[AS] doScript with arguments

I'm trying to execute a js script through applescript but can't get the syntax right.
I'd like to parse var myFolder to do script. Any hints?
// execute js file
set myFile to choose file with prompt "Choose a script"
set myFolder to choose folder with prompt "Choose a folder"
display dialog "myFolder is " & myFolder
tell application "Finder"
     set myFileExt to name extension of myFile
end tell
tell application "InDesignServer"
     if myFileExt is "jsx" then
                --call this method with argument myFolder?
          do script myFile language javascript
               --call this method with argument myFolder?          
               do script myFile language applescript language
     end if
end tell
// js
// print arguments
i = 0;
while (i < withArguments.length) {

Here below is example for doscript with arguments. Hope it will help you.
--An InDesign CS4 AppleScript
--Shows how to get values back from a script run using
--the do script command.
on main()
end main
on mySetup()
end mySetup
on mySnippet()
     tell application "Adobe InDesign CS4"
          set nameA to "ScriptArgumentA"
          set nameB to "ScriptArgumentB"
          set nAc to nameA & ": "
          set nBc to nameB & ": "
          --Create a string to be run as an AppleScript.
          set p1 to "tell application \"Adobe InDesign CS4\"" & return
          set p2 to "tell script args" & return
          set p3 to "set value name \"ScriptArgumentA\" value "
          set p4 to "\"This is the first AppleScript script argument value.\""
          set p5 to "set value name \"ScriptArgumentB\" value "
          set p6 to "\"This is the second AppleScript script argument value.\""
          set p7 to "end tell" & return
          set p8 to "end tell"
          set myAppleScript to p1 & p2 & p3 & p4 & return & p5 & p6 & return & p7 & p8
          --Run the AppleScript string.
          do script myAppleScript language applescript language
          --Retrieve the script argument values set by the script.
          tell script args
               set myScriptArgumentA to get value name nameA
               set myScriptArgumentB to get value name nameB
          end tell
          --Display the script argument values in a dialog box.
          display dialog nAc & myScriptArgumentA & return & nBc & myScriptArgumentB
          --Create a string to be run as a JavaScript.
          set p1 to "app.scriptArgs.setValue(\"ScriptArgumentA\", "
          set p2 to "\"This is the first JavaScript script argument value.\");" & return
          set p3 to "app.scriptArgs.setValue(\"ScriptArgumentB\", "
          set p4 to "\"This is the second JavaScript script argument value.\");" & return
          set myJavaScript to p1 & p2 & p3 & p4
          --Run the JavaScript string.
          do script myJavaScript language javascript
          --Retrieve the script argument values set by the script.
          tell script args
               set myScriptArgumentA to get value name nameA
               set myScriptArgumentB to get value name nameB
          end tell
          --Display the script argument values in a dialog box.
          display dialog nAc & myScriptArgumentA & return & nBc & myScriptArgumentB
     end tell
end mySnippet
on myTeardown()
end myTeardown

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    Hi Tony,
    Almost any internal error is an Oracle bug and you should report this to support.
    This is definitely not supposed to happen and I haven't seen this error before, do you have a test case throwing the error ?
    Using program arguments should be fairly straightforward. Here's a simple example with two varchar2 arguments
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    JSTL can only handle getter/setter methods. You can't pass parameters to the methods.
    There are a couple of ways around this
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    ie getMask() setMask()
    and then have your isAvailable method as
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        return internalIsAvailable(getMask());
      }Another solution is to define a static function and invoke it as a function.
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    There are three general ways to provide constructors, like you said:
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    From a design standpoint, the idea is to give as much information needed for constructing an object up front. Look at the standard Java API for some examples (and because I couldn't find a standard class with just a default constructor, one made up):
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      private long createTime;
      public Foo() {
        createTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
      public String toString() {
        return "This object was created at " + createTime;
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    public ArrayList(int capacity) --> Construct an empty ArrayList with a specific initial capacity.
    Sometimes it makes sense just to use the default. Sometimes you want more control over the behavior. Those are the times to use multiple constructors.
    Hope this helps!

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    With ATG 10.0.3 and later, you can use an $instanceFactory to create objects with constructor objects or create a Nucleus component from factory (either a static class method, or a method of another Nucleus component).
    Documentation (and an example) are here: http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E36434_01/Platform.10-1-2/ATGPlatformProgGuide/html/s0208parameterconstructorinstancefact01.html

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    I am in complete agreement with FahleE. I'll refine it a bit.
    On my machine (running RedHatLinux8.0) you can run the demos like this.
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    2. go to the directory where the demo you wish to run, say, demo.jar, is located
    for instance for the SwingSet2-demo
    cd /usr/lib/java/demo/jfc/SwingSet2
    3. run the jar file
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    java -jar demo.jar
    where demo.jar is the jar file you want to run.
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    Please Note: It is important to set the path variable to your JAVA_HOME directory....
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    JAVA_HOME/bin /java -jar demo.jar.
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    <2007-03-29 11:35:51,425> <DEBUG> <default.collaxa.cube.ws> <Database Adapter::Outbound> <oracle.tip.adapter.db.DBInteraction executeOutboundRead> Executing query with arguments [Margaret , Cohen, 2007-03-29T11:35:51-06:00]
    Appreciate your help if you could give me a hint how to resolve this issue

    Hi Reddy,
    from the log it looks like the DbAdapter received the value as 'Margaret '. Because parameter binding is used by default, the database shouldn't try to interpret the & as it is inside a bind variable.
    Could it be that the & is getting dropped somewhere else? Marc was suggesting you put that value inside a CDATA section or escape it. He probably showed that but when he hit Post Message it displayed the escaped & as &. I think we should find out where that & got dropped though. Normally BPEL will preserve it.

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    C:\Users\name\File\root.exe -a192.168.1.0 -wpassword -p11 -cON   where is the ipaddress and i have it in my java program as a string.similarly password is a string and 11 is the port number as an int in java..i need to execute this in java..
    i just have this:
    String[] command = {"C:\Users\name\File\root.exe", ......};thanks

    d_khakh wrote:
    also when i said this
    String[] command = {"C:\Users\name\File\root.exe", ......};i meant i do not have anything in place of dots. its uncompleted..do not assume i got this part!Yeah, you should read the documents I pointed you to and try to fill in those dots. It really looks like you want someone to do it for you, and that ain't gonna happen (well it usually doesn't anyway).

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    microedition.platform     intent JTE
    microedition.configuration     CLDC-1.1
    microedition.profiles     MIDP-2.0
    String urlToLaunch = "/Program Files/MyProgram/MyProgram.exe";
    String arguments = "arg1 arg2 arg3";
    String urlToLaunchArgs = urlToLaunch = urlToLaunch+" "+arguments;
    platformRequest(urlToLaunchArgs);The PDA return : Can't open file '/Program Files/MyProgram/MyProgram.exe arg1 arg2 arg3'
    With no argument (urlToLaunchArgs = "/Program Files/MyProgram/MyProgram.exe") it's work fine.
    With arguments (urlToLaunchArgs = "/Program Files/MyProgram/MyProgram.exe arg1 arg2") it doesn't work...
    If somebody have a solution to propose...
    ... or another way/method to explain...
    Thank you.

    > SAPService<SID> and <SID>ADM both have Administrator rights for the server.
    > That means they should have full access.
    No - this is no more true like that since Windows 2008, it's a bit more complex:
    > Where would you setup the permission/policy to "interact with the desktop"?
    Add the policy using group policy editor (gpedit.msc)

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    convention, im Java programmer.
    How I can write correct function call in ActionScript, my
    call: var goodsWnd:CreateGoodsWindow =
    CreateGoodsWindow, true) as CreateGoodsWindow;
    I wish call function above with argument, how I do that?
    Where my class: public class CreateGoodsWindow extends
    extends TitleWindow
    public CreateGoodsWindow(data:Object)

    Use PopUpManager.addPopUp() instead of createPopUp().
    addPopUp takes an object that has already been instantiated:
    var createGoodsWindow:CreateGoodsWindow = new

  • The type Set is not generic; it cannot be parameterized with arguments K ?

    When I use Hashtable or HashMap to get the keySet, it shows the error of "The type Set is not generic; it cannot be parameterized with arguments <K>".
    The following is my code:
    Hashtable table = new Hashtable();
    table.put("A", new Integer(1));
    table.put("B", new Integer(2));
    Iterator its = table.keySet().iterator(); // <<<<<<<<<<<<<< this line shows the error "The type Set is not generic; it cannot be parameterized with arguments <K>"
    How can I solve it? Please help me! I have no idea on it. It works fine in 1.4.
    Best regards,

    The original is my codes, please help!
    public static List findDlicApp(Date startDate, Date endDate, Connection con) {
              String SQL = getSQL("app.sql");
              String where = getSQL("app.sql.where");
              boolean hasWhere = false;
              if (startDate != null) {
                   SQL = SQL + " where d.create_date >= to_date('" + DMSUtil.convertDateToString(startDate) + "', 'yyyy-MM-dd')";
                   hasWhere = true;
              if (endDate != null) {
                   if (hasWhere) {
                        SQL = SQL + " and to_date(to_char(d.create_date, 'yyyy-mm-dd'), 'yyyy-mm-dd') <= to_date('" + DMSUtil.convertDateToString(endDate) + "', 'yyyy-MM-dd')";
                   } else {
                        SQL = SQL + " where to_date(to_char(d.create_date, 'yyyy-mm-dd'), 'yyyy-mm-dd') <= to_date('" + DMSUtil.convertDateToString(endDate) + "', 'yyyy-MM-dd')";
                   hasWhere = true;
              if (hasWhere) {          
                   SQL = SQL + " and " + where;
              } else {
                   SQL = SQL + " where " + where;
              SQL = SQL + " " + getSQL("app.sql.order");
              //Connection con =  getParaDMConnection("findDlicApp");
              HashMap<String, DlicApp> dlicDocs = new HashMap<String, DlicApp>();
              List result = new ArrayList();
              try {
                   Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
                   ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(SQL);
                   long lastDocID = 0;
                   boolean hasStartDate = false;
                   while(rs.next()) {
                        long docID = rs.getLong("docID");
                        String docName = rs.getString("docName");
                        String refNo = rs.getString("refNo");
                        java.util.Date createDate = rs.getDate("createDate");
                        String creator = rs.getString("creator");
                        String profileType = rs.getString("profileType");
                        String assunto = rs.getString("assunto");
                        String fromEntity = rs.getString("fromEntity");     
                        String location = getLocation(docID, con);
                        long fieldID = rs.getLong("fieldID");
                        String fieldValue = rs.getString("fValue");
                        DlicApp doc = null;
                        if (dlicDocs.containsKey(String.valueOf(docID))) {
                             doc = (DlicApp)dlicDocs.get(String.valueOf(docID));
                        } else {
                             doc = new DlicApp();
                        //if (doc.getStartDate() == null) {                    
                        //     doc.setStartDate(createDate);
                        if (fieldValue != null) {                    
                             if (fieldID == 1114) {
                             if (fieldID == 1115) {
                             if (fieldID == 1116) {
                             if (fieldID == 1118) {
                             if (fieldID == 1119) {
                                  Date d = DMSUtil.parseDate(fieldValue, "yyyy-MM-dd");
                                  hasStartDate = true;
                             if (fieldID == 1120) {
                                  Date d = DMSUtil.parseDate(fieldValue, "yyyy-MM-dd");
                                  if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(fieldValue)) {
                                       //System.out.println(docName + ":" + fieldValue + ">>>>>>>>>findDlicApp>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>APP END DATE: " + d);
                        if (docID != lastDocID) {                    
                             doc.setRelatedDocs(findRelatedDoc(docID, con));
                             lastDocID = docID;
                        dlicDocs.put(String.valueOf(docID), doc);
                   Iterator<String> its = dlicDocs.keySet().iterator();
                   while(its.hasNext()) {
                        String id = (String)its.next();
                        DlicApp a = (DlicApp)dlicDocs.get(id);
                        a.setRelatedDocs(findRelatedDoc(a.getId(), con));
                        dlicDocs.put(id, a);
                   // take out start date is not in the given period
                   int n = 0;
                   while(true) {
                        if (n < result.size()) {
                             DlicApp a = (DlicApp)result.get(n);               
                             Date sd = a.getStartDate();
                             if (!isWithin(sd, startDate, endDate)) {
                             } else {
                        } else {
              } catch(Exception e) {
              if (result.size() > 0) {
                   Collections.sort(result, new DmsDocComparator());
              return result;
         }Edited by: EJP on 13/01/2011 14:41: added code tags for you. Please use them next time.

  • Setup JOB to run sh script with argument

    Hi all,
    Can anyone share your view and experience on How to setup Job to execute shell script with argument?
    For example : I need to execute /export/home/joel/test.sh 20060921
    20060921 is the argument.
    If I define a program to execute the script, can I use DEFINE_PROGRAM_ARGUMENT to set the argument?
    I am not sure because I have the understanding that it will only work with STORED_PROCEDURE program type.
    How does Oracle Scheduler handle such case?
    I really appreaciate your response.

    The thread above contains information specific to shell scripts. For stored procedures you just set job_type to 'stored_procedure' , number_of_arguments to the number of arguments that you want to pass into the stored procedure and then call set_job_argument_value for each argument before finally enabling the job . So for example
    dbms_scheduler.set_job_argument_value('j1', 1, 'this is my argument');
    Hope this helps,

  • Open SCSM Console with arguments

    I'm trying to find a way to open SCSM Console with arguments.
    I will explain it with an example: we have a tool which keep a track of all incidents that have been escalated to our managers. If a manager is responding on an escalation via email, it would be great, that we can add a link in the mail which immediately
    opens up the concerning incident.
    I can however not find the option to open a specific incident from a program other then SCSM console.
    This should be possible for normal end users who are using SCSM console day-by-day.
    Kind regards.

    Hello Marat,
    Thanks for the answer, this is indeed a good starting point. However:
    You can only search for Requests (incidents) where you are the affected user. The person who wants to consult the incident, is not always the affected user. In the SCSM Console, you can search for any incident, and even if you are not the affected user,
    you can still read the ticket, and that is what I want to achieve.
    That is why I asked if it was possible to open the Service Manager Console with arguments. Like for example: I want to open Internet Explorer and navigate directly to
    http://www.bing.com/ I can execute this command on my PC: "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe"
    Or when I want to open a remote desktop connection to a specific server I can run: mstsc /v <servername> /f
    Is it possible to do a command like this: "C:\Program Files\Microsoft System Center 2012\Service Manager\Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.ServiceManager.UI.Console.exe" /s 93035d8c-f810-b6c6-f117-604d9f002ef3  ? Or with other arguments, which
    can trigger the search option like you see it every screen of the SCSM console on the upper righthandsite ? Maybe without the GUID and only using the name of incident (IR654650) ?
    Thanks for helping me out.

Maybe you are looking for