG file to "MyTool.png" and then the reference from CFSTR("StamperIcon") to CFSTR("MyTool") the button no longer works. Does anyone have any insight? In my research, I have come across SafeGetResource, and using the resource chain, however, I can not get this to work either.
    The Modal Dialog I am trying to display is in a RSRC file, and it does not launch when I call sADMDialog->Modal() like it does in Acrobat 7, 6, and 5. Are there any Mac examples of plug-ins that use ADM, or platform specific Modal Dialog Boxes?
    I have read the SDK documentation, but I can not find any code samples.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated,
    Thank You,

    As of now I am unable to link up the objective c cocoa code when I build the plug-in. I can compile but not link. The error I get is below. Note that is that there is a -framework Carbon flag, but no -framework Cocoa flag. I have modified the Stamper example plug-in provided with the SDK and I can not find how to tweak the project settings to use the cocoa framework. If I can not figure out this linking problem, I will create a small project demonstrating the issues I am having and I will post it.
    Ld "/Applications/Adobe/Acrobat 8 SDK/Version2/PluginSupport/Samples/MacShoomTool8/mac/BuildResults/obj/MacShoomTool8/MacSh oomTool8_debug/ acShoomTool8" normal i386
    cd "/Applications/Adobe/Acrobat 8 SDK/Version2/PluginSupport/Samples/MacShoomTool8/mac"
    /Developer/usr/bin/g++-4.0 -o /Applications/Adobe/Acrobat\ 8\ SDK/Version2/PluginSupport/Samples/MacShoomTool8/mac/BuildResults/obj/MacShoomTool8/MacSh oomTool8_debug/ acShoomTool8 -L/Applications/Adobe/Acrobat\ 8\ SDK/Version2/PluginSupport/Samples/MacShoomTool8/mac/BuildResults/obj/MacShoomTool8/MacSh oomTool8_debug/Default -F/Applications/Adobe/Acrobat\ 8\ SDK/Version2/PluginSupport/Samples/MacShoomTool8/mac/BuildResults/obj/MacShoomTool8/MacSh oomTool8_debug/Default -F/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/Cocoa.framework -F/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/Cocoa.framework/Headers -F. -F/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/Cocoa.framework/Versions/A -F/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/Cocoa.framework/Versions/Curr ent -F/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/Cocoa.framework/Versions/A/He aders -F/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/Cocoa.framework/Versions/Curr ent/Headers -F/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks -filelist /Applications/Adobe/Acrobat\ 8\ SDK/Version2/PluginSupport/Samples/MacShoomTool8/mac/BuildResults/obj/MacShoomTool8/MacSh oomTool8_debug/ acShoomTool8.LinkFileList -framework Carbon -framework ApplicationServices -arch i386 -exported_symbols_list Symbols.exp -Wl,-Y,1455 -bundle -mmacosx-version-min=10.3 -Wl,-dead_strip -isysroot /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk
    /Developer/usr/bin/../libexec/gcc/i686-apple-darwin8/4.0.1/ld: Undefined symbols:
    /Applications/Adobe/Acrobat 8 SDK/Version2/PluginSupport/Samples/MacShoomTool8/mac/BuildResults/obj/MacShoomTool8/MacSh oomTool8_debug/ hoomToolUI.o reference to undefined _objc_msgSend
    /Applications/Adobe/Acrobat 8 SDK/Version2/PluginSupport/Samples/MacShoomTool8/mac/BuildResults/obj/MacShoomTool8/MacSh oomTool8_debug/ hoomToolController.o reference to undefined .objc_class_name_NSObject
    collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

  • Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro deployment issue

    Hello. I am having a deployment issue with Adobe Acrobat 9 using Altiris. I create the rip which is bassically an image of the install. My facility has pruchased 50 seats for this software so I know we are covered for the users that we have to use this software. The issue that I am having after I make the rip, and deploy it to a machine it asks for the CD key again in order to use. Am I having an issue with my installation or is Adobe put some kind of security into their software so that when you try to make a rip of the installation is asks for teh CD Key again after the install? Is this an issue that can be resolved?

    The issue was somehow related to DPI (START > Settings > Control Pannel > Display > Settings Tab > Advanced button). Eventhough the DPI was set to normal, I switched it to LARGE, restarted the machine, logged in after the reboot, changed it back to normal size, restarted again, logged in once more, checked the Printer Preferences and PRESTO --- a properly displayed window.

  • Issue attaching files in Adobe Reader from a form created in Adobe Acrobat Pro 9 Extended

    Hello all,
    I am having issues- big ones- please help!
    I have created a simple form in Adobe Acrobat Pro 9 extended version that will be made available in a local drive for our salesmen to open not online or in html format- fill in and send back to their manager and the factory- there are 2 e-mail submit buttons on this form and the user selects which one to send to.
    This form also has a button for save and for print. Everything works great except that the attach a file button I created. It works in Adobe Acrobat, but not in Reader. When you click the button in Reader it compresses but nothing happens.
    I have tried many different things- including extending the rights to adobe reader.
    Also, this form has a password protected security and I have given permission to print, to fill in the form and sign existing signature fields. When adding the security I made sure it said compatible with Adobe 3.0 and later versions.
    I know I have to do the security before I extend the rights to reader and not the other way around.
    Don't know what else to do.
    Any help would be appreciated!

    I've attempted using Acrobat Pro to do the conversion, but it simply won't allow it.  Are there easier ways to have an online or fillable form, created in an Adobe program, such as LiveCycle or Acrobat Pro, sent or saved in a pdf format? 
    For example: I make a form using an Adobe Program and put it online for people to fill out.  They fill it out and click a button to email it to me.  When I open it, is there a way to see it as a PDF document?
    Thank you for your help thus far.  It has been much  more informative than many of the forums I've attempted to decipher.

  • Adobe Acrobat Reader 9.1.3 issuing error messages in Windows 7

    Acrobat Reader 9.1.3 is issuing the following error in the event log viewer for Windows 7 (64 bits):
    Activation context generation failed for "c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Adobe AIR.dll".Error in manifest or policy file "c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Adobe AIR.dll" on line 3. The value "MAJOR_VERSION.MINOR_VERSION.BUILD_NUMBER_MAJOR.BUILD_NUMBER_MINOR" of attribute "version" in element "assemblyIdentity" is invalid.
    No reply to this message is required. This message is provided to aid the Adobe Acrobat Reader developers in finding a solution. Thank you.
    Detailed XML message:
    <Event xmlns="">
    <Provider Name="SideBySide" />
    <EventID Qualifiers="49409">63</EventID>
    <TimeCreated SystemTime="2009-08-17T11:08:36.000000000Z" />
    <Security />
    <Data />
    <Data />
    <Data />
    <Data />
    <Data />
    <Data />
    <Data />
    <Data>c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Adobe AIR.dll</Data>
    <Data>c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Adobe AIR.dll</Data>
    <Data />
    <Data />
    <Data />
    <Data />
    <Data />
    <Data />
    <Data />

    function(){return A.apply(null,[this].concat($A(arguments)))}
    pwillener wrote:
    Flying_Kiwi wrote:
     Dear Adobe people ...
    This is a user-to-user forum; you do not address Adobe staff here.
    The original post was about an installation on a beta version of Windows 7, which was not supported at the time.
    If you have a problem with a different version of Adobe Reader on a different version of Windows 7, please open a new topic.
    I'd gladly address Adobe staff directly about it if they didn't make it so difficult to do so but there are notices galore on their website restricting the ways of doing so for this particular product. That said, I accept that they may not review these posts and act on bugs found (although why is beyond me, I know if I was a developer of software and I wanted it to be top quality, I'd be looking everywhere I can for sources of bugs having been found and I certainly wouldn't make it any more difficult than an ordinary bug submission on any other software to report it).
    It's clear to me that the problem originally posted about that shows up in Win 7 RC, is still present in the latest software and popping its ugly head up under Win 7 RTM. If they'd nipped it in the bud back then it should be fixed by now - that's annoying. I've been using online forums for a long time and I know it's always a good idea to search for a solution or similar thread and post in that if present, rather than opening an entirely new thread. As the bug is the same, the Adobe software version is very similar and the OS is just an earlier non-RTM version and there are no set forums for bugs within specific RTM vs RC/Beta OS's I posted here.
    I'm not going to start a new thread because if, as you say there's no addressing of Adobe Staff here (and you haven't mentioned you have inside connections and will pass it on) what's the point? I will make one phonecall to Abobe in an effort to report this but there needs to be more open ways of bug reporting, even if it is a free product.

  • I am having an issue with my adobe acrobat 9 pro. Every time I try to open a pdf from someone it opens it up with my free adobe reader rather than the Acrobat 9 pro so then I don't have all of the functions of 9 pro. How do I get it to open with 9 pro ins

    I am having an issue with my adobe acrobat 9 pro. Every time I try to open a pdf from someone it opens it up with my free adobe reader rather than the Acrobat 9 pro so then I don't have all of the functions of 9 pro. How do I get it to open with 9 pro instead of the free reader?

    It may depend on the plugin that is loaded into your browser. However, right click on a PDF and select the Open With option and go to the default button to select Acrobat as the default. That might do it.

  • Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro: Printing Preferences display issue

    Hi everyone,
    A user reported an issue with the PDF Printer Preferences drop-down menus running outside the window and that there should be more checkboxes below the three that are showing (see screenshots).
    Here is a screenshot of this same window on a coworker's machine (same version of Adobe and Windows).
    We are using Windows XP SP3. Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro (version 9.3.1), and current video driver. The resolution is currently set to max, but I tried a few other resolutions but they made no difference on how the PDF Printing Preferences displayed. I've tried repairing, uninstalling, restarting, and then reinstalling but none have done the trick yet. I also have checked the DPI settings and it is set to Normal.
    If you have any advise, please let me know.

    The issue was somehow related to DPI (START > Settings > Control Pannel > Display > Settings Tab > Advanced button). Eventhough the DPI was set to normal, I switched it to LARGE, restarted the machine, logged in after the reboot, changed it back to normal size, restarted again, logged in once more, checked the Printer Preferences and PRESTO --- a properly displayed window.

  • Adobe acrobat X pro printing issues

    I purchased Adobe Acrobat X pro and it was installed on Windows 7/64 bits PC.
    I have issues with printing into PDF file for web page. It seems that if I click "convert to PDF" icon on Explorer, it does not have problem converting a web page into PDF. However, if I right mouse click on "print" on a web site, I get a "postscript error" message on Notepad" instead of generating PDF file. With a different web site, it did create a PDF file, but some characters were totally garbage, totally illegible. But it did create a PDF with no problem at all for a certain web page. I had a similar problem with a previous version of Acrobat Pro, but this time it is more extreme.
    Am I not supposed to use right mouse click on "print" in order to generate PDF files at all? Do I have to use "Create PDF-from a web page" menu to successfully generate PDF files, but not on "print" using right mouse? Or is this problem occuring specific to Windows 7/64 bits PC? But Acrobat X pro is supposed to work with 64 bits.
    I do not seem to have any problems converting files, such as Word, Excel, or JPEG into PDF files so far....
    Any suggestion is grealy appreciated.

    We are unable to reproduce the issue at my end. We are able to print fine using both PS and PCL printers. Could you please let me know the exact make of the printer at your end? Also, let me know whether you are using a  PS driver or a PCL driver.

  • ZEN AO .MSP file issues with Adobe Acrobat

    I'm currently having the following problem...
    I've got two ZEN AO's. One for Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Professional and one for
    Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Standard. I've added the latest Adobe Acrobat 7.0.5 .msp
    (Windows Installer Patch) file to it's respective ZEN AO and incremented the
    AO version number. On my test workstations that are cleanly imaged I
    associate and install either Adobe Acrobat 7.0 ZEN AO and neither object
    applies the 7.0.5 msp during the initial installation of the object/package.
    What gives? I've noticed that during the last part of the installation when
    it looks like it's applying the .msp I see "gibberish" in the text field
    right above the progress bar of the ZEN "Distributing blah blah blah" dialog
    box. I can launch Adobe and verify that the patch has not been applied. I
    can then verify (via NAL in myapps.html) the application and the patch
    applies as expected (I can verify that by launching the application). A new
    install of these objects/packages should include the patch should it not?
    Also if the application was previously installed by this "same" AO (only the
    patch has been added and the version number incremented) and I "install" the
    application (keep in mind it's already installed) NAL / Windows Installer
    goes through the routine of installation and then appears to apply the .msp,
    again I notice the gibberish in the text field right above the progress bar
    of the ZEN "Distributing blah blah blah" dialog box. I can then verify the
    application and the patch applies as expected (again, I can verify that by
    launching the application). What is up with this? I can't believe after
    roughly fifteen agent releases (I say fifteen based on the # of releases on
    the agent release TID) that Novell can't get this basic functionality right.
    Windows 2000 SP4 Update Rollup 1 (including all updates)
    Windows XP SP2 (including all updates)
    Novell Client 4.9 SP1 (including all updates)
    ZEN Agent IR5 and ZEN Agent IR6

    It appears that in the past few days you have not received a response to your
    posting. That concerns us, and has triggered this automated reply.
    Has your problem been resolved? If not, you might try one of the following options:
    - Do a search of our knowledgebase at
    - Check all of the other support tools and options available at
    - You could also try posting your message again. Make sure it is posted in the
    correct newsgroup. (
    Be sure to read the forum FAQ about what to expect in the way of responses:
    If this is a reply to a duplicate posting, please ignore and accept our apologies
    and rest assured we will issue a stern reprimand to our posting bot.
    Good luck!
    Your Novell Product Support Forums Team

  • Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Standard Combine Files Format Issue

    I have an issue combining multiple PDF files into one. Every week we create a sales deck that is made of up 30 or so files. most of the files are created from a program called Cognos Impromptu using the Cognos PDF Server According to the document properties, it creates a PDF Version: 1.3(Acrobat 4.x). I can not change this conversion setting.
    I then convert several word documents and Excel documents into PDF files separately and then combine them all together. These individual files are created using Acrobat Distiller 7.0.5 (Windows) and creates a PDF Version: 1.4(Acrobat 5.x).
    The problem happens when I throw one of the files created from Cognos into the mix. It causes the formatting on the PDF files created from word and excel to become "ugly". Random letters just drop off from the report and make it unreadable. Pages created from the cognos reports are always ok. If I try the combine excluding the cognos converted PDF files, it works perfectly.
    This happened when we got new computers last week. By some stroke of luck, I was able to fix it on my computer and I don't have the issue any more. However, I am trying to fix it on my coworkers computer and Im not having any luck. Our settings match perfectly in Acrobat, Distiller, and PDF Maker installed in Excel and Word. I don't even know what I did to fix mine.
    If anyone has any suggestions, I would greatly appreciate it. We are both running Windows XP and have Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Standard edtion.
    Thank you

    thanks for the reply. I think i got it. When they gave us the new computers, they installed a copy of acrobat without some of the latest updates. update 7.0.5,.7,.8, and .9 were missing from our programs. I also noticed that her create to PDF setting for microsoft office was set to standard but the distiller was using high quality. i think fixing the combination of the two may have fixed it. I am going to try and create a full report and see. I will post back and let you know if the issue is gone.
    thanks again.

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