AnyConnect without admin privileges

Does anyone know of a way to install/deploy the AnyConnect client in an environment that natively does not allow users to have Administrator level privileges over their PC's?
Any help is appreciated....

Hi RS.
It applies to the the first time install...either from web deploy or msi:

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    Hi Tylerdowner -
    Thanks for your suggestion.
    I already tried a Reset, but all that did was lose all my settings , search engines etc. and one or two add-ons - as expected.
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    Oh dear........
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    Currently, the user does need to be an admin account for an update to occur.  However, the good news is that this will change in 11.2.  Once 11.2 is installed on Windows (using an admin account), there won't need to be further user interaction for future updates.  Users on limited accounts will be updated silently, without admin interaction.

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    Thanks in advance.
    Best regards,

    Anyone have any further insight into this?  Is there a way to simply give the user admin creds but only for Adobe Reader that would permit users to do thier own updates?
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    Hi x200RQ, and welcome to the Lenovo User Community.
    This is not a direct answer to your question, but you can use AT&T WWAN without either Access Connections or AT&T Communications Manager. Here are the AT&T instructions for this in Vista and XP.
    This might get you where you want to be... tell us if that helps.
    I don't work for Lenovo. I'm a crazy volunteer!

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    Hi Mark,
    Create an authentication function with two parameters something like this and follow the link to create a custom authentication scheme.
    function my_authentication (
        p_username in varchar2,
        p_password in varchar2 )
        return boolean
        l_user my_users.user_name%type := upper(p_username);
        l_pwd  my_users.password%type;
        select id  , password
          into l_id, l_pwd
          from my_users
         where user_name = l_user;
        return l_pwd = rawtohex(sys.dbms_crypto.hash (
                           sys.dbms_crypto.hash_md5 ));
        when NO_DATA_FOUND then return false;

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    Sun has answered this very clearly in the JRE INstallation Instructions:
    "Note - you must have administrative permissions in order to install the Java 2 Runtime Environment on Microsoft Windows 2000 and XP. "

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    I'm afraid I have no personal experience with what you're attempting to do...  
    All I can remember is that Full Admin rights were supposed to be granted to the user account during the entire installation of Palm Desktop, and a successful HotSync performed.  Whether the check-out routine is doing this is beyond me.
    Once the above is complete, the rights can be revoked back to "User".
    You might want to search over at for some information on this subject.
    I am a Volunteer here, not employed by HP.
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  • Deploying an AIR application on a network without admin privileges

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    From my understanding, the problem with administrative permissions isn't the certificate, but instead write access to the required OS directories.  This capability has been a frequent request (make sure to vote!) and one we hope to address in a future release.
    If you have enterprise deployment tools available, this might end up being an effective workaround.

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    Please let mw know why this application requires admin and if there is a work around.
    Thank you!

    I'm afraid I have no personal experience with what you're attempting to do...  
    All I can remember is that Full Admin rights were supposed to be granted to the user account during the entire installation of Palm Desktop, and a successful HotSync performed.  Whether the check-out routine is doing this is beyond me.
    Once the above is complete, the rights can be revoked back to "User".
    You might want to search over at for some information on this subject.
    I am a Volunteer here, not employed by HP.
    You too can become an HP Expert! Details HERE!
    If my post has helped you, click the Kudos Thumbs up!
    If it solved your issue, Click the "Accept as Solution" button so others can benefit from the question you asked!

  • ITunes without Admin privileges?

    I have a laptop computer provided by my work. I want to use the laptop to transfer songs to an iPod that I intend to permanently mount in my car (behind the dash integrated into the sound system and controlled by the head unit). The problem is that I do not (and will not) have Administrator privileges on the laptop.
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    Thanks in advance.

    john7690 wrote:
    I have a laptop computer provided by my work. I want to use the laptop to transfer songs to an iPod that I intend to permanently mount in my car (behind the dash integrated into the sound system and controlled by the head unit). The problem is that I do not (and will not) have Administrator privileges on the laptop.
    I do not need to install iTunes for multiple users of the computer, nor do I want to. Is there any way to use iTunes as a single, non-admin user on Windows XP Pro?
    Thanks in advance.
    No I don't believe there is a way.

  • AIR runtime and AIR applications built using Captive Runtime still need Admin Privilege to Install

    I am working on a small project to install AIR application(native .exe & .dmg) with AIR runtime without needing the Administrator privilege so I used Captive runtime but the installation is still asking for admin privilege
    I bundled AIR application with AIR runtime using Captive runtime from flash builder 4.6, then I packaged this into a .MSI using Advanced Installer. Now when I install it for a user without admin privilege it prompts me for Admin credentials.
    Can you please tell me if
    1. I need AIR distribution license to install AIR runtime without Admin privilege
    2. Do I need a different installer
    3. Am I missing any step here
    Thank you

    If you're installing to a location where Windows requires elevated privileges, like Program Files, you'll need to have admin privileges to continue.  Are you using an AIR based native installer or have you taken the application with the captive runtime and rolled this up in your own installer?
    Here's a section from the Installation and deployment options in Adobe AIR 3 article that might help:
    Installation privileges
    When designing an installer, one has the option to choose from approaches that may or may not require administrative privilege. For example, a drag-and-drop install on Mac OS X requires no special privilege; users can always copy the application into their own application folders, for which they have the necessary permissions. On the other hand, if registry keys must be written to the machine-specific portion of the registry on Windows, installation of that application will require administrative privilege to do so.
    The two installer formats directly supported by AIR, AIR files and native installers, have always required administrative privilege. This was a design decision made in part to simplify the implementation of the AIR installers: If administrative privilege is assumed to be available, implementation is possible if the registry can be written to, and so on. It was also selected because, in many enterprises, this is the desired behavior: administrators can use the privilege requirement to gate software installation.
    All the same, there are scenarios where supporting installation without requiring administrative privileges is desirable, or even necessary. This can now be achieved using custom installers; you simply need to author an installer that operates correctly with only standard user privilege. In practice this can be easy to achieve; a simple install-by-copy to a writable location (that is, in the user's own folder) will suffice. Should you author a more complex installer, you should keep in mind that the addition of certain operations during the install process will in turn reintroduce the requirement for administrative privileges.

  • I can not login to Adobe Application Manager without admin privilage. WHY?

    I can not login to Adobe Application Manager without admin privilege. WHY? I must run app as administrator, only this way i can login using Adobe ID.

    if you are receiving an error that you do not have sufficient permissions to install the software then please try installing under a newly created local Administrator account.
    A normal administrator account should not run into these difficulties so it would appear the file permissions under your current account have been damaged.
    Alternately you can review your installation logs to more accurately identify where the file permission errors are occurring.  Please see Troubleshoot with install logs | CS5, CS5.5, CS6 - for information on how to locate and interpret your installation log files.
    Hope this helps you.
    Re: Creative Cloud needs Admin privileges to install 
    Re: Creative Cloud needs Admin privileges to install 

  • Premiere EL & Admin privileges

    I have a PC with Windows 7 Pro x64. I have two accounts created:
    - User account
    - Admin account
    I logged in with the Admin account, as I always do when I have to install a new software, and installed Adobe Photoshop & Premiere Elements 11. Performed the updates too and all runs fine.
    I logged in with the User account and both Organizer and Photoshop run fine. Anytime I load Premiere EL it asks me for Admin password. This is not fine and it should not be this way.
    I tried to google on the Internet but was unable to find a solution.
    I do not know if it has to do with file permission and if so do not know where to act.
    Can someone please suggest me what to do? I do not wish to grant User Admin privileges having to convert this user in ad Admin user.
    Thank you

    Thanks for the reply. I understand what you want to do and not sure if you can get to "fully make Premiere Elements work without Admin privileges".
    As for the article that you referenced
    This is my interpretation of it "it worked" post. The originator of the thread seems to be pointing to MPEG2 Activation, related to one of the features
    of the program. The suggested fix is to go to a computer that already has MPEG2 Activation, find and copy for the information found
    Program Data
    11.0 (in your specific case)
    and in the 11.0 Folder is the file named Repository2_0.db.
    And, then paste into the computer without the MPEG2 Activation any information from the above that you need to match the above.
    I have not tried this since I run the program from a User Account with Administrative Privileges and an Internet connections; consequently, MPEG2 activation and other program activations take place automatically behind the scenes with an active Internet connection. But there are other program functions beside MPEG2 activation that may not be covered by this fix.
    By the way, when you run into these challenges associated with user accounts without administrative privileges and administrative privileges in general, are you given the opportunity to "Run As Administrative" for that project and that function that trigger the message?

  • How to run Adobe InDesign CC without needing Domain Admin privileges?

    Adobe InDesign CC needed Admin privileges to install which is fine but it seems to need the same just to start-up and run the program.
    I've given the user Local Admin but that didn't fix it. I don't want to have to 'Run as Administrator' every time they want to use the software, does anyone have any ideas for sorting this?

    Without proper system info and other details nobody can even begin to guess. Chances are that your network configuration is to blame and due to using specific ports that are also used by the activation system they are somehow tied together. Well, whatever. This is most definitely nothing that can be solved from within the Adobe programs themselves. Run a network monitor, find out what's wrong and fix it accordingly.

Maybe you are looking for