Any more templates/examples out there?

I don't have time to fully learn how to use Motion, but I do have a project that needs handing in soon which motion graphics will spruce up.
What i've done so far is used the examples/templates with Motion, changed colours etc and I'm happy. I was wondering if there are any examples or websites with templates etc to download and use for Motion? i.e. something I could download, double click and it would save me spending hours setting stuff up.
I just want to do really simple things like create falling pink confetti or stars etc, and any example I see I would just edit to make my own.

Search is your friend
Also you might check out the Fun With... series.

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    did u try the fabfilter twin(vitrual synth).if not u have to download it.and if u spend five minute on there web site u 'll find a demo made by PHOTEK (that convinct me to buy it)great synth,brand new.there is actually an offer till middle of january.the only bad point is :the demo's comming without any preset...
    demo version(extremely easy to instal)
    PHOTEK demo(middle of the page,quicktime streaming)
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    You will need to connect a SWITCH (not a router) to connect to your AEBS. This will allow you to connect multiple devices to the switch to access the internet all at the same time.
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