Adobe Creative Suite Icons

Forgive me if this isn't the correct place to ask this, as this is the closest thing I'm finding that relates to a "collective software" board. If it helps, I am a Creative Cloud subscriber.
Does anyone know where I may be able to find Adobe CS5 icons for Mac OS X.7? While I'm throughly enjoying my upgrade from CS5 to CS6, the new icons really aren't working for me. Nothing against the designer(s) but these new icons are giving me headaches (I currently have the Master Collection downloaded while I wait for Creative Cloud to be released). I find them extremely distracting. I was quite pleased with the previous set of icons (CS5) as they tended to blend in with the rest of my applications.
Thank you,
Jonathan Baird

Hi , It is possible but for this new you will require the CS5 icons mainly the icns files , if you can arrange them then there would be no problem.
You can "Ctrl+click" on any app file , for example Indesign file , then in the cascading drop down selet "Show package content" , you will have two folder , go inside "Content" and then "Resources" , it will have all icons file , replace the file in this place for your app , you will be good to go.
It is more of a tweak.

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    -------------------------------------- Summary --------------------------------------
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    Sorry, don't believe you. We've had all sorts here ask point blank about installing software they've downloaded. If you truly did purchase the product, then either contact Adobe to get a replacement set of disks, or talk to your insurance company about a claim for the loss.

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    emmmmmm wrote:
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    Upgrading is expensive but well worth it if you use Adobe regularly. You can always run Snow Leopard on another partition or external drive and run your old AdobeCS within that if you want.
    Good Luck

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    Marcelo :)

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    Please download and install it from here:

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    Download and Installation Help -

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    I have to add that adobe support for this $2000 software really sucks...
    // Rikard

    Problem solved!
    I went through all the folders associated with adobe cs6 and renamed them (one by one) so they would be recreated.
    I did this before but seems like I missed this specific one.
    Anyway, when I renamed the folder "SLCache" in C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\ and then ran the applications one by one as administrator I was prompted to enter a serial-key again and log in to my Adobe-ID.

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