Adobe Air Support

Hi all,
The adobe-air package in AUR is broken...  It looks like Adobe is only supporting rpm and deb based Linux packages.  So does that mean we have to switch to Ubuntu to actually get to use the software based on adobe-air?
Last edited by aegis (2009-03-03 05:13:26)

I can tell that it helped sort of for me. But I can't fully run those apps.
When running tweetdeck I only get a gery window with the icons on top.
In the Terminal I get this info:
[mariusz@suedox ~]$ adobe-air/AIR-SDK/bin/adl -nodebug adobe-air/app/META-INF/AIR/application.xml adobe-air/app
I/O warning : failed to load external entity "/etc/opt/Adobe/certificates/crypt//config.xml"
Unable to parse Document: /etc/opt/Adobe/certificates/crypt//config.xml.
Unknown desktop manager, only Gnome and KDE are supported
.Error: EncryptedLocalStore database access error
Adn see screenshots:
The Tweetdeck window:
Tweetdeck Terminal info:
Can anyone please help?

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    I wrote before about my concerns with Adobe AIR, but here is a short summary:
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    That's great insight Colin.
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    Well, if it doesn't install in "C:\Program Files" but it will install anywhere else, it's a local security issue. It basically means that if you don't have Administration rights on your system, you won't be able to install stuff in your Program Files folder(s). This is not so much an AIR issue as it is a Windows 7 security feature (an annoying one, but still a feature). In that case it would mean Windows 7 is supported, but Windows security is preventing us from installing it there.
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    My name is Rob Christensen and I work on the Flash Player and AIR team. Recently, we announced our plans to no longer support Linux versions of Adobe AIR. For additional information, see this blog post: devices.html
    Existing AIR applications will continue to work on Linux PCs provided they target AIR 2.6 or below. Archived builds of the Adobe AIR runtime for Linux can be found on this page: -- however, please note that these older versions do not contain the list compatibility and security updates.

  • Excessive connection latency... Does Adobe Air support connection pooling on mobile?

    I am developing a mobile app which loads thumbnail images from a remote server. During testing on the Android platform, however, I have discovered that images are very slow to load. By monitoring server logs I have determined that the poor performance is caused by the lack of connection pooling, meaning that each request builds a new connection. Running the sample code below on a mobile device produces 20 requests and 20 connection attempts. By comparison, the same web or desktop app creates 2 connections and reuses those connections for subsequent requests. The substantial overhead and latency associated with generating new connections has a substantial affect on performance, with 20 thumbnails taking approximately 4-5 seconds to load on mobile versus 0.5 - 1 second on a desktop.
    I have included a sample app below to emphasis the performance issue. The image itself is very small (290 bytes) to focus the issue on connection latency. I have confirmed this behavior on numerous Android devices, running 4.1, 4.0, and 2.3. I have also attempted using Loader v. URLLoader v. URLStream and sequential v. simultaneous loading with no change in connection behavior. Attempting to set the connection to 'keep-alive' in the URLRequest also has no affect.
              import flash.display.Loader;
              import flash.display.Sprite;
              import flash.display.StageAlign;
              import flash.display.StageScaleMode;
              import flash.utils.getTimer;
              public class Main extends Sprite
                        private var _count:int = 0;
                        public function Main()
                                  stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
                                  stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
                                  trace("Start time " + getTimer() + " ms");
                                  var loader:Loader;
                                  var url:String = "";  // 290 bytes
                                  for (var i:int = 0; i < 20; i++) {
                                            loader = this.addChild(new Loader()) as Loader;
                                            loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, complete);
                                            loader.load(new URLRequest(url));
                        private function complete(event:Event):void
                                  trace("Finished " + _count + " at " + getTimer() + " ms");
    So, I have a couple questions:
    1) Is there something that I can do to enable connection reuse?
    2) Is this an inherent limitation with Adobe Air for mobile?
    3) Can someone confirm whether this limitation exists on other mobile platforms (iOS or Blackberry)?
    Any help that you can provide would be greatly appreciated. I am really hoping that this isn't a fundamental limitation of Adobe Air as it causes my app to feel very sluggish.

    Hmm. You were absolutely correct, that's a bit disappointing!
    This is Android recompiled for 3.4 rather than 3.1.
    COMPLETED 50 with 8 loaders in 11327 milliseconds or 226.54 per load.   50           8              11327    226.54
    COMPLETED 50 with 50 loaders in 8899 milliseconds or 177.98 per load.   50           50           8899       177.98
    COMPLETED 50 with 50 loaders in 9280 milliseconds or 185.6 per load.     50           50           9280       185.6
    COMPLETED 50 with 50 loaders in 9513 milliseconds or 190.26 per load.   50           50           9513       190.26
    COMPLETED 50 with 8 loaders in 9744 milliseconds or 194.88 per load.     50           8              9744       194.88
    COMPLETED 50 with 1 loaders in 16383 milliseconds or 327.66 per load.   50           1              16383    327.66
    Versus Apple iPad recompiled for 3.4 rather than 3.1.
    COMPLETED 50 with 8 loaders in 502 milliseconds or 10.04 per load. 50      8        502    10.04
    COMPLETED 50 with 50 loaders in 100 milliseconds or 2 per load.     50      50      100    2
    COMPLETED 50 with 50 loaders in 117 milliseconds or 2.34 per load. 50      50      117    2.34
    COMPLETED 50 with 50 loaders in 93 milliseconds or 1.86 per load.  50      50      93      1.86
    COMPLETED 50 with 8 loaders in 270 milliseconds or 5.4 per load.    50      8        270    5.4
    COMPLETED 50 with 8 loaders in 307 milliseconds or 6.14 per load.  50      8        307    6.14
    COMPLETED 50 with 8 loaders in 316 milliseconds or 6.32 per load.  50      8        316    6.32
    COMPLETED 50 with 4 loaders in 555 milliseconds or 11.1 per load.  50      4        555    11.1
    COMPLETED 50 with 4 loaders in 547 milliseconds or 10.94 per load. 50      4        547    10.94
    COMPLETED 50 with 4 loaders in 535 milliseconds or 10.7 per load.  50      4        535    10.7
    COMPLETED 50 with 2 loaders in 1038 milliseconds or 20.76 per load.        50      2        1038          20.76
    COMPLETED 50 with 2 loaders in 1042 milliseconds or 20.84 per load.        50      2        1042          20.84
    COMPLETED 50 with 1 loaders in 2107 milliseconds or 42.14 per load.        50      1        2107          42.14
    COMPLETED 50 with 1 loaders in 2099 milliseconds or 41.98 per load.        50      1        2099          41.98
    Both are on release compile, which should take out all of the variability. So, yes, it looks as if the 3.4 AIR runtime has lost the connection pooling but ONLY for Android.
    PS: Code I used in my test (which was a conventional View based Mobile app) is below in case you want to include it when you submit a bug report.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:View xmlns:fx=""
      xmlns:s="library://" title="TestLLatency" xmlns:mx="library://">
       protected function uicomponent1_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
       public function startTest():void {
        if(queue) throw new Error("Please wait for previous test to end.");
        queue = new Array();
        _count = 0;
        var loader:Loader;
        var i:int;
        for (i = 0; i < numToQueue; i++) {
         loader = bob.addChild(new Loader()) as Loader;
         loader.x = (i%10)*50;
         loader.y = Math.floor(i/5)*50;
         loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, complete);
        startTime = getTimer();
        for(i=0;i<numLoaders;i++) {
       protected var startTime:int;
       protected var endTime:int;
       protected var numToQueue:int = 50;
       protected var numLoaders:int = 8;
       protected var queue:Array;
       private var _count:int;
       private function complete(event:Event):void
       [Bindable] protected var results:String;
       protected function nextQueue():void {
        var url:String = "";  // 290 bytes
        if(queue && queue.length) {
         var loader:Loader = queue.pop() as Loader;
         loader.load(new URLRequest(url));
        } else if(_count==numToQueue) {
         endTime = getTimer();
         var elapsed:int = endTime-startTime;
         results += "\n"+("COMPLETED "+numToQueue+" with "+numLoaders+" loaders in "+(elapsed)+" milliseconds or "+(elapsed/numToQueue)+" per load.\t"+[numToQueue,numLoaders,elapsed,elapsed/numToQueue].join("\t"));
         queue = null;
         while(bob.numChildren>5) {
       protected function repeatTest(event:MouseEvent):void {
        var dob:DisplayObject = as DisplayObject;
        var testBehaviour:int = dob.parent.getChildIndex(dob);
        try {
         switch(testBehaviour) {
          case 4 :
           this.numLoaders = this.numToQueue;
          case 3 :
           this.numLoaders = 8;
          case 2 :
           this.numLoaders = 4;
          case 1 :
           this.numLoaders = 2;
          case 0 :
           this.numLoaders = 1;
         for(var i:int=0;i<5;i++) bob.removeChildAt(0);
        } catch(e:Error) {
      <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
    <s:HGroup width="100%" height="100%">
      <mx:UIComponent id="bob" width="100%" height="100%" creationComplete="uicomponent1_creationCompleteHandler(event)" />
      <s:TextArea text="{results}" width="100%" height="100%" />

  • When will Adobe AIR support 96x96 and 144x144 icons for Android?

    I´ve been searching the Forum for any hints on this. I´m not sure but is there really no solution for it!?!?
    The first post I found was this one: from October, 25th 2012 asking for a solution.
    One year after this post I installed Adobe AIR to Flash Pro CC - but I still can´t add these Icons. Really?
    Do I miss anything? Can anyone please tell me how to add these Icons to my Android App so I can upload it?

    The new update(Flash Pro CC release - November 2013) that allows to publish the AIR applications with newer icon, is now available to you. This Flash CC update will update your flash version to
    You can update from the Adobe Creative Cloud application or from Flash Pro CC Help -> Updates menu.
    You will find more information on the update at:

  • Does Adobe Air support mixing 14 audio tracks with different timings with no latency?

    We are looking to port our iPhone application to Adobe Air and wanted to see if this is even feasible
    See an app demo here:

    What platforms? On Android there is or was a bug with audio latency that would interfere with your goals. The bug is in the Android OS IIRC. If you want to contact me offlist I can put together an AIR project to test mixing as many tracks as you'd like and include buttons to trigger them (source included).

  • Does Adobe Air support Mac OS X?

    When I try to run on Adobe Air (or another Air
    application, for that matter), the application crashes. I am
    running Mac OS 10.5.6.
    I was initially able to run Air applications. But as of last
    week or so, I cannot.

    Hello All,
    I had Adobe Air installed with three applications: Zinio, Mindomo & Prezi. Everything was working fine. I upgraded my Mac OS X leopard to Snow Leopard. Zinio asked to be upgraded to 4.0 and upon upgrading the app I was asked to upgrade to Adobe Air 2.5.1. After upgrades I receive the following error when I try to run any of the applications : "This application requires a version of Adobe AIR which cannot be found. Please download the latest version of the runtime from, or contact the application author for an updated version." followed by a crash, here is the crash report:
    I have tried the above steps, including uninstalling the applications, adobe air, running the terminals commands and then installing all again. Can anyone help?
    P.S. the same reproduces on another administrative account on the same machine.

  • Will Adobe AIR support the new Android Wear OS?

    Because if it did, that would be amazing!
    If you haven't heard of Android Wear yet, check out: or-wearables/
    That moto 360 is damn sexy, and i'd love to be able to develop apps for it using AIR.

    I can build from Flash Pro to Google Glass ok, though there are a number of gestures that Flash doesn’t know about. Perhaps someone will do an ANE to handle the wearable device special gestures.

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