Arrays vs arraylists

How do you guys determine whether to use arrays or the arrayList? I've seen situations where arrays are used that I thought arrayLists were more fitting. Is there some kind of performance penalty when using arrayLists over arrays?
Thanks in advance!

Array are more efficient rispect to ArrayList, but the dimension of an array can be decided only once:
Array a = new Array[20] \\ this array will never contain 21 elements
ArrayList are dinamically reallocated each time you add a new element
Another thingh is thata when you istance a Array variable you will immediatly reserve a portion of memory for all the elements of the array
When you istance a ArrayList variable you only create the variable but there will be memory allocation only for the inserted elements
If you know in advance the max number of elements of the array probably you need an Array
If you know the max number of element, this number if very hight, and you know that the max part of the program there will be very less element you probably will choose ArrayList to use less memory
If you totally dont know how many elemnts you have to manipulate you have to chose an ArrayList.
Hope it's enought (and not Wrong)
Riccardo Coletta

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    YoungWinston wrote:
    Darryl Burke wrote:
    YoungWinston wrote:
    I agree, although experienced programmers would probably realize it already.Varargs existed in Java before I ever started learning it. Today for the first time, I'm beginning to understand why some programming veterans hate the feature.I think it has more to do with the <T> .... (T... array) {in the method signature. Generic types can only be references.Agreed. But it's the varargs that obscure the fact that an <tt>int[]</tt> may be treated as a single <tt>T</tt> parameter while an <tt>Object[]</tt> is treated as a <tt>T...</tt>. Which probably has something to do with the attitude of some veteran programmers to autoboxing as well.

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            List<String> list2 = new ArrayList<String>();
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    When you are using Generics with arrays you'll always end up with warnings.
    One thing you can try out is to use the latest addition of @SuppressWarnings Annotation Tag.

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    If you put a 2-d array into an ArrayList, then toArray would make a 3-d array--a 1-d array of 2-d arrays.
    However, I don't think you can use toArray to get a primitive array. If you look at the API, it requires an object. I think you'll have to do this to get each array:
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    An array is a less dynamic structure than an ArrayList. An array gets a fixed size once it's created. It's memory is allocated upon creation, generally these are sequential memory locations.
    An ArrayList provides the same features as an Array: you can acces the contents by index. It add the features of a List to it: getting the head, traversing contents, inserting, appending... It also can grow in size dynamically. This is done by giving each element in an ArrayList a reference to the next element. This allows the elements to be stored throughout the available memory.

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    When we have arrays in java, why did they provide
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    Thanks in advanceLook at the API that would answer your question. All the functionality available for Arraylist is it available for arrays as well.
    It is very similar to asking why have String class when you can have an array of chars.
    Sun is just trying to make your life easy

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    headerInfo[0] = new ArrayList<String>();  
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    Also, if you end up having to keep a large number of empty spaces in your lists/arrays (so that the "x" and "y" line up with the object you are trying to represent), you can try a Map to reduce the overall memory needed (because you won't need to keep a space for "x,y" pairs that don't have a corresponding value). Your key can be a String generated as:
    String key = x + "," + y;Then your map could be:
    Map<String, String> myStrings = new HashMap<String, String>();The getString method would be:
    return myStrings.get(x+","+y);or the key could be a simple class:
    [For a HashMap, you need hashCode--maybe add the hashCode provided by Integer class for x to the hashCode provided by Integer class for y--I don't know a lot about implementing hashCodes, but that sounds possibly reasonable.]
    class Pair {
       private final int x;
       private final int y;
       Pair(int x, int y) {
          // set values
       // define "equals" (x == other.x, y == other.y)
       // define "hashCode"
       // define "toString" for debugging purposes
    Map<Pair, String> myStrings = new HashMap<Pair, String>();The getString method would be:
    return myStrings.get(new Pair(x, y));For mathematics, if the 2-d array was a numerical matrix, this HashMap would implement what is called a "sparse matrix".
    The map doesn't change your other classes. The other classes would still call:
    String myString = someClass.getString(2, 4);

  • Help :add multiple rows from Resultset to ArrayList ?

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    resultset = preparedstatement.executeQuery();
    if (
    myArrayList.add(new String(resultset.getString("item_num")));
    for (int j = 0 ; j < myArrayList.size() ; j++ )
    System.out.println((String)myArrayList.get(j)); --this prints only the first item.
    can someone assist ?

    changing if to while fixed it.

  • A bunch of ArrayLists

    My program needs to store 11 different types of data (numbered 1 through 12, skipping 5, although I may find a way to fill this gap soon). Each type of data needs to have a bunch of entries of undeterminate size (ArrayList), but I know there will always be 11 different types of data. I figured instead of having 11 different ArrayList variables and 11 getters, 11 setters, and 11 removers, I could just store them all in an array of some sort, and then only have 1 getter/setter/remover/etc which takes an argument of what data type it is.
    Problem is, I'm not exactly sure what to use to group these ArrayLists together. I tried an array, but it complains about the generic typing:
    ArrayList<Resource> resList[] = new ArrayList<Resource>[13]();
    or any combination/order of [13] and () and it always complains "Cannot create a generic array of ArrayList<Resource> or "Cannot convert from ArrayList<Resource> to ArrayList<Resource>[]"
    Using basic google skills, I discovered I could use:
    ArrayList resList[] = new ArrayList[12];
    essentially just dropping the type...
    and then loop through the 13 new ArrayList<Resource>();
    Resulting Problem
    Then when I go to add one of the datatypes to its respective data type ArrayList
    resList[Resource.PATH].add(new Path());
    it warns me: "...Type Safety... raw type ArrayList... should be Parameterized"
    it also says the same thing, somewhat surprisingly, when I generalize the path data type back down to Resource:
    resList[Resource.PATH].add((Resource)new Path());
    since I did declare each arraylist of type <Resource>. Yet it makes the same complaint.
    There's basically 4 possible outcomes to this that I can think up.
    1) (Mostly desirable) There is a solution to my Type Safety warning.
    2) (Undesirable) use @SuppressWarnings
    3) An alternative to bunching them in arrays (I had a glance at Arrays.asList, but wasn't so sure about it)
    4) (Undesirable) just leave them as 11 different ArrayList variables and make them public.
    Thanks in advance,

    @musicalscale, thanks, I think. Is this just creating
    an ArrayList of ArrayLists? Because I don't think
    that's appropriate here because the 11 data types are
    unchanging (until I fill in the gap at 5, in which
    case it's simply a matter of slight recoding which
    I'm more than happy to do).Yes, it's an ArrayList of ArrayLists. It will get rid of the generics warnings. If you don't plan on changing the size of the outer ArrayList, then you don't have to change it. Only your one class that keeps the private ArrayList of ArrayLists will have direct access to the outer list (unless you code it otherwise). So, you don't have to worry that someone else will mess up the list.
    Or, after you create the initial list of lists, store the private reference as an unmodifiable List:
    private final List< List < Resource > > resList;// In your constructor (or another method):
    // create tempResList with generics as described,
    // then set the instance variable as
    resList = Collections.unmodifiableList(tempResList);Then even your local class can't add or remove things from the outer list (they can still modify the inner lists).
    As for HashMap, I guess it doesn't matter that the
    order may change, since we have the key paired with
    it. But is HashMap also dynamically resizable? Maybe
    I'm just blind to the internal workings.Yes, a HashMap is dynamically resizable. Since you have a key, yes, the order doesn't matter (there is also a TreeMap that keeps the keys sorted, but you don't really need that for your stated purposes). You can make an unmodifiable Map similar to how you make an unmodifiable List.

  • Is there a way you can add elements dynamically to an existing array??

    hey guys... i need to add elements to an array dynamically... how do i do that?
    for example... in one of my functions i do..
         for each(var item:Object in fileList){
    and in a later function i need to add one more element to my fileListArr...
    so i tried doing
    so i need to have an array which resembles something like this...
    Before adding elements...
         [0]:  name:test1
                caption:testing caption
         [1]:  name:test2
                caption:testing caption
    after adding key to array
         [0]:  name:test1
                caption:testing caption
         [1]:  name:test2
                caption:testing caption
    any ideas?

    hmm interesting... so i made the changes... i changed the array to arraylist and the code i have is as follows... but i still get an error... the error says ... "ReferenceError: Error #1056: Cannot create property key on"
    public var videoReference:VideoHandler;
    public var fileRef:FileReferenceList = new FileReferenceList();
    [Bindable] public var fileListArr:ArrayList = new ArrayList();
    [Bindable] public var fileNames:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();
    public function selectionHandler(event:Event):void{
         fileRef.removeEventListener(Event.SELECT, selectionHandler);
         var numSelected:int =;
         var fileList:Array =;
         for each(var item:Object in fileList){
                   num: fileNames.length + 1,
                   size: formatFileSize(item.size),
                   status: ""
         var newListLength:Number = fileListArr.length;
         if(fileCounter > 0){
    public function loopList(value:int):void{
         //trace("looplist -->");
         if(value < fileListArr.length){
              _numCurrentUpload = value;
              file = new FileReference();
              file = FileReference(fileListArr.getItemAt(value));
              file.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loadVideo);
              file.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, fileProgress);
    public function setUploadKey(event:ResultEvent):void{
              videoKey = event.result.UploadKey;
              if(fileCounter >= fileListArr.length){
                   trace("in if");
                   fileCounter = 0;
                   trace("in else");
                   //fileListArr[fileCounter - 1]['videoKey'] = videoKey;
    -----> get an error here --->fileListArr.getItemAt(fileCounter - 1).key = videoKey;
                   //fileListArr[fileCounter - 1] = [{key: videoKey}];

  • How can I rank a group of numbers in a array or list

    Now I have a group of numbers :13, 4, 5, 10.
    I need a java algorithm to rank those numbers, the result will be like 4,1,2,3 after ranking.
    suppose there are same numbers in the source, for example: 13, 4, 4, 5, 6
    the result will be like 4, 1, 1, 2, 3 after ranking.
    Thank you for any help!

    Another alternative is to make a class which has two attributes
    1. number value
    2. rank
    make this class implement comparable so you sort it anyway you like. Below is a very close example of what you are looking for, just need to replace frequency with rank
    class ComparbleExample{
        private final String[] possibleNumbers = {"one", "two", "three"};
        private String[] inputNumbers = {"one", "two", "three", "one", "one", "four", "three"};
        private Number[] numbers;
        public ComparbleExample(){
            numbers = new Number[possibleNumbers.length];
            System.out.println("\n\nPrinting Unsorted Array");
            ArrayList<Integer> d;
            System.out.println("\n\nPrinting Sorted Array");
        public void populateNumberArrayList(){
            int frequency;
            for(int i = 0;i<numbers.length;i++){
                frequency = getFrequency(possibleNumbers);
    numbers[i] = new Number(possibleNumbers[i],frequency);
    public int getFrequency(String number){
    int frequency = 0;
    for(int i=0;i<inputNumbers.length;i++){
    return frequency;
    public void print(){
    for(int i = 0;i<numbers.length;i++){
    public static void main(String[] args){
    new ComparbleExample();
    class Number implements Comparable{
    private int frequency;
    private String number;
    public Number(String number){
    this(number, -1);
    public Number(String number, int frequency){
    this.number = number;
    this.frequency = frequency;
    public String getNumber() {
    return number;
    public int getFrequency() {
    return frequency;
    public void setFrequency(int frequency) {
    this.frequency = frequency;
    public void setNumber(String number) {
    this.number = number;
    public int compareTo(Object o) {
    Number n = (Number)o;
    if(frequency < n.getFrequency()){
    return 1;
    }else if(frequency > n.getFrequency()){
    return -1;
    return 0;
    public String toString() {
    return this.number +", "+ this.frequency;

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