Airtunes music cuts out periodically

I am on a wireless network. An airport extreme is the main router, and there is also an airport express set up with speakers connected for using airtunes. Both airports are close together, and usually I use my laptop from no more than 10 ft away from either of them with no thick walls or anything like that around. A kitchen with appliances is near by, but other laptops don't have an issues.
The problem is this: periodically my airtunes will just stop for 2-5 seconds as if someone had paused the music. Since no one else has issues I don't think this is airport related. And the range can't be the issue... And it happens no matter how many applications might be open.
Does anyone know what the problem might be? Thanks.

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    kicro wrote:
    I'm wondering whether it more likely is the slow processor or minimal 2GB of RAM in my aging, low-end PC.
    unlikely as the itunes server is an old mac mini g4 with 512mb of RAM, and runs flawlessly streaming all my content (music and SD/HD video).

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    Message was edited by: gsgeorge
    Message was edited by: gsgeorge

    Hi gsgeorge
    sounds a bit like a bad contact of the earphones-jack. I'd try to apply a tiny bit of electronic contact spray onto a plug, insert it into the socket and move it gently, if your lucky it might help.
    Regards P

  • In preview all is good...burning dvd the music cuts out 2 times in 4 songs...i have turned off all other programs, sleep and energy mode for battery...multiple tries... same result

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    No audio on DVD disc.
    Most common origin.
    1. Imported audio from iTunes.
    • In iTunes copy out as an audio-CD .aiff
    • Use this in Your movie project
    2. Low - Free Space on Start-up/Boot/Internal/Mac OS Hard disk makes it hard for iMovie to work as intended.
    Down to 1.3 GB and it doesn’t work - especially audio don’t migrate over to Media Browser
    (iM’08 & 09)
    3. Material in iMovie’08 & 09 - Shared to Media Browser and here selected as Large
    large.m4v. It silenced out this project in iDVD. By making a slight alteration - provocing it to ask for a new Share/Publish to Media Browser and here selecting 640x480 - and audio was back when a new iDVD project was created including this movie.
    720x540    960x540
    4. Strange audio formats like .mp3, .avi etc.
    • Change them to .aiff. Use an audio editor like Audacity (free)
    5. Main audio is set to off in System Preferences - Does this by it self - Don’t know why
    Cheque Audio-Out resp. Audio-In
    6. Ed Hanna
    Had the same problem; some Googling around gave me a kludgy, but effective fix
    Downgrade Perian from recent versions back to version 1.0.
    That worked for me, and so far I haven't encountered any deficiencies—except it takes more advanced versions of Perian to enable QuickTime to handle subtitles in .srt format—that I have noticed.
    7. GarageBand fix.
    In this set audio to 44.1 kHz (Klaus1 suggestion)
    (if this don’t work try 48 kHz - me guessing)
    Before burning the DVD.
    • Do a DiskImage (File menu and down)
    • Double click on the .img file
    • Test it with Apple DVD-player
    If it’s OK then make Your DVD.
    Burn at x1 speed.... (or x4)
    • In iDVD 08 - or - 09
    • Burn from DiskImage with Apple’s Disk Utilities application
    • OR burn with Roxio Toast™ if You got it
    Yours Bengt W

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    Most probably Premiere Elements is causing the rotation you are experiencing
    That is because the recent versions of Premiere Elements do not recognize the rotation indicator set in a photo file.  However the Photoshop Elements Organizer does recognize a photo orientation indicator set within the photo file when displaying thumbnails and displaying the photo file.
    At this point for this slide show,
    it might be simplest to initiate an edit in Photoshop Elements of each of the portrait orinetation photo files that are in this slide show -- so that the pixels within the photo file itself can be rotated and saved as a new photo file. .
    In the future,
    -- it would probably be simpler to multiple select thumbnails in the Organizer and rotate those photo thumbnails (once 90 degrees  and then a second time back in the opposite direction 90 degrees).
    -- most cameras that set rotation indicators in a photo file also have an option not to set that indicator which then usually results in portrait orientation photos displaying sideways in the Elements Organizer until you rotate them yourself. (to me this is a second choice approach but it is a possibility)

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    On your computer, is there more than one profile that can be logged into?    Each login user has its own library.

  • Music cuts out at the start of every clip.

    Hello I really need some help with Adobe Premiere Elements 8. Ive made one project and I go to add music to it and once it loads and everything is fine i press play and right at the start or very close to the start of every new video clip, the music cuts out, I pause and play the project and it works again! Untill you run into another clip and then it cuts out! Very frustrating, ive been using elements for a while now and I cannot figgure out what it is. Please Help!!

    Hey, thanks for replying so quickly,
    I converted the audio files to the .wav that you suggested. And no change, a bit more of an update with the problem; I find if at the start of every clip it cuts out, I am able to rewind a bit and wait for it to reload, and it works fine, but on initial playback it cannot. Also with a different movie I made it worked fine because the clips I used for it were all running at 100% playback speed. The ones I am having the trouble with are running at maximum speed (10,000%).  I was also informed that I should tell you I am using a laptop, and therefor I have only one HDD if I am correct, (not very computer literate) and its a 250 GB, with 4GB of RAM. Running with about 60 GB of free space. I tried to look in control panel for the other information you requested and was unsuccesful. Maybe let me know where to find it and I can let you know.. And in the end I am assuming that Premiere is glitching out because of this small computer..........
    I appreciate your help.........

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    Music cuts out after a few seconds or goes straight back to menu since I downloaded iTunes 11. Never had this problem since I bought apple tv 2 years ago.

    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    Intermittent problems are often a result of interference. Interference can be caused by other networks in the neighbourhood or from household electrical items.
    You can download and install iStumbler (NetStumbler for windows users) to help you see which channels are used by neighbouring networks so that you can avoid them, but iStumbler will not see household items.
    Refer to your router manual for instructions on changing your wifi channel.

  • Music Cutting out

    I am working on a piece, 210 seconds long, based on a song. When exporting the finished show the music cuts out at the same point all the time. The song was downloaded from Itunes store, am I missing something....
    I have created a small file @, use the video test link to see it.......
    The music stops about 3/4 of the way through....
    This is for use in a church service, and is my 1st attempt, so its not that good or massive. Could someone help, as I need this running for Sunday 18th Dec......

    I think you may be running into limitations due to a lack of RAM. Motion loads everything into memory and you've got 210 seconds x 30fps x 1 MB per frame = 6300 MB or 6.3 GB. You appear to have less ram than that...
    And you didn't say which version of Motion you are using. If 1.0, that would explain a lot - Motion's handling of audio has improved quite a bit in 2.0
    What I would do is to export the video, then marry the video and audio in QuickTime. Load each into a player, create a new player, click on video, select all, copy, click on new player, paste, position to beginning of new player, click on audio, select all, copy, click on new player, under the edit menu, select "Add", save your new player.
    Post back,

  • BB Curve 8310 w/Jabra BT8040 Music Cut Outs

    I listen to streaming radio (Pandora) through my BlackBerry Curve 8310 and had no trouble with standard wired headphones. Yesterday I got a Jabra BT8040 bluetooth headset and everything works great except that intermittently the music cuts out and then back on. I've noticed that every time this happens, the double arrows appear in the upper right hand of the phone screen indicating that the phone is sending or receiving data. Is this a buffering or cache issue that is interfering with the signal to the headset? I'm hoping that this is a simple fix 'cause the headset works great otherwise.

    I should imagine you have not had a reply due to including such a huge amount of meaningless dribble with your post. We are just ordinary users and not used to dealing with such complexities. So lets have a look at the question alone
    i am using 8310 curve which reboots radomly, it doesnt reboot in standby mode or while plugged in pc through usb, but if i use it randomly as like hearing music or making a call or texting anyone it reboots, so plz can anyone help me in this case, i would be greatful, here is my event log collected using jl_cmder, thankyou.
    The Blackberry is designed to be reset by removing the battery whilst the device is powered-on. Leave the battery out for a minute or 2.
    See if that resolves the problem.
    Blackberry Best Advice - Back-up weekly
    If I have helped you please check the "Kudos" star on the right >>>>

  • AirTunes Repeatedly Cuts Out...

    Using an Airport Express exclusively for AirTunes; recently moved to a new place-- the distance between computer & stereo has increased, but still well within 150ft... The connection to the airport express is very spotty-- iTunes constantly loses the connection to the remote speakers-- a few seconds on, a few seconds off. Of course, as I'm writing this, it's maintained connection for a few minutes, but that's rare.
    Is this a range issue or interference with some other source (from the neighbors perhaps)? Would a second airport express strengthen the signal or is this a lost cause?
    Got the recent firmware updates, iTunes is up to date; have done the hard and soft resets of the airport express multiple times...

    I had a similar problem with airtunes as Kumquat, I think. Airtunes repeatedly cut out. I seem to have fixed it with latest 6.3 firmware for Airport express, setting security to lowest 40WEP, turning on interference robustness, setting different channel, and setting maximum buffer in iTunes. This seems to hold even when microwave is in use, which is a first for my network.
    However, I took the advice of downloading the Apple Airport management Tools which have given some interesting results.
    I run two airport express unit on same network and have two Apples - one an iMac G4 (2.1) running 10.3.9 and 802.11b airport card, the other an iBook G3 (PowerPC 750) running 10.3.0 with airport 802.11b. AEs are set to 'b' only. (Computers are different software build because I forgot password for the G3)
    Running airport client monitor on each gives:
    G4 signal -40dB and noise -100dB with transmit rate steady at 11Mbps until I run iTunes (6.01) when transmit rate drops frequently to zero and trace looks like an irregular saw blade.
    G3 shows signal strength positive ie +60dB and noise +5dB and when running iTunes (4.7) the transmit rate remains steady at 11Mbps.
    I don't understand the difference between the signal strengths of each compute - why one is on positive scale and one negative.
    And I don't understand why the transmit strength behaves so differently between each computer. I'm going to log on another G4 with similar hardware/software build in the next few days and see what the difference is.
    You might ask why I'm bothering given that Airtunes seems to be fixed at the moment but no doubt, like many of you, I expect the problem will return and understanding more about the causes should help me when it does.
    Incidently Airfoil 2.0 gave similarly varying transmit rates on the G4 so I guess that lets iTunes off the hook.

  • Music cutting out using wireless external speakers

    i've been having problems with the music cutting out while playing. i have itunes 9.2.1 and have it set up wirelessly to external speakers. it doesn't cut out when playing on computer speakers. is this a speaker or wireless or itunes problem?

    Could not agree more... thought it was the appletv, then my rarely used airport express, then started changing/upgrading wireless routers in the house. Have the latest stuff but, cannot stream from my laptop without it cutting out (streaming to a "wired" appleTV, no less).
    Every once in a while, I'll get a combination that's just right and it will work, then after about 10 mins, starts the drops. I've changed stream settings, wireless router settings, everything I can find on the Inet as a possible suggestion. I concur it's got to be a iTunes software issue.

  • ITunes Cuts Out Periodically When Using Airport Express

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    i just bought a brand new airport express from apple and hooked it up to my brand new speakers. it also started periodically cutting out. so i followed apple's advice and tried different channels on my router. i went from 1 to 11 and still had the same problem.
    then i tried decreasing my security down to WEP 40-bit. still had the same problem.
    then i tried moving the airport to the middle of the room, about 6 feet away from both router and macbook pro. still the same problem. btw - i was using an optical cable from airport to speakers.
    then i removed all security from my belkin router - and it worked. in the end i sent it back to apple for a refund. there's no way i can have my router running without security.

  • AirTunes CUTTING out periodically... Help?

    I originally thought iTunes kept pausing but now I've realized the signal to the AirPort keeps cutting out. The song keeps playing in iTunes but the signal to the AirPort/AirTunes keeps going all jerky, cutting in and out with annoying frequency. Could my AirPort be dying? I've had it for 4+ years now. I just reset it and renamed the network, etc. I've also tried deleting the file in my preferences but to no avail. Is there anything else I can do?

    Have you updated to iTunes 8?
    I did and I've had many connection problems since then. It started with my AirTunes not working, then I tried all the suggestions here:
    Some solutions worked for a short time, now AirTunes won't work at all and when it was playing it was jittery, the volume control ceased to work (blared at me last time).
    All day since I updated iTunes there's been nothing but problems. I'm leaving it off now so it doesn't interfere with my Wifi connections. I have an Airport Extreme and an Express, and a few times now both devices couldn't be found (it happened while I was playing my touchy AirTunes when it was working a little bit). As long as I don't play iTunes, everything else is peachy, with no disconnections from the internet or anything.

  • Music cutting out while using airplay

    I just configured my Airport Express as a client to an existing wireless network. I don't know for sure but the existing network is probably not being provided by an Airport router.
    I was successful but when I try to play songs via iTunes to my stereo, the songs are constantly interrupted. It will play fine for a few seconds or ten seconds or sometimes 30 seconds, but then it will stop for a while and then start up again.
    I've tried reconfiguring the Airport Express, enabling Interference Robustness and restarting the Airport Express using the admin software and by unplugging. Nothing is working yet.
    Any ideas would be much appreciated! Thank you!

    i am reaching a breaking point. Things are going from bad to worse . . .
    I moved my new AE into the same room where my other (main base) AE was, thinking that the issue may have been that the two were having a hard time "seeing" each other and thus were dropping connections. At first, this seemed to be an improvement; when playing songs through my remote (second) AE, the music was cutting out much less frequently. Instead of dropping the music every few seconds, it would only cut out about once a song. And it improved over time; by about the fifth song, it wasn't cutting out at all.
    However, I then tried to play music through the stereo I have connected to my original (main base) AE, the problems started all over again. iTunes was totaly unable to establish a connection to the stereo on the main base AE. It would say "connecting to remote speakers", and when it was "done" connecting, nothing would happen. No music would play, and the status bar on the iTunes song would stay frozen and not move.
    I'll note that at no time have I ever had significant problems playing music through my main base. We've had that main base for 6 months and been very happy with it's performance, except for not being able to get to cover the whole apartment with a reliable wireless signal (which is what I was hoping to remedy by buying a second one).
    This also started affecting my internet connection! After having the two AEs in the same room for about a half hour, I suddenly could no longer get any web pages to load, and network speed in the OS X Activity Monitor dropped to below 10 KB/sec, even though I was trying to load several webpages at a time.
    Thankfully, when I unplugged the second (non-main) AE, performance on my main base station returned to normal. I will continue to try and troubleshoot this, but the conclusion I am drawing at this point is that although the AEs work great individually, they don't work very well together. This is very disappointing, considering Apple touts how "easy" it is supposed to be to link these together.
    I did read on another thread that sometimes the AE will just crap out and die over time. Perhaps my used ebay purchased AE is just shot.

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