Assign the roles based on organisation structure

hi all,
i am sukumar new to GP and CAF i have a problem with the user management .
scenarios is HR process without the SAP HR module.
we have to integrate the user roles with the each activities based on the
login in runtime.
Example: a org contains a different departments.
               but GP process flow is same but the approver role is different for each department. i am not interested to create the each role for each department.
please advice how to integrate the single process role with organisaton structure
thanks in advance

we have the scenarioas below
need to integrate the third party HR system ORG structure entity to the Role based travle management approval task.
but the process and workflow structure for all the department are same.
only the roles are different for each user.
no need to disple the standard  approval role in Process initiation.
Custom role should be populated based on the selection from the first action.
example: if the user need cash and he should select the cash need option from
              first action then the finace approver should appear in next action.
              if not it should not appear.
please advice which GP callable object is best for this process.
i have the plan to use the webdynpros..

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    Also look into Aggregated Roles to possibly reduce the number of Groups.
    Oracle states:
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    In the User Administration section of your portal find your newly created user and below select "Assigned Roles" tab then press <Modify> button and look through available roles on portal then just simply add and save. But if you want to do it programmatically see below:
    IUserAcountFactory userFactory = UMFactory.getUserAccountFactory();
    // IUser - read only but with IUserAccount is possible to set up user data
    IUserAccountSearchFilter userFilter = userFactory.getUserAccountSearchFilter();
    userFilter.setLogonUid("superuser", ISearchAttribute.LIKE_OPERATOR, false);
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      IUserAccount user = (IUserAccount);
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    Check the function modules that start with BAPI_USER*
    To assign roles :
    To assign profiles :
    To change user's metadata (name, settings, ... other SU01 functions) :

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    When we are creating a new user and click save, then a user is created and to that user automatically a role should get assigned (without manual assignment of role to user). the role will have the framework page etc.
    for the above one we can follow the simple process ,
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    Hi Ismail,
    Tables AGR_HIER and AGR_HEIRT, these two tables have the text of the RRMX queries.
    Table AGR_BUFFI.. this helps you map role to technical name of query.... although its a bit mixed up in the field, its actually in URL field.
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    Browser based AIR help must be run from a web server. It cannot be installed locally.
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    we have the scenarioas below
    need to integrate the third party HR system ORG structure entity to the Role based travle management approval task.
    but the process and workflow structure for all the department are same.
    only the roles are different for each user.
    no need to disple the standard  approval role in Process initiation.
    Custom role should be populated based on the selection from the first action.
    example: if the user need cash and he should select the cash need option from
                  first action then the finace approver should appear in next action.
                  if not it should not appear.
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    IntegrationBuilder.IntegrationBuilder.Repository (boolean) true
    IntegrationBuilder.IntegrationBuilder.Directory (string) = true
    IntegrationBuilder.IntegrationBuilder.Directory (boolean) true
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    Have you maintained your Organizational data? Did you assign any job to any user in the organizational hierarchy. You need to maintain you PPOMA_CRM first in order to assign any roles there.
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    Thank all:
    Because I want assign the Remote Role of Produce to user of Consumer with FPN.Use:
    rdesc=Role description
    Can not import.
    I have find the document "How to Automate Content Creation via XML Content and Actions (NW7[1].0).pdf", it help me to use XML to import the role,the following format:
    <Action id="">
    <Role name="pcd:portal_content/myFolder/myRole" producer.alias = "myProducer">
    <Principal type="user" id="test"/>
    But when I import the XML file.There is a error.
    Have someone used it ?

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