Annoying Pop-Up Starting Photoshop - What Does It Mean and How to Solve?

Every time I open Photoshop I get this pop-up message saying,
"For the Photoshop UI to display correctly, open System Preferences, click Appearance, and turn off text smoothing for font sizes 8 and smaller." 
I have no idea what this means. I just keep clicking 'ok' and I'm taken to the interface without so much as a hiccup. There's an option not to display the message again but I don't know if it would be optimal for me to do something about this or not. My question is, what exactly is this message, should I do something about, and if so, what? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Also, I'm running Photoshop CS5 Extended on a Quad-Core iMac with Snow Leopard OSX 10.6.8

iaugustleo wrote:
@Jeff - Thanks thanks. If you misconstrued that as attitude, well, I apologize for your sensitivity. I'd rather sound silly over unrelevent like your post and apparently that pop-up. The pop-up message is clear, yes I know. As if my last two posts didn't get across what I was getting at, maybe third times a charm. My text anti-aliasing prefs are set just fine, no mis-set here. Whether the setting is changed or not the UI displays perfectly. Why be bothered to change something that's fine as it is? in comparing the UI in the most minute detail with the preferred settings of Photoshop or my default settings on my system, both are fine.
Uh huh...well, I'm glad you're happy with the System Preferences set where you have them...I'm running 5 different displays (all LCDs) with the option set to turn off text smooting for fonts at 6 and smaller...with no problems with readability.
Not sure exactly why you would want to set your prefes to 4 and smaller (you still haven't given a reasonable reason). But Chris gave you the way to avoid the warning...whether or not you want to avail yourself to the solution is up to you.
Personally, I hope you keep it at 4 and under and remember this discussion each and everytime you see that nag warning...and remember it's within your power to avoid it.
Just to be clear, 6 and under is Apple default and you've still not given a real reason why you changed it...and the odds of Adobe changing the warning are about as close to zero as you might imaginge since as far as I can remember, you're the first person to complain.
But hey, you do what you wanna do. No skin off my nose, ya know?

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