ANT how to include NetBeans Jar  files in my script of ANT ??

ANT how to include NetBeans Jar files in my script of ANT ??

I mean the library say swing layout ...
which is SwingLayOuts1.0.jar ...
in side this there is folder org.jDesktop....
I want this folder in my jar file ...
also ....
My question ... i know the path of the jar file of NetBeans .... i can copy that ...dirctly ... but if m using Netbeans editor ... can i give NetBeans class to my jar command for ANT...........

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    Thanks & Regards,
    Siva Thota

    When you say alter the jar file, do you mean alter the contents of the java code within the jar. If this is yes then the simple answer is no. As you are probably aware, a jar file contains pre-compiled java code, which you will not be able to alter. What is it you are trying to achieve?
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    My understanding is that mxmlc will use all available resources in the source path, as needed. Instead of giving it individual resources to include, you simply need to give it the source-path that contains those resources. This is different from a library project, which may need to include individual classes that are never used in that library.

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        - info.xml
        - FTPGetter.jarThe code compiles file and can create a Jar file without errors. But when I execute the Jar file, I get
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    <project name="FTPGetter" default="all">
      <property name="src.dir"        value="src"/>
      <property name=""   value=""/>
      <property name="package.dir"    value="${src.dir}/com/abc/ftpgetter"/>
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        <mkdir dir="${classes.dir}" />
        <mkdir dir="${jar.dir}" />
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            <!-- use the value of the ${classes.dir} property in the classpath -->
            <pathelement path="${classes.dir}" />
            <!-- include all jar files  -->
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              <include name="**/*.jar"/>
      <target name="clean" description="Clean up">
        <delete dir="${javadoc.dir}" />
        <delete dir="${classes.dir}" />
        <delete dir="${jar.dir}" />
      <target name="jar" depends="compile">
        <jar jarfile="${jar.dir}/FTPGetter.jar" update="false">
          <fileset dir="${classes.dir}" includes="**/*.class" />
    <!-- Include xml file to read.-->
          <fileset dir="${include.dir}" includes="info.xml" />
    <!-- Include ftpClient in the jar file.-->
          <fileset dir="${include.dir}" includes="ftpClient.jar" />
            <attribute name="Main-Class" value="" />
            <attribute name="Class-Path" value="include/ftpClient.jar"/>

    nevermind I got that fixed now:
    had to get the build.xml code for the <target name="jar" depends="compile">so that it looks more like:
      <target name="jar" depends="compile">
        <jar jarfile="${jar.dir}/FTPGetter.jar">
          <zipfileset dir="classes" prefix="" />
          <zipfileset src="include/ftpClient.jar" />
          <zipfileset dir="${include.dir}" includes="info.xml" />
            <attribute name="Main-Class" value="" />
      </target>Keyword would need to be zipfileset.

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    file that is)Out of curiosity are you trying to use executable jar files? If so you might want to put the classpath in the manifest using Class-Path: blah.jar etc. Be remember that this resolves to the disk filesystem not the internals of the jar that is being executed. In other words - the blah.jar file resides in the same directoy on the disk as your executable jar.
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    M Fazal Ur Rehman

    Excellent question. I don't see any client-jar in your EAR file structure. So I am assuming you are writing a separate client application which will talk to the ejbs deployed as part of this EAR. You need to do the following:
    Write another EAR file with the following structure:
    client.jar should have a META-INF/MANIFEST.MF and that should contain Class-Path:util.jar and value for Main-Class attribute.
    Now deploy this new ear to your application server and execute it using Application Client Container that comes with your app server.
    If you don't want to write another EAR file, then bundle th client.jar in your original EAR file.
    Points to note are:
    you have to repackage util.jar again inside this ear file.
    For portability reason, you should use Class-Path manifest entry in client.jar. Refer to and J2EE platform spec section #8.2.
    Hope this helps,

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    Russ_Bjork wrote:
    Is it possible to include a jar file inside another (executable) jar file such that the included file is part of the class path for the outer file?No. Actually, I suppose it would be possible if you do all the 'heavy lifting', but Java is not designed to handle Jars within Jars.
    What do you see as the advantage of doing that?
    Is your app. a rich client (e.g. Swing, AWT, SWT..)?
    Can you distribute the app. from a server or the internet?

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    hello everybody,
    I've created a chat aplication which consists of a client-side and server-side. The client-side is an applet and is working fine. But i'm getting problem with the server-side. Actually, it is working fine on my local system and even in a local area network. But now, i want to put the server-side on a webserver. So, i want to know how can i do that. My server-side is a jar file "chatserver.jar" which i've developed using frame containers. I want to know also how to run the chatserver.jar on the webserver. Is it that i should have implemented jsp? Or javascript? coz my chatserver must be always running 24/7. It must not be available to user. users will chat through applets and the data will be sent to the server-side which will in turn control and recognise those data. Can anyone please help me in that issue.

    that was very kind of u for replying to me. thanks a lot. Well, the web software i'm running is nothing soo great but it's simply a chat server side application. In this application, i'm using a thread where my datagram socket will keep on receiving data from clients and this server side apllication must response to the client. For example, if a client has added a new room, or a new user has logged in, the server side must take care to inform all other clients that a new user has just logged in or a new room has been created. The main method is in the "chatserver.class". Then, i've combined all my classes including the chatserver.class into a jar file. When i click on the jar file on my local system or on the server of a local area network, it works beautifully. So, my server side application works like that. I have to click on the chatserver.jar once and nothing else. No other interaction with the applicaion. But my problem is how to run it on a web-server like apache. Or even if i upload this software on a website, how do i make it run? Shall i implement jsp codes? If yes, how to execute such jar file using jsp?
    here are part of the codes where my datagramsocket is receiving message from clients:
    public void run()
              byte[] recbuf=new byte[65536];
              recpacket=new DatagramPacket(recbuf,recbuf.length);
         byte[] bt=recpacket.getData();
         String recvmess = new String(bt, 0, recpacket.getLength());
         InetAddress clientaddress=recpacket.getAddress();
         int clientport=recpacket.getPort();
         chatcom=new chatcom(this,clientaddress,clientport,recvmess);
         catch(InterruptedException _INExc)      
    chatcom is another class which i've created to differentiate if the data received is a message, new room, new user, etc... I've created my own RFC to make those differences. Like i said above, if a client has created a new room, the chatcom class will recognise that a new room has to be created and will therefore send the new room created to all other clients. So, i want to know how to get my "chatserver.jar" run on a web server like apache or even on a website if i want to upload this software. Coz once it starts running, i dnt hav to close the application. I mean to say that this application will have to run 24/7. Do i have to execute it externally using jsp codes? Is there any way to get my application run on a webserver?

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    Just post a link to the Jar. Mozilla will download
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    Only one link. No problem, really. ;-)There is a problem. People who arent as good with computers as you are won't know how to run the jar file after downloading with IE.
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    I created a bean area and set the class name as implementation class. within that java bean class I called to a bat file which consists of the execution command of the jar file ( because i don't know how to call .jar file from my bean class directly).
    then i tried to run it in application server. its still not running.
    can you tell me what i have to do within my bean class? or can you suggest any solution?
    thank you.

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    I get a message saying "Unable to open" when I click on the .jar file i want to open in my blackberry & install.

    JAR files are for older java phones, they dont work on BB10
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  • How to run a jar file in JBuilder

    Hi there
    I need to know how to run a jar file using JBuilder. Thanks :)

    well i have a german version of jbuilder and there it is under
    experten Archiv-builder
    look at something that has a similar name

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    hello friends,
    hi friends, im working on weblogic commerce server3.1 . i dont know how to create a .jar file in weblogic commerce server3.1. can any one knows send email to me.

    $JDK_HOME/bin/jar (%JDK_HOME%\bin\jar) shows you the syntax
    where JDK_HOME is your jdk installation directory.
    hari wrote:
    hello friends,
    hi friends, im working on weblogic commerce server3.1 . i dont know how to create a .jar file in weblogic commerce server3.1. can any one knows send email to me.

Maybe you are looking for

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