Associative Array with more than one field - retrieving as output parameter

I'm developing an C# Application that is showing a datagrid with results from a PL/SQL procedure inside a Package.
The .net project is in .net 4 and the DB is an oracle 10g.
I have read the sample about the associative array. I could successfully pass as an input parameter a string[] and dealing with it inside my PL/SQL procedure.
Now it become more complex to me because I would like to return an associative array defined like this :
TYPE r_FinalExtract IS RECORD
RecordmyTable myTable%ROWTYPE,
Tel1 varchar2(25),
Tel1Libelle varchar2(50),
Tel2 varchar2(25),
Tel2Libelle varchar2(50),
Tel3 varchar2(25),
Tel3Libelle varchar2(50),
Tel4 varchar2(25),
Tel4Libelle varchar2(50),
Tel5 varchar2(25),
Tel5Libelle varchar2(50),
Email1 varchar2(50),
Email1Libelle varchar2(50),
Email2 varchar2(50),
Email2Libelle varchar2(50)
You can guess my PL/SQL stored procedure is filling this collection.
The spec of my procedure :
PROCEDURE P_SELECTDATA( ptab_ListRef IN t_AssocArrayVarchar2, ptab_Result OUT t_FinalExtract );
Unfortunately, in my .net project, I don't know how to deal with that.
I tryed to add p_Result as an output parameter but you have to define the OracleCollectionType for that parameter and the array type is not the good one because my t_FinalExtract is not a simple array...
I searched over the internet and the only one thread I could find is someone who was doing like me... and finally reply to his own thread 3 months later and said that he had to create CSV lines and return a table of varchar2...
This is what I will do because I'm loosing time for finding the way to do it with my associative array, but if someone has the solution I would be glad to read it.
Thanks in advance.

For PL/SQL records, I would recommend using User-Defined Types (UDTs), rather than associative arrays.
You can read more on how to use ODP.NET UDTs here:
Strictly speaking, ODP.NET doesn't support PL/SQL Records per se. Instead, ODP.NET supports building any generic UDT in the Oracle DB, which covers the effective functionality of a Record.
If you want to walk through the process of taking a sample DB UDT, generating a .NET custom class, then passing an instance between DB and application, here's a tutorial that shows you how to do that:

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    how to read an internal table with more than  one (2 or 3) key field(s). in ecc 6.0 version

    hi ,
    check this..
    tables: marc,mard.
    data: begin of itab occurs 0,
          matnr like marc-matnr,
          werks like marc-werks,
          pstat like marc-pstat,
          end of itab.
    data: begin of itab1 occurs 0,
          matnr like mard-matnr,
          werks like mard-werks,
          lgort like mard-lgort,
          end of itab1.
    parameters:p_matnr like marc-matnr.
    select matnr
           from marc
           into table itab
           where matnr = p_matnr.
    sort itab by matnr werks.
    select matnr
           from mard
           into table itab1
           for all entries in itab
           where matnr = itab-matnr
           and werks = itab-werks.
    sort itab1 by matnr werks.
    loop at itab.
    read table itab1 with key matnr = itab-matnr
                              werks = itab-werks.

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    Here is the code example:
      GS_BDCDATA-program = 'RHALEINI'.
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                       MESSAGES INTO GT_MESSAGES.

    Please refer the code below:
    *Code used to populate 'select-options' & execute report
    DATA: seltab type table of rsparams,
          seltab_wa like line of seltab.
      seltab_wa-selname = 'PNPPERNR'.
      seltab_wa-sign    = 'I'.
      seltab_wa-option  = 'EQ'.
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      loop at pnppernr.
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        append seltab_wa to seltab.
      SUBMIT zreport with selection-table seltab
                                    via selection-screen.
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    You may want to try creating your own custom popup lov
    you can then create your own lov report listing all people and then when you click the name required you can passback as many values as required to the calling form.

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    i have used form user_command.and have written coding for Vbeln (on vbeln i am showing transaction VA02)
    i want to pass an eror mesaage when user clicks on bstnk or matnr.

    Hi Lovleen,
    *Global definitions  *
    Data Types
    type-pools: slis.
    types: begin of tp_data,
    ebeln like ekko-ebeln,
    *matnr like ekko-matnr,
    *meins like ekko-meins,
    lifnr like lfa1-lifnr,
           end of tp_data,
           tp_tbl_data type standard table of tp_data.
    Data objects (variable declarations and definitions)
    Report data to be shown.
    data: it_data type standard table of tp_data.
    Heading of the report.
    data: t_heading type slis_t_listheader.
    ======================= Selection Screen ==========================
    selection-screen: begin of block b1 with frame title text-t01.
    DATA: w_aux_ebeln like ekko-ebeln.
    SELECT-OPTIONS s_ebeln for w_aux_ebeln
    DEFAULT 1000 .
    DATA: w_aux_lifnr like lfa1-lifnr.
    SELECT-OPTIONS s_lifnr for w_aux_lifnr
    DEFAULT 00000001000 .
    selection-screen: end of block b1.
    ======================== Event Blocks =============================
    at selection-screen.
      perform get_data using it_data.
      perform build_alv using it_data t_heading.
    ======================== Subroutines ==============================
    *&      Form  get_data
          Gets the information to be shown in the report.
    form get_data using t_data type tp_tbl_data.
    SELECT e~ebeln
    FROM ekko as e
    inner join lfa1 as l on elifnr = llifnr
    WHERE e~ebeln in s_ebeln
    AND l~lifnr in s_lifnr
    endform.                    " get_data
    *&      Form  build_alv
          Builds and display the ALV Grid.
    form build_alv using t_data type tp_tbl_data
                         t_heading  type slis_t_listheader.
    ALV required data objects.
    data: w_title   type lvc_title,
          w_repid   type syrepid,
          w_comm    type slis_formname,
          w_status  type slis_formname,
          x_layout  type slis_layout_alv,
          t_event    type slis_t_event,
          t_fieldcat type slis_t_fieldcat_alv,
          t_sort     type slis_t_sortinfo_alv.
    refresh t_fieldcat.
    refresh t_event.
    refresh t_sort.
    clear x_layout.
    clear w_title.
    Field Catalog
      perform set_fieldcat2 using:
    1 'CHK1' 'XFELD' space space space 'Select' 'Select this row' 'Sel'
    'Select this row' space space space 'X' 'X' space t_fieldcat,
    2 'EBELN' 'EBELN' 'EKKO' space space  space  space  space  space space
    space space space space space t_fieldcat ,
    3 'MATNR' 'MATNR' 'EKKO' space space  space  space  space  space space
    space space space space space t_fieldcat ,
    4 'MEINS' 'MEINS' 'EKKO' space space  space  space  space  space space
    space space space space space t_fieldcat ,
    5 'LIFNR' 'LIFNR' 'LFA1' space space  space  space  space  space space
    space space space space space t_fieldcat .
    x_layout-zebra = 'X'.
    Top of page heading
      perform set_top_page_heading using t_heading t_event.
      perform set_events using t_event.
    GUI Status
      w_status = ''.
      w_repid = sy-repid.
    w_title = <<If you want to set a title for
                the ALV, please, uncomment and edit this line>>.
    User commands
      w_comm   = 'USER_COMMAND'.
    PERFORM set_order USING '<field>' 'IT_DATA' 'X' space space t_sort.
    Displays the ALV grid
      call function 'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY'
          i_callback_program       = w_repid
          it_fieldcat              = t_fieldcat
          is_layout                = x_layout
          it_sort                  = t_sort
          i_callback_pf_status_set = w_status
          i_callback_user_command  = w_comm
          i_save                   = 'X'
          it_events                = t_event
          i_grid_title             = w_title
          t_outtab                 = t_data
          program_error            = 1
          others                   = 2.
      if sy-subrc <> 0.
        message id sy-msgid type sy-msgty number sy-msgno
                with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    endform.                    " build_alv.
    *&      Form  set_top_page_heading
          Creates the report headings.
    form set_top_page_heading using t_heading type slis_t_listheader
                                    t_events  type slis_t_event.
    data: x_heading type slis_listheader,
          x_event   type line of slis_t_event.
    Report title
      clear t_heading[].
      clear x_heading.
      x_heading-typ = 'H'.
      x_heading-info = ''(001).
      append x_heading to t_heading.
    Program name
      clear x_heading.
      x_heading-typ = 'S'.
      x_heading-key = 'Program: '.
      x_heading-info = sy-repid.
      append x_heading to t_heading.
    User who is running the report
      clear x_heading.
      x_heading-typ = 'S'.
      x_heading-key = 'User: '.
      x_heading-info = sy-uname.
      append x_heading to t_heading.
    Date of execution
      clear x_heading.
      x_heading-typ = 'S'.
      x_heading-key = 'Date: '.
      write sy-datum to x_heading-info.
      append x_heading to t_heading.
    Time of execution
      clear x_heading.
      x_heading-typ = 'S'.
      x_heading-key = 'Time: '.
      write sy-uzeit to x_heading-info.
      append x_heading to t_heading.
    Top of page event
      x_event-name = slis_ev_top_of_page.
      x_event-form = 'TOP_OF_PAGE'.
      append x_event to t_events.
    *&      Form  set_events
          Sets the events for ALV.
          The TOP_OF_PAGE event is alredy being registered in
          the set_top_page_heading subroutine.
    form set_events using t_events type slis_t_event.
    data: x_event   type line of slis_t_event.
    clear x_event.
    x_event-name = .
    x_event-form = .
    append x_event to t_event.
    *&      Form  set_order
          Adds an entry to the order table.
    FORM set_order USING p_fieldname p_tabname p_up p_down p_subtot
                         t_sort TYPE slis_t_sortinfo_alv.
      DATA: x_sort TYPE slis_sortinfo_alv.
      CLEAR x_sort.
      x_sort-fieldname = p_fieldname.
      x_sort-tabname   = p_tabname.
      x_sort-up = p_up.
      x_sort-down = p_down.
      x_sort-subtot = p_subtot.
      APPEND x_sort TO t_sort.
    ENDFORM.                    "set_order
    *&      Form  set_fieldcat2
          Adds an entry to the field catalog.
       p_colpos: Column position.
       p_fieldname: Field of internal table which is being described by
    *            this record of the field catalog.
       p_ref_fieldname: (Optional) Table field / data element which
    *                describes the properties of the field.
    *                If this field is not given, it is copied from
    *                the fieldname.
       p_ref_tabname: (Optional) Table which holds the field referenced
    *              by <<p_ref_fieldname>>.
                      If this is not given, the parameter
                      <<p_ref_fieldname>> references a data element.
       p_outputlen: (Optional) Column width.
       p_noout: (Optional) If set to 'X', states that the field is not
    *           showed initially. If so, the field has to be
                included in the report at runtime using the display
       p_seltext_m: (Optional) Medium label to be used as column header.
       p_seltext_l: (Optional) Long label to be used as column header.
       p_seltext_s: (Optional) Small label to be used as column header.
       p_reptext_ddic: (Optional) Extra small (heading) label to be
    *                used as column header.
       p_ddictxt: (Optional) Set to 'L', 'M', 'S' or 'R' to select
                  whether to use SELTEXT_L, SELTEXT_M, SELTEXT_S,
                  or REPTEXT_DDIC as text for column header.
       p_hotspot: (Optional) If set to 'X', this field will be used
    *             as a hotspot area for cursor, alolowing the user
    *          to click on the field.
       p_showasicon: (Optional) If set to 'X', this field will be shown
                     as an icon and the contents of the field will set
    *             which icon to show.
       p_checkbox: (Optional) If set to 'X', this field will be shown
                   as a checkbox.
       p_edit: (Optional) If set to 'X', this field will be editable.
       p_dosum: (Optional) If set to 'X', this field will be summed
                (aggregation function) according to the grouping set
                by the order functions.
       t_fieldcat: Table which contains the whole fieldcat.
    FORM set_fieldcat2 USING
          p_colpos p_fieldname p_ref_fieldname p_ref_tabname
          p_outputlen p_noout
          p_seltext_m p_seltext_l p_seltext_s p_reptext_ddic p_ddictxt
          p_hotspot p_showasicon p_checkbox p_edit
          t_fieldcat TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv.
      DATA: wa_fieldcat TYPE slis_fieldcat_alv.
      CLEAR wa_fieldcat.
    General settings
      wa_fieldcat-fieldname = p_fieldname.
      wa_fieldcat-col_pos = p_colpos.
      wa_fieldcat-no_out = p_noout.
      wa_fieldcat-hotspot = p_hotspot.
      wa_fieldcat-checkbox = p_checkbox.
      wa_fieldcat-icon = p_showasicon.
      wa_fieldcat-do_sum = p_dosum.
    Set reference fieldname, tablenam and rollname.
    If p_ref_tabname is not given, the ref_fieldname given
       is a data element.
    If p_ref_tabname is given, the ref_fieldname given is a
       field of a table.
    In case ref_fieldname is not given,
       it is copied from the fieldname.
      IF p_ref_tabname IS INITIAL.
        wa_fieldcat-rollname =   p_ref_fieldname.
        wa_fieldcat-ref_tabname = p_ref_tabname.
        IF p_ref_fieldname EQ space.
          wa_fieldcat-ref_fieldname =   wa_fieldcat-fieldname.
          wa_fieldcat-ref_fieldname =   p_ref_fieldname.
    Set output length.
      IF NOT p_outputlen IS INITIAL.
        wa_fieldcat-outputlen = p_outputlen.
    Set text headers.
      IF NOT p_seltext_m IS INITIAL.
        wa_fieldcat-seltext_m = p_seltext_m.
      IF NOT p_seltext_l IS INITIAL.
        wa_fieldcat-seltext_l = p_seltext_l.
      IF NOT p_seltext_s IS INITIAL.
        wa_fieldcat-seltext_s = p_seltext_s.
      IF NOT p_reptext_ddic IS INITIAL.
        wa_fieldcat-reptext_ddic = p_reptext_ddic.
      IF NOT p_ddictxt IS INITIAL.
        wa_fieldcat-ddictxt = p_ddictxt.
    Set as editable or not.
      IF NOT p_edit IS INITIAL.
        wa_fieldcat-input     = 'X'.
        wa_fieldcat-edit     = 'X'.
      APPEND wa_fieldcat TO t_fieldcat.
    ENDFORM.                   "set_fieldcat2
    ======================== Subroutines called by ALV ================
    *&      Form  top_of_page
          Called on top_of_page ALV event.
          Prints the heading.
    form top_of_page.
      call function 'REUSE_ALV_COMMENTARY_WRITE'
        i_logo             = <<If you want to set a logo, please,
                             uncomment and edit this line>>
          it_list_commentary = t_heading.
    endform.                    " alv_top_of_page
    *&      Form  user_command
          Called on user_command ALV event.
          Executes custom commands.
    form user_command using r_ucomm     like sy-ucomm
                            rs_selfield type slis_selfield.
    Example Code
    Executes a command considering the sy-ucomm.
    CASE r_ucomm.
       WHEN '&IC1'.
         Set your "double click action" response here.
         Example code: Create and display a status message.
         DATA: w_msg TYPE string,
               w_row(4) TYPE n.
         w_row = rs_selfield-tabindex.
         CONCATENATE 'You have clicked row' w_row
                     'field' rs_selfield-fieldname
                     'with value' rs_selfield-value
                     INTO w_msg SEPARATED BY space.
         MESSAGE w_msg TYPE 'S'.
    End of example code.
    endform.                    "user_command
    Reward Points if useful.
    Manoj Kumar

  • Get the data with more than one of the desired value

    I need to pull the records with more than one value of 'Other' on the delivery days fields.
    The delivery fields are mon,tue,wed,thu,fri and sat that tells the where the item will be delivered. The value can be Home, Work, or Other.
    Here is the Sample data:
    cust_id: 123
    item: newspaper
    mon: Home
    wed: Other
    thu: Home
    fri: Other
    sat: Other
    And here is my query so far.
    sum(case when (del_mon = 'O' or del_tue ='O' or del_wed ='O' or del_thu ='O' or del_fri ='O' or del_sat='O') then 1
    else 0 end) as day_ctr
    from customer
    Could you please help me with the right formula I need to get this?
    Thank you in advance..

    DESC customer
    Can you explain what you are trying with
    sum(case when (del_mon = 'O' or del_tue ='O' or del_wed ='O' or del_thu ='O' or del_fri ='O' or del_sat='O') then 1 else 0 end) as day_ctr
    Usually it's helpful a example of the result you want...
    Perhaps you want this
    select DECODE(mon,1,(select distinct mon from customer), 'OTHER') mon,
            DECODE(tue,1,(select distinct tue from customer), 'OTHER') tue,
            DECODE(wed,1,(select distinct wed from customer), 'OTHER') wed,
            DECODE(thu,1,(select distinct thu from customer), 'OTHER') thu,
            DECODE(fri,1,(select distinct fri from customer), 'OTHER') fri,
            DECODE(sat,1,(select distinct sat from customer), 'OTHER') sat from
    COUNT(DISTINCT mon) mon,
    COUNT(DISTINCT tue) tue,
    COUNT(DISTINCT wed) wed,
    COUNT(DISTINCT thu) thu,
    COUNT(DISTINCT fri) fri,
    COUNT(DISTINCT sat ) sat
    from customer

  • Creating form - want to change font style and size in more than one field at a time HOW??

    creating form - want to adjust font style and size in more than one field at a time - HOW??

    Select the fields with the mouse, right-click one of them, go to Properties
    and set the settings you'd like them all to have.
    On Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 8:51 PM, chuckm38840797 <[email protected]>

  • Reversing Landed Cost document with more than one vendor

    Hi Experts,
    Reversing Landed Cost document with more than one vendor:
    My client can reverse a landed cost document with One Vendor, but cannot with multiple vendors. I have also tested this in 8.8 PL10. Here is a brief description:
    Created Landed cost by selecting 2 vendors in the Vendor field.
    After you picked one vendor, you go to the vendor code/name again then choose another vendor you
    need, once you picked, the system will ask you whether you want to delete the previous data, then
    you say no, after then you will see the vendor name became "different vendors" and code be "********"
    (on the vendor tab: you will see two vendors)
    To Reverse Landed Cost we do the following with Landed Cost documents that only have one vendor:
    I can copy from the Landed Cost document (on the right-bottom corner) while creating new one with
    zero amount to reverse, which is ok; but for multiple vendors, the list of vendors onlyshows one of
    the vendors for Good Receipts & Landed Cost.
    Cannot copy from a Landed Cost document wioth more than one vendor to reverse this Landed Cost.
    To be albe to copy from a previously created Landed Cost document (with multiple vendors) as you
    can with one vendor to reverse the transaction.
    Can this functionality be added to future versions?

    Take a look at business area and groupings in they payment program settings...
    I am not sure what version you are on but the following link for 4.7 should provide some valuable information...
    Grouping Open Items and Individual Payments
    Wherever possible, the payment program will always group items together for payment.
    The payment program can only group together open items for payment if the open items in an account have the same:
    1. Currency
    2. Payment method in the item
    3. Bank in the item
    4. Contents of the grouping fields (if a grouping key is specified in the customer or vendor master record)
    You can also pay open items from different company codes together, as well as customer and vendor line items.
    Items in an account are not grouped together if you:
    1. Make payments separately per business area. This procedure entails separate payments being created per business area.
    2. Want to make individual payments
    Items in which a payment method is specified are not grouped with items in which no payment method is specified.
    You define the required grouping key in the IMG for Financial Accounting under Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable -> Business Transactions -> Outgoing Payments -> Automatic Outgoing Payments -> Payment Method/Bank Selection for Payment Program -> Define Payment Groupings.
    In our system, if the business area is the same, there will be one ZP document with one line with a posting key of 25. Otherwise there will be many individual 25 posting key lines with.

  • How to generate a certificate request with more than one OU?

    We're using Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 SP4. The Corp. has it's own CA and organize their certificates in a hierarchical rule with more then one organization unit (OU) in a chain.
    So what we need is generate a certificate requeste with more than one OU, but the Web Server wizard has only one text field for it. We've already tried to fill in this field the complete chain of OUs like "ou=orgX, ou=deptY, ou=secZ" and didn't work either.
    Thank's in advance,

    Do you have tried with the command line "certutil" ?

  • Function with more than one return value

    Please let me know how to write a function with more than one return value and in what scenario should we go for this option.
    Thank you

    user12540019 wrote:
    Please let me know how to write a function with more than one return value and in what scenario should we go for this option.Yes. And the following is the correct approach (using OUT variables is not!) - you deal with the multiple values as a data structure. This example uses an custom (user-defined) SQL data type as the structure.
    SQL> create or replace type TXYcoord is object(
      2          x       number,                  
      3          y       number                   
      4  );                                       
      5  /                                        
    Type created.
    SQL> create or replace function fooCoordinate( someParam number ) return TXYCoord is
      2  begin                                                                         
      3          -- doing some kind of calculation using input parameters              
      4          --  etc..
      6          -- returning the multiple return values as a proper data structure
      7          return(
      8                  TXYcoord( 0, 0 )
      9          );
    10  end;
    11  /
    Function created.
    SQL> -- selecting the data structure
    SQL> select
      2          sysdate,
      3          fooCoordinate(123)      as XY
      4  from       dual;
    SYSDATE             XY(X, Y)
    2010-02-01 08:49:23 TXYCOORD(0, 0)
    SQL> -- selecting the properties/fields of the data structure
    SQL> select
      2          sysdate,
      3          treat( fooCoordinate(123) as TXYcoord).x        as X,
      4          treat( fooCoordinate(123) as TXYcoord).y        as Y
      5  from       dual;
    SYSDATE                      X          Y
    2010-02-01 08:49:23          0          0

  • More than one column retrieved in "report and form" page

    let's see if anybody can help me with this... i'm sure it's a stupid problem but i really don't know how to solve it.
    when i create a new application with APEX, i want to add a "report and form" page. i select the table where de data is, and then click on add page. then i go to the page definition for the form that just has been created but there's no option for selecting more than one column as the link column...
    i mean, i want to show a report with all the columns from the table and then, by selecting one of them, the form should display that column but the problem is that the primary key of the table is formed by 6 columns and i always receive the "more than one column retrieved" message as it's trying to retrieve the information using only one column. is there any way to make the link column be composed by 6 or 7 columns??

    APEX can handle 2 primary key for one table (if you are using the automated fetch row and the automated process row).
    In your case, you'll have to create your own "fetch process (page rendering)" and "DML process (page processing)".
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  • Create a logical column with more than one data source

    I'm having a problem to create a logical column with more than one data source in Siebel 7.8.
    What I want to do is the union of 2 physical tables in one logical table.
    For example, I have a "local_clients" table and a "abroad_clients" table. What I want is to have a logical table "clients" with the client data from the 2 tables.
    What I've tried is dragging the datasources I need onto the logical column.
    However this isn't working because it only retrieves the data from the first data source.

    I think it is not possible to do this just by dragging the columns to the logical table. A logical table can have more than one source, but I think each column must have just one direct source column.
    I'm not sure, but maybe you should do the UNION SQL to get the data of the two tables. In the physical layer, when you create a new physical table, it's possible to set the "table type" as a "SELECT". I didn't try that, but it seems that it's possible to have the union table in the physical layer.
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  • At Line-selection in ALV for more than one field.

    How to use At Line-selection in ALV Basic Report where there are more than one field for displaying Secondary Lists.
    Ex: In Basic List there are 3 fields Volume_m Volume_y and Volume_i.When i click on any of the field i need to display the secondary list for that particular field.

    Hi Pavan,
                  Use User-command event of ALV.
    Refer this code :
    form BUILD_EVENTCAT  using    p_i_eventcat TYPE SLIS_T_EVENT.
       I_LIST_TYPE           = 0
       ET_EVENTS             = P_I_EVENTCAT
      LIST_TYPE_WRONG       = 1
      OTHERS                = 2
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.
      clear I_event.
      read table p_i_eventcat with key name = slis_ev_user_command into I_event.
      if sy-subrc = 0.
        move 'USER_COMMAND' to I_event-form.
        append I_event to p_i_eventcat.
    form USER_COMMAND' using p_ucomm type sy-ucomm
                               p_selfield type slis_selfield.
      case p_ucomm.
      WHEN '&IC1'.                       "&IC1 is the Fcode for double click
    Use  P_ELFIELD-VALUE  for further processing . this  will contain the value on which u will double click
    Reward points if helpful.

  • Summarization of field on more than one field

    Hi All,
    I have a internal table in which I have 6 field and I have to summarize the 6th field on basis of first five field.
    can I summarize one field in internal table on more than one field.
    Please help me out.

    Hi sandeep,
    1. u want to summarize (total)
      the sixth field,
      on the basis of different combinations of first 5 fields.
    2. simple
    3. Create another table,
       with the same structure, say STAB.
    4. just use this logic.
    5. LOOP AT ITAB.
       CLEAR STAB.
       <b>COLLECT STAB.</b>
    amit m.

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