After generating report in PDF in browser, save on client machine in diff.format

I want to display my report in the Web Browser (using Servlets), in PDF format.
Now, the user should be given the option to save this report onto his machine as a local file in a format of his choice (HTML, RTF, PDF, Excel). How can I do this?

These formats are very different. You can only do this by re-running the report. You could put hyperlinks in the source PDF file that pass on the same command line arguments that were used to run the PDF report, except that DESFORMAT would be changed to another format (HTML, RTF, DELIMITED).
The Oracle Reports Team --skw                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

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  • Errors after generating report to PDF

    Using Reports, the following error is generated when running a report immediately after having generated the same report to a PDF file:
    ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
    It seems as if Reports has 'disconnected' from the data source. A work around is simply connecting to the data source again (without first disconnecting).

    Hi Chris
    I suggest you apply Reports and Forms Integrated patch on your setup. You can download the patch from metalink site.

  • Generate report in pdf in rute specifics??

    Hi, I have a form whit a button to generate report in pdf, works fine, but i want that when the user press the button, a window opened and the user choose where want to save the pdf...
    I think that i need some libs but i dont know, and i dont know the code to insert in button to open this window.
    Please Help

    Hi there
    Firstly what version are you running of Forms/Reports?
    Secondly, if you are running 9i/10g, when the PDF document is presented, the user will be able to save it in a location of their choice. When you call the report you can tell the app server where to save a copy of the file, but you will have to keep in mind that the location will be relative to the app server and not the client machine. Besides the results are normally cached on the app server, so all you will have to do is remember the job id and request the results again via a http call.

  • SSRS - Report on software deployment Exit Codes on client machines

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    Application deployment- App1
    Failed with Exit code : 0x1388 (5000) Log off network
    I would like to report on clients with App1 deployment failed with exit code 5000 and how many times on retry?

    Only the last return code can be queried (see the default SRS reports). Number of retries are not reported.
    Torsten Meringer |

  • Generating Report in PDF Format.

    Hi All,
    How can I configure Report Server to generate all my Reports in PDF Destination Format? I am using Oracle 10g.
    In 6i, it used to be FORMS60_REPFORMAT parameter. Is there any equivalant in 10g? Where can I set it? or Is there any other way to configure Report Server?
    I may set desformat in rp2rro.pll but I would like to have it at Report Server level.
    Thanks for your help in advance.

    If you want to run all your reports using a generic file, then use web.show_document within Forms and set your desformat for each report in the cgicmd.dat file (in Oracle_home/reports/conf directory) on the App Server.
    Please be warned that any change to this file will require bouncing the report server (or the app server as I sometimes find it doesn't always pick up the changes).
    L :-)

  • A big problem of Generate report with PDF format....Urgent

    I want to generate a report with pdf format through one java file, it have two page 1)gen_report.jsp 2) , the compliation was failed. However, i don't what the problem is .... i hope anyone can help me as it is very argent for me ....Thanks a lot
    <table  id="AutoNumber1">
         <td background="images/top5movie.png">
         <p align="center"> </p>
       <td >
          <div align="center">
            <table id="AutoNumber2" >
                  <form method="GET" action="../report_gen" name="report_gen" target="_blank" onSubmit="javascript:return checkr1(this)">
                      <td ><b>Report Description:</b></td>
                      <td >This report is to show the top five popular movies in cinemix for a period </td>
                      <td><b>Data scope:</b></td>
                      <td >Start from
                      <input type="text" name="start" value="2003-1-1" >to
                      <input type="text" name="end" value="2006-1-1" ></td>
                      <td><b>Data processing:</b></td>
                      <td >Show
                        <select name="order_by">
                          <option value="desc" selected>top</option>
                          <option value="asc">bottom</option>
                      5 films</td>
                      <td> <p align="center">
                          <input type="submit" value="View_Report" name="subm">
                    <input type="hidden" name="report" value="r1">
                  <form method="GET" action="../report_gen" name="report_gen" target="_blank" onSubmit="javascript:return checkr2(this)">
                    <input type="hidden" name="report" value="r2">
      </table>Then my java code is here
    import javax.servlet.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.sql.*;
    // chart and pdf out
    import java.awt.Graphics2D;
    import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
    import org.jfree.chart.ChartFactory;
    import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart;
    import org.jfree.chart.plot.PlotOrientation;
    import com.lowagie.text.Document;
    import com.lowagie.text.DocumentException;
    import com.lowagie.text.Rectangle;
    import com.lowagie.text.pdf.DefaultFontMapper;
    import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfContentByte;
    import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfTemplate;
    import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfWriter;
    import com.lowagie.text.*;
    import com.lowagie.text.pdf.*;
    import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfPCell;
    public class report_gen extends HttpServlet
       private final String titles[] = {"Top Five popular movies ",
                        "Financial cirumstance of cinemas",
                        "Distribution of time segment",
                        "Distribution of favourite movie type"
       private final String descs[] = {"This report is to show the top five  popular movies in cinemix for a period ",
                   "This report is to show the financial circumstance of each cinema site ",
                   "This report is to analysis the customer when is the most visit time ",
                   "This report is to analysis the customer which type of movie do they watch the most"
        private final String bigTitle = "Cinemix";
        private final String driver = "";
        private final String url= "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/cinemix";
        private final String userID = "abc";
        private final String passwd = "abc";     
        public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException
       protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
       throws ServletException, IOException
          final int width = 550;
         final int height = 200;
    / title font (centre and report title)
         final Font fTitle0 = FontFactory.getFont("Helvetica", 42, Font.BOLD);
         final Font fTitle1 = FontFactory.getFont("Helvetica", 30, Font.BOLD);
              // centre name:
        final String title0 = bigTitle;
       // Default category for DefaultCategoryDataset
       final String cat = "data";
       Connection conn;
      JFreeChart chart;
       String title1     = "xyz Report";
       String chartDesc = "description";
       String notes[] = new String[4];
       String chartTitle = "so bad this is title";
       String chartXTitle = "this is x";
       String chartYTitle = "this is y.";
       String report = request.getParameter("report");     
       int max=-10000;
       int min=10000;
       int j=0;          
      // do some basic checking
       if (report == null || report.equals(""))
         report = "-1";  // this course unknow report error message
         String start   = request.getParameter("start");
         String end  = request.getParameter("end");
         String order_by  = request.getParameter("order_by");  // ToDo: check invalid string
           int topN  = 5;
        String order = (order_by.equals("desc")) ? "Top" : "Last";
       String inv[] = {"08:30", "09:30", "10:30", "11:30", "12:30", "11:30", "12:30", "13:30", "14:30", "15:30", "16:30", "17:30","18:30","19:30","20:30","21:30","22:30","23:30"};
         int inv_val[] = new int[inv.length - 1];
             catch(Exception e)
            printE("Cannot load mysql database driver!", response);
                 conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, userID, passwd);
                  if (report.equals("r1")) {  // report 1
               DefaultCategoryDataset dataset = new DefaultCategoryDataset();
              Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
              String sql = "select *,count(f.Name),f.Name from film f, filmDetail fd, ticket t where f.startDate > '" + start + "' and f.endDate <  '" + end + "'and fd.filmID = f.filmID and fd.filmDetailID = t.filmDetailID group by order by fd.filmDetailID asc limit '" +topN+"'";
              ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql);
            while (
           if (rs.getInt("fd.filmDetailID") > max) max = rs.getInt("fd.filmDetailID");
         if (rs.getInt("fd.filmDetailID") < min) min = rs.getInt("fd.filmDetailID");
           ataset.setValue(rs.getInt("fd.filmDetailID"), cat,rs.getString("f.Name"));
           title1     = titles[0];
         chartDesc  = descs[0];
         chartTitle = order + " " + topN + " popular movie";
          chartYTitle = "Box Office record";
          chartXTitle = "Film Name";
          gender = " ";
          chart = ChartFactory.createBarChart(chartTitle, chartXTitle,   chartYTitle, dataset,PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, false, true, false);
              print("Error: I don't inderstand your request!", response);
           catch (SQLException e)
         printE("Cannot open database connection? <br>", response);
         // printE(e.toString);
         Document document = new Document(PageSize.A4, 5, 5, 5, 5);
             PdfWriter writer;
         writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, response.getOutputStream());
        HeaderFooter footer = new HeaderFooter(new Phrase("Page: "), true);
                   // step 3
                   document.add(getHeader(title0, title1, start, end, gender, order, topN, chartDesc));
                   document.add(printChart(chart, writer));
              catch(DocumentException de)
              // step 5
         }// end doGet()
         /** Handles the HTTP <code>POST</code> method.
          * @param request servlet request
          * @param response servlet response
         protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
              throws ServletException, IOException
              // processRequest(request, response);
         /** Returns a short description of the servlet.
         public String getServletInfo()
              return "Generate reports for " + bigTitle;
         /* To print en error and exit(?) */
         private void printE(Object obj, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException
              PrintWriter out;
              out = response.getWriter();
              // To-Do: how to force exiting?
         // create data chart
         private PdfPTable getHeader(String title0, String title1, String start, String end, String sex, String order, int topN, String desc)
              Font fTitle0 = FontFactory.getFont("Helvetica", 42, Font.BOLD);
              Font fTitle1 = FontFactory.getFont("Helvetica", 24, Font.BOLD);
              Font fTitle3 = FontFactory.getFont("Helvetica", 12, Font.BOLD);
              Font fValue = FontFactory.getFont("Helvetica", 12, Font.UNDERLINE);
              Paragraph parStartEnd = new Paragraph();
              parStartEnd.add(new Phrase("Data start from:                  ", fTitle3));
              parStartEnd.add(new Phrase(start, fValue));
              parStartEnd.add(new Phrase("     to     ", fTitle3));
              parStartEnd.add(new Phrase(end, fValue));
              Paragraph parGenerateDate = new Paragraph();
              parGenerateDate.add(new Phrase("Report generated at:         ", fTitle3));
              parGenerateDate.add(new Phrase(new java.util.Date().toString(), fValue));
              Paragraph parGender = new Paragraph();
              parGender.add(new Phrase("Current show gender:       ", fTitle3));
              parGender.add(new Phrase(sex, fValue));
              Paragraph parTopN = new Paragraph();
              parTopN.add(new Phrase("Now is showing                 ", fTitle3));
              parTopN.add(new Phrase(order, fValue));
              parTopN.add(new Phrase("  ", fValue));
              parTopN.add(new Phrase(new Integer(topN).toString(), fValue));
              parTopN.add(new Phrase("   record(s)", fTitle3));
              // Start main table
              PdfPTable tblMain = new PdfPTable(1);
              // Print title
              tblMain.addCell(new Paragraph(title0, fTitle0));
              tblMain.addCell(new Paragraph(title1, fTitle1));
              // Print headers data
              if (sex != " ")
              else if(order != null && topN > 0)
                   tblMain.addCell(" \n");
              tblMain.addCell(new Paragraph("Description of this report:", fTitle3));
              // Finish main table
              return tblMain;
         // print a chart _directly_ to pdf and return a empty Pdftable...
         public PdfPTable printChart(JFreeChart chart, PdfWriter writer)
              PdfContentByte cb = writer.getDirectContent();
              int width = 550;
              int height = 450;
              PdfTemplate tp = cb.createTemplate(width, height);
              Graphics2D g2d = tp.createGraphics(width, height, new DefaultFontMapper());
              Rectangle2D r2d = new Rectangle2D.Double(0, 0, width, height); //->,
              chart.draw(g2d, r2d);
              cb.addTemplate(tp, 20, 170);
              // quick method to push down the footer text
              // the only things this method return
              PdfPTable tblDownDown = new PdfPTable(1);
              tblDownDown.addCell(" \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n");
              tblDownDown.addCell(" \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n");
              tblDownDown.addCell(" \n \n \n \n \n \n");
              return tblDownDown;
         public PdfPTable getFooter(String notes[])
              Font fNote = FontFactory.getFont("Helvetica", 14, Font.UNDERLINE);
              Font fComment = FontFactory.getFont("Helvetica", 12, Font.ITALIC);
              Font fTitle1 = FontFactory.getFont("Helvetica", 30, Font.ITALIC);
              // Start footer table
              PdfPTable tblFooter = new PdfPTable(1);
              if (notes != null)
                   tblFooter.addCell(new Paragraph("Notes:", fNote));
                   for (int i=0;i<notes.length;i++)
                        if (notes[i] != null)
                             tblFooter.addCell(new Paragraph("" + (i+1) + ". " + notes[i] + "", fComment));
                        tblFooter.addCell(new Paragraph("- End of report -", fComment));
                        return tblFooter;

    Go to the cache directory and see if you can open the report directly from here (not in IE).
    I have seen posts on problems with Acrobat Reader Plugin for IE (I believe it was version 6 of Reader).

  • Embed fonts(Barcode) while generating Reports in PDF

    Hi Everyone,
    I have browsed through the similar topics and found that many have the opinion that embeding the fonts in Reports is not possible. But What if there is a report in PDF with a number in Barcode font to be mailed to a destination which does not have the font installed on the PC. Fonts cannot be sent across as they are protected by copyright. Thousands of recipients cannot be asked to buy the font.
    Please help me with a work around.

    starting with 9i, oracle reports is able to embed fonts into PDF files. it uses font subsetting to add the font definitions used in the particular file to the file itself, so you can display the document although you might not have the fonts installed.
    at the moment (in 6i) this feature is not there. a way around that yould be to use adobes PDFwrite to produce the PDFs. it is also able to embed fonts into the document.
    the oracle reports team

  • Generate report to PDF problem; font or layout problem

    Hi all,
    I have this report that look fine.
    But when I generate this report to PDF one of the column which supposed to show date information become "******" in the PDF version.
    Normally I would try to modify the report by changing its font to smaller one or expanding the field to accomodate longer string.
    The problem is i don't have the RDF file.
    So i need to know how to make the PDF i'm generating looks the same as the the original one i'm generating the PDF from.
    btw The report is made with Report Builder, and running on oracle database 10g.
    Thank you.
    Message was edited by:
    Jimmy JKT

    hello Gouri,
    basically I just wish the PDF version of the report looks exactly like the one generated by reports runtime.
    When I run the report all data is shown properly.. But the PDF version i generated from that failed to show one the column properly. Instead of showing the data the PDF version replace it with ******.
    How come?
    Is this the same kind of problem where the printed result differ from what it look on the sreen?
    Is it adobe reader problem?

  • After Generate Report Get Data to, the unbundle doesn't work right.

    I'm fairly new to the program, interning at a local company.  I activated LabVIEW 8.5 on two additional computers right as rain, but for some reason, on one of them, certain VIs, such as excel.llb\append report data (str).vi, do not execute.  The broken arrow points to the unbundle by names, which take place after a Generate Report Get Data to .  I took a look at the online evaluation version of LabVIEW 8.5 on the NI website, but the only differences between the working block diagrams online and the ones on my computer are that the ones on my computer don't have blue names.  I clicked on the names online and several options appeared.  I clicked on the names in the VI block diagram on my computer, and it didn't even have the option that it had by default.  It's like the Get Data to Modify isn't passing any, or the right information. 
    Additional info:  I had this problem on the other computer, but I just re-copied the files and it worked fine.  That didn't happen with this one.  Also, the same version of Office is installed on both of them.  The biggest difference between that desktop and my work laptop is just that the desktop had the instruments I'm working with attached to it already.  Could that be it?

    Are you sure that you have the Report Generation Toolkit completely installed on the computer where you are seeing the issue?  This may be available in the evaluation version, but not in your copy if you have not purchased it. 
    Also, I cannot find any VI titled excel.llb\Excel excel.llb\append report data (str).vi, could you double check this name so that others can help you out?  If you do not have full functionality, I would assume that not all of the components are installed completely.
    Ask NI (
    Search The KnowledgeBase
    NI Developer Zone
    Measure It. Fix It.
    NI Vision

  • How to generate excel file in oracle forms 10g on client machine

    dear Sir,
    I am using just file server(installed 10g dev suite) not a oracle application server,
    I am running my application from another machine ,it running fine i want to generate excel report on client machine
    presently i m using OLE2 for fetching the data in excel , it is working fine but it generates the excel file on file server machine and i want get the output excel on the client machine. aftre OLE2 i m using CLIENT_OLE2 with webutil (instead of OLE2) its get compile successfully but during runtime it give error "oracle.forms.webutil.ole.OleFunctions bean not "found.CLIENT_OLE2.create_obj will not work"
    *so please tell me without oracle application server is this possible or not .*

    your webutil on server side is not configured
    you need to re install the webutil jacob.dll files etc. then it will work fine..
    you can also generate excel file using reports to change the destination format in SPREADSHEET

  • Printing a report directly to the printer on the client machine

    Hi All,
    I am migrating reports from 6i to 10g, all these reports are called from menu and some from forms. There are some reports which are directly sent to the printer for printing. My question is when we run those reports that are sent directly to the printer from OAS, Can we make it refer to the printer set up on the client machine?. Can any one let me know regarding this?.

    Check out the orarrp utility (Oracle Reports Remote Printing Utility) on Metalink, note 277431.1.
    It may be easier in the end to set up printers on the OAS. I guess that client PC's are using network printers, or are the really using printers connected directly to the PC?

  • Display report in PDF w/o save

    I want to display Report on xmii browser without saving , I tried PDF action but it is giving error when calling url "File doesn't begin with %PDF-". When using image saver for saving file it saved on given path successfully.
    I also used isBinary=true in url paremeter, which I found in forum for one of the reason of this error but still it didn't work.
    Steps I am following for test case:
    1. Create PDF document action block
    2. Create PDF page action block - link to pdf document
    3. Craete PDF text action block with some value - link to pdf document
    4. Assign output parameter of PDF document action to BLS transaction output of type string.
    5. call url:
    Please advise if I am missing something, I am using xMII 11.5.
    Thanks and Regards,

    Muzammil - Indeed Runner works with 11.5 too and its the Key to trigger a BLS trx via URL.
    You can use Illuminator to execute Query templates so on via URL.
    Alok - Your URL looks good but still if you are getting same error "%PDF" then check whether you are providing exact Output parameter you have mapped in BLS trx.
    Also you can refer to below few threads on the same issue.
    [Thread1|Displaying PDF files created with BLS in xMII 12]
    [Thread2|Creating PDF]
    [Thread3|Stream a PDF using Runner ?]
    Hope this helps!!

  • Using DisplayOutput() after generating report via PeopleCode??

    I'm working on my first XMLP report and they'd like the report to be generated and immediately pop up in a PDF format after they click a button in PeopleSoft. Unfortunately I'm getting a think-time error during my DisplayOutput() command and I don't know if it's something I missed or did incorrectly or if it's just not possible.
    Here's my code; it's on a Record Field FieldChange event.
    &sOutputFormat = "PDF";
    &sRptDefn = "KC_APPR_DOC";
    &sTemplateId = ""; /*should bring in default*/
    /*Set-Up Report*/
    &ReportDef = create PSXP_RPTDEFNMANAGER:ReportDefn(&sRptDefn);
    ...populate stand-alone rowsets via CreateRowset and then .Fill ...
    &sLangCode = &Lang_cd;
    /*Provide a Data Source for the Report*/
    /*Generate the Report*/
    &ReportDef.ProcessReport(&sTemplateId, &sLangCode, %Date, &sOutputFormat);
    &ReportDef.DisplayOutput(); /*causing a think-time error*/
    Everything goes great until the DisplayOutput command where I get the following think-time error:
    "Think-time PeopleCode event (ViewAttachment), but a SQL update has occurred in the commit interval. PSXP_RPTDEFNMANAGER.Utility.OnExecute Name:zipandViewAttachment PCPC:2423 Statement:51
    Called from:PSXP_RPTDEFNMANAGER.ReportDefn.OnExecute Name:DisplayOutput Statement:1312
    Called from:EP_BTN_LINK_WRK.EP_PRINT_PB.FieldChange Statement:48
    Think-time PeopleCode events such as messages requiring a user response cannot be executed if a SQL update, insert, or delete has occurred in the commit interval. Examples of PeopleCode that invoke update type of SQL includes Process Scheduler, TriggerBussinessEvent, or MarkWorked. A unit of work cannot contain both think-time events and update type SQL."
    I'm on PeopleSoft 8.9, bundle 14. PeopleTools 8.48.11.
    Thank you for any help you can give!

    I had the same error and this fixed the problem.
    /*generate and display report*/
    &oRptDefn.ProcessReport(&sTmpltID, &sLangCd, &AsOfDate, &sOutFormat);
    CommitWork(); /*I added this and error is gone */

  • Parameter values getting lost when generating report to .pdf

    Report Builder
    I have a report which accepts 3 parameter, :v_id, :a, :b, :v_id is numeric, other char.
    I display them on the report and use them in the query. When I run the report, everything is ok in the previewer and when I print a hard copy.
    When I select generate -> pdf, the :a & :b parameters do not display on the report and the queries run the same as if I set :a & :b to a null value.
    Anybody seen this and have anykind of fix. I know I can generate the script for the query and then use and external query & might have to, but I was trying to find something else.

    Hi Chris
    I suggest you apply Reports and Forms Integrated patch on your setup. You can download the patch from metalink site.

  • How to generate report in pdf format through a JSP page

    I require to generate my report from my JSP page into a PDF format . How can i do it?

    Use a Java API which can create PDF files based on some collection of plain vanilla Java objects (List, String, Number, etc).
    Google can find them all. Just feed it with something like "Java PDF API" or so. A commonly used one is iText.
    That said, when talking about this in JSP context, ensure that you do NOT write raw Java code in JSP files using scriptlets. Raw Java code belongs in Java classes. In such case you need a Servlet. In JSP just use taglibs and EL to interact with backend Java code and data. Scriptlets are discouraged since over a decade.

Maybe you are looking for