Applescript and outlook 2011 reply email keeping original body

I need help with an applescript.
The idea is...
I receive an email on Outlook 2011, and I can just run this applescript and it will create a response based on the original mail, with a predefined message.
Right now it's working up to the point of creating a reply, adding the message and sending it. However, it is NOT keeping the original content of the message. that I'm replying to.
Can someone help me with that part?
I've tried many stuff and someone else helped me getting this one to work:
tell application "Microsoft Outlook"
    set replyToMessage to selection
    if (replyToMessage is "") then -- nothing selected, don't continue
        log ("NOTHING SELECTED!")
    end if
    set replyMessageSubj to subject of replyToMessage
    set replyMessage to reply to replyToMessage without opening window
    if has html of replyMessage then
        log ("HTML!")
        set the content of replyMessage to "<p>Working on HTML</p><br />"
        log ("PLAIN TEXT!")
        set the plain text content of replyMessage to "Working on plain text"
    end if
    send replyMessage
end tell
Many thanks for the help.

That's exactly what I needed to understand.
The final one is like this in case someone else needs it:
tell application "Microsoft Outlook"
    set replyToMessage to selection
    set mymessage to "Aqui se trapeo con jerga"
    set OldContent to content of replyToMessage
    if (replyToMessage is "") then
        log ("NOTHING SELECTED!")
    end if
    set replyMessageSubj to subject of replyToMessage
    set replyMessage to reply to replyToMessage without opening window
    if has html of replyMessage then
        log ("HTML!")
        set the content of replyMessage to "Hello World<br> This is an HTML test<br><br><br><hr>" & OldContent
        log ("PLAIN TEXT!")
        set the content of replyMessage to "Hello World<br> This is a plain text test <br><br><br><hr>" & OldContent
    end if
    open replyMessage
end tell
Many thanks for the help Llessur999!!

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    You can connect your iCloud email ([email protected]) to Outlook 2010 and Outlook 2011.  Is that what you are after?
    Or are you wanting to do this with another email provider?

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    And send feedback Apple - Aperture - Feedback to Apple and Microsoft.

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    Hi Steve,
    Thanks for this-yes, eventually, I do send/receive fine, once I've poppedd my passwords in. 
    I think you are right in that BT seem to be having unique server/login least this is what I've read elsewhere too.
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    Hi Dennis_S,
    I found the solution. See below posted by someone else:
    I have found it. It seems that in Lion we had to convert the filename from Mac native to Posix format, in mountain lion this is no longer necessary. If you want to modify the script here are the instructions:
    Finder->Applications. Right click on Aperture and choose "Open package contents"
    Contents->Plugins. Open "Microsoft Outlook.applescript" (with the applescript editor)
    You should see the following 3 lines:
    -- convert the image path from UNIX to Mac
    set this_imagefile_path to (POSIX file this_imagefile) as string
    make new attachment at new_message with properties {file:(this_imagefile_path)}
    these should be replaced with this line:
    make new attachment at new_message with properties {file:(this_imagefile)}
    You are not allow to directly edit this file so save a duplicate somewhere.
    Rename the original script file.
    Copy the modified file to the Contents->Plugins folder of the package. It has to be called "Microsoft Outlook.applescript"
    You will probably be asked for your password a number of times.

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    Hope for your help!
    set theSubjectLine to "test subj"
    set messageBody to "test message body"
    tell application "Microsoft Outlook"
        set theContacts to selected objects
        repeat with aContact in theContacts
            tell aContact
                set exportList to {first name, last name, email addresses}
            end tell
            set to_f_name to (item 1 of exportList)
            set to_email_address to _________???__________
             set theMsg to make new outgoing message at outbox with properties {subject:theSubjectLine, content:messageBody}
                make new to recipient at theMsg with properties {email address:{name:to_f_name, address:to_email_address}, type:to recipient type}
                move theMsg to mail folder "Drafts" of pop account "XXXXX"
        end try
        end repeat
    end tell

    I wrote a script to perform email-merges using Outlook or Mail/Address Book:  Perhaps you will find it useful.

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    Adobe FlashPlayer should first be uninstalled using the appropriate uninstaller available here:
    and then the latest version obtained from here: and installed.
    (You can check here: to see which version you should install for your Mac and OS.
    Some users have mentioned that the latest Flash Player (v. conflicts with Leopard, and that they have needed to revert to v. 9.0.47. This can be downloaded from here:

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    Hi guys!
    I am also having big trouble syncing my iCloud acc. I am able to send email, but i cannot recieve any. I have tried almost everything. I have tried using p01, p02, p99 servers, without solving the problem. I have tryed typing "INBOX" and "/" in IMAP root, still not working. Have anyone got a solution?
    I am using:
    OS X 10.9.1
    Outlook 2011 for mac v. 14.3.8
    I really hope someone has got an answer!
    Sorry the text in the screenshots are in danish. I hope you get the idea anyway.

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    How do I sync them up again without duplicating any more events, and very importantly, without sending any more email invitations?
    Thanks in advance for any help you can be!

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    Thanks in advance,

    Have a look at this page which Google turned u:
    Whilst it's obviously for Outlook Express it contains all the details you need to configure the mail client. Point 5 has the server details for IMAP access (you typically can't access a web-based email account in an email client).
    Bear in mind changes you make on the +iPod touch+ will be reflected when you next log-on into your web-based email or desktop email client.

  • Outlook 2011 for Mac keeps crashing

    I have been having this same problem for over a month.  It seems it has to do with syncing to my Gmail IMAP account.  Some "corrupted" email comes in and makes Outlook crash.  If I am watching and know what the email is I can restart and delete it and everything works fine.  If not, I must delete all recent emails.  It is only happening with emails that are associated with a rule and organized into a folder.  I have spent hours on the phone with Microsoft with zero results.  Any help would be greatly appreciated!
    Also, (not sure if they are related) when emails come in that are associated with a rule and sent to a folder I always get two copies of the email in the folder.  This does not happen with emails that are simply in the inbox.
    Here is the Error Report:
    Microsoft Error Reporting log version: 2.0
    Error Signature:
    Exception: EXC_BAD_ACCESS
    Date/Time: 2014-01-28 23:23:54 +0000
    Application Name: Microsoft Outlook
    Application Bundle ID:
    Application Signature: OPIM
    Application Version:
    Crashed Module Name: CarbonCore
    Crashed Module Version: 1077.14
    Crashed Module Offset: 0x000697b4
    Blame Module Name: mbukernel
    Blame Module Version:
    Blame Module Offset: 0x00008be7
    Application LCID: 1033
    Extra app info: Reg=en Loc=0x0409
    Crashed thread: 10
    **I have also deleted plist files and rebuilt identities with no success.

    Hi, thanks for the explanation but the router is a Home Hub provided by BT which provides the wireless network as well as phone and TV services so it would be a major hassle to change it.
    The internet connection seems to work just fine (i.e. I can connect to Google etc. and browse the net without any problem) so I don't necessarily think it's the router/hub that is the root of the problem - all other devices in the house work perfectly, it is just me that seems to have a problem with Outlook or Mail not connecting to my email account.

  • UAG 2010 SP4 and Outlook 2011 for MAC

    We have UAG 2010 SP4 with trunk where autodiscover and EWS services are published without pre-authentication (Authorize all users). Exchange 2013 accepts basic auth on services.
    RCA tests for Outlook Anywhere are passing and we can configure any windows/Outlook2007+ from internet through UAG using autodiscover. 
    However with Outlook2011 for MAC does not go through the mail account creation process when connecting to UAG.
    According to Outlook logs, it will connect to autodiscover service and receive correct service urls for EWS, OAB etc.
    After autodiscover, it tries to connect to EWS which fails and logs following UAG message
    "<DIV style=""" id=""Error_Msg"">You are not authorized to access the application.</div>"
    However with browser and same credentials I can connect to all service urls and they popup authentication prompt and lets user in. Outlook 2011 MAC works when connecting directly to Exchange so this is 99% sure an UAG issue.
    Any suggestion where to look at?

    I guess you already went through this
    On Exchange, there is a command related to Outlook for Mac
    Set-CASMailbox -Identity <alias> -EWSAllowEntourage:$True –EWSAllowMacOutlook:$true –EWSAllowList:"*+Mail*"
    According to the blog entry below, if you publish with UAG/TMG it has to be enabled on the Organization level :
    Please don't do it in production, it is just a suggestion :)

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