Array or vector

to store a list of alphanumeric strings, what would be the best way to store these, in an array or vector?
could anyone help plz.
thnks, lew

You're welcome.
If you declare your list this way:
List myList = new ArrayList();Then you can change your mind and synchronize it later just by changing the right side to:
List myList = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList());If everything just expects a List, not necessarily an ArrayList, then you can change the type of List without ruining the rest of the code.

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    The Vector class's addElement() method requires an Object parameter. It appears that you're trying to add an int to the Vector. You'll need to create an Integer object and place that into the vector (see sample below) or use the pre-release version of JDK 1.5 which provides autoboxing capabilities.
    int z = 5;
    Integer x = new Integer(z);

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    To add an object to (say) the 20th vector use
    ID id = new ID();
    Searching for equality is similar; use the contains method in the vector class.
    I have not tried this, but it should work I think.

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    [email protected]

    Because toArray () creates an Object array. You need the toArray(Object[]):String[] array = (String[]) vector.toArray (new String[vector.size ()]);Kind regards,

  • An array of vectors that contain a user defined class gives: warning: [unch

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        Vector<Part> vTemp = ArrayOfPartVectors[y];
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    com\gdls\partMatrix\ warning: [unchecked] unchecked conversion
    found   : java.util.Vector
    required: java.util.Vector<com.gdls.partMatrix.Part>
                                    Vector<Part> vTemp = VectorArrayParts[y];
    1 warningNow I have put the 'check' (<Part>) in every concievable spot in that statement, and I get a compler error now instead of a warning.
    Any guidance would be appreciated.
    Thank you,

    The problem is not with Vector. If you want to use it that's fine.
    You could also want to use ArrayList because the class is roughly equivalent to Vector, except that it is unsynchronized.
    But your problem is that arrays and generics don't mix well as previously mentioned in the first reply.
    You did not specify the type of ArrayOfPartVectors but I guess it is Vector[], not Vector<Part>[], right?
    So you'll have an unchecked warning when doing the conversion from Vector to Vector<Part> in the assignment within the loop.
    Maybe you tried to use a ArrayOfPartVectors of type Vector<Part>[] instead but found it impossible to create it with new
    You can do it with Array.newinstance() but you'll get an unchecked warning at this line instead of later.
    So mixing generics and arrays will allways result in warnings.
    You should read: [url]Arrays in Java Generics.

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    Array lists (and vectors) use an array as backing data store. And since array indices are ints, the maximum number of elements in an array list is Integer.MAX_VALUE (2 ^ 31 - 1).
    About the performance: if you know how many elements you are going to add (albeit not precisely), you can create the array list with an initial capacity. This will improve performance because a new array is created when an element is to be added but the capacity has been reached.
    Kind regards,

  • Use array or vector ?

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    However, that's small compared to the number ofdistinct objects in that space -- 128^3. So the number
    of objects taken up by the arrays or vectors, is less
    than 1% of the number of objects in the 3D space
    defined by the arrays or vectors.
    Sorry, I don't get what you mean ;)
    Yes, it is 1% of the number of objects in the 3D
    space, but you haven't calculate the 4 bytes int value
    used by the int value itself.We're not talking about ints though, are we? The question was about a 3D space of objects.
    So, if let say array Object definition uses 2 bytes,
    then the RAM needed will be:
    Object definition + int values
    ((128^2 + 128 + 1) * 2) + ((128^3) * 4)
    if you create int[128^3], you will only create:
    128^3 * 4Given that problem statement, the array object definitions take up 33026 bytes, whereas the int values take up 8388608. So the memory used by the array object definitions is still just 1% of the memory used. By switching to a 1D array of length 128^3, you're saving less than 1% of the memory. The 33026 bytes isn't the problem here.
    (((128^2 + 128 + 1) * 2) + ((128^3) * 4)) is a much bigger number than ((128^2 + 128 + 1) * 2).
    Just (128^3 * 4) is a much bigger number than ((128^2 + 128 + 1) * 2).
    But anyway that's not the problem statement anyway. There are 128^3 potential objects created in the heap. That's going to be a lot more than the arrays or vectors used to reference them.
    This is why I think the best solution is to look at the data and see if a better approach can be taken than just using 128^3 buckets.
    Another slow but possible solution is using HashMap.
    To check coordinate 33, 75, 109, you can use:
    map.get(new Integer(33*75*109)] and hope Java garbage
    collector runs pretty fast.I wouldn't advise that, because that would cause conflicts between objects at 33,75,109 and 75,33,109, etc. There would be 3! = 6 possible conflicts. If you want to turn the 3D index into a flat 1D index, then multiply each coordinate by a constant to put each into its own range, e.g., (33,75,109)'s 1D index would be (33 * (128^2)) + (75 * 128) + 109.
    Hopefully that's less than the maximum int value. It may not be.
    This solution works fine only if in vast 128*128*128,
    only few hundreds coordinate x,y,z which actually have
    a value. This way you can store the value only if
    needed.Yes, exactly, if the domain data is sparse, a different approach like this would work better than defining 128^3 data buckets.
    If the data is sparse enough, it might be easier to define a 3DCoordinate object to use as the index into the hashtable, than programmatically creating a 1D index.

  • Array in vector

    I want to store an reusable array into vector, and access the array at a particular index of vector
    Vector v1 = new Vector();
    byte array[] = new byte[3];
    array[0] =1;
    array[1] =1;
    array[0] =3;
    array1] =3;
    array = (byte[]) v1.elementAt(0);
    array = (byte[]) v1.elementAt(1);
    currently if i were to run this program, i will get 3,3,3 for both the v1.elementAt(0) and v1.elementAt(1), how sld i amend these codes so that I will get the correct results?

    Use a for loop that creates a new array each time:
    for(int i = 0;i<num_arrays;i++) {
        int[] a = new int[desired_length];
        //set the values of a here

  • Array to vector - isn't working.

    Hello all.
    Firstly, this is not a homework question. I am doing a course which teaches Object Oriented programming which happens to use Java to teach it. I've discovered I like programming in Java and figure I have just enough knowledge to be dangerous, so I have set out on a project of my own.
    The app I am building uses a webservice to log into a site and retrieve sports information, then performs calculations based on the information and sends further requests to get stuff done. Your basic webservice app I guess.
    The problem I am having at the moment is that I'm trying to populate a vector using a complex type array called EventType which is returned by the service.
    I'm not having any problems getting the information back from the service, but I want to use the data returned in a JTable, which means I have to construct a model for the table and it is here that I am striking my problem.
    I can access the EventType array and get the information from it easily enough and I can separate the information I want out of it pretty easily as well. What I am having trouble doing is putting the information into a collection of some sort which I can send to my AbstractTableModel.
    The EventType array contains four arrays of Strings and Integers. I only need to work with two of them though, so my first thought was to use a HashMap<Integer, String> because the integer will always be unique to that event and can be used as a key. Another way of doing it would be to pass the information over to the table model as a vector, then break it down in the model itself.
    I am having trouble iterating over the EventType array and inserting it into whatever collection type I am using though.
    Here is the code:
    // imports
    import java.util.Vector;
    // declarations
    public static EventType[] sports;
    public static Vector sportsVector;
    // troublesome code
    sports = new EventType[result.getEventTypeItems().getEventType().size()];
    System.out.println("Number of sports: " + sports.length);
    sportsVector = new Vector();
    System.out.println("Made the vector...");
    for (int s = 0; s < sports.length; s++)
        System.out.println("Putting entry number " + s + " in now.");
        System.out.println("Added sport number " + s);
    System.out.println("Filled the map...");As you can see I have sprinkled the code with println's to track down where the problem is. The code works perfectly right up until I see:
    System.out.println("Putting entry number " + s + " in now."); the first time it goes through the loop.
    Whereupon the entire thing stops. There is no crash, there is no warning in the output window (I am using netbeans), nothing happens at all. The same thing happens when I try to use a Vector or a Set. I haven't tried a list yet.
    I'm fairly sure this is something basic I have missed, but I can't for the life of me figure out what it is.
    Any ideas please?

    Thanks for your replies guys.
    I'm not sure what has happened there, since I didn't change anything except to restart netbeans (started to behave strangely), but suddenly it is filling the vector the way it is supposed to.
    I am getting a warning:
    Note: C:\Users\alan\Documents\NetBeansProjects\AnotherBF\src\anotherbf\ uses unchecked or unsafe operations.
    Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.Which I think has to do with declaring a type within the vector. I gave google a scouring and after trying the solution of declaring the type within the addElement method, the whole thing refused to compile.
    sportsVector.addElement(new EventType(sports[s]));I'm not sure how to fix that.
    Edited by: inksmithy on 23-Mar-2008 14:09 - saying thanks to people replying.

  • Boolean array from Vector element

    I have a Vector with each element being a boolean array. When I use the elementAt method it returns an object which I have to then cast in some way to a boolean array.
    Is this possible?
    Thanks for your help,

    By the way:
    - don't use Vectors if you don't have to. Other collections may be better suited and faster.
    - if you use Java 1.5, use Generics. Then you won't have to cast anymore.

  • Arrays and vectors

    I'm having a bit of difficulty with the following method
    I have a vector - numbera that is full of integers,
    What I want to do is copy these into in an array but I seem to be having a spot of bother getting this to work !!!
    When I try to print the contents of indexa I just get a null reference returned
    Can anyone help me out !!!
    public int[] indexa()
        int indexa[] = new int[numbera.size()];
        Iterator p = numbera.iterator();
        for (int i = 0; i < numbera.size(); i++)
          indexa[i] = Integer.parseInt(;
           return indexa;

    Did you fill the vector? What did you fill the vector with? Vectors cannot hold primitive data types (such as int). It always holds Objects, such as Integer. If you did all that already, there sould be stuff in the Vector, and it should not be null.
    I don't like vectors, so I never use them. But when I do, I was taught to use Enumerations, not Iterators. Like so:
    Enumeration e = numbera.elements();
    int i = 0;
       Integer elem = (Integer)e.nextElement(); //here i am assuming you put in an Integer
       indexa[i] = Integer.intValue(elem);
    }I don't know how to use Iterators with vectors, since I've never done it that way. Maybe my solution is not what you are looking for, but I think it should work (provided I have made no typos).
    :) JenMc

  • JSP input fields  to be stored in an array or vector

    If I have '20' fields on a 'struts' form and I want each of those fields to be stored as elements of an array 'myArray'. How would you do it? Will the following works with reference to each element of the array?
    <td><html:text name="TestFormBean" property="myArray[0]" size="20"/></td>
    <td><html:text name="TestFormBean" property="myArray[1]" size="20"/></td>
    <td><html:text name="TestFormBean" property="myArray[2]" size="20"/></td>
    etc. etc.
    Thanks in advance!

    There's a customtag,iterator,which is to repeat every element of an collection.You'd better implement your form by this way since it's just provided by struts.:)

  • Array, continuous vector stream, manually updating

    I have got a continuous stream form a counter/timer card of an array. Now, when I press a button, I want to save the actuall values (x1, y1, z1) in another array. Pressing the button a second time, (x2, y2,z2) should be saved in this second array, so land until i stop the main loop manually.
    How can I realize that!

    So, here is the problem again, with .vi. So, I am reading continuously an encoder, and want to write a set of data to file by pressing a button. For this, I use a Shift register, and case statement. But it is always replacing the column instead of appending, why? I mean, I think the 'false' case is responsible for that, because of the built array, but i am not sure. Someone might help me.
    Thank you guys.
    Attachments: ‏45 KB

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