AES Instructions (encryption)/VT-d (Hyper-V) & Peripheral Power problem (BIOS)

I've just purchased a Z86A-G65 G3 motherboard with a i7 2600 CPU. Both parts is supposed to support VT-d for Virtualization and AES hardware acceleration for encryption.
I installed Win 2008 R2 SP1, and set up my Raids with AES encryption. AES instruction set was enabled. Truecrypt detected the support. Then I installed Hyper-V and a guest OS with a Domain controller. Added the Host machine to the domain, and now Truecrypt does not use the AES instruction set. It can not see that the CPU/motherboard supports this.
So, my question is: Is there something preventing me from running both VT-d and AES instruction set at the same time? It's the only thing I can really think of.
My second problem is that I can no longer get into BIOS! And therefor can not check the AES instruction settings or Hyper-V settings, to test tings. The power for my PS2 and USB keyboards is turned on a few seconds to late, so I can only interact with the Marvel SATA bios and beyond. Not the POST. I've tried several keyboards (5) and it's the same with them all. A couple of seconds to late to power on. I was able to enter BIOS earlier when I first installed the hardware, no it's impossible. Only thing I remember I might have done, is to remove the startup Picture/Logo. I've cleared the BIOS, but the situation is the same. The power comes exactly to late.
What are my options?

After 2 hours of cursing, I found a solution though:
- Remove battery from MB, keep it away till the power is completely drained. Shortcut the pins under the battery position for a faster drain.
- Place the battery in the battery holder again, but do NOT push it down in it's place. Only make it have contact with the metal, to be able to power up the MB.
- The power button on the MB will light up when you got connection. After you have powered up the MB, remove the battery IMMEDIATELY.
Before the OS boots, you'll be presented with a few CPU and RAM details. Under this details, you'll be presented with the BEAUTIFUL message: "Press F1 to enter setup". Tada!
This have been a real struggle. One star less to MSI for this one.
What you did was a thorough CMOS Clear.  That also means that when you did this:
I've cleared the BIOS
Something did not go as expected.  The whole point of a CMOS Clear is to make the system completely powerless.  Was your PSU connected to A/C power when you originally cleared CMOS?  It needs to be disconnected and the power-on button has to be pressed a couple of times (to drain capacitors) before the CMOS-Clear Button at the back panel should be pressed for a couple of seconds.  This procedure should always yield this:
"Press F1 to enter setup"
If that did not happen when you cleared CMOS before, then there was either still power in the circuits when you pressed the button, or the Clear CMOS Button is defective.

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    - System
      - Provider
       [ Name]  Microsoft-Windows-Hyper-V-Worker
       [ Guid]  {51DDFA29-D5C8-4803-BE4B-2ECB715570FE}
       EventID 18570
       Version 0
       Level 1
       Task 0
       Opcode 0
       Keywords 0x8000000000000000
      - TimeCreated
       [ SystemTime]  2014-03-31T18:52:25.736827600Z
       EventRecordID 23069008
      - Execution
       [ ProcessID]  1240
       [ ThreadID]  3292
       Channel Microsoft-Windows-Hyper-V-Worker-Admin
       Computer Sathya-L850
      - Security
       [ UserID]  S-1-5-83-1-3915764917-1174268278-485819568-1612932626
    - UserData
      - VmlEventLog
       VmName abcd
       VmId E965D4B5-E976-45FD-B004-F51C12662360
       FailureCategory <not a known problem>
       InstructionByteCount 0
       Rax 0x10
       Rbx 0x80
       Rcx 0x0
       Rdx 0x80
       Rsp 0x200
       Rbp 0x6e08
       Rsi 0x25db2a
       Rdi 0x7db2a
       R8 0x0
       R9 0x0
       R10 0x0
       R11 0x0
       R12 0x0
       R13 0x0
       R14 0x0
       R15 0x0
       Rip 0x9d
       Rflags 0x10002
       FpControlStatus 7F030000000000000000000000000000
       XmmControlStatus 0000000000000000801F0000FFFF0000
       Cr0 0x10
       Cr2 0x0
       Cr3 0x0
       Cr4 0x0
       Cr8 0x0
       Xfem 0x1
       Dr0 0x0
       Dr1 0x0
       Dr2 0x0
       Dr3 0x0
       Dr6 0xffff0ff0
       Dr7 0x400
       Es 0002000000000000FFFF000020009300
       Cs 00000B0000000000FFFF000000B09F00
       Ss 0002000000000000FFFF000020009300
       Ds 0002000000000000FFFF000020009300
       Fs 0002000000000000FFFF000020009300
       Gs 0002000000000000FFFF000020009300
       Ldtr 00000000000000000000000000000000
       Tr 0000000000000000FFFF000000008B00
       Idtr 000000000000FFFF0000000000000000
       Gdtr 000000000000270000002B0000000000
       Tsc 0x9886450c9b
       ApicBase 0xfee00900
       SysenterCs 0x0
       SysenterEip 0x0
       SysenterEsp 0x0
       PendingInterruption 0x0

    Uninstall the VPC VMAdditions from within the VM - they are trying to do something that Hyper-V does not allow.
    Hyper-V is not Virtual Server and the Virtual Server VMAdditions are not compatible with Hyper-V.
    Also, you have to set the HAL to re-detect.  VPC relied on a custom HAL, and if the OS in your VM is old enough, it won't automatically detect the change and will continue to use the VPC compatible HAL.
    Brian Ehlert
    Learn. Apply. Repeat.
    Disclaimer: Attempting change is of your own free will.

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    DES is disabled by default on 2008, could this DC be a Windows 2003?  If so then this would be the expected encyption.
    The following is the list of the encryption available for each Windows system
    Windows 2000,  XP,Windows Server 2003:     
    DES, RC4          
    , Windows Server 2008:      DES, RC4,AES          
             Windows 7 and  Windows Server  2008 R2:     DES(disabled by default), RC4,AES
    Paul Bergson
    MVP - Directory Services
    MCITP: Enterprise Administrator
    MCTS, MCT, MCSE, MCSA, Security, BS CSci
    2012, 2008, Vista, 2003, 2000 (Early Achiever), NT4
    Twitter @pbbergs
    Please no e-mails, any questions should be posted in the NewsGroup.
    This posting is provided AS IS with no warranties, and confers no rights.

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    You might have better luck with something stronger.....
    ....I have not used it....(lucky)

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    AES256-ctr was just added in ASA software version 9.1(2). I don't believe the ssh encryption type is configurable in the ASA ssh server. You need to specify it in the client - I did verify it will connect when yo do that (see output below).
    SSL encyption ciphers can be specified to exclude the weak ciphersuites.
    # sh ssh session det
    SSH Session ID          : 1
     Client IP              : <deleted>
     Username               : <deleted>
     SSH Version            : 2.0
     State                  : SessionStarted
     Inbound Statistics
      Encryption            : aes256-ctr
      HMAC                  : sha1
      Bytes Received        : 1824
     Outbound Statistics
      Encryption            : aes256-ctr
      HMAC                  : sha1
      Bytes Transmitted     : 5632
     Rekey Information
      Time Remaining (sec)  : 3277
      Data Remaining (bytes): 996142580
      Last Rekey            : 07:12:38.807 UTC Tue May 20 2014
      Data-Based Rekeys     : 0
      Time-Based Rekeys     : 0

  • How to create SecretKey for AES 128 Encryption based on user's password??

    I have written a below program to encrypt a file with AES 128 algorithm. This code works fine. It does encrypt and decrypt file successfully..
    Here in this code I am generating SecretKey in the main() method with the use of key generator. But can anybody please tell me how can I generate SecretKey based on user's password?
    Thanks in Advance,
    import javax.crypto.Cipher;
    import javax.crypto.SecretKey;
    import javax.crypto.spec.IvParameterSpec;
    import javax.crypto.CipherInputStream;
    import javax.crypto.CipherOutputStream;
    import javax.crypto.KeyGenerator;
    public class AESEncrypter
         Cipher ecipher;
         Cipher dcipher;
         public AESEncrypter(SecretKey key)
              // Create an 8-byte initialization vector
              byte[] iv = new byte[]
                   0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09,0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f
              AlgorithmParameterSpec paramSpec = new IvParameterSpec(iv);
                   ecipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding");
                   dcipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding");
                   // CBC requires an initialization vector
                   ecipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, key, paramSpec);
                   dcipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, key, paramSpec);
              catch (Exception e)
         // Buffer used to transport the bytes from one stream to another
         byte[] buf = new byte[1024];
         public void encrypt(InputStream in, OutputStream out)
                   // Bytes written to out will be encrypted
                   out = new CipherOutputStream(out, ecipher);
                   // Read in the cleartext bytes and write to out to encrypt
                   int numRead = 0;
                   while ((numRead = >= 0)
                        out.write(buf, 0, numRead);
              catch ( e)
         public void decrypt(InputStream in, OutputStream out)
                   // Bytes read from in will be decrypted
                   in = new CipherInputStream(in, dcipher);
                   // Read in the decrypted bytes and write the cleartext to out
                   int numRead = 0;
                   while ((numRead = >= 0)
                        out.write(buf, 0, numRead);
              catch ( e)
         public static void main(String args[])
                   // Generate a temporary key. In practice, you would save this key.
                   // See also e464 Encrypting with DES Using a Pass Phrase.
                   KeyGenerator     kgen     =     KeyGenerator.getInstance("AES");
                   SecretKey key               =     kgen.generateKey();
                   // Create encrypter/decrypter class
                   AESEncrypter encrypter = new AESEncrypter(key);
                   // Encrypt
                   encrypter.encrypt(new FileInputStream("E:\\keeper.txt"),new FileOutputStream("E:\\Encrypted.txt"));
                   // Decrypt
                   encrypter.decrypt(new FileInputStream("E:\\keeper.txt"),new FileOutputStream("E:\\Decrypted.txt"));
              catch (Exception e)

    sabre150 wrote:
    [PKCS5|] , no?
    In Java, you can use the [Password-based encryption PBE Cipher classes|] . I think you'll need the bouncycastle provider to get AES-based PBE ciphers.

  • How to know if PHDS is actually DRM'd and aes-128 encrypted, and what does it mean?

    trying to figure out pRTMP which resulted in un-encrypted streams, an issue which has not been resolved yet:
    we have tried using the PHDS protocol for serving VOD (video on demand) content to a flash player
    using OSMF on a Flash 11 player like suggested.
    everything seems to be ok, the stream is being published, and the .f4m meta file
    seems to contain the DRM data.
    What i do not understand is the lack of any
    flash client interaction with this stream.
    you simply need an OSMF player running on flash player 11 and you can play
    the PHDS Stream, so where does the DRM come in?
    is it only for protecting the stream from being listened to by a "man in the middle"?
    or is it for protecting the stream from being served too many times?
    is it to disable the ability to simply save the stream to a file?
    is PHDS simply a one push button solution to create DRM'd streams
    which don't require any special interaction with the app running on the flash player?
    such as required when using the Flash Access server (which is a stand alone DRM server)
    and last, the PHDS documentation describes a packager for video files,
    but it is unclear when this tool has to be used to package streams, because it seems
    that streams that have not been subjected to this tool still report valid DRM data inside
    the f4m manifest, so when to use it, and can we trust the DRM metadata saying
    that DRM is enabled and encrypted? (we have the same issue with the pRTMP which said stream is protected
    but it was actually not so)
    an f4m generated example:
    <manifest xmlns="">
    bootstrapInfo profile="named" id="bootstrap5925">
    <drmAdditionalHeader drmContentId="973266-40.mp4" id="drmMetadata8114">AgARfASDFGAEFkZGSDFGHHl0aAW9u345YWxIZWFkZXIDAApFbmNyeXB0aW9uAwAHVmVyc2lvbgB
    <media streamId="973266-40.mp4" url="973266-40.mp4" bootstrapInfoId="bootstrap5925" drmAdditionalHeaderId="drmMetadata8114"> 

    I'll try to answer as many questions as best as I can
    1. PHDS protects your content from being copied and stored by someone. An OSMF based player may be able to play your content but not steal it.
    2. PHDS does not protect your content "from being served too many times". However, PHDS has a 24Hours policy which ensures that the client cant request new content after the expiration of 24Hours.
    3. In PHDS the When Flash Media Server packages the content, it generates the license and embeds it into the DRM metadata of the content stream. The client parses this metadata and retrieves the license information from this DRM metadata. So there is no communication required between the client and a License server.
    4. The f4f packaging process mentioned in the doc is to package on-demand content just-in-time when the client requests for it. There is not external tool. This is handled by the Apache module. So you see the drm meta information in your f4m file.
    We also provide an offline tool that fragments and packages on-demand content. The output of the tool is protected content that you can store on your disk and stream over HTTP. For more information regarding this see : 7ffc.html
    PHDS supports SWF verification. SWF verification prevents unauthorized SWF files from accessing content. For more information regarding this see : 9a-8000.html#WSf46ce027e10bcc403985a9eb131ba034bd1-8000
    Hope this helps.

  • How Secure Is A Disk Image Using AES-128 Encryption ?

    I want to make encrypted disk images using Disk Utility.
    How secure will they be ?
    Good enough for state secrets ?
    Can the encryption be broken ? If so, how easily ?
    Could the average hacker break it easily or with great effort over a long period ?
    Or would it take a team of government type experts ?
    Ian the Paranoid.

    I would say encrypted disks are a safe option.
    However, with the coming rise of quantum computers, in the wrong hands, encryption for the near future will be all but nullified.
    Some safe measures to take for making your computer safer include: Changing your router's password, enabling firewall, reverse firewall, FileVault (make sure you don't lose your paswords) Firmware password, encrypted mail service, (If available from your ISP).
    These are just some of the obvious. There's more and I haven't used them all. But, it just helps to be informed and work with what you can.

  • 1310 using AES CCMP encryption

    I am getting this every hour on the hour, what do you guys think is causing this? Is this a normal thing for it to deauthenticate and re authenticate? This is a point to multi-point network. Below is the error log on the Root Radio
    Root Radio Error Log
    Interface Dot11Radio0, Deauthenticating Station 0018.b99c.93c0 Reason: Previous authentication no longer valid
    Interface Dot11Radio0, Station MorrisNonRoota1 0018.b99c.93c0 Reassociated KEY_MGMT[WPAv2 PSK]

    previous authentication no longer valid messages are indicators of problems in the RF environment. When clients are listed in an access point's association table, they must respond to the access point's keepalive messages within a given amount of time or the access point will assume they're no longer there and disassociate them (drop them from the table) and make start the association process all over again if they still want to be associated. If the client doesn't receive the disassociation messages, doesn't realize that the communication link is broken, and that he has to start all over again (reboot), when he does try to transmit again, the access point will force him to reassociate, and the "previous authentication" message will be displayed. Check for new drivers, in case that the wireless client is not answering accordingly.

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    under the 802.1x is there another layer for eap-fast?
    I'm not quite sure I understand your question. The AirPort supports connectivity with the following 802.11x protocols: TTLS, PEAP, TLS, EAP-FAST, LEAP & MD5. You can establish User/Windows Login/System profiles to include any combination of these protocols.

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    Cluster on top of the Hyper-V cluster. First we created a (Gen 2) VM with Windows 2012 R2 installed on it, then we (offline) added a new VHDX file (on the same CSV volume) and in the advanced features, we select 'Enable virtual hard disk sharing'. We boot
    the VM, disk manager sees a new disk, trying to initialize the disk and an error states 'The request could not be performed because of an I/O device error.'
    If we disable the advanced sharing option, the disk is accessible, can be initialized and a volume can be created. Enable the feature again and we are in the same phase as where we need to (again) initialize the disk which is not possible. We have the same
    problem with a Gen 1 VM.
    The CSV volumes reside on a Dell Equallogic storage and are connected via iSCSI, beta of Dell Hit Kitt is installed on the Dell Blade servers (Hyper-V nodes). The CSV volumes have a 4K blocksize, could this be an issue?

    Hi ,
    Many thanks for your sharing .
    Best Regards
    Elton Ji
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