AIR for Android Captive Runtime

Is it possible to package android apps with AIR (or will it be) using Flash CS5.5? I don't see anything on the web about. Just how to do it with Flex and ADT etc...

I've made a complete working example for publishing an application with captive runtime, assets and native extensions starting from Flash CS5.5
I was able to make it thanks to hints and suggestions I found in this thread.
Note: english is not my native tongue so I hope you understand what I've written also if sometime it sounds "engrish".
Here it is the link to the zip file:
- You must have Flash cs5.5 pro (obviously)
- You must have installed the overlay for Air3.0 sdk on your Flash cs5.5 pro
Here it is a link that explain how to accomplish it:
Here the steps I made.
1) Open Flash CS5.5 and create a new AIR for Android application
2) Add the swc to the libraries used by your FLA (open Actionscript 3.0 settings and add "VibrationActionScriptLibrary.swc")
   Btw, you can find this "ready to use" native extension inside the zipfile that you can download from here:
   However in my example you will find also a directory named "extension" that contains it.
3) Open and then close the "air for android settings": by doing this Flash will create yourapp-app.xml file in the directory where your FLA resides.
   For example my fla is named "vibrate.fla" so Flash created for me a "vibrate-app.xml" file.
4) Make a copy of this "vibrate-app.xml" file by naming it "real-vibrate-app.xml" (or choose whatever name you want)
   I've done this because after modyfing the original one by adding the <extension> tag (see below) I wasn't able to test my app from within Flash IDE (when I compile it it simply doesn't start)
   Instead by doing this all worked fine.
5) Edit the "real-vibrate-app.xml" file by adding somewhere these lines (I added it just before the <initialWindow> tag)
6) Add <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.VIBRATE"/> in the <android> <manifestAdditions> part in "real-vibrate-app.xml" file.
   You should do something like this:
          <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.VIBRATE"/>
7) Develop your application
   I made a simple one that loads an external jpg and shows it on the stage: then the user can tap on it to make the phone vibrate.
   The function "doVibration" is called only when the app is running on Android Device so I do not get any executions error when I run the app from within Flash Ide
8) Publish and test it to your USB connected device by launching the "publish.bat" file I have created
   Open a dos prompt and move to your project directory then type publish.bat and press enter.
   Note: it can be that you have to edit the bat file in order to change the path to the ADT tool that comes with Air3.0 sdk
   It should be in [your adobe flash cs5.5 directory]\AIR2.6\bin\adt (rememeber, you must have installed the Air3.0 sdk overlying the old Air2.6/2.7 in the AIR2.6 directory)
   Inside the bat file you can change easily the target type (captive or not) simply by commenting/decommenting the right line.
   Captive version is about 8Mb more than the normal one but the big deal is that the user that installs it do not need the air runtime installed on his phone!
   The "big line" that creates the package is the following one:
   call %ADT_LINK% -package -target %TARGET_TYPE% -storetype pkcs12 -keystore certificate/vibrate.p12 -storepass android AirVibrate.apk real-vibrate-app.xml -extdir extensions vibrate.swf icons assets
   call %ADT_LINK%          it's just the path to the ADT tool
   -package                 it's the command that we want ADT to execute
   -target %TARGET_TYPE%    captive/non captive version
   -storetype pkcs12        certificate related
   -keystore certificate/vibrate.p12  path to your self signed certificate
   -storepass android       certificate related, I created the example certificate with "android" password and this parameters tell ADT to always use it without prompting
   AirVibrate.apk           the name of the Apk
   real-vibrate-app.xml     the apk-xml to use that is the one we modified manually above
   -extdir extensions       it's the path to the directory that contains the native extension
   vibrate.swf              the main swf
   icons                    the icons directory
   assets                   the assets directory (where I put the external jpg)
That's all.
If everything is correct, the batch file creates the AirVibrate.apk then installs it on your attached usb device and run it.
When you tap over the Android image that will appear, your phone should vibrate.
Now.. does someone wants to develop a Native Extension to show Admob banners in our Android Air Applications?
If I missed something, please let me know.

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    I tried installing both apps on my Xoom and didn't have a problem. Please file a bug at This way our QE can take a look and contact you if they need additional information.

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    package vidTestSource
      import flash.desktop.NativeApplication;
      import flash.desktop.SystemIdleMode;
      import flash.display.MovieClip;
      import flash.display.Sprite;
      import flash.display.StageAlign;
      import flash.display.StageScaleMode;
      import flash.geom.Rectangle;
      public class MobileVideosolo extends MovieClip
          public var stream:NetStream ;
          public var video:StageVideo;
          var xx:Number;
          var yy:Number;
          var ww:Number;
          var hh:Number;
          var mymoov:String;
      public function MobileVideosolo(mymoov,xx,yy,ww,hh)
          this.xx = xx;
          this.yy = yy;
          this.ww = ww;
          this.hh = hh;
          this.mymoov = mymoov;
         addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, onstage);
    function onstage(e)
        if (stage.stageVideos.length != 0)
          stage.addEventListener(StageVideoAvailabilityEvent.STAGE_VIDEO_AVAILABILITY, stageVideoState );
    function stageVideoState(e)
           stage.removeEventListener (StageVideoAvailabilityEvent.STAGE_VIDEO_AVAILABILITY, stageVideoState);
    function initialize1()
          var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection() ;
          nc.connect(null) ;
          stream = new NetStream(nc) ;
          stream.client = this ;
          video = stage.stageVideos[0] ;
          video.viewPort = new Rectangle(xx,yy,ww,hh) ;
          video.attachNetStream(stream) ;
 (mymoov) ;
          MovieClip(parent).sVtext.text = "Init 1";
          stream.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, netStatusHandler);
    function initialize2()
        var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection() ;
         nc.connect(null) ;
         stream = new NetStream(nc) ;
         stream.client = this ;
         video = stage.stageVideos[0] ;
         video.viewPort = new Rectangle(xx,yy,ww,hh) ;
         video.attachNetStream(stream) ; (mymoov) ;
         MovieClip(parent).sVtext.text = "Init 2";
         stream.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, netStatusHandler);

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    Please download latest AIR3.4 SDK from
    Look for the runtime.apk present in the AIRSDK folder \runtimes\air\android\device.
    Install the AIR3.4 runtime on android device using command(Refer -
    adt -installRuntime -platform android -device deviceID -package path-to-runtime
    The above steps will install latest AIR runtime on Android device.
    Please note that - Applications created and published from Flash Professional CS6 for Android platforms will run on devices that run Google Android™ 2.2 operating system or higher.
    Flash Pro Engg Team

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    What I want:
    I want a free resource through which I can add ads in my application.
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    Thanks in advance,

    Yes, its for me broken, too.
    I found the link in this thread:
    Maybe try to contact the author or one of the thread participants for an unbroken version?

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    system couldn't find the file
    If you can´t get a more specific hint why your project can´t compile then I can think of some reasons theis error might occur
    1.You had files included besides the swf, like videos, audio files, xml files, that are not present in the place air expects them to be
    2.somewhere in your createWin functions there is a class import needed that isn`t present in 3.2 anymore, for example some classes or functions from classes that were valid in 2.6 are not any more in 3.2
    3. to achieve better eror logging, allow for debugging in the publishing options and see what specific lines in your code throw the error
    4.any air app needs a cert file, this needs to be created once, if you migrated to e new system it might be you never created that file which air expects to even begin the compiling process
    once you isolate the problem, report back

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    Any ideas?

    I removed:
    stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
    stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
    from AS3 and it works better. Now there is even white space on the north and south side of the screen. Clicking "Full Screen" in the publish settings, makes a little more white space, which is weird. It as if now the stage is expanding its height, rather than its height and width due to me using the above code. Still, would like to get rid of that extra white space.
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  • Best practice for images. Air for Android

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    I was thinking about the best solution when it comes to images storage for Air on Android.
    Since I dont have much experience with non-web based apps, I thought of two way and I would like to know your thought on them.
    1.Application Storage Directory. If I get it right, this folder is created when the app is installed and the project can access files in it. Any idea on how this can work with images?
    2.Database. My app uses a local database anyway so maybe that the proper way to do it. I've done some research and found out that the image must be converted to a byte array (thats easy) but then I dont have a clue on how to save it to the database.
    So? Which one is better for the mobile world?
    Also, if there are other ways let me know please.

    While I am no expert in this area, I did run across this blog:
    It deal with local caching of remotely loaded images.  Should be exactly what you are looking for.

  • Adobe AIR for Android - GPU Mode - Bitmap Auto-Smoothing Issue

    Hi everyone
    I'm having a bit of an issue with the AS3 bitmap object. I'm currently developing an 8-bit style pixel game for AIR for Android.
    This game is being developed at a very low resolution and is being scaled up to maintain the charm of an old retro game.
    One of the methods I'm using is drawing pixels directly to bitmap objects and scaling the object up to create the old look.
    When testing on a mobile device, this works beautifully when you set the rendering method to Direct but when you change
    the render method to GPU the visuals go all blurry and anti-aliased (it's as if the bitmap is being smoothed out). The mini map
    for example is rendered using the setPixel method and then scaled up 9 times. Looks great on my PC but once I export it to my phone
    it looks absolutely awful! This is no good as I want to keep the clean, solid pixel look to maintain the the old 8-bit feel and obviously
    I'd like to stick to GPU mode due to it's speed.
    Like I said, this only happens once you test on a mobile device in GPU mode - it doesn't do it on my main desktop machine or
    in Direct mode. I already have the stage quality set to low and I've tried setting the bitmap's smoothing property to false but
    it does nothing.
    Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can get around this?

    How about first blit your image to a small bitmapData, then draw it on a large bitmapData (9X larger)?
    var small_bmd:BitmapData = new BitmapData(SMALL_WIDTH, SMALL_HEIGHT, false);
    var large_bmd:BitmapData = new BitmapData(SMALL_WIDTH * 9, SMALL_HEIGHT * 9, false);
    var bm:Bitmap = new Bitmap(large_bmd, PixelSnapping.NEVER, false);
    var blitRect:Rectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, 9, 9);
    var i:uint, j:uint, blitColor:uint;
    for(j = 0; j < SMALL_HEIGHT; j++){
         for(i = 0; i < SMALL_WIDTH; i++){
              blitColor = small_bmd.getPixel(i, j);
              blitRect.x = i * 9;
              blitRect.y = j * 9;
              large_bmd.fillRect(blitRect, blitColor);
    Not sure if the code works or not, but hopefully this helps.

  • Partial wakelock in Adobe Air for Android

    I'm developing Adobe Air (for Android) application which is intended to be constantly on. App has event based operations. However, when phone enters to sleep mode app is able to perform only one or few events in a second which is not good enough. AIR's SystemIdleMode.KEEP_AWAKE -mode is not an alternative since it is too battery consuming.
    I'm looking for a solution where phone is allowed to go into sleep mode (screen is off) but still CPU performance is not drastically dropped. Not sure if Android's partial wakelock -mode does the job and is available via ANE?

    Well Im a bit puzzled now. I just created a quick AIR app using AIR13 for Android and did a DEACTIVATE test on the NativeApplication.nativeApplication property and used a TextField to "trace" out the frame rate when the app deactivated. The frame rate stayed at 24FPS the entire time. I turned the screen off, let it turn off, went to the home screen, and switched to other apps while the test app was still running. In all cases, the frame rate never dropped to 4FPS as indicated in Adobe's documentation. So it is either something a bug or feature of AIR13+ or it is how Android KitKat handles applications in the background. Im using an unlocked/stock Moto X running Android 4.4.3. The app also appends the getTimer() call to the end so you can see that it does change. Here is a link to the quick app I created: Dropbox - deactivate.apk
    I guess if you want to download that and test it out to see how it behaves on your device and let me know the results. What device and OS are you running?
    Below is the original message I started to type before I decided to create a quick app to test with. It may or may not still be relevant based on your results from my app test.
    If you are looking at just recording information, you could probably setup something on the Android/Java side that gets started when the app "sleeps" using the DEACTIVE event as a trigger to start the ANE side of things. Then when your app "wakes", you could use the ACTIVATE event to trigger a call to the ANE to pull all the data collected in the Java side back to AIR and stop the ANE data capture since the data capture would be back to being handled by AIR.

  • Adobe AIR for Android update FAILS

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    Could you please share the device used, OS version, kernel version and the last Adobe AIR installed in your device. Also, is this intermittent or it is failing everytime.

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    Few days ago i decided to try develop adobe air for android.
    Updated my phone to android 2.2 installed Android SDK , Adobe AIR SDK.
    Now there are few tutorials out there how to set up Air ap for android.
    They all state that u have to install Runtime_Device_Froyo_***********.apk
    You can supposidly download it from adobe pre-release, i cant get in there because they don`t let new members to register ?!?!?!
    I searched the entire google for 3h in every possible way to find Adobe Air setup for android, but its like it never existed. There are few disabled rapidshare and megadownload links, it is mentioned in a lot of places but you just cant find it anywhere.
    How can i setup Adobe AIR for my Android phone ?

    Can you please give directions where can i clear that cash.
    Anyway i don`t think its the case, because this is first time i hooked phone to internet, and first time i launched Android app store.
    I went to and there is Adobe air app. But when i try to download it says that my device doesn't support it (Samsung Galaxy GT-I5500) By default it comes with android 2.1 and doesn't support Adobe air, but i upgraded firmware to 2.2.
    Maybe that is the reason it doesn't show me Adobe AIR in app store - based on my phone, not my Android version ?

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