ARD 3.6.1 update still shown as available

although ARD admin 3.6.1 is already installed on my computer the update center (AppSotre) tells me that there's an ARD update available. How can I get rid of the update information?
Thanks in advance,

Today the update notification vanished...

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    If you are a Windows user, try temporarily disabling your antivirus and any other anti-whatever that is required with Windows before beginning the process again.

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    In addition to what FelipeV is telling you, I advise you to contact your friend and have him remove the iPhone from his apple id through  Otherwise, if in the future you want to update the iOS or restore the iPhone for troubleshooting a problem, you may find that you cannot activate it again  due to the feature Activiation Lock in iOS 7.
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    You have to update through iTunes on your computer.
    See the chart below to determine whether you can upgrade your device and what you can upgrade to.
    IPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad iOS Compatibility Chart
         Device                                       iOS Verson
    iPhone 1                                      iOS 3.1.3
    iPhone 3G                                   iOS 4.2.1
    iPhone 3GS                                 iOS 6.1
    iPhone 4                                      iOS 6.1
    iPhone 4S                                    iOS 6.1
    iPhone 5                                      iOS 6.1
    iPod Touch 1                               iOS 3.1.3
    iPod Touch 2                               iOS 4.2.1
    iPod Touch 3                               iOS 5.1.1
    iPod Touch 4                               iOS 6.1
    iPod Touch 5                               iOS 6.1
    iPad 1                                          iOS 5.1.1
    iPad 2                                          iOS 6.1
    iPad 3                                          iOS 6.1
    iPad 4                                          iOS 6.1
    iPad Mini                                     iOS 6.1
    Select the method most appropriate for your situation.
    Upgrading iOS
       1. How to update your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch
       2. iPhone Support
       3. iPod Touch Support
       4. iPad Support
         a. Updating Your iOS to Version 6.0.x from iOS 5
              Tap Settings > General > Software Update
         If an update is available there will be an active Update button. If you are current,
         then you will see a gray screen with a message saying your are up to date.
         b. If you are still using iOS 4 — Updating your device to iOS 5 or later.
         c. Resolving update problems
            1. iOS - Unable to update or restore
            2. iOS- Resolving update and restore alert messages

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    From the Safari menu bar, select
    Safari ▹ Preferences ▹ Extensions
    Turn all extensions OFF and test. If the problem is resolved, turn extensions back ON and then disable them one or a few at a time until you find the culprit.
    If you wish, you may be able to salvage the malfunctioning extension by uninstalling and reinstalling it. That will revert its settings to the defaults.
    If extensions aren't causing the problem, see below.
    Safari 5.0.1 or later: Slow or partial webpage loading, or webpage cannot be found

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    You cannot update it if you can't get the latest version of iTunes. Actually, the latest version of iTunes will run in XP if you have Service Pack 2. Also, you posted in the iPad forum, and your profile shows you have an iPad, but in your post, you say it is an iPod. Is it an iPad or an iPod?

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    iTunes does not have provision for automatically storing one kind of media on a separate drive, so you have some basic decisions to make first.  Do you want these movies to still appear in your iTunes library, or are you content with browsing filenames on a drive in Finder when you want to look for one?  The second's the easiest thing because then you don't have to have an external drive permanently turned on and attached to your computer (wired or wireless).  To do that you literelly only need to drag your movies folder to an archive drive and delete movies from iTunes.  To watch them again you can add it back to iTunes while holding down the option key so the movie is used from its location on the external drive.
    There's ways to move the movies to an external drive while keeping them in iTunes but the external drive iwll always have to be turned on and connected to the computer or you will see a bunch of broken link exclamation marks.
    Realize what you are talking about is not "backup".  Backup (which you should do) is putting a second or more copy of items on external drives for the day when your internal drive fails and everything on it is lost, inclduing all your home photos and perhaps things that have been pulled from the iTunes Store and can no longer be re-downloaded.

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    I am a Macbook user Lion OS X 10.7.5 …have been using Target, Walgreens, Shutterfly, etc. for 5 years with photo developing.  Recently cannot use any of these photo websites because of the "Plug In Failure" error..which I have never had.  Have updated adobe flash player..still to no avail.  Suggestions?  Thank you.

    You need to do a "clean install":
    That'll remove the old plug-in completely.
    Works 99% of the time.

  • I'm running LR 4.4.  Just picked up a Sony RX100 M3 cam. It's RAW files are not supported within my version. Is there a free update still available for my version or do I need to purchase an upgrade to LR5?

    I'm running LR 4.4.  Just picked up a Sony RX100 M3 cam. It's RAW files are not supported within my version. Is there a free update still available for my version or do I need to purchase an upgrade to LR 5?

    Camera Raw plug-in | Supported cameras
    The Sony RX100 III was first supported in Lightroom 5.5.
    There will be no updates for older versions.
    So your choices:
    Upgrade to Lightroom 5, or
    Download the free Adobe DNG converter, convert all Raw files from the RX100 III to DNG format then edit the DNGs in Lightroom 4.4
    Photoshop Help | Digital Negative (DNG)

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    Both my iPhoto, Aperture and OX is update still having problem asking me to update my iPhoto.

    Make a temporary, backup copy (select the library and type Command+D) if you don't already have a currnet backup of the library and  apply the two fixes below in order as needed:
    Fix #1
    Launch iPhoto with the Command+Option keys held down and rebuild the library.
    Since only one option can be run at a time start with Option #1, followed by #3 and then #4 as needed.
    Fix #2
    Using iPhoto Library Manager  to Rebuild Your iPhoto Library
    Download iPhoto Library Manager and launch.
    Click on the Add Library button, navigate to your Home/Pictures folder and select your iPhoto Library folder.
    Now that the library is listed in the left hand pane of iPLM, click on your library and go to the File ➙ Rebuild Library menu option
    In the next  window name the new library and select the location you want it to be placed.
    Click on the Create button.
    Note: This creates a new library based on the LIbraryData.xml file in the library and will recover Events, Albums, keywords, titles and comments but not books, calendars or slideshows. The original library will be left untouched for further attempts at fixing the problem or in case the rebuilt library is not satisfactory.

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    If you don't already have a current backup, back up all data, then reinstall the OS.* You don't need to erase the startup volume, and you won't need the backup unless something goes wrong. If the system was upgraded from an older version of OS X, you may need the Apple ID and password you used.
    If you use FileVault 2, then before running the Installer you must launch Disk Utility and select the icon of the FileVault startup volume ("Macintosh HD," unless you gave it a different name.) It will be nested below another icon with the same name. Click the Unlock button in the toolbar and enter your login password when prompted. Then quit Disk Utility to be returned to the main Recovery screen.
    There are ways to back up a computer that isn't fully functional. Ask if you need guidance.
    If you installed the Java runtime distributed by Apple and still need it, you'll have to reinstall it. The same goes for Xcode. All other data will be preserved.
    *The linked support article refers to OS X 10.9 ("Mavericks"), but the procedure is the same for OS X 10.7 ("Lion") and later.

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