App store seems hacked

When I click on links it opens the app store it starts automatically posting an app for "are you intersested" dating app. How can i fix?

If this is happening in Safari, close the app and restart the iPad.
In order to quit or close apps - Go to the home screen first by tapping the home button. Quit/close open apps by double tapping the home button and the task bar will appear with all of you recent/open apps displayed at the bottom. Tap and hold down on any app icon until it begins to wiggle. Tap the minus sign in the upper left corner to close the apps. Restart the iPad. Restart the iPad by holding down on the sleep button until the red slider appears and then slide to shut off. To power up hold the sleep button until the Apple logo appears and let go of the button.
You can also try resetting Safari if it continues.
Go to Settings>Safari>Clear History, Cookies and Data. Restart the iPad. Restart the iPad by holding down on the sleep button until the red slider appears and then slide to shut off. To power up hold the sleep button until the Apple logo appears and let go of the button.

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    If you have any third (application enhancers) apps such as Little Snitch or anti virus software installed, that could be why the App Store runs slow for you.

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    FWIW, here is the Apple troubleshooting note for Motion updates that aren't being offered, and the Apple best practices for Motion and related.   Here are the Mac App Store troubleshooting tips.

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    Check in Restrictions...
    Settings > General > Restrictions
    If no joy...
    Settings > General > Reset > Reset Home Screen
    iPad User Guide iOS 5

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    Reset iPad
    Hold down the Sleep/Wake button and the Home button at the same time for at least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears
    Note: Data will not be affected.

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    Double tap your home button and open apps will appear above as smaller screen shots.  With your finger swipe the open app upwards and it will fully close.
    The cntrl/alt/delete option on an iPad is a reboot and to do so, press and hold BOTH the power and home buttons at the SAME time for about 10 seconds until the Apple Logo appears, then let go of both buttons and your iPad will restart.

  • How should IT Departments approach the App Store?

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    The replacement system currently in use now is for all Apple IDs to be personal accounts with personal credit cards.  Then employees are responsible for submitting an expense report and risk having the expense report request denied.  The thinking was that this would curtail the accidental app or in-app purchases as the employee would risk not being reimbursed for an unapproved purchase.  This system worked and accidental reimbursed purchases went down to zero for employees for whom this was a problem with corporate credit cards. 
    This is the model we use for iPads and iPhones.  Up until now, all Mac software purchases were shink-wrap purchased online from Apple or via an Apple VAR.  The push for the Mac to use the App Store changes this.
    MY QUESTION IS: if I buy the Mac OS X 10.7 Lion or 10.8 Mountain Lion with my personal Apple ID, can I install it on the other company Macs?  Will those users need to know my Apple ID password?  Or does the OS install without needing the Apple ID password?  What if a user needs me to install his or her OS on a company issued Mac, where he or she bought the OS under his or her Apple ID, can I install that OS without knowing his or her credentials?  Also can I install my copy of the OS on that company Mac and would future OS updates run without having to give that end user my own Apple ID Password?  Can I install the OS using my Apple ID then hand it off to him or her and let he or she run updates with his or her Apple ID?  Does it work that way?  We would rather not share passwords as each of our accounts has a personal credit card on file. 
    We would consider corporate Apple ID accounts if the following requirements can be implemented.  All app or in-app purchases should fire off an event which goes first to the employee’s direct manager then next to the company’s controller for approval.  If approved, then the app store or iTunes store should allow the end user to install the purchased item.  All company purchases should be kept under NET30 terms, then invoiced at the end of the month and paid all at once.  These are the requirements from our accounting department.  This is how all of our other vendors (IBM, Microsoft, Oracle, etc.) are paid. 
    The App Store seems to exist in some new virtual reality which our accounting department and legal/policy.compliance departments cannot comprehend.  I know IT Departments often get blamed for this, however, in our case that would just be shooting-the-messenger.   I am just trying to understand how all of this should work.  It would seem to me that this new consumer-cloud-model exists the way we have Apple IDs currently set up. The end-user interfaces with the App Store, then works directly with accounting to pay for the services.  It doesn't seem like IT needs to be involved anymore.  This is currently how we are attempting to approach this consumer cloud App Store model.  The upside is it let's IT focus on projects which directly require our unique expertise rather than play App-Store-middlemen with no value-add. 
    You thoughts?

    See also "Apple Support Communities > Mac App Store > Using Mac App Store > Discussions > purchase order"
    However, that cited solution won't work for us as the same Apple ID password would all for both purchases and installations.  We need to de-couple those 2 roles according to guidelines from our corporate office.  The decision making (purchasing) and adminstrative/administraton/installation roles need to be separate and discrete.  It is also similar to an enterprise model when developers write code in DEV environment,move it to a QA environment for testing, then a separate IT administrator (or Install Team) needs to copy the new code into the PROD environment. 

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    Can anyone help me find a way of navigating the App Store or Apple web site to get the copy of Aperture 3.4.5 I have licensed from Apple?
    Many thanks.

    Thanks for your help with this. I've downloaded the latest RAW support updates supported on my machine - V4.09 that seems to contain all of the RAW formats for previous updated including V4.06, which includes the NEX 3N, my camera. After a short while (there seemed to be some sort of background processing ging on in Aperture) it started to allow my NEX 3N photos to be viewed. Some of the thumbnails were corrupted, but if I made a slight edit in each of these files, the thumbnails updated and all was well.
    Prior to this, I raised a call with Apple, because the inability to reinstall software from the App Store that I've purchased from in App Store to a machine that supports OSX 10.7.5 and no later strikes me as a problem. I need to know that if my Time Machine backup fails and I need to reinstall, I've got somewhere I can go.
    The support people at Apple were very helpful, and it feels like they recognise this as a problem, and are working to resolve it behind the scenes. The App Store will not allow me to download the last version that works on my machine at the moment, but it sounds like Apple is thinking about how to do this. In the meantime, they are shipping me a copy of Aperture 3.0 on CD, and sending me a registration code. This will solve my immediate problem.
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    Thanks to @léonie and @Frank Cagianno for your help.

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    Yes I am using the correct Apple ID assocaited with the purchases.  My purchase history shows up just fine in the Purchases tab, its just that they are stuck showing that they are currently installed, even the ones that aren't.
    Mountain Lion 10.8.2, 21.5" iMac (mid-2011).

    The problem is possibly worse than I expected.  Since the clean re-install, now any App purchased and downloaded via App Store won't appear in the Purchases tab.  So in other words, although the download seems to work correctly, and the app works, the App Store seems to lose all track of it.  Which is a problem for paid apps.

  • Can't update iPhoto in Mac App store or Software update... Help!

    I am stuck in iPhoto 9.1.5  Using Lion iPhoto purchased through mac app store.  Please help me

    Originally Posted by rk25123  
    Hi there, that's kinda strange, because I too have the latest MacBook Air and for me (and should also for you since iLife came pre-installed) the update downloaded and installed flawlessly via App Store, in the updates section (not in the purchased one). Maybe it's just a bug, Mac App Store seems a Beta to me for how laggy and buggy it is. Usually when it says something about another account it's 'cause you have pirated software and the App Store receipt inside it is indeed connected to another account, making it impossible to download the update. If that's your case what you have to do is to right click on iPhoto and select "show package content", open the "Content" folder and delete the "_MASReceipt" folder inside it, now the update will show up on Software Update.
    A user posted on another site a way to solve this.
    It worked for me, hope it helps.

  • HT5248 I can't get the 9.2 update through the App Store even though I get in-app prompts to do so. Says "No Updates Available"

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    iWork '09 installed from the retail disk or from the downloaded trial must be updated through Software Update. In Mountain Lion Software Update has been "rolled into" the Mac App Store. Choose Software Update from the Apple menu just like you always have & the Mac App Store will launch. Depending on what you have that needs updating you may see two sections in the MAS window.
    But, as always, if you're not running the latest versions of the iWork apps installed from a retail box or the downloaded trial & Software Update says your software is up to date, make sure the applications are where the installer initially put them. The updaters are very picky. If the location is not where the updater is programmed to look or if the folder doesn't have the name the updater looks for, it will not work. The applications cannot be renamed or moved. If you installed from the downloaded trial or the retail box, they must be in the iWork '09 folder in Applications. That iWork folder must be named iWork '09. If it doesn't have the '09 Software Update won't find them & the updaters won't work.
    You can also download the standalone updater from this page.

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    Easy, just sign out then back in again.
    iOS: Changing the signed-in iTunes Store account

  • App Store crashes occasionally

    There seem to be a few problems with my iPad that only surface occasionally. One problem that I've not only encountered on mine but other people's iPad 2 is that the Apple App Store seems to "crash" every now and then. From one moment to the next it becomes impossible to select items. I can still swipe the screen up and down but I cannot select an app or the Features, Genius etc. buttons. Touching them has no effect.
    When this happens, another thing goes wrong. On the Features screen, instead of the three options "New", "What's hot" and "Release date" it only says "App Store." The only solution is to close the App Store through the task bar. Starting it then up again changes everything back to normal.
    It's just a minor nuisance because it is easily fixed, but it happens at least once a week so I wondered if anyone else has this problem or know what's going on.
    Is my iPad trying to tell me something?!

    Hi Alan, thanks for the reply. No, this does not help. I have done a reset many times over the past weeks due to another problem mentioned here. So doing a reset does not permanently fix the problem.

  • App Store showing "0 reviews" for apps

    Don't know if it's just me, but ever since a few days ago, the App Store seems to show "0 reviews" for every app I look at, no matter how many reviews there are. I am talking about when you select an app and are reading about it, just below the screenshot is a line that says "Reviews: xx reviews >" and you click on to actually see the reviews. For me, xx has been 0 for the past several days. Yet if I click on it, I see the (non-zero) reviews.

    i noticed that too on my ipod touch, i wonder whats going on?
    Message was edited by: blackbelt534

  • IPhoto updates from App store.

    Would anyone know why iPhoto updates from the App store seem to take ages to load.   
    They always seem quite large in content and for all I know could be replacing the entire
    iPhoto program.

    It seems pretty much in line to me.
    You have a 14000 kps download speed. That's about 1.4 MB per second - but... That's assuming you have only one download going, depends on the contention rate of the ISP, how fast your Mac can write to the HD and how fast the output from the server is.
    So, there can be considerable variation from download to download depending on these factors.
    But even if you divide the size of the download by the nominal speed (and divide that buy 60 to get minutes) you'll see that it's not far off. So, 740/1.4/60 you get 8.8 minutes or thereabouts.
    When your App checks for updates it basically says something like "Hello, I'm iPhoto v9.1.5, do you have an update for me". That's really all that Apple know. The update mechanism on your Mac performs a similar equation to get an estimate of the time.

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