Arguments at shortcuts

Hi all,
this is not a real problem but I would like to know if it is possible to add arguments at webpages shortcuts at Win7. My sony vaio has a button I have set up to open my CRM (from a shortcut) but I would like it to open in a new window and, if possible, in a separated instance so I could use that as an "independent" program.

You need a separate profile if you want to open another independent Firefox instance.<br />
Each Firefox instance requires its own profile.
Use the -no-remote command line switch to open another Firefox instance with its own profile and to run different Firefox instances simultaneously.

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    I can do this manually.
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    I can add different shortcuts in de installer build specification, but I cannot add commandline arguments in the shortcuts.
    Does anyone know how to do this?

    Hello Forum,
    Does anyone have any better data for this?  I would also like to create an installer using Labview Project Explorer tool (Build Specification->Installer), and I have a need to create some shortcuts to some EXE's (VS.NET built, not LV) which need to have some arguments passed.  I just verified that LV8.6 still does not seem to offer the option of passing arguments when creating shortcuts.  Is this correct?   Creating stub EXE's or batch files isn't a good option for my project, so I'd like to have someone confirm if LV installer tool can't create shortcuts w/ arguments before I fire up InstallShield.

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    The problem with this is that it's not possible to do file associations unless you use the Remote Desktop Web Connection.
    Best regards

    You can use script to deploy remoteApp with extension association to Windows 7.
    First use a GPO to define the default URL connexion
    next use this script:
    [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Web") | Out-Null
    $FeedURL=(Get-ItemProperty HKCU:\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Workspaces).DefaultConnectionURL
    function getFormAuthCookie($URL)
    $CredCache= New-Object
    Write-Host "GetCookie:" $responce.StatusCode
    $StrmReader = New-Object$responce.GetResponseStream() )
    return $FormsAuthCookie
    function GetConnectionXml($URL,$FormsAuthCookie)
    $Request.CookieContainer = New-Object
    $Request.CookieContainer.Add( $(New-Object[]::FormsCookieName,$FormsAuthCookie,"/",$Request.RequestUri.Host)))
    Write-Host "GetXML:" $responce.StatusCode
    $StrmReader = New-Object$responce.GetResponseStream() )
    return $connectionXml
    function GetConnectionContents($URL)
    $XMLContent=GetConnectionXml $URL $STRCookie
    return $XMLContent
    function downloadFile($Source,$Dest,$FormsAuthCookie)
    $Request.CookieContainer = New-Object
    $Request.CookieContainer.Add( $(New-Object[]::FormsCookieName,$FormsAuthCookie,"/",$Request.RequestUri.Host)))
    Write-Host $responce.StatusCode
    $reader = $responce.GetResponseStream()
    [byte[]]$buffer = New-Object byte[] 4096
    [long]$total = [long]$count = 0
    do {
    $count = $reader.Read($buffer, 0, $buffer.Length);
    $writer.Write($buffer, 0, $count);
    } while ($count -gt 0)
    function CreateFileAssoc($ext,$AppName,$rdp,$ico)
    write-host $(".{0}={1}" -f $ext,$AppName)
    mkdir (Join-Path $BaseReg ".$ext") -force | set-Item -Value ($AppName) -Force |Out-Null
    mkdir (Join-Path $BaseReg "$AppName") -force | set-Item -Value ("File description") -Force |Out-Null
    mkdir (Join-Path $BaseReg "$AppName\DefaultIcon") -Force | set-Item -Value ("""$ico"",0") -Force |Out-Null
    mkdir (Join-Path $BaseReg "$AppName\shell") -Force | set-Item -Value ("Open") -Force |Out-Null
    mkdir (Join-Path $BaseReg "$AppName\shell\Open") -Force | set-Item -Value ("Ouvrir") -Force |Out-Null
    mkdir (Join-Path $BaseReg "$AppName\shell\Open\command") -Force | set-Item -Value ("mstsc.exe /REMOTEFILE:""%1"" ""$rdp""") -Force |Out-Null
    function new-Shortcut
    param ( [string]$RDPFile, [string]$DestinationPath, [string]$Icon )
    $WshShell = New-Object -comObject WScript.Shell
    $Shortcut = $WshShell.CreateShortcut($DestinationPath)
    $Shortcut.TargetPath = "mstsc.exe"
    $Shortcut.Arguments = $RDPFile
    $Shortcut.IconLocation = $Icon+",0"
    $XMLData=GetConnectionXml $FeedURL $STRCookie
    $URI=New-Object system.uri($FeedURL)
    $xdoc=New-Object system.xml.xmldocument
    $WorkingDir=((Get-Item Env:\APPDATA).value+"\Microsoft\RemoteApp")
    if( -not $(Test-Path $WorkingDir) )
    mkdir $WorkingDir | Out-Null
    #ShortCut Dir
    $MenuFolder= join-path (Get-Item Env:\APPDATA).value "Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\RemoteApp"
    rmdir -Force $MenuFolder -ErrorAction silentlycontinue -Recurse
    mkdir -Force $MenuFolder | Out-Null
    foreach( $node in $xdoc.GetElementsByTagName("Resource") )
    Write-Host $node.Title
    downloadFile $httpRDPFile $RDPFILE $STRCookie
    downloadFile $httpICOFile $ICONFILE $STRCookie
    #Create File Assoc
    if( $node.FileExtensions.ChildNodes.Count -gt 0)
    foreach( $ext in $node.FileExtensions.FileExtension )
    CreateFileAssoc $ext.Name.trim(".") $node.Alias $RDPFILE $ICONFILE
    #Create Shortcut
    new-Shortcut $RDPFILE $($MenuFolder+"\"+$node.Title+".lnk") $ICONFILE
    Best regards
    Benoit LEFEVRE

  • Problems working with Japanese characters found in filenames to determine invalid shortcuts

    I have written a script that uses test-path to query whether or not *.LNK shortcut files have valid Target Paths to determine whether or not the LNK files should be kept if invalid or contain temporary locations. This works perfectly for most shortcuts with
    the exception of those with filenames in Japanese/Chinese/Cyrillic fonts.
    The script is made up of the following action:-
    gci "$nextdrive\Users\$env:username\AppData\Roaming\microsoft\office\recent" -Filter *.lnk | % { $shell.CreateShortcut( $_.FullName ) } | ? { ( Test-Path ( $_.TargetPath )) -eq $false -or $_.TargetPath -like '*temporary internet files*' -or $_.TargetPath
    -like '*temp*'} | % { Remove-item -LiteralPath $_.FullName }
    If I run the script when a file name exists in the folder above such as : 1、目录.doc.LNK
    the Powershell script from the ISE returns the following error:-
    "Cannot bind argument to parameter 'Path' because it is an empty string.
    If I rename the .LNK file to something like 12345.doc.LNK, the powershell script successfully removes the file so I know that the issue is certainly related to the actual filename itself. Is there any sort of UTF, CJK or encoding option I need to configure
    here for this to work successfully?
    Thanks for taking the time to read this!

    The article Johan linked has some sample code which seems to address your issue (using Shell.Application instead of WScript.Shell). Here's a modification of your code that uses this technique:
    $shellApplication = New-Object -ComObject Shell.Application
    Get-ChildItem "$nextdrive\Users\$env:username\AppData\Roaming\microsoft\office\recent" -Filter *.lnk |
    ForEach-Object {
    $shortcut = $shellApplication.Namespace(0).ParseName($_.FullName).GetLink
    if ((Test-Path -Path $shortcut.Path) -eq $false -or $shortcut.Path -like '*temporary internet files*' -or $shortcut.Path -like '*temp*')
    Remove-Item -LiteralPath $_.FullName
    Write-Error -ErrorRecord $_
    Alternatively, you can use the IShellLink COM class directly.  Looks like someone has already written a .NET wrapper for this:

  • Do i put -private-window in the command line of the shortcut?

    can someone show me what to do with the -private-window command line of the shortcut? I have windows 8 pro. I want to make a shortcut for this. Thanks

    Hi lolnyancats,
    there are multiple ways how to start Firefox in private browsing mode. If you want to use a shortcut parameter, follow the instructions below:
    # Create firefox shortcut;
    # Right-click on the shortcut, choose properties;
    # Edit location (not name), file path and file name followed by the command line argument "-private", e.g.: "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" -prvate;
    # Save changes.
    When you double click the modified shortcut you have just created, Firefox will start in private browsing window.
    Other cmd line parameters you could possibly use and further info.:

  • Local JNLP filename is truncated in windows shortcut

    I've got a problem with JNLP shortcut paths getting truncated. I'm running Windows XPsp2 as the client with Java
    The web URL I'm accessing is dynamically generated, and is apparently getting too long to be handled. I'm passing only the necessary data keys within an encoded URL, something like:
    and using a URI mapping within my web-app for +/jnlp/*+ to get the request into my servlet for decoding and dynamic JNLP generation. Within the servlet I decode the keys and, based on other data retrievals, generate the JNLP file for that user.
    Everything works very smoothly, as long as the encoded string doesn't exceed a certain length.
    Whatever the length of the URL, the application launches from the web with no problem. But, my application needs to support being launched offline, and so it I have to set to create windows shortcuts when launched.
    When the URL length gets to be too long, the shortcuts fail to find the icon, and when launched from the shortcut generates the following error:
    An error occurred while launching/running the application.
    Category: Invalid Argument Error
    Could not load file/URL specified: C:\Documents and Settings\user12\Application Data\Sun\Java\Deployment\cache\javaws\http\\Pport\DMapplication\DMjnlp\AM5t-cjxLGtlRl4ZbRO.zIYu61f32GNDSvTby.W8mvgHhCQVHbbRnoSjLdvCqz9u-KmOAAq9uJYDe9i1RgD7kMuAg-udKBBq5xK.O5Od.uhx9ASvD.JWith the last, in this case 39, characters truncated off the string.
    I'm not sure if this is a JavaWeb limitation, where the javaws application can only handle a directory path up to 252 characters.
    Or (in my opinion more likely) this is a Microsoft limitation, where the full shortcut target can't exceed 293 characters.
    While I've been able to manually to (on my development system) recreate these shortcuts as:
    Target: C:\WINDOWS\system32\javaws.exe -offline "5t-cjxLGtlRl4ZbRO.zIYu61f32GNDSvTby.W8mvgHhCQVHbbRnoSjLdvCqz9u-KmOAAq9uJYDe9i1RgD7kMuAg-udKBBq5xK.O5Od.uhx9ASvD.JnPMUImR9WMl-iUfFtH38.c04u2M1055QiOL8A__"
    Start in: C:\Documents and Settings\user12\Application Data\Sun\Java\Deployment\cache\javaws\http\\Pport\DMapplication\DMjnlp
    And the shortcuts function as expected. But, I clearly won't have that level of control over the end user's system configurations.
    Has anyone else encountered/overcome this limitation?
    And if so what was the workaround?

    One ugly hack that I've found can be made to work, as part of my web start application, using the shortcut.exe executable, and dancing around the system properties:
    System.getProperty ("", "").toLowerCase ().matches ("^.*windows*.$");
    System.getProperty ("user.home", ".").replace ('\\', '/');
    System.getProperty ("", userHome).replace ('\\', '/');
    Since, I'm running with a signed application for other reasons, I can extract the the executable as a resource from the jar file, play it out into the temp directory, and use it to update the shrotcuts, resetting the parameters, start in directory, and icon locations of the *.lnk file.
    But, this is a very ugly workaround for what looks like a simple buffer overflow problem.

  • Run java program in task bar and create a shortcut

    Hi all,
    Do you have any idea about how to run a Java task in taskbar on windows. I am writing a application in Java and it needs to monitor mouse movements. I need to collect the file paths it selects and then drag and drop on Shortcut Icon on Desktop which finally triggers the actual GUI application written in Java where again these files are fed as input. If you have any Idea or suggessions about how to do this.

    To create a shortcut on your desktop w2k/xp:
    1. right click on desktop, select new: Shortcut
    2. in "Type location of item" type:
       "javaw -classpath C:\ebjava\ DragTest"
       (Replace c:\ebjava\ with location of your Java app and DragTest with name of your app)
    3. Click next, and enter a name for your shortcut and click finishFor your Java app.. do something like this.
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class DragTest extends JFrame {
       JTextArea area;
       public DragTest () { 
          area = new JTextArea();
          getContentPane().add(area, "Center");
          setBounds(0, 0, 400, 400);
       public void append(String s) {
       public static void main(String[] args) {
          DragTest test  = new DragTest(); 
          if(args.length > 0) {
             for(int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
    else {
    test.append("No args were supplied");
    When you drag files, or other shortcuts onto your shortcut the app will start and the full file name (including full path) will show up as a string argument. This is the best you're going to get.
    Hope this helps.

  • Not getting the use of 'this' keyword in constructor as shortcut approach.

    class Box{
    int width;
    int height;
    int depth;
    Box(){ //no-arg constructor
    Width =1;
    Height = 2;
    Depth = 3;
    Box(int width){
    this.width = width;
    height = 2;
    depth = 3;
    Box(int width, int height){
    this.width = width;
    this.height = height;
    depth = 3;
    /*Box(int width, int height, int depth){
    this.width = width;
    this.height = height;
    this.depth = depth;
    *//short cut approach*
    *Box(int width, int height, int depth){*
    this(width, height); //calls matching constructor from the same class
    this.depth = depth;
    Box(Box b){
    this.width = b.width;
    this.height = b.height;
    this.depth = b.depth;
    public class ConstructorDemo {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    Box b1 = new Box(1,2,3);
    Box b2 = new Box(b1);
    In the above example, 'this' pointing to current object is understood but
    this(width, height); is used instead of this.width=width; this.height=height;
    how can it be shortcut when we have declared constructors ? And really how its so useful in a big code?
    Edited by: 1010533 on Jun 7, 2013 12:54 PM

    Welcome to the forum!
    class Box{
    int width;
    int height;
    int depth;
    Box(){ //no-arg constructor
    Width =1;
    Height = 2;
    Depth = 3;
    Box(int width){
    this.width = width;
    height = 2;
    depth = 3;
    Box(int width, int height){
    this.width = width;
    this.height = height;
    depth = 3;
    /*Box(int width, int height, int depth){
    this.width = width;
    this.height = height;
    this.depth = depth;
    //short cut approach
    Box(int width, int height, int depth){
    this(width, height); //calls matching constructor from the same class
    this.depth = depth;
    Box(Box b){
    this.width = b.width;
    this.height = b.height;
    this.depth = b.depth;
    public class ConstructorDemo {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    Box b1 = new Box(1,2,3);
    Box b2 = new Box(b1);
    In the above example, 'this' pointing to current object is understood but
    this(width, height); is used instead of this.width=width; this.height=height;
    how can it be shortcut when we have declared constructors ?
    Shortcut? Who said it is a shortcut?
    And really how its so useful in a big code?
    EXTREMELY useful - especially in 'big code' (whatever you mean by that).
    Constructors are meant to create VALID instances. The business rules for creating a valid instance may not be as simple as your example.
    Ideally code should be written once and used often. The use of constructors is no different.
    Once you have a contructor for a given set of arguments you should use it if you need to construct an instance like that.
    So when you need a constructor that uses those same arguments and then some additional ones your new constructor should call the existing constructor and should then apply the new logic needed for the new constructor.
    That is important because it means that the business logic needed for those two arguments is only implemented in ONE place. That logic might be very complicated and there is no valid reason to duplicate it.
    Once you have a piece of code that works reuse it whenever possible.

  • What exactly is the meaning of the online attribute of the shortcut element

    What I want is to have a desktop icon created which will behave like "offline-allowed", iow - check for update for a few seconds and if it can't connect to the Internet, run the cached program.
    Would that be online="true" or online="false"?
    <shortcut online="?">

    This is mainly correct.
    If the shortcut uses "online=false", then when launching the application from the shortcut, the additional "-offline" argument will be passed to java web start when running.
    When a Java Web Start is launched in offline mode, it has 2 effects.
    1.) any call to the BasicService method isOffLine() will return false
    2.) the initial check to see if the resources are up to date, will only occur in the background, and not effect the startup time of the application.
    This means that the first time you run the application after it is updated, you will run with the old version of the jar files that have new versions posted. The update check will still proceed in the background, and (if the machine is actually online) any files that need updating will be tagged as such. The next time you run, if java web start sees these files are so taged, it will still try to download them before launching your application.

  • How can I disallow desktop shortcut during a silent installation of Firefox 3.6.10?

    I am preparing a silent deployment of the latest version of FF to a estate of XP Sp3 desktops via Altiris. I need to ensure that the installation does not create desktop shortcuts.
    I use a vbscript instalation wrapper to call the installation and log events, so I need a command line argument to prevent the desktop shortcut installation. Can you help please?

    Unpack the installer with an archiver (like WinRAR). Create file anyname.ini with the content:
    The command you need to run is
    '''setup.exe /INI=anyname.ini'''
    See [ this] for more options.

  • Group Policy Shortcut Fails to Get Created

    I get the following error in the Event Log.
    Log Name:      Application
    Source:        Group Policy Shortcuts
    Date:          2/28/2014 4:55:55 PM
    Event ID:      4098
    Task Category: (2)
    Level:         Warning
    Keywords:      Classic
    User:          SYSTEM
    The user 'Receiver' preference item in the 'Startup Items {48A48B27-F3CE-464F-AE8F-E303263707B9}' Group Policy object did not apply because it failed with error code '0x80070002 The system cannot find the file specified.' This error was suppressed.
    I was trying to put "C:\Program Files (x86)\Citrix\SelfServicePlugin\SelfService.exe" into the startup folder for members of a specific group. That file exists, it's there, I've put the short cut to it manually into Startup and it works. This
    makes no rational sense at all. The file is most certainly there, why doesn't it see the file? 
    All other shortcuts from GPP work fine.  Here are the properties below:
    Target type
    File system object
    Shortcut path
    %StartUpDir%\Citrix Receiver
    Target path
    "C:\Program Files (x86)\Citrix\SelfServicePlugin\SelfService.exe"
    Start in
    "C:\Program Files (x86)\Citrix\SelfServicePlugin\"
    Shortcut key
    Normal window
    Arguments --showAppPicker
    Stop processing items on this extension if an error occurs on this item
    Run in logged-on user's security context (user policy option)
    Remove this item when it is no longer applied

    Based on my knowledge, this event is most likely related to permissions. We need to make sure that users can access the shortcut file. 
    Besides, which startup folder do we use?
    As stated in the following thread by Darien, Windows has two Startup folders:
    Windows has two Startup folders.
    One located in
    c:\users\xxxx\appdata\roaming\microsoft\windows\start menu\programs\startup.  This one is owned and controlled by the interactive user; therefore, he or she can write to this folder.
    The other one is located at
    c:\programdata\microsoft\windows\start menu\programs\startup.  This folder is a system folder in which interactive users must provided elevated credentials.
    Startup Folder
    Hope it helps.
    Best regards,
    Frank Shen

  • How to pass command line arguments to JWS app

    I want to pass command line arguments to my JWS application. However those arguments are dynamic (eg the username of the user who launched the app) and thus I can not use the argument tag of JNLP file. So what do I need to do in this case?

    Well, if it's the username on your server systems you should probably include it in the jnlp: can pass it in the url, write once and remove jnlp href attribute, etc.., etc.. (a quick tour of this forum should suffice).
    If it's the OS username you should be able to retrieve it through system properties.
    Whatever it is, passing dynamic arguments means launching javaws through a shell or a shell script (bat if running on windows), so you won't be able to launch through autogenerated desktop and menu shortcuts.
    Anyway, you have two solutions:
    Clean one: associate an extension to your app and write those infos in a file named after that extension.
    Dirty one (always seen it work, but there's no warranty): javaws -open whateverParamYouLike yourAppURL.jnlp, will pass to your main method '-open' as args[0] and '+whateverParamYouLike+' as args[1]. I gotta admin I used it, but I had the most peculiar reason (my app needed another instance on a different JRE aware of being a secondary instance at startup time).
    PS: I'd really love dukes ;-)

  • Correct format of arguments to ProcessBuilder

    I am having trouble formatting the arguments correctly to launch a windows application using ProcessBuilder. I created a 'shortcut' in windowsXP with the following parameters:
    TARGET:"C:\Program Files\VirtualDubMod\VirtualDubMod.exe"  /s"R:\Barr0001\03.  AVI Synth Files\TestVinx.vcf" /x
    START_IN:"C:\Program Files\VirtualDubMod"To launch the program from Java, I created the code:
    //init section of the program
    String virtualDubModPath;
    virtualDubModPath="C:\\Program Files\\VirtualDubMod\\VirtualDubMod.exe";
    vDMScr="R:\\Barr0001\\03.  AVI Synth Files\\TestVinx.vcf"
    // Setting up the variables to call a windows program from within Java
              String programString = "\"";
              programString +=virtualDubModPath;
              programString +="\"";
              String arguments1 = "/s";
              String arguments2 = "\""+vDMScr+"\"";
              String arguments3 = "/x";
              ProcessBuilder shell = new ProcessBuilder();
              String [] commands = {arguments1,arguments2,arguments3};
              try {
                   //Process nero = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(commands);
                   Process vDM = shell.start();
    .When the program runs, the error code that is returned from virtualDubMod is "Script File not found". I must be passing the arguments incorrectly.
    I have tried:
    1) Combining arguments 1& 2 (the /s"Filepath")
    2) Removing quote around "Filepath"
    3) Adding double quotes around the ""Filepath""
    4) Replacing the \ path separators in "Filepath" with /
    5) Replacing the \ path separators in Filepath with \\
    6) Adding space between the /s and "filepath"
    7) Eliminating space between the /s and "filepath
    8) Combining the arguments into the programString
    Help would be greatly appreciated

    Print your "commands" array contents to the screen and then you can compare it to the shortcut's target command string - assuming that the shortcut works. See the Arrays.toString(Object obj) method.

  • Keyboard shortcut for absolute references ($)?

    Anyone know of a keyboard shortcut for cycling through the absolute cell reference types, just like Excel can with F4?
    P.S. I wish formulas would have a "tooltip" help under them for their arguments without having to open up the Functions dialog box.

    You wrote:
    +thats unfortunate - i probably would have waited to buy '08 if i had known. now i'm worried there are many missing short cuts+
    It would have been a good idea to start by downloading the FREE 30 days trial version.
    Yvan KOENIG (from FRANCE mardi 21 août 2007 12:53:14)

  • App-V v5 shortcut launches icon, not EXE!

    I'm using App-V v5 HF4 (on both the sequencer and the client) with the powershell sequencer command to sequence applications and ~3 out of 5 are failing in the below manner.
    As an example application, I sequenced TightVNC using the PowerShell. Several shortcuts are created in the Start Menu. If I click on the Shortcuts, the Windows Photo Viewer launches and displays the icon for the shortcut instead of launching the application.
    I am testing the packages using the MSI to 'install' them.
    Any ideas?

    Thanks for the quick response Nicke.
    The userconfig.xml points to the ico file.
    I imported the APPV file into the management server, just to relieve me of my concern that it was the MSI and/or XML files causing the problem, but the shortcuts imported via the management server also point to the ico file.
    Here's the UserConfig.xml:
      <File>[{Common Programs}]\TightVNC\TightVNC Viewer.lnk</File> 
      <Arguments /> 
    Weird, huh? But also frustrating as I really need this to work reliably. Thanks.

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