Air 2.6 in GPU-mode: Filters possible?

I am converting my app from air 2.5 to air 2.6 and noticed that it doesn't render filters anymore when using GPU-mode. It renders filters in CPU-mode, but rendering is much slower than GPU.
Does anyone know if it's possible to use filers (a glow-filter in my case) in GPU-mode in Air 2.6?

Just had the issues.. in GPU mode any CPU intense rendering (like applyFilter does) slows down the app heavily. Like it dropped from 35fps to 5fps here. Let us know if you've got the same result or if I was wrong

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    Hi everyone
    I'm having a bit of an issue with the AS3 bitmap object. I'm currently developing an 8-bit style pixel game for AIR for Android.
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    How about first blit your image to a small bitmapData, then draw it on a large bitmapData (9X larger)?
    var small_bmd:BitmapData = new BitmapData(SMALL_WIDTH, SMALL_HEIGHT, false);
    var large_bmd:BitmapData = new BitmapData(SMALL_WIDTH * 9, SMALL_HEIGHT * 9, false);
    var bm:Bitmap = new Bitmap(large_bmd, PixelSnapping.NEVER, false);
    var blitRect:Rectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, 9, 9);
    var i:uint, j:uint, blitColor:uint;
    for(j = 0; j < SMALL_HEIGHT; j++){
         for(i = 0; i < SMALL_WIDTH; i++){
              blitColor = small_bmd.getPixel(i, j);
              blitRect.x = i * 9;
              blitRect.y = j * 9;
              large_bmd.fillRect(blitRect, blitColor);
    Not sure if the code works or not, but hopefully this helps.

  • Kindle Fire & Adobe Air issues with scaling & bottom menu - GPU Mode only

    Long post ahead, please buckle down for a while.
    I'm having issues with the Kindle Fire and the bottom 20 pixel menu in GPU mode, CPU mode behaves correctly. The project was created with flash cs5.5, the stage size is 1024x600 and I've set the NO_SCALE flag. When the app is run on the Kindle Fire the Kindle scales it to 1024x580 for the bottom 20 pixel menu. If I create the project as 1024x580 it still scales it down and then centers it vertically introducing a 10pixel black bar at the top and I would assume a 10 pixel black bar at the bottom under their menu. In CPU mode the app is not scaled and the bottom 20 pixels is obscured.
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    Oh, and the app works fine on the desktop in either GPU or CPU mode. The app also works fine in GPU and CPU mode on my iPad2, Google HTC Nexus One, Nook Color and my 4th gen iPod Touch.
    Now whos issue is this? Adobes, Amazons or mine? I know what the problem is but don't know how to fix it.
    Youtube video link:
    Thanks for your time!
    PS: if anyone wants the .fla for testing themselves, just ask and I will post a link to it.

    I'm going to forward this along to our android team for their review.  In the meantime, could you open a bug on this over at  Please post back with the URL so that others affected can visit the bug and cast their votes.

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    Any thoughts on optimizing would be appreciated.  I can add my code here if it helps.

    Tell Apple:
    We're all users here, just like you.

  • Disable auto smoothing on Android (GPU mode)

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    This question has not been answered...
    I'm rather disappointed that we don't have the control to turn this off for a number of reasons:
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    Can we please get control in Air 2.7 SDK?

  • GPU Mode crash when using 1024x1024px images on iPad Retina with cacheAsBitmapMatrix

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    GPU Mode active, 7 movieclips with 3 frames each, PNG images in those movieclips sized at 1024x1024px. So that's 21 png images.
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    So I started playing around with the different render modes:
    No crashing on CPU mode and no crashing on DIRECT mode, only on GPU setting.
    The retina device is NOT out of memory, it does not do anything really heavy. It just loads in these movieclips in a sliding menu, and tweens their alpha, scaleX and scaleY ( which is not part of the issue as it crashes without this too ).
    In summary:
    1024x1024px images inside of movieclip containers crash an iPad Retina device when using cacheAsBitmapMatrix.
    The fix I have found is to just lower the image size a tiny bit: from 1024px to 1016px, it resolves the crash and makes everything work perfect.
    So, what do you guys think this could be? I tried with previous versions of AIR (3.7,3.8) and it happens on those versions too. I am using the latest beta of AIR 3.9.

    I have not had that happen to me, so I can only speculate, but here are some questions that might help us narrow down the problem.
    1. Were the slides created on your ipad, or did you create the presentation on your mac/pc & then import it onto the ipad for presenting?
    2. You said When not using Keynote projected images are sharp." Does that mean that the same images used in the presentation display fine on the same projector when you open them in Phoots or another app?
    3. Is it only the images on the slide that are compressed, or does it impact text as well?
    If you run the presentation on your ipad, not connected to any outside screens, dothe pictures show up normally, or are they compressed then as well?
    Like I said, I havent' had this happen to me. My first guess (without knowing any of the details) is that maybe the presentation was created on another device & it was not set to display as 1024 x 768, but at some other aspect ratio, and since that it what the iPad displays at, it is compressing the slides to fit.

  • IOS 6: problem with sprites rotation in gpu mode

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    <mx:UIComponent id="gameCanvas" mouseChildren="false" mouseEnabled="false" width="100%" height="100%" />
    var gridSprite:Sprite=new Sprite();
    // then I draw stuff on this gridSprite
    It works fine if this sprite is not rotated.
    But when I change its rotationX or rotationY properties, the sprite disappears from the screen!
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    I tried Air 3.3 and Air 3.4 - both have this problem.
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    I'll really appreciate any help.

    I performed some other tests and so it seems like everything is 2D in gpu mode. When I try to do 3D transformations, objects disappear from the view.
    For example out of these 3 images only image1 is displayed:
    <s:BitmapImage id="image1"  source="logo.png" height="25%" width="100%" />
    <s:BitmapImage id="image2"  source="logo.png" height="25%" width="100%"  rotationY="5"/>
    <s:BitmapImage id="image3"  source="logo.png" height="25%" width="100%"  z="5"/>
    Maybe there is some setting that enables 3D (something like zBufferEnabled=true) that needs to be explicitly set for iOS 6 in gpu mode?
    UPD: Ok, I'm pretty sure it's a bug, I reported it to Adobe - Bug 3330901

  • Visuals appear blurred under GPU mode.

    Hi folks,
    How to avoid the blurry effect when render in GPU mode? I attempt to set quality to "LOW" but still get the same "filtered" look. To the contrary, in CPU mode things appear far clearer and sharper, bitmaps tend to be pixelated, but this is just what I wanted.
    Any help is appreciated!

    I guess that stage.quality = "low" ought to do that, but I tried, and it didn't help.
    About blitting, I just did a test. Using the code below I timed how long it takes to copypixels a 512x512 square a thousand times. I had the frame rate set to 100 fps, to make the arithmetic easier. On a test movie for Android it took about 10.7 seconds (10 would be perfect). On Android set to CPU it was about 20 seconds, and set to GPU it was 30 seconds. That makes the frame rate be about 50 fps for CPU and 33 fps for GPU.
    Those tests were on a high end dual core Honeycomb tablet, and I used Advanced Task Manager to force quit all apps before running the test to give it the best chance. I also tried the test on my iPad 2, and the results weren't quite what I expected. For the iPad, the CPU time was about 19 seconds, and GPU was 17 seconds. That's about 52 fps and 59 fps, so both better than on the Android, but strangely the GPU mode worked slightly better.
    So, imperfections in my theory aside, blitting with GPU is about 50% slower than CPU on Android, and only slightly quicker on iOS.
    Here's my test code ("tf" is a text field already on the stage):
    import flash.display.BitmapData;
    import flash.display.Bitmap;
    var bmd0:BitmapData = new BitmapData(512,512,false,0x000000);
    var bmd1:BitmapData = new BitmapData(512,512,false,0xff0000);
    var bmd2:BitmapData = new BitmapData(512,512,false,0xffff00);
    var bnum:int = 1;
    var p:Point = new Point(0,0);
    var r:Rectangle = new Rectangle(0,0,512,512);
    var c:int = 0;
    var b:Bitmap = new Bitmap(bmd0);
    var t:int = getTimer();
    function blit(e:Event) {
    bnum = 1 - bnum;
    if (bnum) {
    } else {
    if (c==1000) {
    tf.text = String(getTimer()-t);

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    not keen in the movie or song download. just air play will do.. is it possible? anyway apple TV is not sold in singapore.
    Please revert
    thank you

    You may or may not already have your network set up correctly, it's just that I can't tell from what you have said.
    I have a main router provided by my ISP, I have several other Airport Extremes and Airport expresses connected by Ethernet, all set up to bridge the network created by the main router.
    Each maker has their own settings, but bridging should be reasonably obvious. In simple terms my main router distributes IP addresses to all devices, the Airports bridge that network by passing these addresses to the devices from the main router. A base station that isn't in bridging mode will distribute its own addresses to the devices connected to it.
    I don't really follow your next point.
    instruction for configuration vary from manufacturer to manufacturer, the best course of action here is to refer to the manual. If everything is set up properly the addresses of everything on your network will have identical sets of numbers for the first 3 of 4 groups of numbers that make up an address, the last set must always be different. I think the part you are referring to with your DD-WRT is the option to have Ethernet and wifi bridged or not.
    Some routers may be easier to configure than others, but generally speaking they should all work with the Apple TV. 5Ghz is less likely to suffer interference but it is much more likely to be blocked by solid objects, it may or may not be an advantage.

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    Why isn't episode 5 of Rizzoli&Isles available on iTunes Store yet ? It's usually available the day after it's aired. Ep 5 was aired tuesday 23rd, but is still not possible to watch in iTunes..

    Ask the content provider.

  • I got a mid 2011 macbook air 13 with 128gb ssd is it possible to upgrade my storage?

    i got a mid 2011 macbook air 13 with 128gb ssd is it possible to upgrade my storage?

    It is entirely possible, as many have known from day one (as ifixit's first teardown revealed). Unlike the unupgradeable memory, the SSD is a discrete expansion card that is removeable with just one screw, after removing the case cover. It is however debateable as to whether such an expansion is worth the possible risk of making demonstrable changes to the MBA whilst still under warranty. So you may want to stave off consideration for a while.
    I made the upgrade recently on my older 2010 MBA, and it was easier than upgrading the HDD on my old MacBook Pro.
    Here OWC/Mac Sales has kits and instruction videos.

  • Macbook air freezes in screen save mode (Mid 2011 model using Mountain Lion

    My MacBook Air freezes during screen save mode & is completely unresponsive.  The only option is to press & hold the power button to force a power down then restart the laptop.  This issue is not intermittent but happens every time the laptop is in screen save mode for any length of time (+20 mins).
    The laptop is a Mid 2011 model. 1.8 GHz i7, 250 GB solid state HD, 13" display with 4 GB RAM.  I updated to Mountain Lion latest version about 1 month ago.

    Hi there. I'm not using any 3rd party screen saver software, only the standard Mountain Lion supplied stuff.
    I did have to get the Genuis Guys to reset my SMC as my battery, fan &amp; power lead were showing problems.  Those issues are now solved but this has persisted.
    I am considering a reinstal of the OS system but that is a 1 hour download following by ?? hours of waiting for the program to restart.
    I'll try using one of the other screen saver options to test that.
    Thanks for that idea.

  • Error Message: Change of update mode not possible due to open V3 update

    Hi Gurus,
    I got error message when i change update mode (LBWE) from V3 to Direct or Queued delta method.
    Error Message: Change of update mode not possible due to open V3 update
    Long text: You are not allowed to change the update mode for application 11 from V3 to another method. This is because there are still V3 update entries for update module MCEX_UPDATE_11 that have not been processed yet.
    Pls anyone give solution for this.

    Hi Sreeni,
    i did check in all the below Tcode as you adviced.
    1. Clear all record at SM13, LBWQ / SMQ1, Setup tables, RSA7 for particular datsasource or application..
    2. For LBWQ provide date range and delete not required records.
    I did not get the 3rd point " Need to clear in CLINTS of R/3 system" of your reply.
    what does that mean?
    I checked all the above tcodes and got the same message as no queue or data exists".
    I went SBIW tcode and activated my data source and try to change the Update mode but still it is throwing error message as "Change of update is not possible due to open V3"
    Please help me out.
    It will be very helpful for me if you could share steps or docs regarding this issue.

  • What affects GPU mode rendering?

    Hi all,
    I use bitmap based rendering in GPU mode for performance.  All vectors and fliters etc are converted to a bitmap at runtime.  It's working great.
    I understand that rotation and scale will not affect the performance - this is all handled by the GPU.
    1) Does ColorTransform affect GPU (will the bitmap need to be rerendered and pushed into texture memory again?
    2) What about masking the bitmap with a shape, or with another bitmap?

    After I fixed all the orientation issues on my PC (by deleting all thumbnails after the photo is correctly oriented), and deleting the ipod photo cache, I resync my ipod and all my photos now have the correct orientation on both PC and ipod.
    Except now two of the album covers (icon) have the wrong orientation! Even though the same photos (first photo) in the album displays correctly on the ipod.
    I'm running out of ideas. Any suggestions?

  • GPU mode not functioning, using ATI HD3870 or ATI HD3200.

    When I run Pixel Bender in GPU mode, on either my desktop computer or my laptop, image loading fails with the following message:
    "Error loading file: mandelbrot.png" (same problem with the other example files, and also for other jpg and png files).
    and when I try to exit the program after failing to load an image, Windows 7 tells me it stopped responding.
    When I run it in CPU mode, this problem disappears.
    I think this is strange because I thought the HD3200(onboard graphics chip) or at least the HD3870 were supported.
    Both my Desktop computer and my laptop are running Windows 7 64-bit.

    I forgot to include Dxdiag information.
    DirectX Version: DirectX 11
    Card name: ATI Radeon HD 3800 Series
           Manufacturer: ATI Technologies Inc.
              Chip type: ATI display adapter (0x9501)
               DAC type: Internal DAC(400MHz)
             Device Key: Enum\PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_9501&SUBSYS_12001462&REV_00
         Display Memory: 2297 MB
       Dedicated Memory: 506 MB
          Shared Memory: 1791 MB
           Current Mode: 1440 x 900 (32 bit) (60Hz)
            Output Type: HD15
            Driver Name: atiumd64.dll,atidxx64.dll,atiumdag,atidxx32,atiumdva,atiumd6a.cap,atitmm64.dll
    Driver File Version: 8.14.0010.0716 (English)
         Driver Version: 8.681.0.0
            DDI Version: 10.1
           Driver Model: WDDM 1.1
      Driver Attributes: Final Retail

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