Adobe Muse Parallax Scrolling

Hi I am missing the new key tab in the effects menu (to create scrolling effects )is there a reason?

Hi Sharon -
Please make sure your are using the newest version of Muse (v. 7.1):
In the Toolbar click 'Adobe Muse' then click 'About Adobe Muse'
Under 'Window' you should have Scroll Effects checked
If these have been done and you are still not seeing the tab, I would recommend contacting Adobe Support directly. 
All the best,

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    Create engaging motion effects with just a fewmouse clicks - make images andelements move in different directions atdifferent speeds when scrolling.

    Cool stuff, shame it isn't available in latest update of Muse. The effects panel only has 3 options: Shadows, Bevel an Glow.
    Why, Adobe?
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    Thanks for the link, however that specific thread was one of the ones I referenced in my original post.
    In the beginning of the thread, it's clear that coding can fix the issue, though it's not recommended. More telling is that the response you referenced indicates that the issue is claimed to have been either fixed or mitigated In updated releases of Muse.
    As you pointed out earlier, however, Firefox displays the parallax a little better than Chrome, and much better than Internet Explorer. I'm assuming that Adobe Muse Creative Cloud 2014 release attempted to this issue.
    So my question kind of remains: am I missing a setting that would make the scrolling more smooth, or is it simply just a limitation of the browser / software / parallax combination?
    Thanks again for the responses.

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    Muse With Scrolling Enabled:
    Safari as a result of Scrolling Enabled:
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    Many Thanks.

    Actually, For product specific questions you may do better in the specific product forum
    If you start at the Forums Index
    You will be able to select the Muse forum
    Click the "down arrow" symbol on the right to open the drop down list and scroll

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    Cool stuff, shame it isn't available in latest update of Muse. The effects panel only has 3 options: Shadows, Bevel an Glow.
    Why, Adobe?
    It's like showing candy to kids, and then taking it away from them again

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    Currently Muse doesn't support what you are requesting.
    At the moment Muse allows you to set one key position and define actions before that key position and after that key position.
    What you're requesting is :
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    If you would like to see this enhancement. Please request it in the Ideas section.

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    Are you getting a scrollbar at the bottom of your browser when your browser is maximized? If yes, there is likely some content (not visible perhaps) placed bit to far to the right on the page.
    Look for the same in Muse in Design View and get rid of the same.
    Share a link to the page with this effect to check if you can't locate the element causing the shift.

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    Hi Macky,
    This website that you have mentioned utilizes the "Scroll Effects" In Muse and the designer has applied the Horizontal Scrolling effects.
    Please refer these links in order to understand how it can be done :-Add scroll effects | Learn Adobe Muse CC | Adobe TV
    Adobe Muse CC Motion Scroll (Parallax) Tips & Tricks - - YouTube
    Adobe Muse CC Scroll Effects Tutorial | Animated Goodie Box - YouTube
    The basics of horizontal scrolling websites from the Course Designing a Portfolio Website with Muse
    Adobe Muse CC Parallax Scrolling Tutorial | Horizontal Scrolling Websites - YouTube
    Rohit Nair

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    There has to be a way to create a Re: Discover New Parallax Scrolling with Adobe Muse CC | Creative Cloud for Design | Adobe TV slideshow that fills browser width. It's not a problem for desktop, but it is a problem for laptops/tablets/phones.
    How did the site in the tutorial do it? Terry said it was created in Muse.
    Here is a test site that I've been working on - I would love to make it responsive w/o having to create separate tablet/phone sites:
    Any suggestions?

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    As Syrax12 pointed out, Parallax Scrolling has moved from the Effects panel to the Scroll Effects panel. Some of the videos from June 2013 refer to the old location under the Effects panel.
    Here's how you find the new panel. motion scroll effects using the Scroll Effects panel
    See here for all options.

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    Hi all,
    I have a small problem. I've upgraded to the latest version of Adobe Muse and enabled on my latest project the HiDPI feature. I've now found that when I replace the pictures linked to my parallax scrolling effect, the pictures are not the correct size anymore. They shrink in size and start to tile. I even tried to use a super-size the pictures and still nothing. Is this a known issue?? Is there are way around it or is there something I'm missing and need to change.
    Many thanks,

    Hi Zak, There is nothing on the page yet expect a small .svg logo, two 100% width rectangles beneath the browser bottom guide, two anchors and a widget from for magnetic scrolling between anchors.

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    I think this is a bug in the new update. I have made numerous sites since and all of them have gotten the horiztonal scroll. I mentioned it in the bug section and had a staff member help me with my first issue but have not heard anything else since.
    This is a pretty serious bug, you can not launch a website with a horizontal scroll like this.
    on another note, I really like the look of your site, very slick so far!

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