Application Computation to populate Application Item

Hi all
(Version 4.0.2).
I'm trying to populate an application item using an application computation (On new instance / SQL Query returning Single Value). In principal this works - only at a later point than I would expect:
I've got a page with charts which use the application item (userid) in the where clause. However, when I enter the page, the charts claim 'no data' - only after submitting the page (via a button) the item population seem to happen, because after this, I get the expected data.
Do I have a wrong concept expecting the app-items to be populated when the user creates a new session and be readily available when entering any page?
If so, what is best practice to achieve the desired behavior?
Many thanks

Hi Tino,
As the following book excerpt from "Easy HTML-DB Oracle Application Express: Create Dynamic Web Pages with OAE" by Michael Cunningham & Kent Crotty says:
"On New Instance is an application level computation and should be created as such. It can be a little confusing since this computation point is available when creating a computation at the page level. However, do not use the On New Instance display point on application pages. These should be defined as an Application Computation in Shared Components. When an On New Instance computation is created at the application level, it will be executed during login when the session is created in HTML DB. A good use of this type of computation would be to read a cookie from the user’s browser to set some application level items."
You can populate the item on page load by configuring the source section in the item attributes or by means of a dynamic action on the event "Page Load.", for example.

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  • How to populate an item first time with a computation ?

    I have a form based on a table. When a new record is created, I want to populate an item with a value retrieved from a sql query. This is why I made an item (named P26_EMAIL) computation based on a nice sql query.
    select email from acl_employees
    where upper(userid) = upper(:APP_USER)This computation is fired only when a new record is created.
    The P26_EMAIL (text field) item source type is DATABASE COLUMN and source used is "Always, replacing any existing value in session state".
    Which means that my nice computation value is "erased" by the item when it is computed by APEX.
    I am trying to see how to make my item computed on creation of the record, and rest of the time value derived form databse, and cannot get to this result.
    Do you have an idea on how to do this ? (without using a trigger)
    Thank you very much for your input.

    Hi Mani,
    What modules do you have?  What kinds of signals are you measuring?
    Have you deployed your shared variable library on your host PC?
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

  • Order of evaluation - Authorization scheme or application computation

    APEX 4.2.2
    A page has a Evaluate for every page view authorizaton scheme of the type Value of item in Expression 1 = Expression 2 with Expression 1=G_ITEM and Expression 2=1. G_ITEM is set using  a Before-Header application computation conditioned to fire when G_ITEM is null.
    What I see is that the authorization scheme always returns false and the page is not rendered. Inspecting wwv_flow_data shows that G_ITEM is not there. So it would appear that the authorization scheme is evaluated before the application computation and since it returns false, the engine stops.
    Does that sound right? Is this order of evaluation of components documented anywhere? There is a Utilities > Page Events screen but that doesn't include Authorization schemes.

    Hi Christian - I am referring to a page-level authorization scheme set to be evaluated For each page view
    Here are some more details...the application has only one UI (Desktop) and Application XX > User Interfaces > User Interface Details > Home URL is set to f?p=&APP_ID.:30:&SESSION.
    When I launch the app using f?p=181::::LEVEL9 this is what I get in apex_debug_messages
    init cgi_var_name.count=>29
    CGI: PATH_INFO = /f
    S H O W: application="181" page="" workspace="" request="" session=""
    Reset NLS settings
    alter session set NLS_LANGUAGE="AMERICAN"
    alter session set NLS_TERRITORY="AMERICA"
    alter session set NLS_CALENDAR="GREGORIAN"
    alter session set NLS_SORT="BINARY"
    alter session set NLS_COMP="BINARY"
    ...NLS: Set Decimal separator="."
    ...NLS: Set NLS Group separator=","
    ...NLS: Set g_nls_date_format="DD-MON-RR"
    ...NLS: Set g_nls_timestamp_format="DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM"
    ...NLS: Set g_nls_timestamp_tz_format="DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM TZR"
    no characterset conversion needed
    ...Setting session time_zone to -04:00
    Processing page view with session ID = 0
    set_html_escaping_mode p_mode=>E
    Language derived from: FLOW_PRIMARY_LANGUAGE, current browser language: en-us
    alter session set nls_language="AMERICAN"
    alter session set nls_territory="AMERICA"
    NLS: CSV charset=WE8MSWIN1252
    ...NLS: Set Decimal separator="."
    ...NLS: Set NLS Group separator=","
    ...NLS: Set g_nls_date_format="DD-MON-RR"
    ...NLS: Set g_nls_timestamp_format="DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM"
    ...NLS: Set g_nls_timestamp_tz_format="DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM TZR"
    Setting NLS_DATE_FORMAT to application date format: mm/dd/yyyy
    ...NLS: Set g_nls_date_format="mm/dd/yyyy"
    ...NLS: Set g_nls_timestamp_format="DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM"
    ...NLS: Set g_nls_timestamp_tz_format="DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM TZR"
    NLS: Language=en-us
    set_html_escaping_mode p_mode=>E
    Application 181, Authentication: PLUGIN, Page Template: 12902619543947292
    authenticate_and_init_session p_app_id=>181
    set_html_escaping_mode p_mode=>E
    set_g_security_group_id p_security_group_id=>634111608319703,p_check_host_prefix=>true
    does_host_prefix_match p_security_group_id=>634111608319703,p_host_prefix=>,c_path_info=>/f
    detect_user_interface p_application_id=>181
    ... "Desktop" is the only UI - no autodetection necessary
    ... setting ui to "DESKTOP"
    ... authentication id=252985691712777759, sgid=634111608319703, curr flow sgid=634111608319703
    ... page is public:null
    Authentication check: Login (NATIVE_CUSTOM)
    ... no page specified: failure
    ...fetch session state from database
    ... DOES NOT EXIST - ignore
    fetch items (exact)
    Redirecting to f?p=181:30:
    Stop APEX Engine detected
    Final commit
    I am not sure why the engine stops rendering but I get the Access denied by Page security check error on the screen
    Next experiment...launch f?p=181:30:::LEVEL9:
    That gets me the following debug stack
    init cgi_var_name.count=>28
    CGI: PATH_INFO = /f
    S H O W: application="181" page="30" workspace="" request="" session=""
    Reset NLS settings
    alter session set NLS_LANGUAGE="AMERICAN"
    alter session set NLS_TERRITORY="AMERICA"
    alter session set NLS_CALENDAR="GREGORIAN"
    alter session set NLS_SORT="BINARY"
    alter session set NLS_COMP="BINARY"
    ...NLS: Set Decimal separator="."
    ...NLS: Set NLS Group separator=","
    ...NLS: Set g_nls_date_format="DD-MON-RR"
    ...NLS: Set g_nls_timestamp_format="DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM"
    ...NLS: Set g_nls_timestamp_tz_format="DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM TZR"
    no characterset conversion needed
    ...Setting session time_zone to -04:00
    Processing page view with session ID = 0
    set_html_escaping_mode p_mode=>E
    Language derived from: FLOW_PRIMARY_LANGUAGE, current browser language: en-us
    alter session set nls_language="AMERICAN"
    alter session set nls_territory="AMERICA"
    NLS: CSV charset=WE8MSWIN1252
    ...NLS: Set Decimal separator="."
    ...NLS: Set NLS Group separator=","
    ...NLS: Set g_nls_date_format="DD-MON-RR"
    ...NLS: Set g_nls_timestamp_format="DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM"
    ...NLS: Set g_nls_timestamp_tz_format="DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM TZR"
    Setting NLS_DATE_FORMAT to application date format: mm/dd/yyyy
    ...NLS: Set g_nls_date_format="mm/dd/yyyy"
    ...NLS: Set g_nls_timestamp_format="DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM"
    ...NLS: Set g_nls_timestamp_tz_format="DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM TZR"
    NLS: Language=en-us
    set_html_escaping_mode p_mode=>E
    Application 181, Authentication: PLUGIN, Page Template: 12902619543947292
    authenticate_and_init_session p_app_id=>181
    set_html_escaping_mode p_mode=>E
    set_g_security_group_id p_security_group_id=>634111608319703,p_check_host_prefix=>true
    does_host_prefix_match p_security_group_id=>634111608319703,p_host_prefix=>,c_path_info=>/f
    get_login_url p_user_interface_id=>12942041779151719,p_application_id=>181,p_security_group_id=>634111608319703
    get_home_url p_user_interface_id=>12942041779151719,p_application_id=>181,p_security_group_id=>634111608319703
    ... authentication id=252985691712777759, sgid=634111608319703, curr flow sgid=634111608319703
    ... page is public:false
    Authentication check: Login (NATIVE_CUSTOM)
    ... DOES NOT EXIST - ignore
    builtin_cookie_sentry p_cookie_name=>ORA_WWV_APP_181
    get_by_cookie_name p_cookie_name=>ORA_WWV_APP_181
    session cookie value for ORA_WWV_APP_181=
    ... cookie is not set
    ... failure, session not found
    ...fetch session state from database
    ... DOES NOT EXIST - ignore
    fetch items (exact)
    execute_native_session_sentry p_type=>NATIVE_CUSTOM
    ...Execute Statement: begin declare
    wwv_flow.g_boolean := htmldb_public_user.Modntlm_Page_Sentry;
    get_cookie_properties 181 -> ORA_WWV_APP_181, ,
    get_by_cookie_name p_cookie_name=>ORA_WWV_APP_181
    session cookie value for ORA_WWV_APP_181=
    ... cookie is not set
    get_cookie_properties 181 -> ORA_WWV_APP_181, ,
    get_by_cookie_name p_cookie_name=>ORA_WWV_APP_181
    session cookie value for ORA_WWV_APP_181=
    ... cookie is not set
    remember_deep_link p_url=>f?p=181:30:::LEVEL9:
    ... DOES NOT EXIST - ignore
    ... insert into wwv_flow_sessions$: 7781513768577
    Session created: 7781513768577 user: foobar
    save_by_name p_item_name=>FSP_AFTER_LOGIN_URL,p_item_value=>***
    set_builtin_global_item_value p_item_name=>FSP_AFTER_LOGIN_URL,p_value=>f?p=181:30:7781513768577::LEVEL9:
    ...Session State: Saved Item "FSP_AFTER_LOGIN_URL" New Value="f?p=181:30:7781513768577::LEVEL9:"
    login p_uname=>foobar,p_password=>...,p_session_id=>7781513768577,p_flow_page=>181:30,p_entry_point=>POST-LOGIN,p_preserve_case=>false,p_use_secure_cookie=>false
    execute_login p_username=>foobar,p_password=>...,p_current_app_id=>181,p_next_app_id=>181,p_next_page_id=>30,p_post_login=>true,p_builder_login_for_workspace=>
    ...delaying unrecoverable error to the end of execute_login
    ... session=7781513768577, user=foobar, sgid=634111608319703 (from db)
    ...Session ID 7781513768577 can be used
    ...New Instance Detected -
    ... session=7781513768577, user=foobar, sgid=634111608319703 (from cache)
    get_login_url p_user_interface_id=>12942041779151719,p_application_id=>181,p_security_group_id=>634111608319703
    get_home_url p_user_interface_id=>12942041779151719,p_application_id=>181,p_security_group_id=>634111608319703
    ... authentication id=252985691712777759, sgid=634111608319703, curr flow sgid=634111608319703
    ... page is public:false
    ... POST LOGIN shortcut, no pre-auth and auth process
    ... Authentication success
    ... running post_auth_240111674424380819
    ...Execute Statement: begin declare
    procedure post_auth_240111674424380819 is
    Collection - Begin create_collection_from_query_b, Collection Name: AD_GROUPS
    Collection - Begin Create Collection, Collection Name: EM_ROLES
    save_by_name p_item_name=>G_APP_USER,p_item_value=>***
    find_item_by_name p_name=>G_APP_USER
    set_substitution_cache p_id=>8993704979413505,p_value=>***,p_name=>G_APP_USER,p_filter=>Y,p_encrypted=>N
    ...Session State: Saved Item "G_APP_USER" New Value="foobar"
    get_item_value  p_item=>FSP_AFTER_LOGIN_URL,p_flow=>181,p_instance=>7781513768577
    ... l_instance=7781513768577,l_flow_id=181,l_sgid=634111608319703,p_item=FSP_AFTER_LOGIN_URL
    get_builtin_global_item_value p_item_name=>FSP_AFTER_LOGIN_URL,p_session_id=>7781513768577
    save_by_name p_item_name=>FSP_AFTER_LOGIN_URL,p_item_value=>***
    set_builtin_global_item_value p_item_name=>FSP_AFTER_LOGIN_URL,p_value=>
    ...Session State: Saved Item "FSP_AFTER_LOGIN_URL" New Value=""
    log_login p_username=>foobar,p_security_group_id=>634111608319703,p_owner=>foobar,p_application_id=>181,p_authentication_method=>Login,p_authentication_result=>0,p_custom_status_text=>
    ... update session user (foobar) and auth result ()
    update_hashed_id -> ORA_WWV-PqmZTwhNdxkMTTqPlY88APZ1, sqlrowcount=1
    send name=>ORA_WWV_APP_181,value=>ORA_WWV-PqmZTwhNdxkMTTqPlY88APZ1,expires=>,path=>,domain=>,secure=>,httponly=>HTTPONLY
    Redirecting to f?p=181:30:7781513768577::LEVEL9:
    ...setting g_unrecoverable_error:=true again
    Stop APEX Engine detected
    Stop APEX Engine detected
    Final commit
    init cgi_var_name.count=>29
    CGI: PATH_INFO = /f
    S H O W: application="181" page="30" workspace="" request="" session="7781513768577"
    Reset NLS settings
    alter session set NLS_LANGUAGE="AMERICAN"
    alter session set NLS_TERRITORY="AMERICA"
    alter session set NLS_CALENDAR="GREGORIAN"
    alter session set NLS_SORT="BINARY"
    alter session set NLS_COMP="BINARY"
    ...NLS: Set Decimal separator="."
    ...NLS: Set NLS Group separator=","
    ...NLS: Set g_nls_date_format="DD-MON-RR"
    ...NLS: Set g_nls_timestamp_format="DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM"
    ...NLS: Set g_nls_timestamp_tz_format="DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM TZR"
    no characterset conversion needed
    ...Setting session time_zone to -04:00
    set_html_escaping_mode p_mode=>E
    Language derived from: FLOW_PRIMARY_LANGUAGE, current browser language: en-us
    alter session set nls_language="AMERICAN"
    alter session set nls_territory="AMERICA"
    NLS: CSV charset=WE8MSWIN1252
    ...NLS: Set Decimal separator="."
    ...NLS: Set NLS Group separator=","
    ...NLS: Set g_nls_date_format="DD-MON-RR"
    ...NLS: Set g_nls_timestamp_format="DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM"
    ...NLS: Set g_nls_timestamp_tz_format="DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM TZR"
    Setting NLS_DATE_FORMAT to application date format: mm/dd/yyyy
    ...NLS: Set g_nls_date_format="mm/dd/yyyy"
    ...NLS: Set g_nls_timestamp_format="DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM"
    ...NLS: Set g_nls_timestamp_tz_format="DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM TZR"
    NLS: Language=en-us
    set_html_escaping_mode p_mode=>E
    Application 181, Authentication: PLUGIN, Page Template: 12902619543947292
    authenticate_and_init_session p_app_id=>181
    set_html_escaping_mode p_mode=>E
    set_g_security_group_id p_security_group_id=>634111608319703,p_check_host_prefix=>true
    does_host_prefix_match p_security_group_id=>634111608319703,p_host_prefix=>,c_path_info=>/f
    get_login_url p_user_interface_id=>12942041779151719,p_application_id=>181,p_security_group_id=>634111608319703
    get_home_url p_user_interface_id=>12942041779151719,p_application_id=>181,p_security_group_id=>634111608319703
    ... authentication id=252985691712777759, sgid=634111608319703, curr flow sgid=634111608319703
    ... page is public:false
    Authentication check: Login (NATIVE_CUSTOM)
    ... session=7781513768577, user=foobar, sgid=634111608319703 (from db)
    builtin_cookie_sentry p_cookie_name=>ORA_WWV_APP_181
    get_by_cookie_name p_cookie_name=>ORA_WWV_APP_181
    session cookie value for ORA_WWV_APP_181=ORA_WWV-PqmZTwhNdxkMTTqPlY88APZ1
    ... session=7781513768577, user=foobar, sgid=634111608319703 (from cache)
    ... success, session id and security group id matches
    ... set user and session id in package globals
    set_g_security_group_id p_security_group_id=>634111608319703,p_check_host_prefix=>true
    does_host_prefix_match p_security_group_id=>634111608319703,p_host_prefix=>,c_path_info=>/f
    ...fetch session state from database
    ... session=7781513768577, user=foobar, sgid=634111608319703 (from cache)
    fetch items (exact)
    ... fetched 8993704979413505: name=G_APP_USER, value=foobar
    execute_native_session_sentry p_type=>NATIVE_CUSTOM
    ...Execute Statement: begin declare
    wwv_flow.g_boolean := htmldb_public_user.Modntlm_Page_Sentry;
    get_cookie_properties 181 -> ORA_WWV_APP_181, ,
    get_by_cookie_name p_cookie_name=>ORA_WWV_APP_181
    session cookie value for ORA_WWV_APP_181=ORA_WWV-PqmZTwhNdxkMTTqPlY88APZ1
    ... session=7781513768577, user=foobar, sgid=634111608319703 (from cache)
    get_cookie_properties 181 -> ORA_WWV_APP_181, ,
    get_by_cookie_name p_cookie_name=>ORA_WWV_APP_181
    session cookie value for ORA_WWV_APP_181=ORA_WWV-PqmZTwhNdxkMTTqPlY88APZ1
    ... session=7781513768577, user=foobar, sgid=634111608319703 (from cache)
    ... session=7781513768577, user=foobar, sgid=634111608319703 (from cache)
    ... sentry success, no verification specified
    ... sentry+verification success
    ... session=7781513768577, user=foobar, sgid=634111608319703 (from cache)
    ...Session ID 7781513768577 can be used
    ...New Instance Detected -
    get_by_cookie_name p_cookie_name=>ORA_WWV_USER_61814286625969
    session cookie value for ORA_WWV_USER_61814286625969=
    ... cookie is not set
    get_builder_session_id: builder session=null
    ...Setting session time_zone to -04:00
    ...Check for session expiration:
    ... session=7781513768577, user=foobar, sgid=634111608319703 (from cache)
    get_builtin_global_item_value p_item_name=>FSP_SESSION_TIME,p_session_id=>7781513768577
    set_builtin_global_item_value p_item_name=>FSP_SESSION_TIME,p_value=>20130925091227::
    ...Session State: Saved Item "FSP_SESSION_TIME" New Value="20130925091227::"
    Session: Fetch session header information
    ... session=7781513768577, user=foobar, sgid=634111608319703 (from cache)
    fetch_step_info p_mode=>SHOW
    get_home_url p_user_interface_id=>12942041779151719,p_application_id=>181,p_security_group_id=>634111608319703
    get_login_url p_user_interface_id=>12942041779151719,p_application_id=>181,p_security_group_id=>634111608319703
    get_theme_id p_user_interface_id=>12942041779151719,p_application_id=>181,p_security_group_id=>634111608319703
    Branch point: Before Header
    Authorization Check: "Administrator" Caching: "BY_USER_BY_PAGE_VIEW" Component: "PAGE"
    ...  failed
    setting g_primary_language := en-us
    Add error onto error stack
    ...Error data:
    ......message: Must be Administrator
    ......additional_info: Access denied by Page security check
    ......display_location: ON_ERROR_PAGE
    ......is_internal_error: true
    ......apex_error_code: APEX.AUTHORIZATION.ACCESS_DENIED
    ......error_backtrace: ----- PL/SQL Call Stack -----
      object      line  object
      handle    number  name
    0x2d7325bc0       556  package body APEX_040200.WWV_FLOW_ERROR
    0x2d7325bc0       607  package body APEX_040200.WWV_FLOW_ERROR
    0x2d7325bc0       911  package body APEX_040200.WWV_FLOW_ERROR
    0x211e95470       488  package body APEX_040200.WWV_FLOW_AUTHORIZATION
    0x2dbf01138      6000  package body APEX_040200.WWV_FLOW
    0x2db632be8       249  procedure APEX_040200.F
    0x267d27130        31  anonymous block
    ......component.type: APEX_APPLICATION_AUTHORIZATION 19813621888498766 Administrator
    ...Show Error on Error Page
    ......Performing rollback
    get_grid_template p_page_template_id=>12901127353947285
    Show page template header
    handle_common_placeholders p_placeholder=>#TITLE#
    handle_common_placeholders p_placeholder=>#IMAGE_PREFIX#
    handle_common_placeholders p_placeholder=>#IMAGE_PREFIX#
    handle_common_placeholders p_placeholder=>#APEX_CSS#
    is_desktop_ui p_application_id=>181,p_page_id=>30,p_security_group_id=>634111608319703
    get_ui_type p_application_id=>181,p_page_id=>30,p_security_group_id=>634111608319703
    ...initialize cache
    ... ui type name=DESKTOP
    ... true
    handle_common_placeholders p_placeholder=>#TEMPLATE_CSS#
    handle_common_placeholders p_placeholder=>#THEME_CSS#
    handle_common_placeholders p_placeholder=>#PAGE_CSS#
    handle_common_placeholders p_placeholder=>#APEX_JAVASCRIPT#
    is_desktop_ui p_application_id=>181,p_page_id=>30,p_security_group_id=>634111608319703
    get_ui_type p_application_id=>181,p_page_id=>30,p_security_group_id=>634111608319703
    ...use cache
    ... ui type name=DESKTOP
    ... true
    handle_common_placeholders p_placeholder=>#TEMPLATE_JAVASCRIPT#
    handle_common_placeholders p_placeholder=>#APPLICATION_JAVASCRIPT#
    handle_common_placeholders p_placeholder=>#PAGE_JAVASCRIPT#
    handle_common_placeholders p_placeholder=>#IMAGE_PREFIX#
    handle_common_placeholders p_placeholder=>#IMAGE_PREFIX#
    handle_common_placeholders p_placeholder=>#ONLOAD#
    handle_common_placeholders p_placeholder=>#OUTDATED_BROWSER#
    handle_common_placeholders p_placeholder=>#FORM_OPEN#
    Rendering form open tag and internal values
    perform p_process_point=>AFTER_ERROR_HEADER
    Processes - point: AFTER_ERROR_HEADER
    handle_common_placeholders p_placeholder=>#REGION_POSITION_07#
    handle_common_placeholders p_placeholder=>#HOME_LINK#
    handle_common_placeholders p_placeholder=>#LOGO#
    handle_common_placeholders p_placeholder=>#NAVIGATION_BAR#
    handle_common_placeholders p_placeholder=>#REGION_POSITION_08#
    handle_common_placeholders p_placeholder=>#REGION_POSITION_04#
    handle_common_placeholders p_placeholder=>#REGION_POSITION_01#
    handle_common_placeholders p_placeholder=>#SUCCESS_MESSAGE#
    handle_common_placeholders p_placeholder=>#NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE#
    handle_common_placeholders p_placeholder=>#GLOBAL_NOTIFICATION#
    handle_common_placeholders p_placeholder=>#REGION_POSITION_02#
    handle_common_placeholders p_placeholder=>#REGION_POSITION_03#
    perform p_process_point=>BEFORE_ERROR_FOOTER
    Processes - point: BEFORE_ERROR_FOOTER
    Show page footer
    Show page tempate footer
    handle_common_placeholders p_placeholder=>#CUSTOMIZE#
    handle_common_placeholders p_placeholder=>#REGION_POSITION_05#
    handle_common_placeholders p_placeholder=>#APP_VERSION#
    handle_common_placeholders p_placeholder=>#REGION_POSITION_08#
    handle_common_placeholders p_placeholder=>#FORM_CLOSE#
    Rendering form close tag and page checksum
    handle_common_placeholders p_placeholder=>#DEVELOPER_TOOLBAR#
    handle_common_placeholders p_placeholder=>#GENERATED_CSS#
    handle_common_placeholders p_placeholder=>#GENERATED_JAVASCRIPT#
    Logging exception in final_exception_handler:
    Sqlerrm: ORA-20987: APEX - Must be Administrator - Access denied by Page security check
    Backtrace: ORA-06512: at "APEX_040200.WWV_FLOW_ERROR", line 861
    ORA-06512: at "APEX_040200.WWV_FLOW_ERROR", line 896
    ORA-06512: at "APEX_040200.WWV_FLOW_AUTHORIZATION", line 501
    ORA-06512: at "APEX_040200.WWV_FLOW", line 6000
    Seems to me that the authorization scheme (which uses the value of the application item) is evaluated before the before-header/unconditional application computation sets the value of the application item and since the authorization scheme fails, show processing stops with an error.
    What say you?

  • Computation points of application computations

    Hi --
    I'm trying to figure out what computation point to use for application computations. In particular, when is a computation done for the "On new instance(e.g. on login)" computation point?
    Does it occur after the user has logged in and the APP_USER item is correctly set?
    I need to do computations after the login has occurred and I can obtain APP_USER correctly

    Hi --
    I decided to add an application process, with 'On new session: after authentication' as the process point.
    The process runs, but it still seems like APP_USER has not been set at that point. Is that true, or am I dreaming?
    I just need a process to set some items after login, when I can get access to APP_USER.

  • I have not been able to open up Lightroom on my computer for over a year now. Whenever I double click on it, this comes up - can anyone help? Problem signature:   Problem Event Name:APPCRASH   Application Name:lightroom.exe   Application Version:

    I have not been able to open up Lightroom on my computer for over a year now. Whenever I double click on it, this comes up - can anyone help? Problem signature:   Problem Event Name:APPCRASH   Application Name:lightroom.exe   Application Version:

    First thing to try is the latest version of Lightroom (currently 5.6). If it don't crash, then problem solved - upgrade.
    If Lr5 won't run on your machine, then Lr4 instead.
    If both Lr5 and Lr4 crash on your machine, then at least you know it's a not a Lightroom version problem but something wonked in your system.
    If you can't figure out how to resolve the crash on the system you have, then it's time for a new system (or try another converter/editor app).
    PS - A few things to try:
    * After re-installing new version, if that doesn't fix it, then get rid of all Lightroom-related data files (rename them so they can be restored), in case problem is in Lr data file.
    * Remove all non-essential hardware in case problem is hardware/driver.
    * Startup up machine with minimal software services.
    * If still no go, consider updating driver software, including mainboard drivers and/or bios firmware if need be.
    * Of course run all the system hardware and software diagnostics you can - problem could be failing disk or ram..
    * Check system event logs for any clues.
    If you don't know how to do some of these things - ask.
    Do not say "you've tried everything" unless you want a lecture - there is most definitely something you haven't tried. It's like when you can't find your car keys - you haven't looked everywhere -  there is somewhere you haven't looked!
    PS - Has Lightroom EVER worked on your machine? what's changed since then..
    Good luck,

  • How do I determine which version of windows os is installed on the computer that my application is running on.

    I need to determine which version of windows os in on the computer running my application to make some minor adjustments to a subvi.  Is there a programmatic way to determine this using Labview.

    Or, use the Application property node Application>OS>Detailed Name.  Although I can't say anything about its output on other-than-Windows OSes.
    By the way, I think you win the "reviving old thread" award today
    David Boyd
    Sr. Test Engineer
    Philips Respironics
    Certified LabVIEW Developer

  • Cannot open Microsoft Office Mac 2011 after migrating to new computer. OS 10.9.1: Microsoft Error Reporting log version: 2.0  Error Signature: Exception: EXC_CRASH (SIGTRAP) Date/Time: 2014-01-19 23:31:24  0000 Application Name: Microsoft Word Application

    Got a new MacBook Pro and migrated my settings and applications from old computer. Reinstalled Microsooft Office from a disk, after I opened a document and it said I was missing some software components. Now when I open any office application, I get:
    Microsoft Error Reporting log version: 2.0
    Error Signature:
    Exception: EXC_CRASH (SIGTRAP)
    Date/Time: 2014-01-19 23:31:24 +0000
    Application Name: Microsoft Word
    Application Bundle ID:
    Application Signature: MSWD
    Application Version:
    Crashed Module Name: merp
    Crashed Module Version:
    Crashed Module Offset: 0x00004422
    Blame Module Name: MicrosoftSetupUI
    Blame Module Version:
    Blame Module Offset: 0x0000e516
    Application LCID: 1033
    Extra app info: Reg=en Loc=0x0409
    Crashed thread: 0

    Do you get the error message like "Office <Update version number> can't be installed on this disk. A version of the software required to install this update was not found on this volume. To learn how to fix it this issue, see "I can't install Office
    for Mac updates" at"
    If it was, please follow the kb to fix the issue:
    Then, here is a forum for Office based on the Windows operation system, we are lack of the source about the Office for mac, you'd better post your question to Answers forum:
    George Zhao
    TechNet Community Support

  • In 10.8, the file info window's "Kind:" read "Application"/etc. for 64-bit items and "Application (32-bit)"/etc. for 32-bit items. The "(32-bit)" part seems to have been lost in Mavericks. How do I determine if an item is 32 or 64-bit in Mavericks?

    In 10.8, the file info window’s “Kind:” read “Application”/etc. for 64-bit items and “Application (32-bit)”/etc. for 32-bit items.
    The “(32-bit)” part seems to have been lost in Mavericks. How do I determine if an item is 32 or 64-bit in Mavericks?

    1. Launch System Information into its 'report' mode. (A quick way to do this is by holding down the option key while clicking on the Apple menu item, which causes "About this Mac" to change to that.)
    2. From the list on the left, under "Software" click on "Applications." (If you don't see the Applications item, click on "Show more information" from the "File" menu.)
    3. Wait a minute or so for the report to finish.
    4. The last column in the report is "64-bit (Intel)." (You may need to scroll the window to the right to see it.) Click on that heading to sort the list alphabetically. Anything with a "no" is 32 bit.

  • I got a new computer and all applications were transferred to the new one. When I launch Acrobat 8 Professional, I get a warning that Acrobat cannot be launched now and that I need to launch another application e.g. Photoshop which is already launched. An

    I got a new computer and all applications were transferred from the old one. However, when I tried launching Acrobat 8 Professional, I get a message that says: "Adobe Acrobat 8 Professional cannot be opened at this time and I need to launch another application in the suite e.g.Photoshop" which is already launched. Is there some help around this?

    It appears that you have the CS. What new OS do you have. If it is Win 8.1, you may have to purchase a new version of Acrobat for that system. Folks have succeeded with AA 8.1 on Win 7, but I have not heard of any successful installs on Win 8.1. As for the issue you have with the new OS, you do have to follow the CS install process that is different than the stand-alone Acrobat (there are some posts that discuss the process if you search).

  • Stopped mac protector scam download in process of scanning files.  Trashed application from download folder/application folder and system preferences' accounts log in items.  does anything else need to be purged? checked?

    stopped mac protector scam download in process of scanning files.  Trashed application from download folder/application folder and system preferences' accounts log in items.  does anything else need to be purged? checked?

    stopped mac protector scam download in process of scanning files.  Trashed application from download folder/application folder and system preferences' accounts log in items.  does anything else need to be purged? checked?

  • How populate itemrenderer items with data.

    How populate itemrenderer items with data. Ie after my app starts I generate an array collection that I want to assign as the data provider to each combobox in my item renderer, which im using in a datagrid.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:Application xmlns:fx=""
            <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
            <s:ArrayCollection id="booksWithStores">
                <fx:Object name="book1" stores="{new ArrayCollection(['store1','store2'])}"/>
                <fx:Object name="book2" stores="{new ArrayCollection(['store1','store3'])}"/>
                <fx:Object name="book3" stores="{new ArrayCollection(['store2','store3', 'store4'])}"/>
                <fx:Object name="book4" stores="{new ArrayCollection(['store1','store4'])}"/>
            <s:ArrayCollection id="booksWithoutStores">
                <fx:Object name="bookA"/>
                <fx:Object name="bookB"/>
                <fx:Object name="bookC"/>
                <fx:Object name="bookD"/>
            <s:ArrayCollection id="allStores">
            <fx:Component id="renderer1" className="Renderer1">
                    <s:DropDownList dataProvider="{data.stores}" />   
            <fx:Component id="renderer2" className="Renderer2">
                    <s:DropDownList dataProvider="{storesList}" />
                            import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
                            public var storesList:ArrayCollection;
            <mx:FormItem label="Dynamic Stores">
                <mx:DataGrid dataProvider="{booksWithStores}" width="354">
                        <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="name"/>
                        <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="stores" itemRenderer="{renderer1}"/>
            <mx:FormItem label="Static Stores">
                <mx:DataGrid dataProvider="{booksWithoutStores}" width="354">
                        <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="name"/>
                        <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="stores" itemRenderer="{createRendererWithProperties(Renderer2, {storesList:allStores})}"/>
                import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
                public static function createRendererWithProperties(renderer:Class, properties:Object):IFactory
                    var factory:ClassFactory=new ClassFactory(renderer);
                    return factory;

  • I keep getting error message, "can't open application PACE because PowerPC applications are no longer supported." I've run Clean My Mac and I still get the error.

    I keep getting error message, "can't open application PACE because PowerPC applications are no longer supported." I've run Clean My Mac and I still get the error.

    Use the Finder "Go" menu while holding down the option key to expose your User / Library folder.
    Look in the Application Support folder for PACE items and delete them.

  • One Search service application for multiple web applications in a single server

      We are planning to host 17 Web applications in a single Server. Do I need to create search service application for each web application or I need to create one  Search service application , create a Content source for each web
    application and create a Result source for filtering. Which is the best approach. And which approach takes more RAM memory.
       In my application I am using Search web part, "Recently Changed Items", "Popular Items" web parts. when I created only one one  Search Service application for all web applications and using Result sources ,
    I am not getting the results. What could be the problem.

    One SSA is ok, but you should think about access rights. If the access is clear cut between all the web apps you should be ok with one SSA. Multiple result sources limiting on content source also works, but could easily be bypassed.
    Multiple SSA's will eat up RAM/CPU like a mother :)
    As for popular etc.. it could be due to how those sources are set up, but haven't investigated or tested this much.
    Search Enthusiast - SharePoint MVP/MCT/MCPD - If you find an answer useful, please up-vote it.
    Author of Working with FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint

  • How to uninstall applications I installed from Application store?

    Can anybody show me how to uninstall applications I installed from Application store?
    I mean I want to remove the applications completely from my iphone, not just hide the icons.

    Page 127 of the manual:
    "You can delete applications you’ve installed from the App Store. If you delete an
    application, data associated with the application will no longer be available to iPhone,
    even if you reinstall the application.
    You can reinstall any application and any associated data from your iTunes library
    as long as you backed up the application by syncing to your computer. If you try to
    delete an application that hasn’t been backed up to your computer, an alert appears.
    Delete an App Store application:
    1 Touch and hold any application icon on the Home screen until the icons start to
    2 Tap the “x” in the corner of the application you want to delete.
    3 Tap Delete, then press the Home button to save your arrangement."

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  • Random swoosh sound on iPad Air iOS 8

    For the last 3 - 4 days my iPad Air iOS 8 and now 8.02 is sending a weird, annoying SWOOSH sound. I have done everything I could think of to get rid of the sound, like restart, reset All Settins, reset Network Setting, sounds off, background App Refr