Android push notification InvalidRegistration error

When I try to send push notification to a device or an array of devices I am getting the folllowing response:
Sent push: { multicast_id: 7489710691036702000, success: 0, failure: 1, canonical_ids: 0, results: [ { error: 'InvalidRegistration' } ], invalidIds:
[014147000533821], updatedIds:
Can somebody help me to get the right device token id to send, it used to work fine a few months ago and now I just get the message back always

You might have an expired device token, which is why the registration is unable to send. You should try re-registering the device and the problem should go away. Here's a helpful tutorial:
Also, if you are using Visual Studio 2013 Update 3 or later, you can browse your notification hub registrations and clear out the old registrations.

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    Is the a way for Android Push Notifications?

    The notification would be for sending notifications about new issues or updates of the magazin. Now there is no way to inform the readers - or are there other ways?!
    best jan

  • Android Push Notifications Support

    Hello All,
    I found what I was looking for here: Android Push Notification
    But I wanted to follow-up a bit further and see if Android Push notifications will be implemented at some point? Thanks.

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    the users know.
    On Mon, Sep 8, 2014 at 11:00 AM, Neil Enns - Adobe <[email protected]

  • Push Notifications Disabled (error 400)

    I'm getting this error whenever I open my ESPN Streak for the Cash app. I've contacted ESPNs customer care and they are saying my error is an itunes/iphone issue.
    The problem:
    I purchased a separate service within the app to send me additional push notifications. When asked to enter my itunes password to confirm i did. This was actually the second account I tried doing this from and it worked on the first. I've heard that you should have separate itunes accounts for each iphone. I dont know if that was the issue or not, but I did create another itunes account and deleted the app and redownloaded and purchased the push notification service. I still get the error 400, but at least it says my subscription is pending now whereas it didn't register before, but still no pushes. I've also noticed for some of my other apps that i dont receive push notifications anymore. Chess with friends, facebook, email. It only bothers me because i'm paying an additional subscription service for the espn app and i cant receive push notificaitons.
    the actual message reads: Push notifications are disabled or failed to initialize. (error 400: contact customer care)
    I am also prompted to enter my itunes password everytime i open the app. I've also received (error 100: contact customer care)before. Don't know if any of this could be useful info. But that's pretty much all i know.

    I don't know where your other reply went re: turning off push notifications and that this appears to be a problem for 4s users. 
    Anyway, thanks for the reboot suggestion, tried that as well.  I will try to turn off push notifications and then turn back on to see if that makes a difference.

  • Android Push Notification of the New GCM release using Coldfusion

    Is there any similar push notification solution/Tutorial but this time for the Android?
    Something similar to this tutorial but with Android GCM using coldfusion to send from my dedicated server to the registered devices: -Notifications-From-ColdFusion-in-Ten-Minutes-or-Less
    Thanks in advance

    well after diving and testing here and there I found a way and successfully tested.
    1> First and formost, the developer need to follow the procedures in this page:
    2> In the app side, you will send users devices information; but all that matters is only the "registration id" , so make sure you save this in the database coz you'll use it to loop through your database records when sending notifications.
    3> Now the server side script in Coldfusion which is really easy:
    <!---Place this above your html tag--->
    <cfsetting requesttimeout="80000000000000">
    <cfset appName = 'YourAppName'>
    <cfset registrationArray = ArrayNew(1)>
    <cfquery datasource="devicesDSN" name="rsCount">
        SELECT COUNT(intGCMuserID) AS TotalRecords
        FROM gcmusers_tbl
        WHERE appName = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_clob" value="#appName#">
    <!---Google is limited to send only to 1000 devices at a time so we need to nest the cfloop of the array inside another cfloop pertaining to our total recordCount from the recordset so we'll use the Ceiling to control the number of loops needed to make sure we sent to all the users if they exceed google limit--->
    <cfset LoopingNo = Ceiling(rsCount.TotalRecords/1000)>
    <cfset fromRec = 1>
    <cfset toRec = 1000>
    <!---Now place the following code inside the body tag of your cfm page--->
    <cfif isDefined("FORM.pushButton")>
        <cfquery datasource="devicesDSN" name="rs">
        SELECT regID
        FROM gcmusers_tbl
        WHERE appName = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_clob" value="#appName#">
        ORDER BY intGCMuserID DESC
        <cfloop from="1" to="#loopingNo#" index="i">
            <cfloop query="rs">
                <cfset ArrayAppend(registrationArray, "#regID#")>
            <cfset stFields =
            { "data"= {
                "title" = "#FORM.title#",
                "message"= "#FORM.message#"
              "registration_ids"= #registrationArray#
            <cfhttp url="" method="post" result="httpResp" timeout="600">
                <cfhttpparam type="header" name="Content-Type" value="application/json"/>
                <cfhttpparam type="header" name="Authorization" value="key=yourAPIkeyFromGoogle">
                <cfhttpparam type="body" value="#serializeJSON(stFields)#">
            <cfset temp = ArrayClear(registrationArray)>
            <cfset fromRec = fromRec + 1000>
            <cfset toRec = toRec + 1000>
        <h2 align="center" style="color:red;">Sent to: <cfoutput>#rs.RecordCount#</cfoutput> Devices/Users </h2>
        <h3 align="center"><a href="thispage.cfm">&gt;&gt;&gt;again</a></h3>
      <table width="400" border="1" align="center" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">
        <tr valign="top">
          <th scope="row">Title:</th>
          <td><label for="title"></label>
          <cfinput type="text" name="title" required="yes" id="title" maxlength="30" width="300" message="Type Title"></td>
        <tr valign="top">
          <th scope="row">Message:</th>
          <td><label for="message"></label>
          <cftextarea name="message" cols="45" rows="2" required="yes" id="message" maxlength="120" message="Type Message"></cftextarea></td>
          <th scope="row"> </th>
          <td><cfinput type="submit" name="pushButton" value="send" id="pushButton"></td>

  • Push notification server error

    i cannot remove an old push notification server that no longer exists from mail can anyone tell me how to manually REMOVE a push notification server in the mail preferences of the server admin so i can add the current server. my IP changed and i cannot connect/remove the old server name.

    Hi David,
    I don't have an answer for you, but I wanted to chime in because I am having problems as well. I get the same "The Push Notification System returned an Internal Server Error" message trying to send a test push via either the Debug tab in the
    console or in Visual Studio.
    I have been focused on troubleshooting this problem since yesterday (Saturday February 21) but I believe it has been happening quite a bit longer.
    At one point I was able to get some notifications through after clearing all the registrations, but now it is failing again. I have had the same certificate since last April (2014) and it has worked fine, so I know the certificate setup is good.
    More data points:
    using the SimplePush PHP script from with the same certificate, the notifications go through immediately.
    Normally we send notifications from our Mobile Service using the Javascript backend, and it gets a "success" response from the Notification Hub even when it fails, e.g.
    {"isSuccessful":true,"statusCode":201,"body":"","headers":{"transfer-encoding":"chunked","content-type":"application/xml; charset=utf-8","server":"Microsoft-HTTPAPI/2.0","date":"Sun,
    22 Feb 2015 05:05:20 GMT"}}
    We have another notification hub with our production certificate, and it seems to be working better.

  • Enhanced Apple Push Notification: Response error at provider server...

    i am working on a project in PHP which requires me to push an alert notification on APNS server. I have used enhanced push notification format. but I am not receiving response as specified by the APNS docs. I am getting response in three digits usually 133, 132, 154, 138, etc. Which I concluded to be Status signs, eg. 133 is 1, 3, 3. but now I have also received 139. so I doubt that my interpretation of response is wrong. But I am not getting where it is wrong. And important thing is though I am receiving these responses Alert is getting pushed and I am receiving notification on my iPhone as well as on iPad.
    My code is as follows:
    $payload['aps'] = array('alert' => $message, 'badge' => 1, 'sound' => 'default');
    $apnsHost = '';
    $apnsPort = 2195; // default port
    $apnsCert = 'apns-dev.pem'; // APNS crtificate.
    $passPhrase = '';
    $streamContext = streamcontextcreate();
    streamcontext_setoption($streamContext, 'ssl', 'local_cert', $apnsCert);
    streamcontext_setoption($streamContext, 'ssl', 'passphrase', $passPhrase);
    $apns = streamsocketclient('ssl://' . $apnsHost . ':' . $apnsPort, $error, $errorString, 60, STREAMCLIENTCONNECT, $streamContext);
    if (!$apns) {
    print "Failed to connect {$error} {$errorString}\n";
    else {
    // Sending the payload
    $apnsMessage = chr(0) . pack('n', 1) . pack('n', $nid) . pack('n', time() + 604800) . pack('n', 32) . pack('H*', str_replace(' ', '', $alertdevicetoken)) . pack('n', strlen($payload)) . $payload;
    echo 'APNS Message: ' . $apnsMessage;
    $fwrite = fwrite($apns, $apnsMessage);
    echo 'APNS response: ' . $fwrite;
    And when this get executed i got the following response printed on the browser:
    APNS Message: ��=ŸÂ� òc6–U:õŸŠ ¸Þ ÷ćÚ0ßqšÊzÂífՏnZ�`{"aps":{"alert":"Your EUR\/USD SELL alert price has been reached!","badge":1,"sound":"default"}}APNS response: 139
    Can anyone please tell me what does this 139 means here. am doing anything wrong here.

    how I do it, hopefully it will help you solve your problem
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  • Any sample of Google C2DM Push notifications?

    Hi, i'm try to find a way to use google/android push notifications on my flex mobile app, but there is very little info of this around the web using Flex/FlashBuilder. Any help?

    Hi, i try the sample from that blog and i always get an error. A dialog box on my phone with a Force Quit button. It's been impossible for me to catch the error. I used Flash Builder 4.6 Pre-Release on a Samsung Galaxy S2 and get no look. Any other sample?

  • Push notification not starting

    Ive set up an Snow leopard server from a fresh installation and can't get the push notification server up and sent updates to iCal. It only works with rmb 'refresh'.
    I've also installed iChat and mail service and this is working fine.
    This is the outcome of my push notification server error log;
    /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/Extras/lib/python/twist ed/persisted/ DeprecationWarning: the md5 module is deprecated; use hashlib instead
      import os, md5, sys
    /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/Extras/lib/python/twist ed/python/ DeprecationWarning: the sha module is deprecated; use the hashlib module instead
      import sha
    2012-03-24 16:37:47+0100 [-] Log opened.
    2012-03-24 16:37:47+0100 [-] twistd 8.2.0 (/usr/bin/python2.6 2.6.1) starting up.
    2012-03-24 16:37:47+0100 [-] reactor class: twisted.internet.selectreactor.SelectReactor.
    2012-03-24 16:37:47+0100 [-] Starting factory <twisted.words.protocols.jabber.xmlstream.XmlStreamFactory object at 0x101720e90>
    2012-03-24 16:44:20+0100 [-] Received SIGTERM, shutting down.
    2012-03-24 16:44:20+0100 [XmlStream,client] <twisted.internet.tcp.Connector instance at 0x1006c4c68> will retry in 2 seconds
    2012-03-24 16:44:20+0100 [XmlStream,client] Stopping factory <twisted.words.protocols.jabber.xmlstream.XmlStreamFactory object at 0x101720e90>
    2012-03-24 16:44:20+0100 [-] Main loop terminated.
    2012-03-24 16:44:20+0100 [-] Server Shut Down.
    /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/Extras/lib/python/twist ed/persisted/ DeprecationWarning: the md5 module is deprecated; use hashlib instead
      import os, md5, sys
    /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/Extras/lib/python/twist ed/python/ DeprecationWarning: the sha module is deprecated; use the hashlib module instead
      import sha
    2012-03-24 16:44:43+0100 [-] Log opened.
    2012-03-24 16:44:43+0100 [-] twistd 8.2.0 (/usr/bin/python2.6 2.6.1) starting up.
    2012-03-24 16:44:43+0100 [-] reactor class: twisted.internet.selectreactor.SelectReactor.
    2012-03-24 16:44:43+0100 [-] Starting factory <twisted.words.protocols.jabber.xmlstream.XmlStreamFactory object at 0x101720e90>
    2012-03-24 17:07:15+0100 [XmlStream,client] <twisted.internet.tcp.Connector instance at 0x1006c4c68> will retry in 2 seconds
    2012-03-24 17:07:15+0100 [XmlStream,client] Stopping factory <twisted.words.protocols.jabber.xmlstream.XmlStreamFactory object at 0x101720e90>
    2012-03-24 17:07:18+0100 [-] Starting factory <twisted.words.protocols.jabber.xmlstream.XmlStreamFactory object at 0x101720e90>
    The last entry stayed there until i rebood the server or shut down the service.
    Any ideas to wake it up? :-)

    I've seen that the error log of my XMPP server was showing this;
    Mar 28 00:36:49 mini jabberd/c2s[2060]: [9] [::ffff:, port=49160] connect
    Mar 28 00:36:50 mini jabberd/c2s[2060]: ODKConfigureUserRecord: Failed to find user
    Mar 28 00:36:50: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
    Mar 28 00:36:50 mini jabberd/c2s[2060]: [9] [::ffff:, port=49160] disconnect jid=unbound, packets: 0
    ODKConfigureUserRecord, does this come from LDAP server failing to work correctly?

  • Invalid notification target ID Error In Push Notification, Android

    Hi Everyone,
    Good Morning.....
    I followed the steps as per the document in and created a project.]
    Now my push notification is working fine in emulator, when i register the device with SMP using internal URL.
    But when i register the device with SMP using relay server URL, my device is getting registered successfully
    with the SMP3.0.3 server,
    But in log of android emulator i am getting following warning.
    W/ResponseProcessCookies(1068): Cookie rejected: "BasicClientCookie[version=0,name=sap-usercontext,
    Now when i try to push the notification through postman plugin, i am getting "Invalid notification target ID" with "404 not found" status.
    Thanks in advance.
    Suresh Babu

    did you solve this one? Seems we are facing the same problem.
    thanks, Nico

  • ADF Mobile: Push Notifications error

    Hello All,
    Build JDEVADF_11.
    I am attempting to run a simple ADF Mobile app that uses push notifications. I used the Project ID from the Google APIs dashboard as the return from LifeCycleListenerImpl.getSourceAuthorizationId(). Firstly, the JavaDoc at doesn't list the PushNotificationConfig interface (or other push related classes). 
    Testing this on an Android 4.2 device, I see an INVALID_SENDER error logged by the GCM service. Further down I also see the following:
    "06-12 16:16:02.425: D/CVM(8635): [SEVERE - oracle.adfmf.framework - GenericInvokeRequestHandler - invoke] Unresolved class / method: oracle.adfmf.framework.pushnotification.internal.NativePushNotificationEventInterceptor / receivedToken"
    Any ideas if I am doing something wrong here?

    HI, the JavaDoc did not get into the release unfortunately.   It is being added to the next Patch release.  In the mean time, you can find a copy of the JavaDoc in the latest article on, which covers Push Notification. 
    Joe Huang

  • Push Notification in Android using SMP 2.3

    Dear All,
    Please let me know the steps to configure push notification for working OData android project.

    Hi Jitendra Kansal
    Thanks for the document, we followed the document for IOS,
    Device token was successfully generated and IOS device is successfully registered with SMP server.
    After we execute the URL using REST CLIENT PLUG IN - POST method.
    We can see following log in SMP server logs. We didn't receive any notification on device.
    Please guide us where  are we missing?.
    2014-03-04 18:40:07.451 ERROR PUSH pool-10-thread-36 [com.sybase.sup.components.notification.apns.ApnsNotificationdelegate]Notification to [B@5b24b66b failed!
    2014-03-04 18:39:03.442 DEBUG PUSH hz._hzInstance_2_mobdev1_push.cached.thread-64 [com.sybase.sup.components.notification.util.PushDomainLogUtil]Domain logger is not enabled
    2014-03-04 18:39:03.442 DEBUG PUSH hz._hzInstance_2_mobdev1_push.cached.thread-64 [com.sybase.sup.components.notification.util.PushDomainLogUtil]log bucket set as PUSH default
    2014-03-04 18:39:03.442 DEBUG PUSH hz._hzInstance_2_mobdev1_push.cached.thread-64 [com.sybase.sup.components.notification.util.PushDomainLogUtil]logContext is not null
    2014-03-04 18:39:03.442 DEBUG PUSH hz._hzInstance_2_mobdev1_push.cached.thread-64 [com.sybase.sup.components.notification.util.PushDomainLogUtil]Logging for domain default
    2014-03-04 18:39:03.442 DEBUG PUSH hz._hzInstance_2_mobdev1_push.cached.thread-64 [com.sybase.sup.components.notification.util.PushDomainLogUtil]Inside Domain Logger for PushNotification. writeDomainLogs() called
    2014-03-04 18:39:03.442 INFO PUSH hz._hzInstance_2_mobdev1_push.cached.thread-64 [com.sybase.sup.components.notification.APNSNotificationProcessor]###### Push from Notnoop complete...
    2014-03-04 18:37:58.446 INFO MMS Thread-256 [com.sybase.sup.jmo.notification.MessagingQueueNotificationProcessor]Number of batched messaging notifications processed 1
    2014-03-04 18:37:58.445 DEBUG PUSH hz._hzInstance_2_mobdev1_push.cached.thread-64 [com.sybase.sup.components.notification.apns.ApnsServiceFactory]Returning service from map...
    2014-03-04 18:37:58.445 INFO PUSH hz._hzInstance_2_mobdev1_push.cached.thread-64 [com.sybase.sup.components.notification.APNSNotificationProcessor]Device token - xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxXXXXXXXXXX "token generated by system but manipulated here for posting....
    2014-03-04 18:37:58.445 DEBUG PUSH hz._hzInstance_2_mobdev1_push.cached.thread-64 [com.sybase.sup.components.notification.APNSNotificationProcessor]Push payload - {"aps":{"sound":"default","alert":"test","badge":2}}
    2014-03-04 18:37:58.445 DEBUG PUSH hz._hzInstance_2_mobdev1_push.cached.thread-64 [com.sybase.sup.components.notification.APNSNotificationProcessor]Sound : default
    2014-03-04 18:37:58.445 DEBUG PUSH hz._hzInstance_2_mobdev1_push.cached.thread-64 [com.sybase.sup.components.notification.APNSNotificationProcessor]Badge : 2
    2014-03-04 18:37:58.445 WARN PUSH hz._hzInstance_2_mobdev1_push.cached.thread-64 [com.sybase.sup.components.notification.APNSNotificationProcessor]Not a json object...
    2014-03-04 18:37:58.445 DEBUG PUSH hz._hzInstance_2_mobdev1_push.cached.thread-64 [com.sybase.sup.components.notification.APNSNotificationProcessor]Alert : test
    2014-03-04 18:37:58.445 INFO PUSH hz._hzInstance_2_mobdev1_push.cached.thread-64 [com.sybase.sup.components.notification.APNSNotificationProcessor]###### APNSNotificationProcessor processing notification...
    2014-03-04 18:37:58.445 DEBUG PUSH hz._hzInstance_2_mobdev1_push.cached.thread-64 [com.sybase.sup.components.notification.Notificationhandler]Processing notification
    2014-03-04 18:37:58.445 INFO PUSH hz._hzInstance_2_mobdev1_push.cached.thread-64 [com.sybase.sup.components.notification.Notificationhandler]APNSNotificationProcessor called
    2014-03-04 18:37:58.445 INFO PUSH hz._hzInstance_2_mobdev1_push.cached.thread-64 [com.sybase.sup.components.notification.Notificationhandler]notification type is APNS
    2014-03-04 18:37:58.445 INFO PUSH hz._hzInstance_2_mobdev1_push.cached.thread-64 [com.sybase.sup.components.notification.Notificationhandler]Inside ProcessNotification method
    2014-03-04 18:37:58.445 INFO PUSH hz._hzInstance_2_mobdev1_push.cached.thread-64 [com.sybase.sup.components.notification.Notificationhandler]Inside call() method of Notificationhandler
    2014-03-04 18:37:58.442 INFO PUSH Thread-256 [com.sybase.sup.components.notification.PushNotificationServiceImpl]Notification submitted to executor service
    2014-03-04 18:37:58.441 DEBUG PUSH Thread-256 [com.sybase.sup.components.notification.Notificationhandler]Notificationhandler : domain logs are set
    2014-03-04 18:37:58.441 DEBUG PUSH Thread-256 [com.sybase.sup.components.notification.Notificationhandler]apns notification
    2014-03-04 18:37:58.441 INFO PUSH Thread-256 [com.sybase.sup.components.notification.Notificationhandler]Notificationhandler constructor is called
    2014-03-04 18:37:58.441 INFO MMS Thread-256 [com.sybase.sup.jmo.notification.MessagingQueueNotificationProcessor]Submitting notification for DeviceName our device name with application id
    2014-03-04 18:37:58.437 INFO MMS Thread-256 [com.sybase.sup.jmo.notification.MessagingQueueNotificationProcessor]Pre-batching processed 1 items
    2014-03-04 18:37:53.884 DEBUG PUSH pool-3-thread-7 - /notifications/v1/our device name with application id [com.sybase.sup.components.notification.PushNotificationBuilder]IMO Notification sent successfully.
    2014-03-04 18:37:53.884 INFO PUSH pool-3-thread-7 - /notifications/v1/our device name with application id [com.sybase.sup.components.notification.PushListenerServlet]ODP : Notification  sent to the device:Notification message sent to messagechannel:
    2014-03-04 18:37:53.876 INFO PUSH pool-3-thread-7 - /notifications/v1/our device name with application id [com.sybase.sup.components.notification.PushListenerServlet]------Notification headers are read------------
    2014-03-04 18:37:53.875 DEBUG PUSH pool-3-thread-7 - /notifications/v1/our device name with application id [com.sybase.sup.components.notification.PushListenerServlet]Reading settings from appConSettings...
    2014-03-04 18:37:53.875 DEBUG PUSH pool-3-thread-7 - /notifications/v1/our device name with application id [com.sybase.sup.components.notification.PushListenerServlet]----------request URL obtained for notification is--------http://mobdev1:8000/notifications/v1/our device name with application id
    2014-03-04 18:37:53.875 DEBUG PUSH pool-3-thread-7 - /notifications/v1/our device name with application id [com.sybase.sup.components.notification.PushNotificationBuilder]Notification Mode: Online/Payload Push with Native Notification 
    2014-03-04 18:37:53.875 INFO PUSH pool-3-thread-7 - /notifications/v1/our device name with application id [com.sybase.sup.components.notification.PushNotificationBuilder]IMO Notification  to be processed
    2014-03-04 18:37:53.875 DEBUG PUSH pool-3-thread-7 - /notifications/v1/our device name with application id [com.sybase.sup.components.notification.PushNotificationBuilder]Notification Mode2
    Thanks in Advance,

  • Whenever i try and open a social network app it comes up with an error message sayinng "Connect to itunes to use Push Notifications" I have successfully conntected to itunes via phone and computer however this message is still appearing and will not go?

    Whenever i try and open a social network app it comes up with an error message sayinng "Connect to itunes to use Push Notifications" I have successfully conntected to itunes via phone and computer however this message is still appearing and will not go, therefore i cannot use the apps?HELP PLEASE

  • Android devices not getting push notifications after a while

    We have just installed a new Exchange 2013 setup and started to move mailboxes across. Users that have Android devices though are noticing that push notifications are not reaching them and checking in the ECP I can see their last sync times are a long time
    If they restart their devices then the sync occurs and push notifications work for about half a day then stop again. 
    We have no issues with any iOS devices getting push notifications. We have a range of Android JellyBean and KitKat deployed so not looking device related. If I turn off push notification on the Android device and force a manual sync every 5 minutes that
    works and currently seems to be my workaround. But this will drain the battery quicker now. 
    The flow of notification would be simple, Exchange2013 > Firewall > Internet > Device
    Anyone else experiencing issues like this and know what to check? We have checked all networking aspects and its not a network/firewall issue. 

    After hours of searching online and testing and troubleshooting I found the issue actually was affecting push notifications to all mobile devices on Exchange 2013 where their mailboxes had been migrated recently from Exchange 2010. 
    There is a bug in Exchange 2013 CU5 which I am on which causes issues after mailbox migrations and requires the ActiveSync app pool in IIS to require a restart after mailbox moves to function correctly. 
    After I completed an iisreset within a command prompt on the CAS server everything started working for push notifications. 
    Lets hope this gets fixed in CU6!

  • Pushing notifications to android emulator behind a proxy

    Hi Guys 
    I hope this is the correct place to ask this question - if not please direct me.
    I'm attempting to build an android app (in the emulator) that receives push notifications from Azure/gcm.
    I'm also using eclipse ADT in a windows 8.1 for the android dev' work.
    I have been attempting to apply the tutorial
    The registration process works correctly and I receive a registration ID from the Google CloudMessagingService which i then use to register a NotificationHub (from which I  receive a registration ID )
    Where I seem to be having problems is when i try and send an Android  (Random Broadcast) message from the Azure management Portal.
    {"data":{"message":"Notification Hub test notification"}}
    The message never arrives at my app (in the emulator) as 
    public void onReceive(Context context, Bundle bundle) {
    ctx = context;
    String nhMessage = bundle.getString("message");
    // sendNotification(nhMessage);
    mainActivity.DialogNotify("Received Notification",nhMessage);
    doesnt fire. (but does in the registration process)
    (Azure says the message was delivered)
    So I'm wondering if theres something i'm missing - perhaps surrounding the proxy server i'm behind? Or something else to do with the emulator?

    Hi Guys 
    I hope this is the correct place to ask this question - if not please direct me.
    I'm attempting to build an android app (in the emulator) that receives push notifications from Azure/gcm.
    I'm also using eclipse ADT in a windows 8.1 for the android dev' work.
    I have been attempting to apply the tutorial
    The registration process works correctly and I receive a registration ID from the Google CloudMessagingService which i then use to register a NotificationHub (from which I  receive a registration ID )
    Where I seem to be having problems is when i try and send an Android  (Random Broadcast) message from the Azure management Portal.
    {"data":{"message":"Notification Hub test notification"}}
    The message never arrives at my app (in the emulator) as 
    public void onReceive(Context context, Bundle bundle) {
    ctx = context;
    String nhMessage = bundle.getString("message");
    // sendNotification(nhMessage);
    mainActivity.DialogNotify("Received Notification",nhMessage);
    doesnt fire. (but does in the registration process)
    (Azure says the message was delivered)
    So I'm wondering if theres something i'm missing - perhaps surrounding the proxy server i'm behind? Or something else to do with the emulator?

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  • An error occurred in the communication with the BW server  in BI 7.0

    Hi, When I am trying to access Bex Report from Menu, the following error occurs ´An error occurred in the communication with the BW server'. I have removed authorization variable from the query and tried, then to error is coming. Please suggest

  • Charts are not showing up on OBIEE 111160 on Windows 2008 64 bit

    Hi, We have installed OBIEE 111160 on Windows server 2008 64 bit. We pointed our RPD and web catalog to OBIEE 111160. But, some of our reports are not showing the chart view. We are able to see data in table view. If we run the same RPD and web catal

  • ASKB(N): document type do not defined

    Hello all! When I start ASKBN befor  AFAB (sistem 6.0) I got a message "Document type  for periodic APC posting does not exist". Message no. AC197 But when I went to OBA7 and look through the type AN with Net asset posting and tried to define the int

  • Can't close Quicktime Windows!! CMD-W is not working

    Hi my quicktime did not close anymore..CDM-W is not working and neither can i see the red amber green icons on the top left.. there is no menu when i try to rightclick within the video. the effect is dramatic that every time i open quicktime it autom

  • SCCM 2012 - Deployment Status Very Slow

    I hope someone can point me in the right direction.  I recently upgraded to 2012 SP1, as well as moved my database to a new server running WS2012 and SQL 2012 SP1.  Everything seems to work very well, except for when viewing the status of my deployme