Antivirus para iphone

Tenho um iphone 3gs, e ha alguns dias vem apresentando problemas: bateria descarrega em pouco tempo ou o telefone desliga do nada... Me disseram que poderia ser vírus... Existe algum antivirus que possa instalar?

Unless you have jailbroken the phone, it does not have a virus. You have an old phone and the battery is going to drain more rapidly that it did when it was new.
Go through the standard trouble shooting steps: reset, restore from back up, restore from new.
Best of luck.

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    Adicionalmente a lo anterior, les remito información de  otra nota que puede ser de utilidad para solventar los problemas
    SAP Business One Notes
    Statistic124| Printer-Friendly Version | PDF Version | Add to favorites | Subscribe | Quick link
         1602674 - SAP Business One mobile app for iOS - Troubleshooting and compatibility information
    Version   89     Validity: 02.09.2014 - active
    You followed the documentation for the "SAP Business One mobile app for iOS", however, the mobile application does not work properly and you require assistance with troubleshooting.
    If you are using SAP Business One mobile app for Android see SAP note 1924930.
    This document contains a list of frequently asked question and troubleshooting tips for the "SAP Business One mobile app for iOS":
    SAP Business One mobile app for iOS - Version Information
    SAP Business One mobile app for iOS - Compatibility Concept
    Troubleshooting Tool
    Error: “Permission Denied”
    Error: "Connection Failed - The request timed out. (-1001)", “Processing Failed - Internal server error; contact your system administrator”
    Runtime issues
    Device ID in version 1.10.0 and higher (error: “Permission Denied”)
    Troubleshoot SAP HANA features in the SAP Business One mobile app
    1. SAP Business One mobile app for iOS - Version Information
      The following table shows relevant mobile app versions and their major features. It also shows which backend version is required to enable all the latest app functions.
    Note that the app version and the backend version are not mandatorily coupled, however the version combination has an impact on a specific function.
    For information about the compatibility concept, see SAP Business One mobile app for iOS - Compatibility Concept. 
    App Version
    What’s New
    Main new features only supported in
    conjunction with backend version (or higher)
    • Cockpit and advanced dashboard integration for SAP HANA (iPad only)
    • Support for downloading/uploading attachments to business partners, sales documents, activities, and service calls
    • Function for copying contacts from business partners to device address book and vice versa
    • Display of delivery documents
    • Enforcement of valid SSL certificates (SAP Notes reference 2019275)
    • Option for providing feedback about the app
    • Improvements for sales documents, sales catalog, activities, and business partners (such as Customer Ref No. and Business Partner Project for sales documents, price list for business partner, tab “My” for business partner, system fields selection for sales catalog, and address field for activity)
    Attention: Valid SSL certificates are mandatory for SAP Business One mobile apps now, you need to have a valid SSL certificate! Please see SAP note 2019275 for details
    SAP Business One 9.1 PL05
    SAP Business One 9.1, version for SAP HANA PL05
    • Optimizations for iOS 8 and iPhone 6 / iPhone 6 Plus
    • Mobile approval remark optional (SAP Notes reference 2045807)
    • Activities module stuck in mobile app (SAP Notes reference 2090470)
    • Address component is missing in Sales Order/Quotation created in mobile app (SAP Notes reference 2081968)
    • Advanced security concept for SSL connections and configurable warning of invalid SSL certificates - see SAP note 2019275
    • The Apple Mac address is replaced with a device ID and “Permission Denied” is displayed on incorrect device ID setting
    • Several technical improvements
    New functions:
    • Sales documents undergo significant enhancements, such as print layout, multiple item selection, editable header information in opportunities, and sales employee assignment in header or stage information
    • Added module ‚Activities‘ with substantial functional extensions, such as activity type and follow up definition for subject and activity level
    • Improved Sales Catalog supports price lists, user defined fields selection, and refresh of single products
    • Alerts allow to drill down to the document
    • Instant printing of documents and reports with AirPrint
    • Extensive personalized settings for each module
    • Modified concept for extending the app
    Please note further change:
    Device ID replaces the Apple MAC address, changing mobile user master data is required. For more information see Retrieving the Mobile Device ID in the Full Guide / Documentation: SAP Business One for iOS
    SAP Business One 9.0 PL12
    SAP Business One 9.0, version for SAP HANA PL12
    SAP Business One 9.1 PL00
    SAP Business One Cloud 1.1 PL02
    • Support for SAP Business One Cloud 1.1 and SAP Business One 9.0, version for SAP HANA PL03
    • Several minor technical improvements
    • iOS 7 user experience
    • Enterprise search for SAP Business One analytics powered by SAP HANA (currently only available on iPad)
    • Enhanced user-defined fields (SAP Notes reference 1904867)
    • Map for Business Partner addresses (SAP Notes reference 1901170)
    • Several minor improvements
    SAP Business One 8.82 PL13
    SAP Business One 9.0 PL06
    SAP Business One 9.0, version for SAP HANA PL02
    SAP Business One Cloud 1.0 SP02
    • Enhanced user-defined fields (SAP Notes reference 1886340)
    • Contact Person ID field supports special characters (SAP Notes reference 1874087)
    • User defined code in SBO_SP_TransactionNotification (SAP Notes reference 1882062)
    SAP Business One 8.82 PL13
    SAP Business One 9.0 PL06
    SAP Business One 9.0, version for SAP HANA PL02
    SAP Business One Cloud 1.0 SP02
    • Sales catalog showcasing products with descriptions and illustrations, featured by interactive comparison and order/quotation integration (iPad only)
    • Assignment of sales employees when editing sales orders or sales quotations
    • Option of adding activities to sales opportunities
    • Filters for lists of business partners, opportunities, and service calls
    • Payment terms and default pricelist for business partners
    • Support for SAP Business One 9.0 (in conjunction with SAP Business One 9.0 PL04 only)
    • Features for pervasive analytics on SAP Business One 9.0, version for SAP HANA, such as cube data source, predictive ability, and a customized dashboard
    SAP Business One 8.82 PL12
    SAP Business One 9.0 PL04
    SAP Business One 9.0, version for SAP HANA PL00
    SAP Business One Cloud 1.0 SP02
    This patch fixes the following issues:
    • Dashboards aren’t refreshing on iOS 6.0 or higher (SAP Note 1812643)
    • “Error - Cannot get document details” on opening Sales Quotations (SAP Note 1812716)
    • Pervasive analytics is not available for SAP Business One 8.82, version for SAP HANA (SAP Note 1823852)
    • The report module is missing when connected to SAP Business One Cloud 1.0 (SAP Note 1800897)
    SAP Business One 8.82, version for SAP HANA PL02 /
    SAP Business One 8.82 PL11
    Several new scenarios* in conjunction with SAP Business One, version for SAP HANA, which uses SAP's in-memory technology:
    • Enterprise Search integration
    • Pervasive analytics for BPs and inventory
    • Cash flow forecast dashboard
    • Available-to-Promise (ATP) check when creating sales orders
    • Delivery rescheduling for existing sales order items
    Additional enhancements include:
    • "Warehouse" and "Delivery Date" can be changed for existing document items
    • Inventory can be displayed by warehouse when creating sales documents
    • User-defined fields are supported at document row level
    • Validation check is performed for mandatory user-defined fields
    • Date picker supports time selection for task-type activities
    • SAP Business One Cloud is supported with a domain user logon and an automatic configuration using the link from an e-mail
    * Some of these scenarios are only available on iPad, please see the Full Guide / Documentation for details.
    SAP Business One 8.82, version for SAP HANA PL01 /
    SAP Business One 8.82 PL10
    This patch fixes an issue on the iPhone, where an item that is added to a sales order or quotation may overwrite an existing item (SAP Note 1780603)
    SAP Business One 8.82 PL09
    • Non-concurrent access with up to two mobile devices per user allowed
    • Support of selection criteria for the SAP Crystal Reports software
    • Selection of a company database from a list at logon
    • Enhanced sales documents with additional options for handling, viewing, and editing
    • Use of SAP's in-memory technology with generic support of SAP Business One, version for SAP HANA
    • Optimized for iOS 6 and iPhone 5
    SAP Business One 8.82 PL09
    • Sales order enhancements, such as approval, additional fields, and default BP currency
    • Improved user interface for iPad
    • Multiple Branches support (Brazilian localization, refer SAP Note 1648713)
    • MAC address of device used for authorization instead of UDID (find MAC address in settings->General->About->Wi-Fi Address)
    Please note: Version 1.6.0 requires iOS 5.0 or later
    SAP Business One 8.82 PL06
    • Creation of Sales Order/Sales Quotation
    • Handling of Service calls
    • The last version to support iOS4.x - Please note: Last version for iOS lower than 5.0
    SAP Business One 8.82 PL03
    • Creation of sales opportunities
    • Customizable KPI/home screen layouts and extended to-do list
    • New module "Service Contract", barcode scanning for goods service
    • Additional dashboard "Purchase Quotations" - dashboards offer improved performance, and option to send using email
    • Integration of the documentation and customer specific help
    SAP Business One 8.81 PL09
    • View your business partner related sales documents (sales quotation/sales opportunity/sales order)
    • Set a specific SAP Business One company database in the app. For more information, refer SAP Note 1606567
    • Monitor your key business data such as sales analysis and cash flow in the new interactive dashboards
    • Create or modify business partner address and contacts now
    • Synchronize your SAP Business One activities into the calendar of the device
    • Benefit from a faster server-connection, simplified UDF logic, the retina display support on iPhone 4, and enjoy our new overall design
    SAP Business One 8.81 PL07
    • User authorization considered on the functional level
    • Detailed information about stock, listed by warehouse
    • User-defined fields (UDF) can be displayed in master data and transactions
    SAP Business One 8.81 PL05
    2. SAP Business One mobile app for iOS - Compatibility Concept
    SAP regularly ships minor releases or patches for the app containing new functions as well as improvements and bug fixes. To benefit from this, the latest version of the app and the backend software must be run.
    As updates on mobile devices are not typically managed by a central IT department, it is the responsibility of end users to update the app to the latest version.
    Because the mobile app is both backward and forward compatible, it is always safe to upgrade the app on the mobile device; the backend server can remain on the current release of SAP Business One.
    However, if the backend is installed on an older version of SAP Business One that does not support the latest functions of the most recent mobile app, some new functions will not work. When the user accesses such a function a pop-up window appears, informing the user that the backend must be upgraded to enable the selected function. All mobile app functions that were supported by the older version of SAP Business One still work. In the reverse case, if the backend is installed on a later version of SAP Business One than the mobile app, the functionality of the mobile app is fully maintained and works as designed.
    3. Troubleshooting Tool
    The troubleshooting tool checks a) whether the user is authenticated b) whether the mobile settings are correct. Refer to SAP Note 1840117 for details and instructions.
    For B1iF 1.17.5 (SAP Business One 8.82 PL12 and 9.0 PL04) and above versions, this tool is built-in to the Integration Component (Tools -> Trouble Shooting -> Select [B1 Mobile] in Functional Group -> Click Submit)
    For versions below B1iF 1.17.5, the tool can be installed manually, refer to SAP Note 1840154
    Starting from B1iF version 1.20 on (SAP Business One 8.82 PL17 and 9.0 PL12), this tool can also be used with SAP HANA database
    4. Error: “Permission Denied”
    This error type shows that the server is accessed properly and returns an answer to the mobile. The error message on mobile contains relevant information which helps troubleshooting, such as: company DB, user ID, phone number, and Device ID. The most common root causes are:
    Root Cause 1: SAP Business One user settings(Administration->Setup->User) is incorrect
    Solution 1:
    The user is not configured as a mobile user. Make sure the mobile check box is selected.
    The phone number entered in the mobile device settings (Settings->Business One) does not match the definition in SAP Business One. In case of iPad use a dummy number like 1234 for validation.
    Make sure the license server works properly. Ensure the correct license is assigned to the user. B1i technical user shall have B1i license and all the mobile users shall also have B1i license together with one of the following licenses: Professional, Limited Financial, Limited Logistics, Limited CRM, Starter Package, CRM Sales User (legacy) and CRM Service user (legacy).
      o The device identifier / Mobile Device ID is incorrect: 
    For app versions 1.10.0 and higher: See 7. Device ID in version 1.10.0 and higher
    For lower than iOS 7 and app versions 1.6.0 to 1.9.x:
    SAP Business One mobile app for iOS uses the MAC Address of the respective mobile device for the Mobile Device ID field in SAP Business One user settings (see section ‘Activating Mobile App Users’ in the Full Guide / Documentation). Ensure that the MAC address of device (find MAC address in Settings->General->About->Wi-Fi Address) is correctly entered in user master data.
    For iOS 7 and higher and app versions 1.6.0 to 1.9.x:
    In iOS 7, the MAC Address is not available anymore as in lower iOS versions. The system always returns the value 02:00:00:00:00:00 for the MAC address of a device.
    If using SAP Business One mobile app for iOS up to version 1.9.x, and upgrade to iOS 7, the mobile user fails to logon. The “Permission Denied” error on the screen shows value 02:00:00:00:00:00.
    To make SAP Business One mobile app for iOS up to version 1.9.x work on iOS 7 devices, you need to set the Mobile Device ID field in SAP Business One user settings to value 02:00:00:00:00:00; this is specifically for all users accessing using iOS 7 devices.
    Root Cause 2: The company is not listed in the SLD (Integration Explorer -> SLD) or there are old or inconsistent entries in SBO-COMMON->SLSP or SLSPP tables
    Solution 2: The steps to recreate the entries.
    Make sure all SAP Business One clients are closed.
    Log in Integration Explorer -> Scenarios -> Setup -> Select B1system and make it active.
    Stop B1i services (DI Proxy, EventSender and Integration)
    Use below query to delete all entries of SLSP and SLSPP tables in SBO-COMMON database.
    delete from SLSP
    delete from SLSPP
    Restart B1i services (DI Proxy, EventSender and Integration)
    Now open SAP Business One client, click choose company, then click Refresh button.
    If it doesn't resolve the issue, follow the solution provided in note 2032666.
    Root Cause 3: [hostname] is used in some configuration settings, and [ip-address] is used in others.
    Solution 3: Ensure you use exclusively either the [hostname] or the [ip-address] in all the following configuration settings:
    Integration Framework > SLD > B1i Server > [company database] > B1DI > b1Server
    Integration Framework > SLD > B1i Server > [company database] > JDBC > url
    Integration Framework > SLD > B1i Server > WSforMobile > WSAR > associatedSrvIP
    EventSender Setup > Step 1 > DB Server Name
    License Manager > Configure Security > DB Server
    Root Cause 4: The mobile device is on iOS 7.0.1 or higher and the mobile app version lower than 1.9.5. In the login window, the field 'Password' and the option 'Choose Company' are missing.
    Solution 4: Update to SAP Business One mobile app 1.9.5. for iOS.
    Root Cause 5: DI proxy service is not started with administrator user
    Solution 5: Open Services panel → right click [SAP Business One DI Proxy Service] → Properties → Log On tab → choose "This account" → type windows logon administrator user → click [OK] → Restart the service.
      If none of the listed root causes can be identified, go to Integration Framework -> Monitoring -> Process Control ->Framework Processes-> B1AuthCheck ->IPO log, and check its relevant IPO logs and ExecDetails. For example, whether the correct DB is called, or reasons for failed authentication check. 
    5. Error: "Connection Failed - The request timed out. (-1001)", or “Processing Failed - Internal server error; contact your system administrator”
    For troubleshooting, please first:
    Verify the connection between the mobile device and the B1i server, see SAP Note 1776825 for instructions.
    Check if these test connections can be executed successfully:
    Integration Framework > SLD > B1i Server > [company database] > B1DI
    Integration Framework > SLD > B1i Server > [company database] > JDBC
      In case of errors, please refer to SAP Note 2029714. 
    Check if B1i tasks/messages are blocked in the queue via Monitoring -> Queue Monitor. If so, check whether any IPO steps are deactivated. (Control Center -> Monitoring -> IPO-Step Status -> Select “Deactivated Steps only “ -> Press submit -> If there are any IPO steps listed. Press (Re)activate button to  process the queue.
    Other common root causes are:
    Root Cause 1: Inconsistent SSL configuration.
    Solution 1:B1i uses port 8443 as the default for SSL connections of the mobile solution. The ‘Web Service’ in the mobile app setting needs to be <server_ip_address>:8443 and have SSL ‘ON’, as the default.
    Root Cause 2: Some or all mobile scenarios are not activated correctly.
    Solution 2:Open Integration Framework -> Scenarios -> Setup -> Scenario steps -> Check all steps are enabled (Eg:It should be “94 of 94”, which means there are totally 94 steps and all of them are activated. If it looks like something like “76 of 94”, it means there are inactive steps.)
    Choose the “Deactivate” button to deactivate the mobile package. After this, the button changes to “Activate”.
    Choose the “Steps” button, a web page would pop up.
    Choose the “all Activate” and then click the save button. After that, close this popup.
    After a few seconds, all scenario Steps should become something like “94 of 94”.
    Choose the “Activate” button to activate the mobile package. It should pop up a confirmation dialog box, choose the "OK" button.
    Root Cause 3: [hostname] is used in some configuration settings, and [ip-address] is used in others.
    Solution 3: Ensure you use exclusively either the [hostname] or the [ip-address] in all the following configuration settings:
    Integration Framework > SLD > B1i Server > [company database] > B1DI > b1Server
    Integration Framework > SLD > B1i Server > [company database] > JDBC > url
    Integration Framework > SLD > B1i Server > WSforMobile > WSAR > associatedSrvIP
    EventSender Setup > Step 1 > DB Server Name
    License Manager > Configure Security > DB Server
    Root Cause 4: The password has unsupported characters such as “&”, “<” and “>”
    Solution 4: Avoid using such characters for mobile users.
    Root Cause 5: The default port 1433 is not used by the selected database instance.
    Solution 5: The TCP IP port of the SQL database instance should be changed to 1433
    Root Cause 6: sap.B1Mobile package is not correctly deployed
    Solution 6: Ensure sap.B1Mobile package activation status is all green (Integration Framework > Scenarios > Control > Click [Status] button for sap.B1Mobile record)
    Make sure the SLD entry '001sap0003' is not selected in the senderlist of any package except Mobile package (Integration Framework > Scenarios > Setup > Click [Sender] > Choose [Sender List])
    Reactivate sap.B1Mobile package
    6. Runtime issues
    Cannot view the BP or Item Master Data list in the Mobile app.
    Root Cause 1: The SQL language setting for the sa user was set to another language than English.
    Solution 1: Set the SQL user (normally the sa user) language to English.
    Root cause 2: The DateFormat parameter in the SQL Server is set to another value than ymd.
    Solution 2: Run the query 'Set DateFormat ymd'
    "Not Data" is displayed when trying to view Dashboards on the mobile device.
    Root Cause 1: The PackagType column in table OWPK has an incorrect value for mobile dashboards.
    Solution 1: Run the following query in company database to update the values:
    7. Device ID in version 1.10.0 and higher (error: “Permission Denied”)
    Since SAP Business One mobile app 1.10.0 for iOS a new device identifier has been introduced. When using the app for the first time, a system message appears:
    Apple MAC address is no longer supported for device ID authorization checking since iOS 7. To enable access, update the device ID with <your device ID>
    From within this message, mobile users have the option to email the device ID in the email body to their IT partners or administrators in order to change that data in the user master data. For more information see Retrieving the Mobile Device ID in the Full Guide / Documentation: SAP Business One for iOS.
    If the device ID of the mobile user is not correct, the error: “Permission Denied” is being displayed and logon to the mobile app is not possible.
    8. Troubleshoot SAP HANA features in the SAP Business One mobile app 
    Please refer to SAP notes 2048889 and 2012800.
    Header Data
    Released On
    06.03.2015 12:34:55
    Release Status
    Released for Customer
    SBO-INT-MOB Mobile Applications
    Other Components
    SBO-INT-B1IF SAP Business One integration framework
    Recommendations/additional info
    Software Component
    All versions
    All versions
    All versions
    This document refers to:
    SAP Business One Notes
    HANA features do not work on the SAP Business One mobile app.
    Unable to add sales opportunity document if the sales employee is inactive
    SAP Business One company database entries missing from integration framework SLD
    Resolving errors that occur in SAP Business One DI test connection in integration framework SLD
    SAP Business One mobile apps require a valid SSL certificate
    Dashboards and Enterprise Search Not Working in mobile app on SAP Business One 9.0 PL09 HotFix 1, version for SAP HANA
    User without Authorization can view sales documents in the Mobile App
    How to view SAP HANA-based SAP Crystal Report in SAP Business One analytics powered by SAP HANA using SAP Business One mobile app
    SAP Business One mobile app for Android - Troubleshooting and compatibility information
    SAP Business One mobile app does not support NCLOB data column in SAP Crystal Report on SAP HANA
    Verifying the connection between mobile device and the B1i server

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