Arrays, arrays !!! Manipulating

Hello all,
Just a thing I don't understand :
I use a VI that returns arrays (1D and 2D).
I use it in a For Loop, so I get all the arrays when the loop exits.
1D arrays are stacked in a 2D array and 2D arrays in a 3D array.
How can I extract my 1D and 2D arrays in another VI ?
Bruno Colombet
Neurophysiologie et Neuropsychologie
Faculté de Médecine
27 Bd Jean Moulin
133385 Marseille cedex 05

You can use Index array function, if you want to extract a
1D array from a 2D array, wire the 2D array to the input
and if for example, you need the first row of that 2D
array, wire a 0 to the index first value, add another index
value and disable indexing by right-clicking on it. In the
output, you'll get the first row of your 2D array, as a 1D
array. In case you need to extract columns, use the first
index empty and disabled, and wire the position you want in
the second. In a 3D array is the same but with 3 dimensions.
Hope this helps, if not, ask again.
Best Regards
Gorka Larrea
[email protected]
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    first of all, let me comment that for this purpouse, you're better using the ArrayList class.
    anyway, you would need to make a temporary array inside a method, and traverse the array in question using a loop. most people use a for loop.
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    Hello Sean, thanks. You were right about how arrays does its job, before this reply I had already figured out the bug in the code.First, is that you would'nt really like to have any time delay VIs lying around unwatched because they mess up synchronization VIs (Queues,Notifications)between deep nested loops.It is important to check which index to use for counting the element arrays, this was a key in the debug. The skewing of the bits has pointed to the consumer loop index not neing synchronized with the producer loop. Overall the array does its job only when indexed right probing tools has been very valuable for tracking the data elements.Attached is the screenshot of the actual project GUI.
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    Senior Test and Systems Development Engineer
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    Fax/Data: +632772-4944
    email: [email protected]
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    Last edited by Thme (2012-11-30 16:58:13)

    aesiris wrote:
    there is a special syntax for appending elements to an array:
    array+=(element1 element2 ...)
    you can simplify to
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    (( count= ${#new[@]} - NUM ))
    This works as really well, however, in my case I still need the other sets in separate arrays for other purposes in my personal script so I adapted the approach a little and got this which uses the array+=(foo) syntax properly now. I was aware of this feature in bash arrays and experimented with it but had no success adding elements from other arrays until you demonstrated it in your example by adding them though a "for loop" and doing the arithmetic there... My current one now is very similar...I'm not sure how to reduce it further if possible but I need the other arrays as I do something completely different with them:
    CT1=$(( ${#set1[@]} - NUM ))
    CT2=$(( ${#set2[@]} - NUM ))
    CT3=$(( ${#set3[@]} - NUM ))
    for X in "${set1[@]:0:$CT1}" "${set2[@]:0:$CT2}" "${set3[@]:0:$CT3}"
    for Xdirs in "${combined[@]}"
    rm -rv "$Xdirs"
    I'm considering changing the title of this thread as it reveals a little more than I originally expected to go over and provides some pitfalls as well as ways to approach array manipulation which can be applied to wide range of uses in bash scripting. Others may find totally different uses for what we've discussed here so....
    Last edited by Thme (2012-11-30 10:41:02)

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    2 2
    3 3
    4 4
    5 5
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    I found this post
    I don`t have lbview 2012 but one older version, I tried to play with shifts register and build array, but I`m a little lost.
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    Go to Solution.

    You can use Insert Into Array in order to combine 2D arrays "next to each other" instead of "on top of each other", allowing you to simply split the array and then recombine:

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    Please check this attached project, Import it and see if you face the same problem
    Link to Problem Project
    Problem Screenshot

    Use HTTPService to load the data. You'll have fewer problems.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Application creationComplete="dataSvc.send();"
      xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute">
                import mx.collections.XMLListCollection;
                [Bindable] private var xlc:XMLListCollection;
                   private function loadXML(evt:ResultEvent):void{
                    xlc =  new XMLListCollection(evt.result.individual.@id as XMLList);
         <mx:HTTPService resultFormat="e4x" result="loadXML(event)" url="alirazaTree.xml" id="dataSvc"/>
         <mx:ComboBox id="cbx" dataProvider="{xlc}"/>

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    3. Server Load,
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    5. Re-usability,
    6. Forms 9i compatibility,
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    If you are extracting the data and processing it all from one form, I would use a pl/sql table (Table Type). The coding would be easiest.
    A server side temporary table would give you SQL functionality, but would be much slower than a stand-alone client-side table.

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    to do this you have to use a variant input. You can wire any type of data to a variant input. Inside the VI you flatten the variant to a string. The flattened string of an array contains both data and length of the array. You reshape the array manipulating the string. When done, you unflatten the data to a variant and output it from the VI. The caller has to convert the variant input to the source array type. provides a quite extensive toolkit to manipulate variant data. Some VIs specifically manipulates arrays. To see a description of VIs go to :
    LabVIEW Data Tools can be downloaded from
    You need both packages lvdata AND error.
    LabVIEW, C'est LabVIEW

  • Array manipulati​ons...

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    Oh nuts! 
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    I need to be more mindful of my feelings ....

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    I am trying to figure out the most efficient way to manipulate somewhat large array of data (up to about 120 Megabyte) that I am currently getting from a FPGA. This data represent an image and it need to be manipulated before it can be displayed to the user. The data need to be unpacked from a U64 to I16 and some of it need to be chopped (essentially chop off 10% on each side of the image so if an image is 800 x 480 it becomes 640 x 480).
    I have tried several approaches and the image below show the one that is the quickest but there might be further optimization that could be done.
    I am looking forward to see what other can come up with.
    Note 01: I am including a link to the benchmark VI that has a quite large image in it so this VI is about 40MB.
    Note 02: this is cross-posted on Lava
    BenchmarkImageDataManipulation.png ‏68 KB

    johnsold wrote:
    Using Array Subset rather than Reshape Array to truncate the 1D array is faster: 151 ms compared to 175 ms. 
    Thanks Lynn, this is good to know!
    Unfortunately the solution in this frame is still about 2x slower than the faster one (the "Reshape & Chop & Reshape & Unpack & Reshape").

  • Performance issues in manipulating class references in a array

    just to make things clear, the issue is noticed from my part because i retrieve a list of instances located in a array to manipulate them in a variable holder. Normally, the operations can be made between two instances stored in a simple variable to variable fashion and it works realy fast.
    I analysed two main operations: retrieving references in a array to a variable and get or set a value from the variable reference.
    Here are the objects used to perform the test operation:
    var v4:Vector.<Person>= new Vector.<Person>();//List of Persons instance
    var refHolder:Person; //Typed reference
    var refHolder2:*;   //Not typed reference
    Test #1: looping 200 000 times and only retrieving references from the array v4.
    Typed reference
    Not typed reference
    4ms with approx 436 893 intructions per ms
    2ms with approx 436 893 intructions per ms
    436893 * 4 / 200 000= 8.8 instructions with loop to perform the retrieval
    436893 * 2 / 200 000=4.5 instructions with loop to perform the retrieval
                         Test #2: looping 200 000 times, retrieving references from the array v4 and getting a value from the instance.
    Typed reference
    Not typed reference
    4ms with approx 436 893 intructions per ms
    11ms with approx 436 893 intructions per ms
    436 893 * 4 / 200 000= 8.8 instructions with loop to perform the retrieval
    436 893 * 11/ 200 000= 24 instructions with loop to perform the retrieval
    So my conclusion with that test is that with a typed reference you spend more time assigning a reference than manipulating a value from the reference
    With a not typed reference, the time spent is in manipulating the reference in the variable.
    Which one should i use or what should i do to have better performance with manipulating references from arrays?
    Here are the files i used to test this:
    reference.swf     //Online example     //Source file

    Here's what I think the problem is:
    As long as you do not interrogate your refHolder variable for its properties or methods, Flash won't give a damn about it's type (that's why case 2 runs good when you dont't try to get .num property).
    But, if you do want to get some values from it and if Flash does not know which type, then Flash has to go and find the referenced class (going backwards through v4 array to find out that values stored in it are Person type, then finding the Person class to find out the .num property, etc...).
    As for the first test case (looping being faster with a non-typed), the few ms you are gaining there are only because Flash doesn't register the Person class because you don't tell him. But as you can see, it takes him only 2ms, which is not much.
    So, considering that Flash registers a class in just a few ms IF you tell him, it should be way more performant to do so (in the case you do want to retrieve values..) than letting him guess 200 000 times the same thing (because of course it will search for that class ref each time it goes through the loop..).
    So my advice for you is that if you are going to do something with those Person objects inside the loop, let Flash know their reference class..!

  • Pointer Manipulation: Wrap Around/Rollover/Rotation of LabVIEW Arrays and Waveforms???

    I know we can't use pointers in LabVIEW, but I was wondering if there's any way we can do wrap-around [or "rollover," or "rotation"] of Array [or Waveform] values without having to make copies of the Array [or Waveform]?
    For instance, suppose I'm reading one second's worth of data into a five second buffer. After the first five seconds, I've got
    1st (1/5)th: 1st second's worth of data
    2nd (1/5)th: 2nd second's worth of data
    3rd (1/5)th: 3rd second's worth of data
    4th (1/5)th: 4th second's worth of data
    5th (1/5)th: 5th second's worth of data
    Now I read the sixth second's worth of data, and overwrite the [original] first second, so that I have
    1st (1/5)th: 6th second's worth of data
    2nd (1/5)th: 2nd second's worth of data
    3rd (1/5)th: 3rd second's worth of data
    4th (1/5)th: 4th second's worth of data
    5th (1/5)th: 5th second's worth of data
    and in C, or C++, I'd just move the pointer up to the second (1/5)th of data, and start from there.
    The LabVIEW Complex FFT is another place where this would be really useful. The Help File for the Complex FFT is in
    Help | VI and Function Reference | Analyze VIs | Signal Processing VIs | Frequency Domain VIs | Complex FFT.
    If you read the Help File, you see that LabVIEW returns an FFT with values in the range
    [0, 2n - 1)
    rather than the standard
    [-n, n - 1)
    i.e. LabVIEW takes the negative frequencies and tacks them on at the end, after the positive frequencies.
    I'd like to be able to view my FFTs with the negative frequencies where they're supposed to be [i.e to the left of zero], and this would be SO easy if I could just move the underlying data pointer of the Waveform forward to the halfway point.
    But, of course, in LabVIEW, I don't have pointers, so I was wondering: Are there any built-in VIs for Array [or Waveform] manipulation that will perform this sort of wrap-around [or "rollover," or "rotation"] of the data? If so, I couldn't find them. Ideally, such a VI would have two inputs: {old Array, new starting point}, and one output: {new Array}. Similarly with Waveforms, only you'd need to manipulate t0 as well.
    Or do I have to copy the entire data set to a new Array [or Waveform] each time I reach the end of the buffer?

    > Ideally, such a VI would have two inputs: {old Array, new starting point}, and one output: {new Array}.
    Have a look at "rotate 1D array" in the array palette (second row, fourth column).
    (Sorry, I dont use waveform data).
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .

  • Manipulating Arrays

    Hi I am having trouble with 2D arrays.
    public class cross{
    public cross() {
    A = new String[3][];
    A[0] = new String[3];
    A[1] = new String[3];
    A[2] = new String[3];
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
    for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
    A[i][j] = "Empty";
    Is there anyway i can define a method which makes it possible for me to change the values of a specific element?

    Hi I am having trouble with 2D arrays.
    public class cross{
    public cross() {
    A = new String[3][];
    A[0] = new String[3];
    A[1] = new String[3];
    A[2] = new String[3];
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
    for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
    A[i][j] = "Empty";
    }What I am trying to say is that how do i come up with a method, for e.g. changeCross(int x, int y), where x and y will go into A[x][y] and thus I am able to change the value for that particular element. Remember cross is not an array object. Is my concept of array and classes wrong?

  • Manipulating java array object in an oracle procedure

    hi there,
    i have a java store procedure that returns an array of filenames, and i have an oracle stored procedure that will for each filename returned in the java array object, open that file do some processing and load the data into database tables, now my question is, would an oracle 9i varray object be compatible with a java array, or should i pass in a pl/sql table to store the filnames returned?
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    Have you searched the code samples available at the Technet Web site? Could you not find a relevant one?
    Have you tried searching the Ask Tom Web site?
    Good Luck,

  • Regarding Array to Multicolumn Listbox data's manipulation

    Hi  - I want to display the above mentioned array in muticolumn listbox with 2 columns , first column needs to be belongs to array [0] (Date and time ) and second column needs to be belongs to array [1] and array [2] ( Cone and Vane strings).
    I have tried to implement the same, please go through the attached VI and I cannot make the above mentioned array data's into two column multi column listbox data's (that is , can't able to display the array [1] and array [2] data's in single column.
    Please let me know the solution to resolve this as soon as possible.
    Thanks and Regards,
    Cone and Vane ‏60 KB

    Well, your VI is a complete mess and has several CPU burner loops that run as fast as the computer allows. There is also a lot of duplicate and overly complex code. Programmed correctly, code with all this functionality could probably fit on a postcard.
    Anyway, for just building the multicolumn listbox, here's somewhat simpler code. Hopefully you can adapt it to your problem.
    Note that you probably want to add only one row at a time, and you only want to add to the listbox and save to the file when new data arrives and not millions of times per second. Try a queue, for example.
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .
    Cone& ‏8 KB

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