Associative Array and Blob

I’m currently working on a system that allows the users to upload an Excel spreadsheet (.xls) in the system. The upload page is a PL/SQL cartridge. Then I’ve written a Java servlet (using Oracle Clean Content) to convert the XLS into a CSV and store it back in the database. (it is stored in the “uploaded_files” table as a blob). I’m trying to create another procedure to read the contents of the blob and display a preview of the data on the screen (using an html table (will be done using cartridge)). After the preview, the user can choose to submit the data into the database into the “detail_records” table or simply discard everything.
I've been trying to use an associative array to grab all the data from the blob but I’m getting confused about how to implement it in my situation.
Can someone provide any examples of this nature?
Any help is greatly appreciated.

I decided to create a "record" type with all the columns from my excel spreadsheet. Then I will create a table type of records
I am doing something like this:
type s_record is record
                        (l_name varchar2(100),
                         f_code varchar2(4) ,
                         l_code varchar2(6),
                         d_date varchar2(5),
                         d_type varchar2(5),
                         price number,
                         volume number,
                         tax number,
                         amount_paid number
type s_data_tab is table of s_record index by binary_integer;
v_s_data s_data_tab;
v_indx binary_integer :=0;
end; I am getting confused about parsing an entire row of values separated by commas into a row in the temporary table created above.
I know I need a loop, but from what I understand, the way to populate data needs to be something like this, for example:
for v_indx in 0..data_size loop
   v_s_data(v_indx).l_name:= 'Company A';
   v_s_data(v_indx).f_code := '2700';
end loop; But I'm not sure how this approach should be used to parse an entire row at once.
Any help appreciated.

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  • Returning collection-associative array from pl-sql procedure

    CREATE OR REPLACE procedure test_ganesh( p_deptno IN number,gana out PARTIES_RESULT)
    query varchar2(200);
    PARTY_ID varchar2(200);
    PARTY_CODE varchar2(200);
    PARTY_NAME varchar2(200);
    counter number;
    TYPE PARTIES IS TABLE OF varchar2(2000) index by binary_integer;
    txn_parties PARTIES;
    type PARTIES_RESULT IS TABLE OF PARTIES index by binary_integer;
    total_result PARTIES_RESULT;
    p_du EmpTyp;
    p_cursor EmpTyp;
    global_counter number;
    open p_cursor FOR
    select A.ref_no
    from ot_lc_txn_details A
    where rownum <12;
    FETCH p_cursor INTO query;
    EXIT WHEN p_cursor%NOTFOUND;
    open p_du FOR
         select party_id,party_code,seq_no,party_name from ot_txn_party where ref_no=query;
         EXIT WHEN p_du%NOTFOUND;
         txn_parties(counter):=PARTY_ID || '&&&' || PARTY_CODE || '&&&'||PARTY_SEQ || '&&&' || PARTY_NAME;
         END LOOP;
         CLOSE p_du;
    CLOSE p_cursor;
    --open gana FOR SELECT * FROM table(cast(total_result as PARTIES_RESULT)) ;
    The error comes at line one, PLS-00905- object PARTIES_RESULT is invalid.
    i have used the create type thing to create this type.
    if i remove the out parameter it works, no compilation error.
    Questions i) How to return the associative array as out parameter?
    ii)Am i doing aynthing qrong here?
    iii) Can i open a ref cursor to this associative array and then return that ref_cursor?
    Please anyone reply back, Thanks in advance
    Message was edited by:

    As an example:
    SQL> create type PARTIES is table of varchar2(2000);
      2  /
    Type created.
    SQL> create or replace procedure proc1(p_deptno number,gana out parties) as
      2  begin
      3   select ename
      4   bulk collect into gana
      5   from emp
      6   where deptno = p_deptno;
      7  end;
      8  /
    Procedure created.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

  • How to Print all values stored in an Associative array

    DB version:10gR2
    There can be multiple results(multiple rows) for the below query. So, i'll have to declare the variables v_sid_serial, v_orauser, v_objectname,v_objecttype as associative arrays.
    SELECT l.session_id||','||v.serial# sid_serial, l.ORACLE_USERNAME,o.object_name,o.object_type,
           into v_sid_serial, v_orauser, v_objectname,v_objecttype
    FROM dba_objects o, v$locked_object l, v$session v
    WHERE o.object_id = l.object_id
          and l.SESSION_ID=v.sid;But I want to store the results from the above query in flat file. I want the result set to look like
    SID_SERIAL      ORA_USER               OBJECT_NAME           
    742,32914    SCOTT                        EMP
    873,49832    HR                           EMPLOYEES
    893,9437     mytestschema                 emp_dtls
    .            .How can i print the values in Associative arrays in the above manner so that i can spool the result set to a flat file?
    Edited by: user10373231 on Sep 29, 2008 5:19 AM

    user10373231 wrote:
    is there any way to print all values stored in an Associative arrayPrint to where?
    You could use DBMS_OUTPUT to get the output on the screen within SQL*Plus.
    You could also output (pipe) the data from PL/SQL using a pipelined function that you select from SQL. An example of a pipelined function...
      2  ( col1   VARCHAR2(10),
      3    col2   VARCHAR2(10)
      4  )
      5  /
    Type created.
      2  /
    Type created.
      2    v_str VARCHAR2(4000) := REPLACE(REPLACE(p_str, '('),')');
      3    v_obj myrec := myrec(NULL,NULL);
      4  BEGIN
      5    LOOP
      6      EXIT WHEN v_str IS NULL;
      7      v_obj.col1 := SUBSTR(v_str,1,INSTR(v_str,',')-1);
      8      v_str := SUBSTR(v_str,INSTR(v_str,',')+1);
      9      IF INSTR(v_str,',')>0 THEN
    10        v_obj.col2 := SUBSTR(v_str,1,INSTR(v_str,',')-1);
    11        v_str := SUBSTR(v_str,INSTR(v_str,',')+1);
    12      ELSE
    13        v_obj.col2 := v_str;
    14        v_str := NULL;
    15      END IF;
    16      PIPE ROW (v_obj);
    17    END LOOP;
    18    RETURN;
    19  END;
    20  /
    Function created.
    SQL> create table mytab (col1 varchar2(10), col2 varchar2(10));
    Table created.
    SQL> insert into mytab (col1, col2) select col1, col2 from table(pipedata('(1,2),(2,3),(4,5)'));
    3 rows created.
    SQL> select * from mytab;
    COL1       COL2
    1          2
    2          3
    4          5... which you can easily adapt to output whatever data you want e.g. you could loop through your associative array and pipe out the values within it.

  • Associated Arrays...How are they managed?

    Hi I have a question about how the associated arrays are managed by oracle. Does Oracle keep the data in memory and start paging it to disk once they reach a certain size or does it keep certain amount in memory and use some temporary table to which it insert and retrieve data as and when needed.
    This is important to me as I feel that I may end up putting a lot of data in the associated arrays and I know for certain that paging is really slow.
    Thanks for your insight..

    Associative Array are important for what they represent, not for how their memory is managed. Associative Arrays are equivalent to Java/C# Hash tables/collections. Previously, Oracle only allowed collections/arrays to be indexed by standard datatypes like binary_integer.

  • Multiplication table using Associative arrays

    DB Version:
    Below is a code for multiplication table of 14 upto 100. How can i store these values in an Associative array and display each element of the array so that it produces the same output as the code below.
    --TYPE v_number_type IS TABLE OF number INDEX BY PLS_INTEGER;
    v_number     number:= 14;
    v_multiplied_by     number:= 1;
    v_result     number;
         for i in 1..100
              v_result:=     v_number * v_multiplied_by;
              dbms_output.put_line(v_number||' multiplied by '||v_multiplied_by||' = '||v_result);
              v_multiplied_by:=v_multiplied_by + 1;
         end loop;
    /Result would be
    14 multiplied by 1 = 14
    14 multiplied by 2 = 28
    14 multiplied by 3 = 42
    14 multiplied by 4 = 56
    14 multiplied by 5 = 70
    Edited by: user609308 on Mar 12, 2009 3:09 AM
    Including the tags                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

    Why bother using PL/SQL when you can do it easily in a SQL statement?
    select '14 multiplied by '||to_char(level)||' = '||14*level result
    from   dual
    connect by level <= 100
    order by level;
    14 multiplied by 1 = 14                                                        
    14 multiplied by 2 = 28                                                        
    14 multiplied by 3 = 42                                                        
    14 multiplied by 4 = 56                                                        
    14 multiplied by 5 = 70                                                        
    14 multiplied by 6 = 84                                                        
    14 multiplied by 7 = 98    

  • Associative array type for each blob column in the table

    i am using the code in given link
    i chnages that code like this
    CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE associative_array
    -- define an associative array type for each column in the jobs table
    TYPE t_job_id IS TABLE OF jobs.job_id%TYPE
    TYPE t_job_title IS TABLE OF jobs.job_title%TYPE
    TYPE t_min_salary IS TABLE OF jobs.min_salary%TYPE
    TYPE t_max_salary IS TABLE OF jobs.max_salary%TYPE
    TYPE t_jobpic IS TABLE OF jobs.jobpic%TYPE
    -- define the procedure that will perform the array insert
    PROCEDURE array_insert (
    p_job_id IN t_job_id,
    p_job_title IN t_job_title,
    p_min_salary IN t_min_salary,
    p_max_salary IN t_max_salary,
    p_jobpic IN t_jobpic
    END associative_array;
    CREATE OR REPLACE package body SHC_OLD.associative_array as
    -- implement the procedure that will perform the array insert
    procedure array_insert (p_job_id in t_job_id,
    p_job_title in t_job_title,
    p_min_salary in t_min_salary,
    p_max_salary in t_max_salary,
    ) is
    forall i in p_job_id.first..p_job_id.last
    insert into jobs (job_id,
    values (p_job_id(i),
    end array_insert;
    end associative_array;
    this procedure is called from .net. from .net sending blob is posiible or not.if yes how

    Ok, that won't need to generate an image tag and provide the contents of the blob column as the src for the image tag.
    If you look at my blog entry -
    and download that Whitepaper that I talk about you will find an example of how to do what you want to do. Note the majority of that whitepaper is discussing other (quite advanced) topics, but there is a small part of it that shows how to display an image stored as a blob in a table.

  • Associative array comparison and INSERT upon IF condition

    Hi Guys,
    I have written this pl sql code to identify non existing sellers and insert their sales channel information into the dimension table (dimensional table update).
    Somehow,......nothing is inserted and this script runs for 12 hours+ without any result. the sql autotrace shows no result and the explain plan (button on sql developer throws upon clicking "missing keyword". I have no
    information what is going on/wrong. Does anyone spot an error?
    UNDEFINE DimSales;
    UNDEFINE FactTable;
    DEFINE DimSales = 'testsales';
    DEFINE FactTable = 'testfact';
    v_SellerNo VarChar(9);
    v_error_code T_ERRORS.v_error_code%TYPE;
    v_error_message T_ERRORS.v_error_message%TYPE;
    TYPE assoc_array_str_type1 IS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(32) INDEX BY PLS_INTEGER;
         v1 assoc_array_str_type1;
    TYPE assoc_array_str_type2 IS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(32) INDEX BY PLS_INTEGER;
         v2 assoc_array_str_type2;
    --Collect all distinct SellerNo into associative array (hash table)
    select distinct SellerNo bulk collect into v1 from &FactTable;
    select distinct seller_id bulk collect into v2 from &DimSales;
    v_SellerNo := v1.first;
    exit when v1 is null;
    --1 Check if v_SellerNo already exists in DIM_Sales (if NOT/FALSE, its a new seller and we can insert all records for that seller
    if (v2.exists(v_SellerNo)=false) THEN
    (SELECT DISTINCT trim(leading '0' from RS||GS) ,REG BVL,DS,VS,RS,GS,VK from &FactTable where SellerNo =v_SellerNo);
    end if;
    v_SellerNo :=;
    end loop;
    --v_error_code := SQLCODE
    --v_error_message := SQLERRM
    --INSERT INTO t_errors VALUES ( v_error_code, v_error_message);

    Distinct clause requires a sort. Sorts can be very expensive.
    Bulk collects that are not constrained in fetch size, can potentially fetch millions of rows - requiring that data to be wholly read into server memory. I have seen how this can degrade performance so badly that the kernel reboots the server.
    Using PL/SQL loops to process and insert/update/delete data is often problematic due to its row-by-row approach - also called slow-by-slow approach. It is far more scalable letting SQL do the "loop" processing, by using joins, sub-selects and so on.
    Where the conditional processing is too complex for SQL to handle, then PL/SQL is obviously an alternative to use. Ideally one should process data sets as oppose to rows in PL//SQL. Reduce context switching by using bulk fetches and bulk binds.
    But PL/SQL cannot execute in parallel as the SQL it fires off can. If after all the optimisation, the PL/SQL process still needs to hit a million rows to process, it will be slow irrespective of how optimal that PL/SQL approach and design - simply because of the number of rows and the processing overheads per row.
    In that case, the PL/SQL code itself need to be parallelised. There are a number of ways to approach this problem - the typical one is to create unique and distinct ranges of rows to process, spawn multiple P/SQL processes, and provide each with a unique range of rows to process. In parallel.
    So you need to look close at what you are trying to achieve, what the workloads are, and how to effectively decrease the workloads and increase the processing time of a workload.
    For example - finding distinct column values. You can pay for that workload when wanting that distinct list. And each time afterward repeat that workload when wanting that distinct list. Or you can pay for that workload up-front with the DML that creates/updates those values - and use (for example) a materialised view to maintain a ready to use distinct list of values.
    Same workload in essence - but paying once for it and up-front as oppose to each time you execute your code that needs to dynamically build that distinct list.
    Kent Crotty did tests and showed stunning performance improvements with bulk collect and forall, up to 30x faster:Bulk processing is not a magical silver bullet. It is a tool. And when correctly use, the tool does exactly what it was designed to do.
    The problem is using a hammer to drive in screws - instead of a screwdriver. There's nothing "stunning" about using a screwdriver. It is all about using the correct tool.
    If the goal of the swap daemon is to free up "idle" chunks of memory, and try to use that memory for things like file cache instead, what does that have to do with bulk processing?The swap daemon reads virtual memory pages from swap space into memory, and writes virtual pages from memory to swap space.
    What does it have to do with bulk processing? A bulk fetch reads data from the SGA (buffer cache) into the PGA (private process memory space). The larget the fetch, the more memory is required. If for example 50% of server memory is required for a bulk collection that is 2GB in size, then that will force in-use pages from memory to swap space.. only to be swapped back again as it is needed, thereby forcing other in-use pages to swap. The swap daemon will consume almost all the CPU time swapping hot pages continually in and out of memory.

  • Associative Array, Drp-DwnList and Accesing "SubArray" Values ?

    Based on the users selection on a drop-down box, I need to be able to access different elements associated with that selection (elements of a subArray, so to speak)
    I am not certain how to go about creating arrays in LiveCycle. I've tried a number of things including:
    putting the array name in the "variables tab" of the Form Properties, with a value of [] -- that doesn't seen to be the way to go, so I removed it
    using rounded brackets ( instead of square [
    declaring the arrays differently using var codeDetail = new Array(array,Values,Here);
    putting the code in a fragment--not sure how to reference the values,
    I have the following code residing in the "Exit" event for the drop-down box:
    var codeDetail = [];   //an associative array
    codeDetail["99999"] = ["None",null,null,null,null,null,null,null];
    codeDetail["78400"] = ["Trampoline",40,45,50,60,10,20,40];
    codeDetail["78020"] = ["Horse(s)",10,12,15,20,5,10, 20];
    codeDetail["78401"] = ["Horse Boarding (each)",19,23,28,39,17,24,48];
    codeDetail["78010"] = ["Watercraft - Outboard over 50 HP (each)",13,18,20,24,17,24,48];
    codeDetail["78011"] = ["Watercraft - Inboard or I/O over 50 HP (each)",30,35,40,50,17,24,48];
    codeDetail["78050"] = ["Recreational Vehicle: ATV (each)",40,51,61,84,9,11,22];
    codeDetail["78053"] = ["Recreational Vehicle: Snowmobiles (each)",36,46,55,76,9,11,22];
    codeDetail["78052"] = ["Recreational Vehicle: Golf Carts (each)",29,37,44,61,9,11,22];
    codeDetail["73000"] = ["Personal Injury",14,19,22,31,null,null,null];
    codeDetail["78030"] = ["Office, School or Studio",10,11,13,19,9,17,34];
    codeDetail["78060"] = ["Retail Sales",36,46,56,77,3,4,8];
    codeDetail["78061"] = ["Incidental Business Pursuits",36,46,56,77,3,4,8];
    codeDetail["78070"] = ["Additional Insured: Premises Only",8,10,12,17,null,null,null];
    codeDetail["78090"] = ["Additional Insured - Personal Libility",31,40,50,69,9,17,34];
    codeDetail["78040"] = ["Seasonal Residence Occupied by Insured",10,11,13,19,3,4,8];
    codeDetail["78041"] = ["Rented to Others: One Family",23,28,34,47,9,17,34];
    codeDetail["78042"] = ["Rented to Others: Two Family",29,35,43,61,11,23,45];
    codeDetail["78043"] = ["Rented to Others: Three Family",43,55,66,90,17,33,60];
    codeDetail["78044"] = ["Rented to Others: Four Family",67,83,100,139,24,50,80];
    codeDetail["76000"] = ["Waterbed Liability",10,12,13,19,null,null,null];
    codeDetail["78300"] = ["Non-Owned and Hired Auto Liability",56,69,80,92,17,24,48];
    itemChosen = [];  //a subArray
    var i = this.rawValue
    itemChosen = [codeDetail[i]];    //  values based on user's selection
    The goal is to now be able to use the itemChosen values and simply refer to them:
    this.rawValue = itemChosen[i]   or   this.rawValue = itemChosen[someField.rawValue]
    So if this drop-down box has a rawValue = "78400" then itemChosen[2] would have a value of 45 (see above).
    Am I anywhere close?
    Also, a couple of other questions:
    When using a variable.value or a field.rawValue as the index value for itemChosen[i]
    do you include "" or .value or .rawValue in the index brackets?
    Do you ever use .value when referencing an array as in: itemChosen[i].value
    How do I make sure arrays and variables created like this are global, or not? I tried with and without the "var" declaration
    Thanks much!

    I've just been playing with a similar thing.
    My code is based on a sample from WindJack Solutions, which is available here:
    Check this thread for a good sample from Bruce, he took my code and jacked it up considerably.
    If you google "multi dimensional javascript arrays" you'll find quite a bit of info too.

  • How to split the blob byte array and insert in oracle

    how to split the blob byte array and insert in oracle
    I am having a string which is of more than lenght 4000 so i am using BLOB datatype as input to get the string.
    need to split the blob in oracle and store in the different column
    The string is of bytearray i need to strore it in each column based on the byte array.

    this will be my input i need to split the above and store it in different columns in a table.
    for spliting say
    Column1 -1 byte
    Column2-3 byte
    Column3-5 byte
    ColumnN-5 byte
    Table will have corresponding data type
    Column1 - number(10,2)
    Column2 - Float
    Column3 - Float
    here Column2 datatype is float but it will always have 3 byte information.
    where as Column3 datatype is also float but it will always have 5 byte information.
    Say N is Column 120

  • Array of blob

    I have to do a bulk files insert in to a oracle db table. I've my bytes array and I would to pass that to a stored procedure.
    So in my stored I've declared:
    TYPE blobarray IS TABLE OF BLOB
    PROCEDURE prc_set_files (
    p_files blobarray,
    p_out OUT INTEGER,
    p_the_cur OUT cur
    Then, in my function, I've mapped my bytes array as a parameter like this:
    Dim filesArray(2)() As Byte
    commandParameters(i).OracleDbType = OracleDbType.Blob
    commandParameters(i).CollectionType = OracleCollectionType.PLSQLAssociativeArray
    commandParameters(i).Value = filesArray
    But doesn't work (no exception, only doesn't write). If I don't pass the vb array, it works.
    Could anyone help me?

    It is currently a limitation of the OCI layer that only scalar types can be used for associative arrays. As such, blobs, clobs, timestamps, intervals, and I suppose xmltypes, cannot be used.
    I'm a little surprised you're not getting an error or exception. I'd rather expect an ora-600 to occur, based on the enhancement request that was filed for support to be added for non-scalar types.

  • Associative Array our only option?

    I'm having a problem accepting associative arrays as the only option I have for getting data from a stored procedure. I have a good reason for not wanting to use ref cursors as I am using the stored procedure to manipulate data which I in turn would like to pass back to VB through the stored procedure and would rather not have to insert he data into a table just to re-select it for a ref cursor.
    My main concern is that with associative arrays I am expected to define the number of return results before I even generate the data. Also from what I can see I am required to set the data length for each and every item in said array one at a time. All this overhead seems like more work than what I would have to do to utilizer a reference cursor. Is there a right way to do this? I would really like to do the most straight forward way I can without the extra processing.

    Here's a blog post of mine that illustrates using pipelined functions and PL/SQL to return results:
    Not sure if that will be helpful in your case, but perhaps it might be a place to start anyway.
    - Mark

  • Associative Array error

    I am using a couple associative arrays in my code and comparing the data in one, and if it is an asterisk, I change it to use the data in the other. Here is the meat of my code. I am running into an error at the bolded line saying I have too many values, which I don't understand because the code is the exact same as the block of code right before it where I populate the first array. FYI, the table it is pulling from only has one row. The error is listed below the code.
    TYPE refresh_file_t IS TABLE OF test.loading_dock%ROWTYPE ;
    refresh_data refresh_file_t ;
    prospect_data refresh_file_t ;
    c_id CV_TYPE ;
    v_id NUMBER(10) ;
    v_phone VARCHAR2(10) ;
    v_project VARCHAR2(10) ;
    OPEN c_id FOR
    'SELECT id
    FROM test.loading_dock
    WHERE rownum = 1' ;
    FETCH c_id INTO v_id ;
    INTO refresh_data
    FROM test.loading_dock
    WHERE id = v_id ;
    INTO prospect_data
    FROM test.prospects
    WHERE id_number = v_id ;
    IF refresh_data(1).home_phone = '*' THEN
    v_phone := prospect_data(1).phone ;
    v_phone := refresh_data(1).home_phone ;
    END IF ;
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(v_phone) ;
    END LOOP ;
    CLOSE c_id ;
    END ;
    ORA-06550: line 29, column 13:
    PL/SQL: ORA-00913: too many values
    ORA-06550: line 27, column 13:
    PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
    ORA-06550: line 34, column 46:
    PLS-00302: component 'PHONE' must be declared
    ORA-06550: line 34, column 13:
    PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    06550. 00000 - "line %s, column %s:\n%s"

    Collection prospect_data is of type refresh_file_t, which is a table of records of test.loading_dock%TYPE. Most likely tables test.loading_dock and test.prospects have different structure - test.prospects has fewer columns. So when you try to fetch from test.prospects into prospect_data you get the error Try replacing
    prospect_data refresh_file_t ;with
    TYPE prospect_data_t IS TABLE OF test.prospects%ROWTYPE ;
    prospect_data prospect_data_t ;SY.

  • Associative Array (Object) problems

    Here is the function i'm dealing with
    i'm reading in a delimited string and using indexed arrays to
    break them up and assign the keys and values to an associative
    array in a loop.
    i'm using variables in the loop and the array loads as
    expected in the loop
    but outside the loop, the only key is the variable name and
    the value is undefined
    this is true using dot or array notation, as well as literal
    strings for the keys
    any help is appreciated
    watchSuspendData = function (id, oldval, newval):String {
    //the incoming suspendData string is delimited by the
    //newval is: firstValue=Yes;captivateKey=1
    var listSuspendData:Array = newval.split(";"); // convert it
    to a list of key/value pairs
    if (listSuspendData.length > 0){
    //line 123: listSuspendData.length is: 2
    for (i=0; i < listSuspendData.length; i++){ //for each
    key/value pair
    var keyValArray:Array = new Array();
    var myNameValue:String = listSuspendData
    //line 127: listSuspendData is: firstValue=Yes
    keyValArray = myNameValue.split("="); // split 'em on the
    equal sign
    var myKey:String = keyValArray[0];
    var myVal:String = keyValArray[1];
    //keyValArray[0] is: firstValue
    //keyValArray[1] is: Yes
    // store the key and the value in associative array
    suspendDataArray.myKey = myVal;
    trace("line 134: suspendDataArray is: " +
    // trace is line 134: suspendDataArray is: Yes on the first
    pass and 1 on the second
    //the below loop always returns one array key: myKey and the
    value as undefined
    for(x in suspendDataArray){
    trace("x is: " + x); //x is: myKey
    trace("the val is: " + suspendDataArray.x); //the val is:
    } //end for
    return newval;

    on lines 12-13 i assign the key=value pair to string
    then on lines 17-18 i assign those values to the associative
    array using dot notation
    the trace seems to work there
    the problem is that when the procedure exits the for loop,
    the associative array only has one key (myKey) and no value
    all the documentation i've read shows using these types of
    arrays with either non-quoted property names like:
    myAssocArray.myKey = "somevalue";
    myAssocArray[myKey] = "somevalue";
    i tried assigning the key/value pairs directly from the
    indexed arrays, but the result was always undefined
    like this:
    suspendDataArray.keyValArray[0] = keyValArray[1]
    suspendDataArray[keyValArray[0]] = keyValArray[1]
    i even tried building a string in the loop and trying to
    assign all the pairs at once using the curly brace
    this is pretty wierd behavior for actionscript or i'm missing
    something basic here
    thanks for looking

  • Associative Array Question

    Hi All,
    I've searched through this forum trying to find information I'm needing on associative arrays with a varchar2 index without luck. What I'm looking for is a way to get the index or "key" values of the array without knowing what they are. Meaning, I wouldn't have to know the index value when designing the array but would be able to utilize them values at runtime. For those familiar with Java it would be like calling the keySet() method from a Map object.
    So, if I have an array of TYPE COLUMN_ARRAY IS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(4000) INDEX BY VARCHAR2(100) is there any way to dynamically get the index values without knowing what they are?
    Any help is appreciated.

    Thanks for the response.
    I am aware of using FIRST and NEXT for iterating the array but can I extract the index value of the current element into a variable when I don't know what the index value is at runtime ?

  • Associative Array vs Table Scan

    Still new to PL/SQL, but very keen to learn. I wondered if somebody could advise me whether I should use a collection (such as an associative array) instead of repeating a table scan within a loop for the example below. I need to read from an input table of experiment data and if the EXPERIMENT_ID does not already exist in my EXPERIMENTS table, then add it. Here is the code I have so far. My instinct is that it my code is inefficient. Would it be more efficient to scan the EXPERIMENTS table only once and store the list of IDs in a collection, then scan the collection within the loop?
    -- Create any new Experiment IDs if needed
    open CurExperiments;
    -- Fetch the explicit cursor
    fetch CurExperiments
    into vExpId, dExpDate;
    exit when CurExperiments%notfound;
    -- Check to see if already exists
    select count(id)
    into iCheckExpExists
    from experiments
    where id = vExpId;
    if iCheckExpExists = 0 then
    -- Experiment ID is not already in table so add a row
    insert into experiments
    (id, experiment_date)
    values(vExpId, dExpDate);
    end if;
    end loop;

    Except that rownum is assigned after the result set
    is computed, so the whole table will have to be
    SQL> explain plan for select * from i;
    SQL> select * from table( dbms_xplan.display );
    Plan hash value: 1766854993
    | Id  | Operation         | Name | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
    |   0 | SELECT STATEMENT  |      |   910K|  4443K|   630   (3)| 00:00:08 |
    |   1 |  TABLE ACCESS FULL| I    |   910K|  4443K|   630   (3)| 00:00:08 |
    8 rows selected.
    SQL> explain plan for select * from i where rownum=1;
    SQL> select * from table( dbms_xplan.display );
    Plan hash value: 2766403234
    | Id  | Operation          | Name | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
    |   0 | SELECT STATEMENT   |      |     1 |     5 |     2   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |*  1 |  COUNT STOPKEY     |      |       |       |            |          |
    |   2 |   TABLE ACCESS FULL| I    |     1 |     5 |     2   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
       1 - filter(ROWNUM=1)
    14 rows selected.

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