Ajax based report and pagination

Hi I have searched through the web for ajax based report in Apex. I have found the following link as very useful. http://apex.oracle.com/pls/otn/f?p=31517:98
Here content of one page is pulled to the current page. It works fine. Pagination is also working exactly as the Apex reports. But I was thinking of something different, not pulling the content from other page. I have done it myself as follows.
1. Take an HTML region called Parameter
2. Take a select list in the parameter region with LOV query
name : P2_DEPTNO
LOV : Select dname d,deptno r
from dept
3.Take an HTML region
Source : <div id=ajx></div>
4. Create an Application Item called F103_DEPTNO
5. Create an Application Process
Name : getEmpTable
v_deptno number(3);
OWA_UTIL.mime_header ('text/xml', FALSE);
HTP.p ('Cache-Control: no-cache');
HTP.p ('Pragma: no-cache');
HTP.prn ('<table>');
HTP.prn ('<tr>');
htp.prn('<th>Employee Number</th>');
htp.prn('<th>Employee Name</th>');
HTP.prn ('</tr>');
foR R in (select empno,ename,sal,deptno,job,hiredate from emp where deptno= :F103_DEPTNO )
HTP.prn ('</table>');
6. Write a javascript Function in HTML Header
<script language = "JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
function GetEmployees()
var get = new htmldb_Get(null,&APP_ID.,'APPLICATION_PROCESS=getEmpTable',0);
gReturn = get.get();
document.getElementById('ajx').innerHTML = gReturn;
get = null;
7. Go to edit page item of P2_DEPTNO and in HTML Form Element Attributes write onchange="GetEmployees()"
8. Run and test.
Ajax based report works fine.
In the link specified above pagination works fine.
In my example very few records will appear but in case there are a lot of records appear then it is a must to manage it with pagination, letting only a few records to appear in each page. But in my example I have no idea how to manage pagination. Need help from the experts. Please notify..
Hasan Al Mamun
Bangladesh Bank
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Edited by: hasan_al_mamun on Jan 19, 2011 10:58 AM
Edited by: hasan_al_mamun on Jan 19, 2011 11:20 AM
Edited by: hasan_al_mamun on Jan 19, 2011 11:24 AM

You need to work with ROWNUM of result set. Create two hidden items, one for record_start_rownum and other for record_end_rownum. You need to add where clause to your SELECT query in Application process. Then your query will look like
select *
  from ( select a.*, rownum r
           from ( select empno,ename,sal,deptno,job,hiredate from emp where deptno= :F103_DEPTNO  ) a
          where rownum < :P1_ record_start_rownum )
where r > :P1_record_end_rownumYou may find following asktom link interesting..

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    There are many, many reasons why to use OBIEE. One of the bigger reasons being you don't need to know anything about Java in order to build an Answer Report.
    I've been asked a similar question in the past, to compare OBIEE versus Java based ADF. My response is that they have two completely different purposes.
    --OBIEE is end-user/middle-user driven dashboards and ad-hoc analysis. 
    --Java/ADF is for power-users to pre-constructed reporting systems. (forgive me but I don't know the ad-hoc capabilities of Java/ADF)   
    If your client has full-time java resources to commit to the creation and maintenance of a Java environment, then by all means they should probably go that route. But keep in mind that as new uses want to see different data layouts and different data sets, your java team will quickly become overburdened.
    OBIEE relieves the strain on the java (IT) team and allows end-users to drive reporting with the relatively occasional support by IT.
    Yes, OBIEE does have limitations, but always keep in mind that a) It's an ad-hoc Dashboard framework and not an ad-hoc java framework which has much greater flexibility but requires much more technical expertise b) There is a major release of OBIEE (11g) just around the corner that is about to change the game in terms of how OBIEE can be used. You should have your client stay on board until they can at least see the new features.
    Good luck and if you found this post useful, please award points!
    Best regards,

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    Sorry for posting no code.
    I was hoping it was a common problem with the ajax anyware framework.
    Folow some simple part of the application :
    <aa:zone name="pgoVerbaZone">
                                   <t:dataList var="pgoVerba" value="#{amortizaBean.proAmorPOJO.listaPgoVerba}" rowIndexVar="indice">
                                                <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="10" width="100%">
                                                     <td><label class="label">Valor*</label>
                                                                        <h:inputText id="valorPagPrinc" alt="Verba Principal e Reflexo - Pagamentos - Valor" value="#{pgoVerba.valorPagPrinc}"
                                                                size="18" onblur="mascara_numero_controle_extra(this, 'dinheiro', true);" onkeyup="mascara_numero_controle_extra(this, 'dinheiro', false);" />
                                                     <label class="label">Tipo*</label>
                                                         <h:selectOneMenu id="selectTipoPrinc" value="#{pgoVerba.tipoPagamentoPrinc}">
                                                                     <f:selectItems value="#{amortizaBean.listaTipoPagamento}" />
                                                     <td><label class="label">Data do recolhimento*</label>
                                                          <h:inputText id="dtRecoPrinc" alt="Verba Principal e Reflexo - Pagamentos - Data Recolhimento" value="#{pgoVerba.dtRecoPrinc}" size="10"
                                                          onblur="verificarData(this);" onkeyup="autoTab(this, 10, event); mask_input_date(this);" maxlength="10"/>
                                                     <label class="label">Priorizar juros*</label>
                                                          <h:selectOneMenu id="selectPriorizarJurosPrinc" value="#{pgoVerba.priorizarJurosPrinc}">
                                                                     <f:selectItem itemValue="-1" itemLabel=""/>
                                                                     <f:selectItems value="#{amortizaBean.listaSimNao}" />
                                                     <td width="25%">
                                                          <div align="right">
                                                                    <t:commandLink id="linkIncluirPgoVerbaAJAX" action="#{amortizaBean.incluirPgoVerbaAJAX}" rendered="#{indice eq 0}">
                                                                         <t:updateActionListener value="#{indice}" property="#{amortizaBean.indicePgoVerba}"/>
                                                                         <h:graphicImage style="border:0" alt="Adicionar Pagamento" url="/common/img/ico_novo.png" />
                                                          <div align="right">
                                                                    <t:commandLink id="linkExcluirPgoVerbaAJAX" action="#{amortizaBean.excluirPgoVerbaAJAX}" rendered="#{not(indice eq 0)}">
                                                                         <t:updateActionListener value="#{indice}" property="#{amortizaBean.indicePgoVerba}"/>
                                                                         <h:graphicImage style="border:0" alt="Excluir Pagamento" url="/common/img/ico_excluir.png" />
    [JSP END]
    [JavaScript BEGIN]
              // Funções AJAX (AjaxAnywhere)...
              ajaxAnywhere.getZonesToReload = function(url, submitButton) {
                   // Identificando ID do componente disparado (commandButton ou commandoLink)....
                   if ((typeof submitButton != "undefined") && (submitButton.type=="submit")) {
                        componentId = submitButton.id;
                   }else {
                        if (this.findForm().elements["atualizaPagamentoForm:_link_hidden_"] != null) {
                             componentId = this.findForm().elements["atualizaPagamentoForm:_link_hidden_"].value;
                   if(componentId == 'atualizaPagamentoForm:botaoEnviarAtualizacao' ||
                        componentId == 'atualizaPagamentoForm:botaoEnviarAtualizacaoRateada') {
                        return null;
                   //Zonas que será atualizadas de acordo com as requisições via AJAX.               
                   var zones;     
                   zones = 'zoneMensagem,pgoVerbaZone,pgoCustaZone,' +
                             'pgoDiversosZone,pgoReclamanteZone,pgoReclamadoZone,' +
                   return zones;
    [JavaScript END]
    /** AJAX VERBA*/
         public String incluirPgoVerbaAJAX() {
              proAmorPOJO.getListaPgoVerba().add(proAmorPOJO.new PgoVerba());
              return null;
         public String excluirPgoVerbaAJAX() {
              return null;
    [BEAN END]Well this code runs ok. The Request is Sent, the methods are called, the response is received, but nothing is rendered.

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    Do you have some tips?
    Thank you

    This could be a solution for APEX reports (interactive reports). But I want to create more complex reports, not only table based reports.
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    These reports will be mostly only text based without any table. See example bellow. How would you generate this kind of letter?
    "Hello <CUSTOMER_NAME>, we would like to offer our new product <PRODUCT_NAME> to you..."
    Where CUSTOMER_NAME a PRODUCT_NAME are prepared fields (from some database tables). It will be something very similar to Microsoft Word automatic mailings. User can generate many text based reports and save them as PDF.
    I need to find some web based product, that will be simple for users and can be integrated with APEX.

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    Here is what I did to get it to work.
    1. Copy xmlparserv2.jar from my ORACLE_HOME/oc4j/lib directory to my glassfish domains/domain1/applications/fop/WEB-INF/lib directory.
    2. Added the following two lines to the glassfish domains/domain1/fop/apex_fop.jsp before the driver.run() line
    out = pageContext.pushBody();The second part of solution I found on another forum page.

  • Problem in tabular form based on dynamic view and pagination

    Hi All,
    I have a manual tabular form based on a dynamic view. The view fetches the records based on search criteria given by the user in all cases. But this view fetches ALL records when user clicks on pagination, without considering the search criteria. This is the problem I am facing.
    I am doing the following:
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    I use a set bind variables procedure, on load before header for setting the variables.
    This view fetches the correct data based on user search always. It creates a problem only in one situation, when using pagination in the report.
    The example can be found at:
    username = [email protected]
    pwd = kishore
    Here if "manager name" is entered as test, we get 5 records in "Summary of requests" report and 5 records in "Inactive Requests" report. When user clicks on Pagination in any of the reports, ALL the 7 records get fetched in "Summary of Requests" and 6 records in "Inactive Requests". How can I overcome this problem?? The report must consider the search variables even when pagination occurs.
    Is this because, the inbuilt "html_PPR_Report_Page" executes the region query once again by considering all search variables as NULL?
    Backend Code is at:
    workspace: sekhar.nooney
    Username :[email protected]
    pwd: kishore
    application id = 19399
    My region code is something like:
    select *
    from regadm_request_v
    where access_type = :F110_REGADM
    and status <> 'INACTIVE'
    order by request_id
    My view code is:
    SELECT *
    WHERE upper(employee_name) LIKE '%'||nvl(upper(REGADM_REQUEST_PKG.GET_EMPLOYEE_NAME),'%')||'%'
    AND upper(manager_name) LIKE '%'||nvl(upper(REGADM_REQUEST_PKG.GET_MANAGER_NAME),'%')||'%'
    AND upper(employee_sunetid) LIKE '%'||nvl(upper(REGADM_REQUEST_PKG.GET_EMPLOYEE_SUNET_ID),'%')||'%'
    AND upper(manager_sunetid) LIKE '%'||nvl(upper(REGADM_REQUEST_PKG.GET_MANAGER_SUNET_ID),'%')||'%'
    AND upper(request_date) LIKE '%'||nvl(upper(REGADM_REQUEST_PKG.GET_REQUEST_DATE),'%')||'%'
    AND upper(nvl(APPROVAL_DATE,sysdate)) LIKE '%'||nvl(upper(REGADM_REQUEST_PKG.GET_APPROVED_DATE),'%')||'%'
    I would be glad for any suggestions.
    Andy/Varad any ideas? You both helped me a lot on my problems for the same application that I had faced before in More Problems in Tabular form - Please give me suggestions.

    Hi Andy,
    The view and the package for setting bind variables work properly in my entire application other than the pagination. A pity that I came across this only now :(
    I have used this same method for holding variables in another application before, where I needed to print to PDF. I used this approach in the other application because my queries were not within the APEX character limit specified for the "SQL Query of Report Query shared component".
    In this application, I initially had to fetch values from 2 tables and update the 2 tables. Updateable form works only with one table right? Hence I had created a view. Later the design got changed to include search and instead of changing the application design I just changed the view then. Still later, my clients merged the 2 tables. Once again I had just changed my view.
    Now, I wanted to know if any method was available for the pagination issue (using the view itself). Hence I posted this.
    But as you suggested, I think it is better to change the page design quickly (as it would be much easier).
    If I change the region query to use the table and the APEX bind parameters in the where clause as:
    SELECT *
    WHERE upper(employee_name) LIKE '%'||nvl(upper(:P1_EMPLOYEE_NAME),'%')||'%' .....
    I also changed the ApplyMRU to refer to the table.
    Here the pagination issue is resolved. But here the "last Update By" and "Last Update Date" columns do not get updated with "SYSDATE" and "v(APP_USER)" values, when update takes place. Even if I make the columns as readonly text field, I am not sure how I can ensure that SYSDATE and v('APP_uSER') can be passed to the columns. Any way I can ensure this? Please have a look at the issue here: http://apex.oracle.com/pls/otn/f?p=19399:1:
    I have currently resolved the "last update" column issue by modifying my view as:
    SELECT *
    I modified my region query to use APEX bind parameters itself as:
    SELECT *
    WHERE upper(employee_name) LIKE '%'||nvl(upper(:P1_EMPLOYEE_NAME),'%')||'%' .....
    And I use the "INSTEAD OF UPDATE" trigger that I had initially written for update. The code is:
    Please let me know how I can resolve the "last update" column issue using the table itself. (Just for my learning)

  • Report attributes - layout and pagination

    When you set the pagination scheme to Row Ranges X to Y(with next and previous links), Number of Rows to 15 and Max Row count to 1000, I need to know what happens with the query. When the user selects the next (or previous) 15 records, does the region's query fire again and query all 1000 (or more) records?
    I hope this makes since. I just need to know if the application is selecting all the records over and over as the user move through the report.

    Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.
    That is indeed the point I am trying to make.
    My report is a SQL Query (PL/SQL Function body returning SQL Query) and is based on information provided in several PopUp LOVs. The more LOVs used, the more information provided to the WHERE CLAUSE, and therefore the less data returned to the screen.
    When the End User produces a small report, they are likely to want to sort it.
    But when they bring back huge amounts of data, they don't want it sorted. Especially not automatically sorted.
    In most cases, this is happening when we are joining two or three tables with say 10 million rows on each table. The join condition is good (meaning there is not a Cartesian Product) but the resultant data is 10 million rows - something you not likely want to sort. Even with a limit on the number of rows returned (Report Attributes - Layout and Pagination - Max Row Count) to something reasonable, like 500, the 10 million resultant rows are first being sorted and then the first 500 returned.
    So, yes, a "sort-enabled" report should NOT automatically sort. Which is what is happening.
    Of course, it might be a good thing to have some sort of Variable that we could set on a page to decide if we want automatic sorting. On most pages, an automatic sort is great - as the amount of data returned will always be small.
    On the pages where I have this problem, it would be great to do the automatic sort when one or more of the PopUp LOVs are populated. So, within a "After Submit" process I might want to turn automatic sorting on.
    Hey, if we are going to ask for an enhancement/change, we might as well ask for something really flexible.

  • OBIEE SSO enabling and role based reporting

    I had installed SOA10. and OBIEE10. already on my WINDOWS. I understand that I need to install 10.1.4 infrastructure to enable SSO in OBIEE, can you please tell me what is 10.1.4 infrastructure? is it equivelent to Oracle Identity Management Infrastructure and Oracle Identity Federation 10.1.4? I tried to download this from OTN since last night, but the page is always unaccessible. Where can I download 10.1.4 infrastructure except otn?
    I have another question regarding to the role based reporting with SSO. We want users to see different reports based on their roles once they login. What options do we have to implement this? From my understanding, we need to maintain a user role mapping table in our database, create groups in OBIEE and map the user role with the group in OBIEE? Is it true? Are there other options? Is there a existing product we can use to implement this?

    have a look on page 137 and further http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E10415_01/doc/bi.1013/b31770.pdf

  • 'Hierarchy Based Login' and 'Direct Reports' field in Dim - Position table

    Hello -
    I am trying to build a "My Team's" report, which basically shows the logged in Managers ( and his subordinates) revenues rolled up by default. Then the manager needs to drilldown on his name and see revenues grouped by his direct reports. I am using OBIEE 10G. In the out of the box RPD, there are two fields in the BMM layer called 'Hierarchy Based Login' and 'Direct Reports'.
    1. The 'Hierarchy based Login' field uses the INDEXCOL method to get relevant column from the W_POSITION_DH table based on the the Logged in users hierarchy level (the hierarchy level is stored in a session variable (HIER_LEVEL). This session variable works fine and i have tested the SQL)
    2. The 'Direct Reports' is using the same INDEXCOL method, just that it uses the formula HIER_LEVEL - 1. This works fine as well.
    The issue i am facing is neither of these out-of-the-box fields are assigned to the Position dimension (the position dimension also exists OOTB).
    So basically, i am able to create a manager and his direct subordinate report, but without any drill functionality.
    I am trying to get the report to drill all the way down to the bottom most level of the heirarchy.
    Any help to get this working is much appreciated

    What i meant was neither of these out-of-the box fields are assigned to a Dimension Hierarchy ( there is a hierarchy called 'Position' that already exists out-of-the box). Other fields in the 'Dim-Position' table are assigned to a level in this position hierarchy, except these two. I guess what i am trying to achieve is to dynamically assign the hierarchy level based on the users Hierachy level in W_POSITION_DH table.
    Thanks for spending time to look into my issue

  • Generate reports and sub-reports based on JTable Swing.

    Hello everybody...
    Anyone know like to generate report and subreport dinamicaly using the tool jasper?
    The report will be based on a JTable Swing.
    Java Swing.

    As far as your target platform is supported by Crystal Reports, use it via free API at http://www.must.de/Jareport.htm

  • How to layout a subreport based on main report and another subreport!

    Hello all,
    I got an issue how to capture the value at a run time and loop through group in Crystal Report. My project is complicated (main report and sub report using stored procedure with parameters as datasource and a lot of formula fields pass between main report to sub report, but I try to explain it as simple scenario as following:
    School 1
    Main report layout: (Group by Class)
    Class A
    Sub report: ( This result from the stored procedure at run time and only having two rows when running stored procedure)
    Boy : 200                  
    Girl : 150
    Class B
    Sub report
    Boy: 50
    Girl: 100
    Class C
    Sub report 
    Boy: 259
    Girl: 80
    Please pay attention on the above layout what I am done on reports. My question is how to produce another report that used the previous values and having the following layout:
    School Summary
    Class  |  Boys  |  Girls  |  Student
    A        |   200    |  150   |     350
    B        |     50    |  100   |     150
    C        |   260    |    80   |     340
    Please give me some ideas how to solve above problem. I know that Crystal Report can use shared variables via formula fields. I am wondering whether or not how to capture the specific value at the run time? Is it posible to make it working in Crystal Report or I have to write a stored procedure in the backend??? Thanks in advance.

    When we look at your report lay out, for each class group you have boys and girls count which is coming from sub report.
    I think you placed the sub report in the Class group and linked with Class.  If that is the case you will get all information in the sub report itself.
    In the sub report, create a running total with shared variables and bring this value to main report to display at the end of the report.
    Eg: To get Class from sub report to main report :
    Shared stringvar class;
    Place this formula in your sub report group and create one more formula
    Shared stringvar class;
    Place this formula in your main report report footer, this will bring your classes into main report. Follow the same process for boys and girls numbers.

  • (Classic) Report losing pagination on partial page refresh - APEX feature request

    I have a page with both an Interactive Report and some classic Report regions.
    Based on user updates, there are many occasions where I need to do a partial page refresh.
    Thanks to plugin http://www.apex-plugin.com/oracle-apex-plugins/dynamic-action-plugin/refresh-interactive-report-1.0_361.html
    I'm able to refresh my IR, but not my classic report (unless I do a submit of the whole page) without losing pagination.
    Request: Will a Dynamic action 'Refresh without losing pagination' be part of future apex versions?
    Now, in apex 4.2, is there another work around available for classic reports?
    (I use 'submit page' now as action, but it's at least a second slower as a partial refresh, and because I need it on every user update, this second becomes a big addition to user frustration).
    Thanks, JP

    Here is the solution for your problem:
    Denes Kubicek

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    Dear all, I have tried all possible configuration to configure SSO but with no hope :( My requirement is to configure SSO using SAML2, weblogic 10.3 and 1 domain. I followed the following links in my configuration: 1- http://biemond.blogspot.com/2009

  • IPhone - Lotus Notes - Mac Outlook

    Here's the problem: I have an iPhone5s; I also have a MacBook Pro; I am running the latest OS on both. I also have a client who uses Lotus Notes for their email and calendars and I make extensive use of WebEx GoToMeeting. Everything is/was hunky-dory