Applet to jsp comm

I have a few objects in an applet embedded in a jsp file now i want to read these objects in a jsp page as i wish to write the object's values to the databasethe jsp page can be a new one as i think that passing data to the same page is not possible as it is loaded long before the applet is loaded plz write a sample code if possible!!

JSP executes at server side and generates HTML content. When this HTML content is rendered in browser at clients machine applets (if there is any) are invoked and executed in browser. So data objects in your applet will be available much later.
From your applet call a server side component (perhaps a Servlet or JSP) using (look into API) and pass your data objects. Now from your target Servlet or JSP you can easily write data into database or file.

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    my jsp source file page path is D:\Reliance
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    hope you will got the problem!!!
    thanks for your reply !!!try to set the path of your applet on jsp something like this

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    Assuming that port is a variable defined and initailized in the jsp:
    <applet code="best.Applet1.class" width=400 height=300 >
    <param name=port1 value=<%= port %>>

  • Re: Including Applet in JSP with Dynamic input| Help needed

    Hi All,
    We are into a project in Oracle Portal Server where in we want to embed a result of a standalone application in Portal page.
    We can do that once we can embed the result of the standalone application which generates applet based on the input it gets from the current application's database.
    If it was static we could have used jsp:plugin but, it fails in our case!
    We are clueless as to how to embed an applet which will pick up the data dynamically.
    Can anyone of you help me in this regard?
    Thanks & Regards

    Hi Arthi,
    I think this might help you to get an idea why jsp:plugin tag does not allow for dynamically called applets.
    <jsp:plugin type=applet height="100%" width="100%"
    code="" >
    <jsp:param name="enableDebug" value="true" />
    Your browser does not support applets.
    The plugin example illustrates a <html> uniform way of embedding applets in a web page. Before the advent of the <OBJECT> tag, there was no common way of embedding applets. This tag is poorly designed and hopefully future specs will allow for dynamic attributes (height="${param.height}", code="${chart}", etc) and dynamic parameters. Currently, the jsp:plugin tag does not allow for dynamically called applets. For example, if you have a charting applet that requires the data points to be passed in as parameters, you can't use jsp:params unless the number of data points are constant. You can't, for example, loop through a ResultSet to create the jsp:param tags. You have to hand code each jsp:param tag. Each of those jsp:param tags however can have a dynamic name and a dynamic value.
    I think you can get better information if you look in to the below link
    Many Thanks,

  • Applet in JSP page

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    <jsp:plugin type="applet" code="CompositeTest.class"
    width="400" height="400">
    <p>Unable to load applet</p>
    and I copy the class file to folder where the JSP page is located. When I start Jsp page I have a message: "Applet not found"
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    I am not sure the JSP file, which resides in the public_html directory, is part of the class path of the running application. If you open the project properties, you can see where JDeveloper looks for Java classes. Try and extend this setting to include the public_hml directory (you can also try and just add the source as a library path (see library section))

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    see if this thread helps you

  • Calling applet in jsp file

    Hi al,
    When we try to invoke an applet from jsp, applet class is not able to initialize (not able to load the class)
    Exception got in java console as follows :
    Load: class SignedAppletDemo.class not found.
    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: SignedAppletDemo.class
    at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
    at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
    at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.loadCode(Unknown Source)
    at sun.applet.AppletPanel.createApplet(Unknown Source)
    at sun.plugin.AppletViewer.createApplet(Unknown Source)
    at sun.applet.AppletPanel.runLoader(Unknown Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    Caused by: open HTTP connection failed.
    at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.getBytes(Unknown Source)
    at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.access$100(Unknown Source)
    at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader$ Source)
    at Method)
    ... 10 more
    We are using <jsp:plugin> tag for access applet from jsp in Oracle Appserver.(OC4J).
    If anyone have any idea on the above,please let us know. Please pass on steps to follow for access applet from jsp file.

    and HttpURLConnection

  • Applets in Jsp generates ClassNotFoundException

    hi there,
    I face a problem of calling applets in Jsp.
    The code to call applet is:
    <jsp:plugin type="applet"
    width="475" height="350">
    And I have a 'core' directory in source packages and in core directory.Wehn I run the TextAppletJSP ,it gives me an error message in applet display area:
    Anyone who help me for this problem plz.
    thanks for your help.

    I am also getting out of memory errors, and Tomcat keeps increasing in memory on every page refresh. Please let me know if you get this resolved how you did it. Thanks.

  • Unable to load Applet in JSP using Tomcat 5.5.12

    I am aunable to applet in jsp using Tomcat 5.5.12 and JRE 1.5. Below is the code that I am using
                                       codebase = "."
                                       archive = "WebPOSApplet.jar"
                                       code = "webposprint.WPMainApplet.class"
                                       name = "Trans Applet"
                                       width = "450"
                                       height = "115"
                                       hspace = "0"
                                       vspace = "0"
                                       align = "middle"
    <param name = "redirectInfo" value = "">
                                       classid = "clsid:CAFEEFAC-0014-0002-0000-ABCDEFFEDCBA"
                                       codebase = ",4,2,0"
                                       WIDTH = 450 HEIGHT = 115 >
    <PARAM NAME = CODE VALUE = webposprint.WPMainApplet.class>
    <PARAM NAME = archive VALUE = WebPOSApplet.jar>
    <PARAM NAME = "type" VALUE = "application/x-java-applet;jpi-version=1.4.2">
    <param name = "redirectInfo" value = "">
    <PARAM NAME = "scriptable" VALUE = "false">
    <PARAM NAME = model VALUE=models/>
    <embed width="450" height="115" code="webposprint.WPMainApplet.class" archive="WebPOSApplet.jar" type="application/x-java-applet;jpi-version=1.4.2" redirectinfo="" scriptable="false" model="models/" src="webposprint.WPMainApplet.class">
    </embed> <COMMENT> <EMBED
                                       type = "application/x-java-applet;jpi-version=1.4.2" \
                                       CODE = webposprint.WPMainApplet.class\
                                                 archive = WebPOSApplet.jar\
                                       WIDTH = 373 \
                                       HEIGHT = 167 \
                                       model =models/ \
                                            scriptable = false \
                                            pluginspage = ""> <NOEMBED>
    alt="Your browser understands the <APPLET>
    tag but isn't running the applet, for some reason."
    Your browser is completely ignoring the <APPLET>
    tag! </NOEMBED> </EMBED> </COMMENT>
    This code doesn't seems working with Tomcat 5.5.12. I works fine with Tomcat 4.1.31
    Please help

    Applets run client side - which means the relevant class files need to be downloaded to the client.
    Anything under the WEB-INF directory is not directly accessible by the client. Nothing under WEB-INF can be downloaded.
    ergo, specifying the WEB-INF directory as part of your applet codebase is a bad idea.
    I would suggest try copying the applet classes from under WEB-INF to some other place in your application.
    Also, you should probably specify the full class name of your Applet in the plugin tag.
    <%@ page import="com.util.MyApplet" %>
    <jsp:plugin type="applet" code="com.util.MyApplet" codebase="/classes" width="250" height="100" jreversion="1.6">
              <B>Unable to start plugin!</B>

  • Applets in JSP --- I'm going crazy!

    I am using an applet I have written on a JSP page which I have also written.
    Using: Win2K, IE6, J2SDK 1.4, Tomcat 4.0.3
    I have several problems. Even if you can answer only one of them, it will be a great help!
    Here is how I'm adding the applet.
    <jsp:plugin type="applet" code="RawData.class" name="rawData" jreversion="1.4" width="700" height="55" >
    Plugin tag OBJECT or EMBED not supported by browser.
    Problem 1) I can only get the applet loaded if the applet class file is in the same folder as the JSP file. Anything else, and I get a ClassNotFoundException.
    Can't get the CODEBASE to do anything for me at all.
    I set my codebase="/RawData/classes", but makes no difference.
    I then tried Jarring my applet and placing RawData.jar in the same folder with the JSP. But also no go. I then set codebase="RawData.jar", but guess what... Nothing.
    So my questions are: How do I get the applet to load from the applet.class files using codebase if the applet files are in a sub folder? And how do I get my applet to load from a Jar?
    Problem 2) Once this applet is loaded, I have the biggest nightmare imaginable to get the browser to load a new version after I have updated it. And trust me, there is not and old version of the applet.class in my ClassPath. In fact there is not another copy of the applet.class file anywhere on my PC. I made sure. I have also disabled the Java Plugin Cache option, and deleted my temporary internet files with Explorer. But the thing persists in loading the old version from somewhere. What the heck do I do? I fear this is driving me insane.. :)
    Problem 3) I need the HTML components to interact with the applet.
    When I do a call to an applet function passing no parameters it works fine, and I get the value back, like this:
    Sub btnGetID1_OnClick
    document.all("id1Pattern").innerText = document.rawData.getSelection()
    End Sub
    But when I do a function call, passing parameters, the scrip just stops working altogether, like this.
    Sub id1Pos_onfocus
    document.rawData.setSelection(5, 10)
    End Sub
    Why is this. What am I doing wrong.
    And better yet... Is there a way of manipulating the HTML components from within JSP scriplet <% ... %>?
    Please if anyone can help... It will be greatly appreciated. I am at a loss!
    Thanx. Quigrim

    Quigrim wrote:
    Problem 1) I can only get the applet loaded if the applet class file
    is in the same folder as the JSP file. Anything else, and I get a
    ClassNotFoundException. Can't get the CODEBASE to do anything for me
    at all.Set CODEBASE to point to the relative directory where your code is. If it is in the same directory as the JSP then CODEBASE="."; if it is in a sub-directory 'classes' then CODEBASE="classes".
    Problem 2) Once this applet is loaded, I have the biggest nightmare
    imaginable to get the browser to load a new version after I have
    updated it. Close ALL browser windows - you have to force the plugin JVM to re-initialise - I've not found any other way to do it.
    Hope these help you.

  • Process Monitor Diagram Applet in JSP

    Has anyone experienced to use Java Applet in JSP to display the process diagram, just as what you can see in the workflow console. I notice that WF_MONITOR has a getMonitorURL() API which returns a link that leads to Workflow Console, I feel this isn't user friendly. If I could bring what user exactly sees the process diagram in workflow console to Java JSP, it would be superb ...........
    any idea?

    All I can think of is that you are using swing and
    including the necessary files via import statements in
    the code. This might cause the applet to run fine with
    the default Netscape JVM. On the other hand, when
    using the jsp:plugin tag the browser is instructed to
    download the Java2 plugin regardless of whether the
    applet will run or not. What I'm saying is that you
    probably don't have the Java2 plugin installed on your
    browser rather you have the necessary jar files in
    your classpath to support Java2. Does that make any
    CliffI don't have a shell CLASSPATH variable, and I'm not sure how to tell what CLASSPATH variable Netscape is using.
    The applet doesn't use Swing as far as I can tell, the code for this applet is at
    It appears to use only awt for imaging, which I think is considered Java1.
    A bit off topic:
    I have the which ships with jdk1.3.1_01. However when I look under Edit->Preferences->Navigator->Applications and try to set the plugin used for application/x-java-applet I see that the setting is one for "Unknown - prompt user". Also if I look under Edit->Preferences->Advanced I can see that "Enable Java" is checked and activated but "Enable Java Plugin" is not checked and unavailable (it is greyed-out).
    1) How can I get Netscape to "know about" the plugin I have available in my JRE ?
    2) How can I tell Netscape to use this plugin for all things Java ?
    3) How is it that the applet runs fine when included in a HTML page, even though it appears that my browser's application settings aren't set up to handle applets correctly ?
    4) The Netscape Edit->Preferences->Advanced shows that Java is enabled but the plugin is not. I guess I'm missing something here as I thought that the Java plugin was required for anything Java related to run (such as applets) but this is obviously not so since the applet will run fine if coming from the HTML page.
    A bit perplexed...

  • Advantages and Disadvantages of  Applet over JSP/servlet

    Can some one please let me know what are the major advantages and disadvantages of using Applets over JSP/Servlet technology?

    Well, a servlet / jsp is generated on the server, an applet on the client side. That's the most important difference.
    Appelt's usually are for little applications like games and stuff, you can run in a browser.
    Servlets are for dynamic pages, for example database-viewing and stuf...

  • Displaying Applet in JSP Using jsp:plugin tag

    The following code is not working eventhough i downloaded to JRE plug-in .Please help me to work the
    following code in JSP.
    <jsp:plugin code="mani.Clock2.class"
    codebase="/classes/" width=300 height=300
    <font color=#FF0000 size=10>Sorry Error While Loading Applet </font>

    why don't ypu just use the <applet> tag?

  • How to run the applet in JSP

    im trying to run an applet from JSP i am not able to see the output of the applet on the JSP page?
    <APPLET CODE="com.metro.supex.admin.SampleApplet.class" HEIGHT="25" WIDTH="125" ALIGN="bottom"></APPLET>
    this line of code is included in JSP to run the applet, it is giving error
    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:com.metro.supex.admin SampleApplet
    please can you help me in this matter.

    And don't use the applet tag, use object embed.
    use the htmlconverter in the jdk bin dir to convert an applet tag.

  • Re: Embedding Applet in JSP which gets dynamic input| Pls help

    Hi All,
    We are into a project in Oracle Portal Server where in we want to embed a result of a standalone application(Which is applet) in JSP.
    This standalone application generates applet based on the input it gets from the current application's database.
    If it was static we could have used jsp:plugin but, it fails in our case!
    We are clueless as to how to embed an applet which will pick up the data dynamically.
    Can anyone of you help me in this regard?
    Thanks & Regards

    Well instead of generating entire applet ,you can have a generic applet which takes parameters as ( <PARAM name="name" value="value"> ) inputs and process those inputs to generate output.
    In this case the output of the stand alone program would be a object. And in JSP page you need to access this object, then you can get the values which need to be passed to Applet.
    1.Identify the real path of the applet class file
    ServletContext context = session.getServletContext();
    String realContextPath = context.getRealPath(request.getContextPath());2.Copy the file to a standard location in your web application

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