Anyone pls give me a whole fop examples from the very beginning!

I am very new to FOP, can anyone email me a full set of example to use fop to generate pdf by java application.
By email is [email protected]
you can also give me idea about using it by reply this question too! Thank you very much!

FOP is an implementation of XSL-FO and as such has little or nothing to do with Java. I would expect to find examples in the download.

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            ejb1.jar Class-Path: ejb1_client.jar
                deployment descriptor contains:
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            ejb3.jar Class-Path: ejb1_client.jarNow finally my questions are:
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    I am guessing here and please correct me if I am wrong:
    ejb1.jar uses interfaces in ejb1_client.jar as the interface for some of the beans so we needed to use ejb-client-jar and we needed a reference in the manifest file.
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    Looks normal.
    IIRC, you can't boot from the server DVD ([it's too old|]), you have to install and boot the [minimal Mac OS X client version for the box|] (the client disk that came with the box, in this case) or a later version, and then boot that version of Mac OS X client, and then load the Mac OS X Server DVD in the drive, and (from the running client) select the Mac OS X Server installer; you'll end up with an upgrade.
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