Adobe Flash for iPhone.   Does it exist?

I require Adobe Flash to access work content but there are no options to pick iPhone installation. Just Intel or Apple based CPU machines.
Is either one the correct one?

Thank you....but I am BONED!!

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    No one knows when or if iphone will have flash. Apple and Adobe have expressed interest in making it work, but until it is announced no one will know.
    There are many articles and speculations about this. Here is one from earlier this year. er-than-we-thought/

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    Looking at Adobe's site there is version 10.3 for Intel Macs running OSX 10.4 or 10.5.  There is version 11 for Macs running OSX 10.6 or newer.  Most web sites don't really need the newest FlashPlayer, but if you are trying to view one that really does intensive video then maybe it does require Flash 11.  You aren't very specific as to which exact error message you are seeing.
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    No, this isn't possible.  Flash will not work on the iPhone.  You might try the "Skyfire" application which renders Flash on Skyfire servers, then displays the Flash video on your phone. 

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    Page 11 of the Protecting Content document lists all of the .jar files required to use the Flash Access SDK:
    jsafe.jar or jsafeWithNative.jar
    Please check to make sure you have all the above .jar files on your classpath.  You also may want to check out the sample code and Ant built script located in the samples directory of the Reference Implementation Command Line Tools.  The Ant script contains targets for both compiling and running the samples, including creating a policy.

    No, I don't think you want to just copy the 4 jar files to your /lib/ext Java SDK directory. What you want to do is to run the Java3D install program to install Java 3D to the Java SDK or JRE you specify. The install will also copy some .DLL files since part of Java3D is implemented using native methods. Without the DLLs, I would guess that you can compile programs okay but will run into errors trying to run them. No clue why the install wouldn't work on XP, but maybe the install needs a JRE to run and you need to install Sun's JRE or SDK using their install program - Microsoft used to include their own Java SDK implementation in Windows, but then took it out for Windows XP to try and deprecate Java. The install EXE might be expecting a Windows registry setting that points to a JRE or SDK for it to use.

  • Adobe flash for the iPad?

    Is there anyway to get adobe flash for the iPad?

    No Flash for iPads, iPhones, or iPods
    Here's why there's is no Flash available for iDevices or other mobile devices. Adobe was unable to provide a product that was suitable to the needs of battery powered mobile devices used for Internet browsing. Existing Flash technology used too much memory, ate battery life, and was buggy. Simply put Flash did not work well on mobile devices.
    Apple's Steve Jobs led the escape from Flash dependency when Apple introduced the iPhone, and later introduced the iPad. There was a hue and cry over the omission. Time proved Jobs was right on target.
    So this is why there is no Flash for your iPhone or iPad or iPod nor for most SmartPhones. Flash has been abandoned by many sites in favor of supported technologies such as HTML5 or by providing their own custom app.
    Here is Steve Jobs official comment on his momentous decision to omit Flash from iDevices: Steve Jobs on Flash.
    Here is Adobe's later announcement to cease development of Flash for mobile devices: Adobe on Mobile Flash.
    Now, you are not necessarily out on a limb. There are some apps that can display some Flash, but don't count on there ability to display anything using Flash.
    Apps that can display some Flash from the Web:
    Photon Flash
    Also, note that many sites that use Flash provide their own app for accessing their material. So check with your favorite sites and find out if "there's an app for that."

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    Thanks for your feedback. Adobe Reader for iOS does not support attaching of images and videos at the moment.
    We have taken note of both your requests.

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    Arun Nair

    Adobe ceased development of Flash for all mobile devices over a year ago. There will never be Flash for iPhone.
    If you run a web design company I don't understand how you could not know this. It has been reported and discussed widely for over a year.

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    Br. Bo

    Get a USB drive of 2TB or more.. assuming your TC is 2TB. Either preformatted Mac or plug into your Mac and format it standard Mac OS Extended Journaled in disk utility.
    Do a full archive of the TC. You do this using airport utility. Do not click the erase disk.. I marked in green.. just the archive.. that is to backup the internal disk to the USB disk. It is not fast.. take it that the process will go at around 40-50GB/hr.
    Once you complete the archive .. it is a direct image of the data on your TC.. you can then plug it into your computer directly.. and then try and open the files you lost.. if you cannot open them.. open disk utility and fix the permissions.
    Or try the methods apple recommends..
    OS X Yosemite: Set permissions for items on your Mac
    It is possible to fix things on the USB drive because it is locally mounted.. but you cannot fix it on TC which is network drive.

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    I am having a problem when try to recalculate cash flow in FO38. System popup error Message no. 62179 (Follow-up posting flow type Credit for 870 does not exist). The error details is like this:
    You have changed the data in such a way that follow-up postings have resulted.
    No follow-up posting flow type has been defined for Credit for the flow type 870. A proposed flow type for flow type 3NCH has not been defined either.
    System Response
    Processing cannot be continued without the flow type.
    Contact your system administrator.
    Procedure for the system administrator
    Check and correct the settings for the reference flow type for follow-up postings in Customizing as required.
    Is there any setting in configuration Txn SPRO should i do? Will give points for those who help me out this problem.

    Hi Nazrul,
    yes, there are reference flow types missing for follow-up postings. Follow-up postings are created if condition amounts have been changed and that affects already posted items in the cash flow. In this case follow-up postings are generated. For the follow-up postings the system uses special flow types that have to be maintained in customizing.
    SPRO - Real Estate - Conditions, Flow Types, Account Determination - Maintain Flow Types - Assign Reference Flow Types
    Relevant relationship keys are:
    2     IS-RE: Follow-up postings due to condition incr.
    32     IS-RE: Follow-up posting due to condition reduct.
    You have to assign reference flow types for these relationship keys.
    This should help.
    Regards, Franz

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    Last edited by bdawg (2012-09-18 22:57:17)

    bdawg wrote:
    Ok so the whole output is as follows:
    Warning: database file for 'multilib' does not exist
    Error: failed to prepare transaction (could not find database)
    And my Pacman.conf is blank
    pacman.conf and Pacman.conf (with capital 'P') are two different files. Double-check this.
    Are you running a 64-bit system?
    Your /etc/pacman.conf should look like this: … but with some repositories configured: … positories
    Last edited by karol (2012-09-18 22:13:59)

  • How can I install adobe flash for my iPad 2

    How can I install adobe flash for my iPad 2

    Search before posting please.  This question has been asked and discussed over and over and over and over and over and over again.
    You can't.  Adobe doesn't make a version of Flash for iOS.

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    Thank you so much for responding, and so quickly. I appreciate it.
    It does not appear as though the PDF I am trying to read would have an element in it that would block it from reflow, but that is always possible. It’s a textbook, and I understand that toward the end of the book there are some charts and diagrams, but I haven’t gotten to those chapters yet. So far, I’ve just been trying to use the Adobe Reader to read the introduction and first chapter and nothing I have done has made it reflow.
    I’m enclosing a copy of the entire book. Perhaps you can uncover something in it that I didn’t see.
    Thanks again for you help.
    Dr. Stan G. Duncan
    123 Sumner St.
    Quincy, Massachusetts 02169
    617-855-7539 (hm)
    781-504-6875 (cell)
    215-647-7583 (fax)
    508-295-1630 (Ch)
    <mailto:[email protected]> [email protected]

  • Endpoint Protection error: The source folder for content does not exist.

    I have a single SCCM 2012 SP1 CU4 server running on Windows Server 2012.
    I have been using this for a little more than a month for Endpoint Protection and Windows Updates.
    I just recently started seeing that my Endpoint Deployment Package has Failed.  I click on "Content Status" and select the Endpoint package (which again shows Failed).  I click on "View Status" and I get this
    message in the "Error" tab:
    The source folder for content does not exist.
    The Asset Details point to the exact location  that does not exist:
    The source directory "\\<server>\updates\endpoint\6bd81fde-3a3f-4aa9-bf70-ba007891ca68" for package "<package>" does not exist. 
    I didn't change anything related to this, and that directory path (\\server\updates\endpoint) is
    shared and is populated with a lot of other folders. 
    Is this possibly just a bad update file?  Should I manually create that sub-folder that it says is missing?
    Any help would be great!  Thanks!

    Thanks for the quick reply, Torsten.  (I often forget which logs to check for certain things).
    There are six lines (3 errors -- in italics below) in the log around the same time frame.  They read:
    The source directory \\sccm-corp\updates\endpoint\6bd81fde-3a3f-4aa9-bf70-ba007891ca68 doesn't exist or the SMS service cannot access it, Win32 last error = 2    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    5/27/2014 11:54:46 AM  
     5920 (0x1720)
    STATMSG: ID=2306 SEV=E LEV=M SOURCE="SMS Server" COMP="SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER" SYS=SCCM-Corp.pdcarea.lcl SITE=PDC PID=6008 TID=5920 GMTDATE=Tue May 27 16:54:46.962 2014 ISTR0="\\sccm-corp\updates\endpoint\6bd81fde-3a3f-4aa9-bf70-ba007891ca68" ISTR1="PDC00063"
    ISTR2="" ISTR3="" ISTR4="" ISTR5="" ISTR6="" ISTR7="" ISTR8="" ISTR9="" NUMATTRS=1 AID0=400 AVAL0="PDC00063"    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    5/27/2014 11:54:46 AM    5920 (0x1720)
    Failed to take snapshot of one or more contents in package PDC00063    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    5/27/2014 11:54:46 AM    5920 (0x1720)
    CDistributionSrcSQL::UpdateAvailableVersion PackageID=PDC00063, Version=10, Status=2302    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    5/27/2014 11:54:46 AM    5920 (0x1720)
    STATMSG: ID=2302 SEV=E LEV=M SOURCE="SMS Server" COMP="SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER" SYS=SCCM-Corp.pdcarea.lcl SITE=PDC PID=6008 TID=5920 GMTDATE=Tue May 27 16:54:46.990 2014 ISTR0="Endpoint Protection Definition Updates" ISTR1="PDC00063" ISTR2="" ISTR3=""
    ISTR4="" ISTR5="" ISTR6="" ISTR7="" ISTR8="" ISTR9="" NUMATTRS=1 AID0=400 AVAL0="PDC00063"    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    5/27/2014 11:54:46 AM    5920 (0x1720)
    Failed to process package PDC00063 after 33 retries, will retry 67 more times    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    5/27/2014 11:54:47 AM    5920 (0x1720)

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    by accident i cancel adobe flash for a website, and now i am not allowed to change it again

    Upgrade your browser to Firefox 8 and try

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