ANN vCam AS3

Announcing vCam AS3 for Flash. For those of you who are
unfamiliar with vCam, I’ll give you a brief explanation. In
2005, Sham Bhangal and Dave Dixon released the original vCam or
“virtul camera” for Flash. Let’s say you are
working on an animation and you want the animation to pan from left
to right. Normally you would have to create tweens for all the
layers in your timeline. However, the vCam allows a Flash developer
to animate a single vCam instance on the timeline to create the
same pan. Simply place the vCam on left side of the stage and
create a motion tween to the right side of the stage. Publish out
your file and bam! You’ve just made your scene pan with a
single tween. Pans aren’t the only thing you could do with
vCam. You could also change it’s size and add color
Now vCam AS3 brings a whole new list of features, including:
- Rotation
- Blur
- Brightness/Contrast
- Hue/Saturation
- and more!
Visit for more
information and download the source for free.

As this does sound nice, please refrain from advertising
here. Read the posting guidlines
"We gave at the office! No advertising or solicitation is
permitted on Adobe's Online Forums. However, if you have an
announcement to make that is of direct interest to a particular
forum topic - a single post is acceptable, as long as you add 'ANN'
(for 'announcement') to the beginning of your subject line. This
way people who are not interested can easily skip past your post."
So, maybe you could change your topic title to read "ANN vCam
blah blah". However, it really should be in the ActionScript 3
forums, and not under general.

Similar Messages

  • Vcam AS3: Killer of buttons!

    I am having trouble getting my buttons to work in a platform that uses the AS3 VCam. Does anyone know if there is a way to get buttons to work with it?


  • Keyframe Caddy breaking VCAM Error: 5004

    I am new to Flash and I just started using extensions.
    I am trying to use Keyframe Caddy and VCAM AS3 but when I "Load keyframes" I get this error:
    Warning: 5004: The file 'C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Flash CC\Common\Configuration\ActionScript 3.0\FP9\playerglobal.swc', which is required for typechecking ActionScript 3.0, could not be found. You may need to reinstall Flash.
    I have tried reinstalling Flash and it didnt work. And once I get that Error, it makes VCAM give the same error...but if I dont use Keyframe Caddy, VCAM works just fine.
    I know VERY little about the inner workings of Flash, so I don't know how to mess with AS or internal files...I am just hoping there will be someone out there who has seen this problem and found an easy fix, as I really want to be able to use both extensions.
    Thanks in advance!

  • Code your own virtual camera?

    So I've heard it's easy to code your own Virtual Camera. Since I am no coder has one of you lovely fellows probably coded a camera himself?
    All I need is zoom and it should work with a stage size of 1024X576.
    I have tried the popular vCam AS3 v1.1 link:
    but it only seems to do an aspect ratio of 4:3 and not 16:9 (which is the aspect ratio you get when you use 1024X576) so everything is skewed and distorted.
    Maybe there is just a little detail that needs to change in that code but I have no idea what it is.

    If you look at the script you can see it's using the "camera" MovieClip's width and height for the capture area. So if you want to make it 16:9 just physically resize the camera MovieClip to 16:9 e.g. 480 x 270.

  • ANN: toKaos a new product to encrypt/obfuscate AS3

    toKaos is a desktop software application which allows you to encrypt/obfuscate your Flash/Flex AS3 application
    or Flash Document Class.
    toKaos is able to operate directly on a copy of your source code providing you with a new encrypted/obfuscated source code.
    toKaos is able to encrypt the identifier below:
    packages identifier
    classes identifier
    functions identifier (private, internal, protected and public)
    functions parameters identifier
    functions variables identifier
    class variables identifier (private, internal, protected and public)
    Not only encryption, but toKaos is able to obfuscate your source code as follows:
    change package structure
    source compacting
    explode included files
    remove comments
    For more information contact toKaos support Team at [email protected] or
    visit the product websites  or (mirror)
    toKaos Team

    When you start up the computer, you'll be prompted to log into one of the accounts that you authorize to access. Once you authenticate, it'll essentially open up the system until you shut it back down. You won't be able to perform any operations on the system until you unlock it, but while it remains unlocked, all operations proceed as normal.

  • I have the same problem w/ 2 different vcams

    Okay peoples,
    I'm putting together an animation in Flash CS4, on a MacBook Pro running OS X 10.5.8, and I positively need to be able to use the vcam (of course!).  But I can't make it work.
    Essentially, when I try to test or publish the movie w/ the vcam in the top layer as a tween (motion or Classic), the player won't recognize the vcam window dimensions as the player window dimensions - so, for example, everything remains the same size; I can see the vcam viewfinder as it is in creative mode, and it will move and change dimension as the tween dictates, but it is impossible to make the movie 'see' through the vcam's perspective, thus making zooming and panning - the only reasons to use a vcam - impossible - void.
    To be very honest, I have a similar problem w/ the only other vcam being offered out there, through YouTube, for free - which is why I'm bringing this to the forums - I'm probably doing something wrong with both vcams.
    I notice generally that some very knowledgeable people here don't even recommend vcams but rather 'old fashioned', sleeve-rolling animation, re-sizing symbols, etc.  I will do that if I must.  But I have to try and ask for your collective assistance.
    I.  need.  your.  help.  ...for whatever it is worth: THANK YOU.
    the compiler errors I get from trying to test or publish the more common AS3 vcam are these:
    Location  /  Description  /  Source
    Symbol=VCam_AS3, layer=actions, frame=1, Line 33  /
    Symbol=VCam_AS3, layer=actions, frame=1, Line 37  /
    Symbol=VCam_AS3, layer=actions, frame=1, Line 59  /
    Symbol=VCam_AS3, layer=actions, frame=1, Line 81  /
    Symbol=VCam_AS3, layer=actions, frame=1, Line 95  /
    Symbol=VCam_AS3, layer=actions, frame=1, Line 105  /
    Symbol=VCam_AS3, layer=actions, frame=1, Line 110  /
    Symbol=field_guide_encoding_BG, layer=Layer 1, frame=1, Line 1  /
    The class or interface 'Event' could not be loaded.  /
    A type identifier is expected after the ':'.  /
    The class or interface 'Event' could not be loaded.  /
    The class or interface 'Matrix' could not be loaded.  /
    The class or interface 'Event' could not be loaded.  /
    The class or interface 'Matrix' could not be loaded.  /
    The class or interface 'ColorTransform' could not be loaded.  /
    The class or interface 'FieldGuideEncodingBG' could not be loaded.  /
    function onAdded(e:Event):void{
    function init():void{
    function onFrame(e:Event):void{
    var matrix:Matrix=this.transform.matrix.clone();
    function reset(e:Event):void{
    var matrix:Matrix=new Matrix();
    var ct:ColorTransform=new ColorTransform();
    (no source for the final Location/Description)    
    here are the compiler errors I receive when trying to test or publish the movie w/ the other, 'Self-Rendering' vcam that's out there, available and demonstrated on YouTube:
    Location  /  Description  /  Source
    Symbol=vcam 4x3, layer=Layer 3, frame=1, Line 58  /
    Symbol=vcam 4x3, layer=Layer 3, frame=1, Line 61  /
    Symbol=vcam 4x3, layer=Layer 3, frame=1, Line 63  /
    Symbol=navbar - clip, layer=Layer3, frame=1, Line 15  /
    Symbol=navbar - clip, layer=Layer3, frame=1, Line 19  /
    Symbol=navbar - clip, layer=Layer3, frame=1, Line 37  /
    Symbol=navbar - clip, layer=Layer3, frame=1, Line 41  /
    Symbol=navbar - clip, layer=Layer3, frame=1, Line 65  /
    Symbol=navbar - clip, layer=Layer3, frame=1, Line 76  /
    Symbol=navbar - clip, layer=Layer3, frame=1, Line 82  /
    Symbol=navbar - clip, layer=Layer3, frame=1, Line 89Symbol=field_guide_encoding_BG, layer=Layer 1, frame=1, Line 1  /
    The class or interface 'FieldGuideEncodingBG' could not be loaded.  /
    The class or interface 'uint' could not be loaded.  /
    Syntax error.  /
    The class or interface 'MouseEvent' could not be loaded.  /
    The class or interface 'Point' could not be loaded.  /
    The class or interface 'Point' could not be loaded.  /
    The class or interface 'Event' could not be loaded.  /
    The class or interface 'int' could not be loaded.  /
    The class or interface 'Event' could not be loaded.  /
    The class or interface 'Event' could not be loaded.  /
    The class or interface 'FieldGuideEncodingBG' could not be loaded.  /
    var encoding_bg: FieldGuideEncodingBG;  /
    var frameCount:uint;  /
    const PNG_NUMBER_LEN:uint = 5;  /
    function mouseClickHandler(evt: MouseEvent)  /
    var mouse_pos: Point = root.globalToLocal(new Point(evt.stageX, evt.stageY));  /
    function mouseReleaseHandler(evt: MouseEvent)    function mouseReleaseHandler(evt:
    MouseEvent)  /
    var mouse_pos: Point = root.globalToLocal(new Point(evt.stageX, evt.stageY));  /
    function enterFrameHandler(evt: Event)  /
    var new_pos: int = ((mcSeekHandle.x - bound_l) / bound_width) * MovieClip(root).totalFrames + 1;  /
    function onAddedToStage(evt: Event)  /
    function onRemovedFromStage(evt: Event)  /
    (no source for the final Location/Description)

    I would not read some conspiracy into any changes or audio.
    Besides which if they did, most patches even from MS aren't rushed and may not make it into the whatever update was in the works, if there was, or whether it is something else.
    Send feedback but forums are end users only.

  • Moving views and split screen (AS3 games development issue)

    How do you move the workspace dynamically using AS3 (say in a platform game where the viewable area pans around the player)?
    One suggestion was to make everything move relative to the player:
    Is there a way to group all movie clips together, without creating and iterating through an array?
    For example there could be one holder movie clip which all viewable objects (apart from the background image) are attached to.
    Each of the objects could have x and y coordinates relative to the holder movie clip.
    I don't know how to do this though.
    Is there a better way (i.e. changing the x and y offset of the workspace dynamically)?
    Say if one was to make a multiplayer game where each level is over 4000x4000 px in dimensions.
    How do you split the screen with AS3 so that each player has their own view of the level?
    Thanks in advance for any replies

    After doing some further research I found that a genius named Bryan Heisey has invented a an opensource virtual camera using actionscript 3.
    I.e. a movie clip stores a snapshot of its current position as bitmap data which it draws on to the stage.
    After hours  of painful trial and error, I've modified the Actionscript 3 version of VCam, to be contained in an external actionscript file and to support split screen mode.
    I'm not sure if I've ironed out all the glitches out yet though as my trial version has expired and I'm still waiting for delivery of the registered version .
    I'll try and have a tutorial up and running in a week or 2...

  • Can't access text properties in AS3. only in MXML

    Please help, I want to access the text property via as3. The code below.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Canvas xmlns:mx="" creationComplete="listService.send()" height="100%" width="555" backgroundAlpha="0.0">
            import mx.collections.XMLListCollection;
            namespace ink = "";
            use namespace ink;
            [Bindable] private var xmlList:XMLList;
            [Bindable] private var listCollection:XMLListCollection;
            [Bindable] private var listData:XML;
            [Bindable] public var serviceURL:String = "";
            [Bindable] public var searchFor:String = "biotechnology%20AND%20biotech";  
            private const PROXY:String = "http://localhost/employeePhoneDesktop/src/php/proxy.php?url=";
            private const APIID:String = "###################";
            private const PARAMS:String = "&format=xml&orderby=date";
            private function resultHandler(e:ResultEvent):void {
                listData = e.result as XML;
                // add the imems to an XMLList and XMLListCollection
                // so that they can be used with the repeater class
                // and update automatically
                xmlList = e.result.resultset_news.result as XMLList;
                listCollection = new XMLListCollection(xmlList);
            private function setData():void {
                itemRepeater.dataProvider = listCollection;
    ------>  abstract.text = "test in AS3";
                abstract.visible = false;
        <mx:HTTPService id="listService" url="{serviceURL + searchFor + APIID + PARAMS}" result="resultHandler(event)" resultFormat="e4x"/>
            <mx:Repeater id="itemRepeater">
                <mx:VBox verticalGap="0" x="10" y="10">   
                    <mx:LinkButton id="itemTitle" label="{itemRepeater.currentItem.title}" width="400"/>
                    <mx:Label text="{itemRepeater.currentItem.source + ' | ' +}"/>
      ---->           <mx:Text id="abstract" text="test in MXML" width="400" visible="true" />

    I am getting it from yahoo boss API.(the public api for news search)
    <ysearchresponse responsecode="200" xmlns="">
      <resultset_news count="10" start="0" totalhits="122" deephits="122">
            President Obama is "right to push for [health care] reform now, despite calls to postpone efforts solely on the economic recovery," a Philadelphia Inquirer editorial states.
            Editorial says, Obama is “right to push for health care reform”
            By Bill Berkrot
            Interactive Investor
            (AFX UK Focus) 2009-05-14 23:15 UPDATE 1-Tarceva helps keep lung cancer from worsening-study
            <![CDATA[The American Civil Liberties Union action in filing a lawsuit yesterday against Myriad Genetics is going to lead to one of the most important legal battles in the history of biotechnology, asserts Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News (GEN). The ACLU charged that the patenting of two human genes linked to breast and ovarian cancer will inhibit medical research. The organization also claims ...]]>
            ACLU -- Myriad Genetics lawsuit will become landmark case
            <![CDATA[( Mary Ann Liebert, Inc./Genetic Engineering News ) The American Civil Liberties Union action in filing a lawsuit yesterday against Myriad Genetics is going to lead to one of the most important legal battles in the history of biotechnology, asserts Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News. The ACLU charged that the patenting of two human genes linked to breast and ovarian cancer will inhibit ...]]>
            ACLU -- Myriad Genetics lawsuit will become landmark case
            Thornburg Core Growth Fund is outdoing its peers and the U.S. market so far this year, but manager Alex Motola would prefer that stocks hadn’t run up so far, so fast.
            Market Watch
            The Stockpickers: Fund manager eyes FLIR Systems, Alexion, Equinix
            WINNIPEG, MANITOBA--(Marketwire - May 14, 2009) - Kane Biotech Inc. (TSX VENTURE:KNE) (the "Company"), a biotechnology company engaged in the development of products that prevent and disperse microbial biofilms, has closed its previously announced private placement offering (the "Offering") with aggregate gross proceeds to the Company of $250,000 from the sale of 3,571,429 units ("Units") at a ...
            Kane Biotech Announces Closing of Private Placement Offering
            The organizers of the annual biotechnology trade show at Progress Corporate Park were fully prepared to scale back this year's event in light of the sour economy.
            The Gainesville Sun
            Biotech trade show draws strong turnout
            VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - May 14, 2009) - Allon Therapeutics Inc. (TSX:NPC) reported today in its First Quarter 2009 operating results that the Company is on track to achieve its 2009 milestones, including completing a partnership with a major pharmaceutical company and advancing the clinical development of lead neuroprotective product candidate davunetide intranasal (AL-108) ...
    <result xmlns="">
      <abstract>President Obama is "right to push for [health care] reform now, despite calls to postpone efforts solely on the economic recovery," a Philadelphia Inquirer editorial states.</abstract>
      <title>Editorial says, Obama is “right to push for health care reform”</title>
    <result xmlns="">
      <abstract>By Bill Berkrot</abstract>
      <source>Interactive Investor</source>
      <title>(AFX UK Focus) 2009-05-14 23:15 UPDATE 1-Tarceva helps keep lung cancer from worsening-study</title>
    <result xmlns="">
      <abstract><![CDATA[The American Civil Liberties Union action in filing a lawsuit yesterday against Myriad Genetics is going to lead to one of the most important legal battles in the history of biotechnology, asserts Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News (GEN). The ACLU charged that the patenting of two human genes linked to breast and ovarian cancer will inhibit medical research. The organization also claims ...]]></abstract>
      <title>ACLU -- Myriad Genetics lawsuit will become landmark case</title>
    <result xmlns="">
      <abstract><![CDATA[( Mary Ann Liebert, Inc./Genetic Engineering News ) The American Civil Liberties Union action in filing a lawsuit yesterday against Myriad Genetics is going to lead to one of the most important legal battles in the history of biotechnology, asserts Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News. The ACLU charged that the patenting of two human genes linked to breast and ovarian cancer will inhibit ...]]></abstract>
      <title>ACLU -- Myriad Genetics lawsuit will become landmark case</title>
    <result xmlns="">
      <abstract>Thornburg Core Growth Fund is outdoing its peers and the U.S. market so far this year, but manager Alex Motola would prefer that stocks hadn’t run up so far, so fast.</abstract>
      <source>Market Watch</source>
      <title>The Stockpickers: Fund manager eyes FLIR Systems, Alexion, Equinix</title>
    <result xmlns="">
      <abstract>WINNIPEG, MANITOBA--(Marketwire - May 14, 2009) - Kane Biotech Inc. (TSX VENTURE:KNE) (the "Company"), a biotechnology company engaged in the development of products that prevent and disperse microbial biofilms, has closed its previously announced private placement offering (the "Offering") with aggregate gross proceeds to the Company of $250,000 from the sale of 3,571,429 units ("Units") at a ...</abstract>
      <title>Kane Biotech Announces Closing of Private Placement Offering</title>
    <result xmlns="">
      <abstract>The organizers of the annual biotechnology trade show at Progress Corporate Park were fully prepared to scale back this year's event in light of the sour economy.</abstract>
      <source>The Gainesville Sun</source>
      <title>Biotech trade show draws strong turnout</title>
    <result xmlns="">
      <abstract>VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - May 14, 2009) - Allon Therapeutics Inc. (TSX:NPC) reported today in its First Quarter 2009 operating results that the Company is on track to achieve its 2009 milestones, including completing a partnership with a major pharmaceutical company and advancing the clinical development of lead neuroprotective product candidate davunetide intranasal (AL-108) ...</abstract>
      <title>Allon Therapeutics Releases First Quarter Operating Results</title>
    <result xmlns="">
      <abstract>Commercial crops of biotech sugarcane are one step closer to becoming a reality in Australia through new and improved genetic transformation technologies.</abstract>
      <source>North Queensland Register</source>
      <title>GM cane one step closer</title>
    <result xmlns="">
      <abstract>NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) — The Minnesota State Legislature has approved $16 million in funding for a biomedical research partnership between the University of Minnesota and the Mayo Foundation.</abstract>
      <source>GenomeWeb News</source>
      <title>Minnesota Senate Passes $16M for Medical Genomics, Biotech</title>

  • Photo gallery in as3

    I'm making photo gallery where photos will be loaded from external xml file but i have problem. I want to add an effect when photo is changing like on this site:  Could somebody help me with that? I am noob in flash so please explain it as clear as you can. Thanks.

    I was sesrching for that for a long time before i created this tread. There is many tutorials and exaple files for page flip or page turn but i cant find good one. Many of them was coded in as1 or as2 other using php and java script so its difficult  to understant. I just want one simple solution for that. It cant be so hard to create something like that. Could you help me to find some good and simple tutorial in as3?

  • Creating an "if" Statement in AS3

    I've been having a problem trying to implement 2 email forms in the same scene at different places in the timeline.  If I do just one form, there isn't a problem, but there is a problem with the 2nd form (I've tried using different instance names to no avail). However, it appears I have most of it figured out, but am still having a problem, which I believe I may have a solution for by using an "if" statement.  In the following AS3 code is a string that reads var URL_request:URLRequest = new URLRequest( "send_email.php" ); I believe I may be able to resolve the problem if I had a 2nd string (in the same code) that read var URL_request:URLRequest = new URLRequest( "send_email_02.php" ); Is there a way to include that string in the same AS3 by using an "if" statement telling the code to "submit" the 2nd form?  If so, could someone please give me an example of how to write that "if" statement? This form has been driving me nuts for 4 days now and any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
    contact_name.text = contact_email.text = contact_subject.text =
    contact_message.text = message_status.text = "";
    send_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, submit);
    reset_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, reset);
    var timer:Timer;
    var var_load:URLLoader = new URLLoader;
    var URL_request:URLRequest = new URLRequest( "send_email.php" );
    URL_request.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;
    function submit(e:MouseEvent):void
    if( contact_name.text == "" || contact_email.text == "" ||
      contact_subject.text == "" || contact_message.text == "" )
      message_status.text = "Please complete all text fields.";
    else if( !validate_email(contact_email.text) )
      message_status.text = "Please enter a valid email address.";
      message_status.text = "sending...";
      var email_data:String = "name=" + contact_name.text
            + "&email=" + contact_email.text
            + "&subject=" + contact_subject.text
            + "&message=" + contact_message.text;
      var URL_vars:URLVariables = new URLVariables(email_data);
      URL_vars.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.TEXT; = URL_vars;
      var_load.load( URL_request );
      var_load.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, receive_response );
    function reset(e:MouseEvent):void
    contact_name.text = contact_email.text = contact_subject.text =
    contact_message.text = message_status.text = "";
    function validate_email(s:String):Boolean
    var p:RegExp = /(\w|[_.\-])+@((\w|-)+\.)+\w{2,4}+/;
    var r:Object = p.exec(s);
    if( r == null )
      return false;
    return true;
    function receive_response(e:Event):void
    var loader:URLLoader = URLLoader(;
        var email_status = new URLVariables(;
    if( email_status == "yes" )
      message_status.text = "Success! Your message was sent.";
      timer = new Timer(500);
      timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, on_timer);
      message_status.text = "Failed! Your message was not sent.";
    function on_timer(te:TimerEvent):void
    if( timer.currentCount >= 10 )
      contact_name.text = contact_email.text = contact_subject.text =
      contact_message.text = message_status.text = "";
      timer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, on_timer);

    While the overall scenario isn't all that clear to me, you don't necessarily need an if statement, but just have the different submit buttons assign the different URL_request values before they intiate any other processing.

  • Help with a preloader in AS3

    I upload a website and I have problems with the preloader did it in AS3. It starts after two or three minutes. I have a MC with an animation of 100 frames and the dynamic text of the percent. The preloader is located in the 1 frame to the 10, I mean, first frame with the actions and the other three layers (text, MC and background) with a lenght of 10. The movie has 525 frames. Here is the code:
    addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, lodeando);
    function lodeando(event:Event):void
              var bytesTotales = stage.loaderInfo.bytesTotal;
              var bytesCargados = stage.loaderInfo.bytesLoaded;
              var porcentaje = Math.round(bytesCargados * 100 / bytesTotales);
              textoPorcentaje.text = porcentaje + "% Cargados";
              if (bytesCargados == bytesTotales)
                        removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, lodeando);
                        textoPorcentaje.text = "";
    Please, Could you help me?.

    These screen captures show the library of the movie. As you can see I export the most of them. However I have doubts about if I must convert to symbol the graphics. I have the preloader in the "presentación" folder without any exportation.
    Please, Could you correct the website?. Please, tell me an e-mail address and I send you the website via WeTransfer.

  • Text input action AS3

    I have a text input field on the timeline that I want the user to enter specific information in. When that information is correctly entered, I need the timeline to progress.
    I successfully used the following AS2, but I cant find corresponding code for AS3
    on (keyPress "x") {
    Any help on converting this function to AS3 is greatly appreciated.

    You can use an Event.CHANGE listener for the textfield and then test its value in the event handler function to see if it agrees with the required string...
    inputtField.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, testEntry);
    function testEntry(evt:Event):void {
         if(inputField.text == "whatever"){
              // do stuff

  • New to Flash AS3, Need help with some weird issues, have .fla link attached...

    Basically, the buttons are not visible when siteplan_mc is replayeed after floorplan closes, but they still work. Most things are only working on double click for soe reason, tho I have them to function on click. and the back button only woorks on unit 1 floorplan, tho the code it the same for all floorplans. I have a feeling it has something to do with levels... but I really have no idea... hopefully someone can help!
    thanks in advance,

    There are at least two things you're doing wrong. You can't go to a frame where something exists for the first time, and immediately do something to it. Like in your playunit functios for example:
    unit1_mc.alpha = 1
    unit1_mc hasn't yet drawn itself on stage to have its alpha set, and so there's an error. That is something that was improved in Flash 10, so if you had set the Flash to publish for Flash 10 and not Flash 9, then the floor plans and the back buttons appears ok. It would sometimes work with double clicks because by the second time you clicked, the movieclip now existed. You might be able to do what you want by having all of the room units on frame 1 of the siteplan_mc, and then set their visible to true or false as you need them, instead of doing the gotoAndStop().
    The other problem is that you're trying to set listeners on the Back buttons that don't yet exist. Wait until you're on the frame where the buttons exists, and then set its listener for the mouse click.
    Other things you're doing could be improved too, but really you might want to get together with someone who has done more AS3, to help you become more familiar with how it works.

  • HELP! Uploading AS3 Game to server, no sound and Spacebar doesn´t work HELP!

    Hello, relatively new to AS3 and flash, this is the first time i am publishing anything. We are trying to upload our simple flashgame to our webserver, the game works perfectly fine locally save for one thing. We get an error regarding TLF which says it wont stream or something. So when it gets online, no sounds play and spacebar doesn't work, left and right arrow does work. We have three TLF text fields that are used to update score, lives and show you final score. If i turn these into classical text they stop working.
    Things we have tried: Changing default linkage from RLS to Merged into code, changing the text boxes to classical text(they then stop working), made sure the paths are correct(all files are in the same directory including the .swz file)
    This is the code from the soundclass:
        public class MySound
            private var bgSound:Sound;
            private var fireSound:Sound;
            private var waterSound:Sound;
            private var earthSound:Sound;
            private var lightSound:Sound;
            private var soundChannel:SoundChannel;
            public function MySound()
                soundChannel = new SoundChannel();
                bgSound = new Sound();
                var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest("BackgroundSound.mp3");
                fireSound = new Sound();
                var req2:URLRequest = new URLRequest("soundFire.mp3");
                // water
                waterSound = new Sound();
                var req3:URLRequest = new URLRequest("soundWater.mp3");
                // earth
                earthSound = new Sound();
                var req4:URLRequest = new URLRequest("soundEarth.mp3");
                // light
                lightSound = new Sound();
                var req5:URLRequest = new URLRequest("soundLight.mp3");
            public function playBgSound()
                soundChannel =, 999999);
            public function stopBgSound()
            public function playFireSound()
            public function playWaterSound()
            public function playEarthSound()
            public function playLightSound()
    I can somewhat get that sound can bugg out, but why does spacebar stop functioning? ANy help is greatly appreciated as this has to be delivered in twelve hours(published online) for a school assignment.

    Also might add publishing it locally in my own browser everything works, as does ofcourse playing it in flash itself. Changing from RLS to merged into code stops the error from coming, but doesn´t fix the problem on the server.
    Code from main class related to sound and spacebar:
    import flash.display.*;
        import flash.ui.Keyboard;
        import flash.text.TextField;
        import flash.utils.Timer;
        public class main extends MovieClip
            private var fireTimer:Timer; //delay between shots
            private var canFire:Boolean = true;
            private var mySound:MySound;
            private var bulletSpeed:Number = -450;
              public function main()
                //load sounds
                mySound = new MySound();
            private function playGame(event:MouseEvent)
                // initialize
                myLives = 5;
                myHitsNo = 0;
                weaponType = 1;
                mybullets = new Array();
                enemys = new Array();       
                myScoreTxt.text = "Score: " + myHitsNo;
                myLivesTxt.text = "Lives: " + myLives;   
                fireTimer = new Timer(400, 1);
                fireTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, shootTimerHandler, false, 0, true);
                stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, listenKeyDown);
                stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, addEnemy);
                stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, checkCollision);   
                player = new thePlayer(stage.stageWidth-40, spawnPoint2);// stage.stageHeight/2);
                stage.focus = player;
    public function listenKeyDown(event:KeyboardEvent)  // Controls and weapontype selector
                if (event.keyCode == 37) //left
                if (event.keyCode == 39) //right
    if (event.keyCode == Keyboard.SPACE) //space
                    //soundFX.attachSound("Pistol Fire.wav");

  • How to use as3 in flash cs3 to add dynamic text from a text file into a flash file

    let me start out by saying today is my first day of scripting
    in flash.
    I have a text file text.txt
    it contains
    text1=hello world
    can someone please show me how to display this text in a
    flash file
    i have been searching for this for hours and there are
    solutions with flash mx and actionscript 2.0 but i would like to
    see how to do this in as3.
    just a simple frame that loads that file and displays it when
    you test run the program
    much apreciated

    I'm not up on AS3 yet, but many things are still similar. You
    need to use the LoadVars class to accomplish this, You can find
    information this in Flahs Help>Actionscript>Actionscript
    Language Reference>Actionscript classes.
    rem: the text.txt file and the text.fla file must be in the
    same directory.
    The code will look something like this:

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