APEX - accepting OUT variable values from PL/SQL Stored Procedure

I have created a page (Form) which is accepting values text fields.
In the Page Processing section under Processing, I am passing the values to a PL/SQL Stored Procedure, which acts like an API. The procedure contains code to validate the entered data and finally insert the data into the base tables. The procedure also contains OUT variables in the parameter that would return status of processing and any error messages.
Now, my question is, how can I make the page accept these OUT variables from the procedure. What I wish to do is, to capture these messages/processing status from the procedure in the page. For example, if there is a error in the data and the procedure is sending this message in the OUT variable, I need this to be displayed on the page as an error message.
Is this possible in APEX?
Santhosh Jose

Hi VC,
I just tried putting the string directly instead of the variable. Its still not giving me the expected results.
HOWEVER, I think the reason was because of the EXCEPTION block in my code. I have an EXCEPTION block to handle exceptions. I commented the WHEN OTHERS section and now the error message is coming on the page.
So what I have done now is as follows: At the point at which the error is expected, I am raising a handled exception. And within the exception handling, I am giving RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR.
WHEN ex_main_error*
p_status := 2;*
p_msg := 'ERROR Stage: '||lc_err_stage||' ERROR Message: '||lc_err_msg;*
This is working now! Which is very good news. Thanks once again for your help!
Santhosh Jose

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    Your best bet is to use the dbms_pipe builtin package to send the command to the host

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    You can redirect the standard output to the console (i.e., the SQL output) using the
    DBMS_JAVA.SET_OUTPUT() method.
    SQL> call dbms_java.set_output (5000);But, the output is only printed when the stored procedure exits, and this setting works only for one call (i.e., the SQL call that immediately follows the invocation of DBMS_JAVA.SET_OUTPUT()). The minumum and default value is 2,000 characters and the maximum is 1,000,000 (1 million) characters. Notice the “SET SERVEROUTPUT ON” which enables displaying the outputs of stored procedures (Java or PL/SQL blocks) in SQL*Plus.
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    You dont need cursor
    You can simply use an update statement like this
    UPDATE t
    SET Contract_Num = 'CN' + RIGHT('00000' + CAST(Rnk AS varchar(5)),5)
    SELECT Contract_Num,
    DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY Property_Code,Customer,Cust_category,Amnt) AS Rnk
    FROM table
    Please Mark This As Answer if it solved your issue
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    Please help me.
    Best Regards
    [email protected]

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    variable eid number;
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    select end_snap into :eid from db_snap;
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    DB Name DB Id Instance Inst Num Release Cluster Host
    RDMDEVL 3576140228 RDMDEVL 1 NO ibm-rdm
    :ela := ;
    ERROR at line 4:
    ORA-06550: line 4, column 17:
    PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol ";" when expecting one of the following:
    ( - + case mod new not null <an identifier>
    <a double-quoted delimited-identifier> <a bind variable> avg
    count current exists max min prior sql stddev sum variance
    execute forall merge time timestamp interval date
    <a string literal with character set specification>
    <a number> <a single-quoted SQL string> pipe
    The symbol "null" was substituted for ";" to continue.
    ORA-06550: line 6, column 16:
    PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol ";" when expecting one of the following:
    ( - + case mod new not null <an identifier>
    <a double-quoted delimited-identifier> <a bind variable> avg
    count current exists max min prior sql stddev su
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    variable eid number;
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    select '47' into :eid from db_snap;
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    select TO_CHAR(end_snap) into :eid from db_snap;
    Does not help.
    Please Help.

    could it be the begin_ and end_ Colums of your query?
    Seems SQL*PLUS hs parsing problems?
    try to fetch another column from that table
    and see if the error raises again.

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    public ProRecallPlatesBean getCallProRecallPlates(String numPlates) {
    CallableStatement st = null;
    try {
              // 1. Define the PL/SQL block for the statement to invoke
              String stmt = "begin CTS.Pk_PreIn.proRecallPlates(?,?,?,?,?,?); end;";
              // 2. Create the CallableStatement for the PL/SQL block
              st = getDBTransaction().createCallableStatement(stmt,0);
              // 3. Register the positions and types of the OUT parameters
    // 4. Set the bind values of the IN parameters
    // 5. Execute the statement
    // 6. Create a bean to hold the multiple return values
    ProRecallPlatesBean result = new ProRecallPlatesBean();
    // 7. Set values of properties using OUT params
    // 8. Return the result
    return result;
    } catch (SQLException e) {
    throw new JboException(e);
    } finally {
    if (st != null) {
    try {
    // 9. Close the JDBC CallableStatement
    catch (SQLException e) {}
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    I don't know if I'm on the right track.
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    What version are you on?
    Works fine for me on my 11g:
    SQL> create or replace procedure testxml (clob_out out clob)
      2  is
      3     l_clob   clob;
      4     l_ctx    dbms_xmlquery.ctxhandle;
      5  begin
      6     l_ctx := dbms_xmlquery.newcontext ('select * from dual');
      7     l_clob := dbms_xmlquery.getxml (l_ctx);
      8     clob_out := l_clob;
      9     dbms_xmlquery.closecontext (l_ctx);
    10  end testxml;
    11  /
    Procedure created.
    SQL> variable vout clob;
    SQL> exec testxml (:vout)
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> print vout
    <?xml version = '1.0'?>
       <ROW num="1">
    </ROWSET>But definitely you can optimize your proc a bit: Try
    create or replace procedure testxml (clob_out in out nocopy clob)
       l_ctx    dbms_xmlquery.ctxhandle;
       l_ctx := dbms_xmlquery.newcontext ('select * from dual');
       clob_out := dbms_xmlquery.getxml (l_ctx);
       dbms_xmlquery.closecontext (l_ctx);
    end testxml;

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    If anyone can give me sample code or pointers to retreive a value from an sql query, I'd be greatful.
    Source code I've muddled together so far:
    Class seqNumType = Class.forName(nameOfClass);
    Constructor theConstructor = seqNumType.getConstructor(null);
    Object seqNumInstance = theConstructor.newInstance(null);
    String theStatement = "SELECT value INTO v_seqnum FROM DUAL;";
    OracleCallableStatement ocs = (OracleCallableStatement)conn.prepareCall(theStatement);
    ocs.registerOutParameter( 1, OracleTypes.NUMBER, 0);
    Method method = seqNumInstance.getClass().getMethod("getORADataFactory", null);
    seqNumInstance = ocs.getORAData(1, (ORADataFactory)method.invoke(null,null));
    Problem with this seems to be the ORADataFactory isn't a method of the class, but as I'm thumbling around in the dark here a little, I've no idea where to go from here. Is this just generally overkill anyway?
    Cheers for any help.

    Like this:
                ResultSet resultSet=statement.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM TEST");
                    for(int i=0;i<resultSet.getMetaData().getColumnCount();i++)
                        System.out.print(resultSet.getObject(i+1).toString()+" ");

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    I dont know how to do. I have an app that connects to the db and selects the values and puts the Strings in a Vector. But now then?
    I have looked at examples that retrieve Strings but not vectors, isn't that possible?

    On initialization of your frame you can loop over your vector and display them.
    Now the problem is in what type of component do you want to put your data.
    I can give you an example.
    What you can do is create a String which will contain all the data from
    your vector and set that string to the component.
    Vector data;
    String result;
    for(int i=0; i < data.size(); i++) {
    result += (String)data.elementAt(i) + "\n";
    Now you need to put the string into a component which is easy done.
    Let take a textarea component.
    JTextArea txaTest = new JTextArea();
    Now all the data will be shown in the textarea component on your frame.

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    t t1;
    SELECT *
    FROM emp;
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    Can anybody help me please!!!!!

    You mean, you can't add this
    for i in t.first..t.last loop
    dbms_output.put_line(t(i).empno||' '||t(i).ename||' '||t(i).job);
    end loop;or you can't add this
    set serveroutput onor maybe, you are working in third party application where dbms_output is not applicable at all?
    You see, not able like very similar it is not working - both are too vague...
    Best regards

  • How to derive a variable value from another variable of a different IO?

    Hi Gurus,
    I am aware that using BEx variables and Customer Exit you are able to derive a variable value from another variable of the same infoobject (for example, Fiscal Year/Period (0FISCPER) and Calendar Day (0CALDAY)).
    However, is is possible, using the same approach to derive a variable value from another variable that is in a different InfoObject? (for example, Input Fiscal Year/Period (0FISCPER) but derive Output of Required Start Date (0REQSTDAT))?
    There are 2 BEx variables involved,
    1) A user entry variable that is restricted in 0FISCPER
    2) A customer exit variable that is restricted in ZREQSTDAT
    In CMOD under EXIT_SAPLRRS0_001, Include ZXRSRU01, the code (I assume, correct me if I'm wrong) should perform 3 functions in I_STEP = 2,
    1) After the pop up, capture user entry of Fiscal Year/Period
    2) Identify or convert Fiscal Year/Period to Calendar Day range (unsure on how to code this portion)
    3) Use the Calendar Day to lookup on matching Required Start Date and display all Required Start Date that matches. (unsure on how to code on this portion)
    Hope to hear your thoughts soon.

    Hi Shanthi,
    I've made the necessary adjustments. The only difference in my code is,
    Instead of,
    I use,
    Instead of,
    ZMM = ZFISCPER+4(3).
    I use ,
    This is the Customer Exit Variable in ZREQSTDAT
    The loop I use for the User Entry Variable in 0FISCPER-ZFYP_IN
          WHERE VNAM = 'ZFYP_IN'.
        IF SY-SUBRC = 0.
            CLEAR L_S_RANGE.
    ZMM = LOC_VAR_RANGE+4(3).
    The codes were checked with no errors.
    However, when I input the Fiscal Year/Periods and hit 'Execute'. The report went blank, not sure what is the cause. I've tried it several times. No error message appeared.

  • How to transfer variable value from one query to another query?

    I create two queries which contain the same variable "Year" and "Month".
    In the wad,Query1 is used to be a table and Query2 is used to show the chart in the condition with the same variable value of Query1
    So I want to transfer the variable  value from query1 to query2.
    Can anyone help me ?

    Let me explain the issue in detail.
    In Query Designer, both the year and  month variables are defined by user exit function to read current year and month and can be modified  during the query runtime.
    In WAD, Query1 is  used  to be a table with a table interface to hyperlink a chart which is defined by Query2 with the same variable value of Query1.
    During the runtime of template, if I change the variable value of Query1 , I want the variable of Query2 to be changed automatically with the same new value.
    So in the table interface of Query1 , I write the ABAP code in "SE24" and related source code to the variable is following:
    'function fire_urlJGSP_Col(filter) {'
    'chart_url="' url '" + "&CMD=LDOC'
    '&TEMPLATE_ID=GCCHART_9' "WEB ID of the work book
    '&PAGEID=Graphics'       "Name of the view
    into l_coding.
    In this way , I can only transfer the year variable value from Query1 to Query2 and not two variables .
    So , how  shall I do to transer the two variable value in the same?

  • Passing variable values from WAD to BEx

    Hi Experts,
    I am working with a query which is included in a web template. At the top of this template, I have several variables included in drop down boxes for the user to navigate through the data.
    With clicking at "open in Excel" a BEx-Query is started.
    My question: How can I pass the variable values from those drop down boxes to my Query in BEx?
    The current HTML code for starting the Excel BEx-Query looks like this:
    Thanks in advance

    If you export your report after selecting required drop down values, your report will be saved to Excel as it was filtered. You do not need any HTML code for this.
    My question: How can I pass the variable values from those drop down boxes to my Query in BEx?
    Why do you want to re-execute your query when you have already ouptut in the first screen shot?

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    I am trying to run a form stand alone ( by pressing CTRL-R) without putting it in the application.
    since when this form is placed in the application menu it works fine as it has been passed global variables values from the database .
    now i am trying to run the form without menu and thus i want to pass the values of global variables .please let me know where should i pass these values in form .is it be WHEN-NEW-FORM-Instance trigger or in Pre-form trigger.
    i know what are the global variable values passing into the form from database.
    i can hard code any values to check if the form runs well or not.

    If you intend to do this sort of testing regularly you might want to consider creating a seperate form with a control block which allows entry of the name of the form you want to run, the names of the globals and their values, and do a CALL_FORM.

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    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <xsql:query connection="pfcdm" xmlns:xsql="urn:oracle-xsql">
    <xsql:set-session-param name="zasset_total" value="100">
    <xsql:dml connection="pfcdm">
    select 'Asset total is {@zasset_total}' as "ASSET_TOTAL" from dual
    My procedure sp_vw_id returns the values that it should. But, I am not sure how to declare variables within a page, and to output the return values. There is very scanty documentation on the usage of <xsql:dml> or <xsql:ref-cursor-function>.
    Any response would be greatly appreciated.

    Here is the example from the Oracle9i (complete rewrite) of the XSQL Chapter in our Oracle documentation.
    I using <xsql:dml> to call a stored procedure which has one OUT parameter, but I was not able to see any results. The executed code results in the following statement:
    <xsql-status action="xsql:dml" rows="0"/>
    You cannot set parameter values by binding them in the position of OUT variables in this release using <xsql:dml>. Only IN parameters are supported for binding. You can create a wrapper procedure that constructs XML elements using the HTP package and then your XSQL page can invoke the wrapper procedure using <xsql:include-owa> instead.
    For an example, suppose you had the following procedure:
    arg2 NUMBER,
    sumval OUT NUMBER,
    prodval OUT NUMBER) IS
    sumval := arg1 + arg2;
    prodval := arg1 * arg2;
    END;You could write the following procedure to "wrap" it, taking all of the IN arguments that the procedure above expects, and then "encoding" the OUT values as a little XML datagram that you print to the OWA page buffer:
    sumval NUMBER;
    prodval NUMBER;
    xml VARCHAR2(2000);
    -- Call the procedure with OUT values
    -- Then produce XML that encodes the OUT values
    xml := '<addmult>'&#0124; &#0124;
    '<sum>'&#0124; &#0124;sumval&#0124; &#0124;'</sum>'&#0124; &#0124;
    '<product>'&#0124; &#0124;prodval&#0124; &#0124;'</product>'&#0124; &#0124;
    -- Print the XML result to the OWA page buffer for return
    END;This way, you can build an XSQL page like this that calls the wrapper procedure:
    <page connection="demo" xmlns:xsql="urn:oracle-xsql">
    <xsql:include-owa bind-params="arg1 arg2">
    BEGIN addmultwrapper(?,?); END;
    </page>This allows a request like:
    to return an XML datagram that reflects the OUT values like this:
    <page> <addmult><sum>75</sum><product>1350</product></addmult>

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