Attaching letters to Actions

Hi Experts,
Can anyone tell me where can we attach letters like promotion, offer, tranfer attach to the actions? I think in ECC 6.0 der is 1 Infotype 0906 for printing letters but is there any way v can attach letters to action so that once v execute dat action that letter should be sent for print and mail shud go to employe...
While searchin i came across this Infotype 0502 Letter of appointment Cntr grouping is 25 singapore. where and for what this infotype is used?
Thanks in advance!!

U'll need to activate it for country grouping... wel i found following things regarding that infotype.. hope it helps..
Additional Data for Corrs. Letter infotype (0906)
In the infotype, you maintain the details required for generating correspondence letters. This letter serves as official notification of the proposed action.
You can use this infotype to generate a correspondence letter at an employee level, and in a .PDF file format. The letter contains details of the proposed action for an employee.
1.     HR IN PS: Correspondence Letterreport (HINCSAN0)
Using this report you can print or email correspondence letters at an employee level, or in a batch.
To enable the system to send mail to the employee, you must maintain the following settings in the Communication infotype (0105) for all employees:
You have specified the system user name in the subtype System user name (SY-UNAME) ( 0001)
You have stored the e-mail address in the subtype E-Mail (0010)
1.     Customizing
You can maintain the customizing activities for correspondence letters in the IMG under, Payroll India ® Public Sector ® Correspondence Letters
HR IN PS: Correspondence Letter Report (HINUREQ_CORRS_LETTER)
This report enables you to print or email correspondence letter for the selected employees.
u2022        You must have maintained the required details in the Additional data for Corrs. Letter infotype (0906).
u2022        To enable the system to send mail to the employee, you must maintain the following settings in the Communication infotype (0105) for all employees:
○       You have specified the system user name in the subtype System user name (SY-UNAME) ( 0001)
○       You have stored the e-mail address in the subtype E-Mail (0010)
●      You should have maintained the printer settings.

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    Hi there,
    Glad you found the solution; this is actually the forum for Adobe FormsCentral, a new online form-building service (, so it's not likely that we'd have been able to give you the answer ourselves! You may want to re-post this info in the Acrobat Users' forum:
    Best of luck!

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    ... and it works!!!
    I will give you a "Solved on this", Budgie! This AppleScript language is pretty amazing when you know how to use it.
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    tell application "Finder"
    set _Script to "LaBomba:Users:rgauthier:Library:Scripts:Folder Action Scripts:nosidebar.scpt"
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    tell application "System Events"
    attach action to (each_folder as alias) using (_Script as alias)
    end try
    end tell
    end repeat
    end tell
    end try
    end adding folder items to
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    tell application "Finder"
    set the sidebar width of the window of this_folder to 0
    end tell
    end opening folder
    I will come back to you in a day or two (or three, time is whort...) with my final code.
    Thanks once again for a fast and precise answer!
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    on adding folder items to this_folder after receiving added_items
    delay 20 -- time for job to finish?
    repeat with each_item in added_items
    tell application "Printer Setup Utility" to open each_item
    delay 40 -- time before file is deleted from folder
    tell application "Finder" to delete each_item
    tell application "Printer Setup Utility"
    end tell
    end repeat
    end adding folder items to

    That script seems to work here.
    You could check whether the script is actually attached by using the Folder Actions Setup utility which is located here:
    This utility gives you all the folders and their attached scripts in one window.
    You might also want to check to see whether locating your script in the following location helps:
    as that is where the utility wants them to go when you are attaching a folder action script to a folder.

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    Hi Keany,
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    no, this is not what I need
    Your screen dumps are to show where you can attach a pdf to an email from the file menu in a pdf. This is not what I want
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    custom link which opens another dialogue box and I choose
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    I need to get this in order to make a button on the pdf that a customer can click and then send the pdf to an email address that they enter

  • Folder actions - copy files AND subfolders

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    Can anyone recommend an automator folder action step that I may be missing?  I'd appreciate any feedback, thanks!

    Thanks for offering to help. 
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    - first the default step where automator asks for a folder to attach the folder action to. I selected a folder called test input 1
    - second step is the 'copy finder items' step. I designated a named folder 'test output' and selected the checkbox 'replace existing files' (although I know that all of the folders/files that will be placed in the initial folder will be unique
    I just discovered that I pulled a bit of a rookie mistake. I had the target folder open and incorrectly assumed that my script wasn't working. When in fact I needed to close and reopen the window to refresh.
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    So I guess my updated status is: I have a script that works, but I don't really trust it because it doesn't always work properly.

  • Dynamic actions and tabular forms

    I'm trying to attach a dynamic action to a tabular form item, and it's not working the way I'm expecting it to. Since you can't attach dynamic actions to parts of a tabular form in the "normal" way that you can for page items, I'm using JQuery selectors to pick the parts to link to. For links (such as opening a pop-up window with more information about a row), this is working fine. But I'm really struggling to attach to a simple checkbox.
    On my tabular form, I've got a simple checkbox. I've tried putting text in the Element Attributes, Element Option Attributes, CSS Class, CSS Style, and HTML Expression fields, but none of them appear to be making it through to the source code of the generated page. Which means, I think, that I'm limited to using a jQuery Selector along the lines of "input[name=f07]", but creating a dynamic action on click or on change with that selector doesn't seem to ever fire.
    What am I missing?

    Ok, this is interesting. When I tried to mock this up on, I was able to make it work (though I had to change the selector to "input[name=f07_NOSUBMIT]", which means I'm going to have to walk the DOM to get the actual value...but I'm pretty sure I can handle that). After a bit of scratching my head, I eventually found that my pop-up dynamic action was somehow or other blocking the checkbox dynamic action from firing. Changing the sequence so that the checkbox DA happens first allows them both to fire.
    Here's the javascript from the pop-up DA (it's based on this post by Havard Kristiansen):
    /* prevent default behavior on click */
    var trgt = this.triggeringElement.href;
    var e = this.browserEvent;
    /* Trigger JQuery UI dialog */
    var horizontalPadding = 30;
    var verticalPadding = 30;
    $('<iframe id="modalDialog" src="' + trgt + '" />').dialog({
         title: "Item Details",
         autoOpen: true,
         width: 570,
         height: 400,
         modal: true,
         close: function(event, ui) {$(this).remove();},
         overlay: {
              opacity: 0.5,
              background: "black"}
    }).width(570 - horizontalPadding).height(400 - verticalPadding);
    return false;At this point, the checkbox DA's action is simply an alert box. Like I said, I'm not sure what's going on, but I'm at least able to move forward...

  • Add ecb custom action to the callout (item menu)

    Is it possible to change the order of buttons in the callouts (see image below)? I would like to insert "Download a copy" after the "Open" hyperlink. Anyone has got any ideas?

    Check if below can help:
    n order for custom action to appear in your custom list definition you need to change
    RegistrationId property to the value of Type property of your list definition. In your case it should be
    If you want to attach your custom action to all document libraries you can try to attach it to Document content type:
    SPUserCustomAction action1 = web.UserCustomActions.Add();
    action1.RegistrationType = SPUserCustomActionRegistrationType.ContentType;
    action1.ImageUrl = "~sitecollection/myresources/Images/Logo16x16.png";
    action1.RegistrationId = "0x0101";
    action1.Location = "EditControlBlock";
    action1.Sequence = 500;
    action1.Title = "Redirect to my page";
    action1.Url = "javascript:__doPostBack('RedirectPostBack','{ItemId}|{ListId}');";
    If this helped you resolve your issue, please mark it Answered

  • GL Approval Action History from Workflow tables

    Hi All,
    I have prepared the query to retrieve the Journal Approval Action History from Workflow tables. Below is the Query. This is the Form Personalization. In the Journal Screen i have attached the Menu Action History and placed this query for form personalization.
    Now the problem is in GL_JE_BATCHES i have 80 thousand records. In the query which i have written i am getting only 1000 records. How can i achieve all the records.
    SELECT DISTINCT gjb.NAME batch, default_period_name period,
                       wn.recipient_role approver,
                       DECODE (gjb.approval_status_code,
                               'A', 'Approved',
                               'I', 'In Process',
                               'J', 'Rejected',
                               'R', 'Required',
                               'V', 'Validation Failed',
                               'Z', 'N/A'
                              ) status,
                       wn.begin_date approval_start_date,
                       wn.end_date approval_end_date,
                       wn.due_date approval_due_date
                  FROM wf_notifications wn, wf_items wi, gl_je_batches gjb
                 WHERE wn.CONTEXT LIKE
                          || (SELECT item_key
                                FROM wf_items a
                               WHERE a.user_key = wi.user_key
                                 AND a.item_type = 'GLBATCH'
                                 AND ROWNUM = 1)
                          || '%'
                   AND wi.item_type = wn.MESSAGE_TYPE
                   AND wi.user_key = gjb.NAME;
    Can any one please suggest me how to proceed on this issue ASAP?

    Hi Anjan,
    You can try to set the FND: View Object Max Fetch Size to a value that would allow more data to be returned. However, be aware that this can cause performance issues.

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