Attente millisecon​de: possible d'un chiffre infÃrieur à 1ms?

j'ai un programme qui utilise une carte d'acquisitione. J'effectue une tâched'acquisition pendant 1seconde, j'attends 1ms puis j'effectue une acquisition pendant 2s.
Bref, j'aimerais attendre moins de 1ms mais je ne sais pas comment faire.
Est-ce que le vi "attente (ms)" accèpte les valeurs doubles (genre 0.5, 0.75)?
Merci d'avance.
Résolu !
Accéder à la solution.

Bonjour Sébastien,
Malheureusement avec un cadencement logiciel, tu ne pourras pas descendre en dessous de la ms sous un OS Windows.
Pour faire une acquisition sous la ms, il te faudra utiliser le cadencement matériel et donc utiliser le VI de Cadencement.
Tu trouveras plus d'informations sur la différence entre cadencement matériel et logiciel dans le chapitre 5 du lien suivant:
NI-DAQmx Timing
Je t'inviite également a regarder l'exemple présent dans LabVIEW : Tension entrée continue (Aide>>Recherche d'exemples>>E/S matérielles>>DAQmx>>Entrée analogique)
Bonne journée
Certified TestStand Architect
Certified LabVIEW Developer
National Instruments France
#adMrkt{text-align: center;font-size:11px; font-weight: bold;} #adMrkt a {text-decoration: none;} #adMrkt a:hover{font-size: 9px;} #adMrkt a span{display: none;} #adMrkt a:hover span{display: block;}
Travaux Pratiques d'initiation à LabVIEW et à la mesure
Du 2 au 23 octobre, partout en France

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    Merci de votre aide
    Résolu !
    Accéder à la solution.
    Pièces jointes :
    clip_image002.jpg ‏28 KB
    clip_image003.jpg ‏38 KB

    Bonjour à vous, les boucles ne sont pas nécessaires, les fonctions de comparaisons permettre de rentrer des tableaux.
    Luc Desruelle | Voir mon profil | LabVIEW Code & blog
    Co-auteur livre LabVIEW : Programmation et applications
    CLA : Certified LabVIEW Architect / Certifié Architecte LabVIEW
    CLD : Certified LabVIEW Developer / Certifié Développeur LabVIEW

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    Vous avez seulement besoin de présenter une carte d'étudiant en cours afin d'obtenir le tarif étudiant.
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    There is a French language forum at

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    "Les filtres situés sur le SCXI-1121 sont des filtres passe-bas.
    La différence entre les deux filtres est simplement la fréquence de coupure du filtre passe bas (4Hz ou 10KHz).
    Enfin, par défaut, vous ne pouvez pas désactiver ces filtres. Des modifications au niveau matériel sont faisables en désoudant certaines capacités mais cela n'est pas du tout conseillé.
    Bonne continuation."

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    Les filtres situés sur le SCXI-1121 sont des filtres passe-bas.
    La différence entre les deux filtres est simplement la fréquence de coupure du filtre passe bas (4Hz ou 10KHz).
    Enfin, par défaut, vous ne pouvez pas désactiver ces filtres. Des modifications au niveau matériel sont faisables en désoudant certaines capacités mais cela n'est pas du tout conseillé.
    Bonne continuation.

  • Supprimer une file d'attente d'évènement statique

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    Je me demandais donc si il était possible de supprimer la file d'attente d'évènement statique d'une structure évènement pour éviter ce problème. Ou peut -être existe t'il d'autres solution (un vérouillage plus éfficace de la face avant ...) ??
    Voila voila j'espère que j'ai été assez clair, n'hésitez pas si vous avez des questions et merci d'avance pour votre aide, je suis vraiment bloqué là ....
    Résolu !
    Accéder à la solution.

    sur un Controle ... tu as le noeud de propriété "disabled".
    Tu peux donc à souhait rendre inactif un Controle du FP (un, des ou tous)
    inactivation à l'entrée du code .... et réactivation du ou des controles en sortie de code.
    oui, la fonction "flush event queue" permet aussi de "flusher" les event static.
    (il faut mettre une de ses entrées à "true" (voir l'aide sur cette fonction)
    le soucis est que "flush event queue" n'est disponible que pour LV 2013 et  supérieure,
    et donc que ton code sera impossible à convertir vers une version inférieure à 2013.

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    Both array are used for sinusoidal position data form host vi. I use time delay (1 ms) to make certain frequency with sample size(I adjust sample size for 1000 for 1 hz 500 for 2 hz).Each loop control  to position of servo system with PID. So I use two VI in my host side and I send two different sinus data with array. I tested with one timed loop it works vey well. But When I try it two time loop it dosent work.
    RT ‏105 KB

    Two loops in parallell is quite easy, you just need two unconnected loops. If there's a wire in between you get data dependency which means the 2nd loop will wait until the 1st one finishes.
    Is that what happening to you? (I cant open the file)
    LabVIEW 8.2 - 2014
    "Only dead fish swim downstream" - "My life for Kudos!" - "Dumb people repeat old mistakes - smart ones create new ones."
    G# - Free award winning reference based OOP for LV

  • Erreur de timeout sur Visa Write

    Je suis étudiant en énergétique 4e année et je réalise dans le cadre d'un stage une méthode de mesure de débit à travers une porte à l'aide de capteurs à fil chaud et de deux autres types de capteurs.
    J'utilise dans labview un programme dont le visuel+fichier est en pièce jointe.
    Sur le principe, le programme (assez complexe car le signal est traité par la suite) fonctionne de la manière suivante : j'utilise pour acquérir les signaux donnés par le multimètre agilent 34970A trois ensembles "visa write puis visa read" pour l'acquisition successive de signaux de tension, d'intensité, puis de tension (3 types de capteurs différents) avec timeout de 20 seconde, le tout dans une boucle while pour des acquisitions de plusieurs centaines de points, avec une série de valeurs toute les 5 secondes. 
    Aléatoirement, au bout d'un certain nombre de réalisation de la boucle (non régulier, parfois 1H, parfois 10 minutes, parfois 6h), la boucle s'arrête, et j'obtiens l'erreur suivante :
    L'erreur -1073807339 s'est produite à : VISA Read dans
     VISA:  (Hex 0xBFFF0015) Le délai d'attente (timeout) a expiré avant que l'opération ne soit achevée.
     Pourtant, le temps de réponse de mes capteur est inférieur à la seconde. ce sont des capteurs à fil chaud
    Je pense qu'il peut subsister un problème dans mon programme labview sur la méthode d'acquisition de ce multimètre. L'erreur peut également venir du multimètre ou des capteurs (faux contact)
    J'ai essayé d'être le plus claire possible, néanmoins n'hésitez pas à demander des explications 
    Merci d'avance pour vos précieuses réponses 
    VitesseTemperatureRTDDirection2- ‏155 KB
    erreurprogramme.jpg ‏164 KB

    Pourquoi vous employez le "Read" dans la premiere commande de VISA, et "Init-Fetc" dans le prochain VISA?  Essai utilisant le "Read" tout pars tout.  Si ceci ne fixe pas le probleme, changez du "XON-XOFF" au aucun handshaking.  Temps au temps, les "binary bits" (je ne savez pas les mots en Francais) resemble XOFF.  J'espere que ceci vous aide.
    - tbob
    Inventor of the WORM Global

  • Error -Account 'Down-payments clearing account' could not be found for area

    When I am trying to pass a down payment entry by debiting vedor and crediting bank with asset it is giving an error as follows.
    Account 'Down-payments clearing account' could not be found for area 01
    Message no. AU133
    Please help me to rectify the same.
    Thanks in advance

    Please pay attention at  the possible causes of message AU133:
    1. Error AU133:
       a) You have not defined a contra account for acquisition value postings in the Asset Accounting Customizing settings (Transaction AO90).However, this is required as of Release 4.6C because, as is the case for all other integration postings in Asset Accounting, invoice receipt postings have to be displayed in Asset Accounting via the new posting kernel to ensure an identical document
       b) You have defined the account in Asset Accounting, however, it is not created in the affected company code.Check whether the account is correct and create it for the company code, if necessary.
    2. You have entered an asset reconciliation account for the "Contra account: Acquisition value posting" (for example, the same account as for   "Acquisition:Acquis. and production costs" account).This is not  permitted.Check whether your account determination is correct               
       (Transaction AO90) in Asset Accounting Customizing. The same applies
       for the 'Contra account: Down payment posting'.
    3. As "Contra account: Acquisition value posting" you entered an asset G/L account. If necessary change the automatic posting indicator in the G/L account master record.
    4.Check if you need  revaluation accounts in depreciation areas involved   (AO90):
      -Revaluation acquis. and production costs
      -Offsetting account: Revaluation APC
    Please run also programm RACKONTO where missing or wrong customizing
    the accoutn determinations per company code is displayed
    Also have a look at note 7595 in this regard.
    Please assign points if it useful.
    Ravinagh Boni

  • My Number Does Not Show Up On Phone Or In iTunes

    This actually occurs on what is now my wife's iphone. It had been mine until I got the 3g one. We got a new sim from AT&T and activated it through itunes for my wife. Everything works, there are no special issues other than what everyone else has seen with the 2.0 software. Her number shows up on caller id on other phones all texts and emails and calls go through with no issue. However her number does not show up anywhere on her phone, not in settings on the phone screen, not on the contacts list and not on itunes either. I remember last year there were some posts regarding this issue but when I was using this phone my number showed up where it was supposed to be so I didn't pay attention to any possible resolutions. I've found a couple of posts that refer to a possible solution involving the sim card. However we went to an AT&T store and two of the guys there who both have iphones said that the sim wouldn't have anything to do with this.
    I'm assuming that something didn't transfer over when we did the activation for her but have no idea how to rectify this. I did try a restore from backup but that didn't do anything. On my phone my number shows up in the right places. Even though this isn't a critical or major issue it does annoy me ( more me than my wife! ). Does anyone have any suggestions?

    Wanted to post an update for anyone else with this issue. I was advised by someone else to call AT&T customer support and have them resend activation/provisioning to the phone. He said he had the issue and this worked for him. So I called and when I finally got someone I was told that there was nothing they could "resend" to the phone but she got in touch with an Apple iphone support person and after explaining the issue to her she connected me to the Apple rep. I explained everything again to her and she said there were two options - the "restore as new phone" which she did not recommend because of the hassle and length of time involved, or have the activation resent to the phone by AT&T. I told her that I had been told there was nothing to be resent. She told me that was incorrect and then she got back in touch with AT&T support then got back to me and said I would see a text message to power off the phone. When I saw that I was to power off and wait 5 minutes and then power the phone back on. At the time I was actually using the phone that had the issue so she called me back on my phone and after 5 minutes I powered the other phone back up and the number now shows up everywhere it's supposed to. Simple, no muss, no fuss and no restore!!
    I thanked her profusely and we both wondered why the first AT&T service person I spoke to did not know that this could be done or did not want to. But she told me the AT&T guys are a little scared of the Apple guys and that they can get things done that we might not be able to. Anyway it is a simple process if you can get them to do it the first time, maybe it's best to go through the Apple people first. The Apple service rep was wonderful and I'm happy!

  • Warning:unchecked cast

    I am one of the many that have this compiler problem. When i compile this program( i want to check how it works).
    import generated.*;
    import javax.xml.bind.*;
    import java.util.List;
    public class JAXBUnMarshaller {
      public void unMarshall(File xmlDocument) {
        try {
    JAXBContext jaxbContext = JAXBContext.newInstance("generated");
    Unmarshaller unMarshaller = jaxbContext.createUnmarshaller();
    JAXBElement<CatalogType> catalogElement =     (JAXBElement<CatalogType>)
    CatalogType catalog=catalogElement.getValue();
         System.out.println("Section: " + catalog.getSection());
         System.out.println("Publisher: " + catalog.getPublisher());
         List<JournalType> journalList = catalog.getJournal();
         for (int i = 0; i < journalList.size(); i++) {
              JournalType journal = (JournalType) journalList.get(i);
              List<ArticleType> articleList = journal.getArticle();
                for (int j = 0; j < articleList.size(); j++) {
                  ArticleType article = (ArticleType)articleList.get(j);
    System.out.println("Article Date: " + article.getDate());
    System.out.println("Level: " + article.getLevel());
    System.out.println("Title: " + article.getTitle());
    System.out.println("Author: " + article.getAuthor());
    catch (JAXBException e) {
         public static void main(String[] argv) {
              File xmlDocument = new File("catalog.xml");
              JAXBUnMarshaller jaxbUnmarshaller = new JAXBUnMarshaller();
    IT responds to me [unchecked] unchecked cast_
    found: java.lang.Object
    Can anyone help?

    Yep. Looks as if that's 'cause of
    JAXBElement<CatalogType> catalogElement = (JAXBElement<CatalogType>)unMarshaller.unmarshal(xmlDocument);The Java compiler is warning you that it has no way of ensuring (either at compile time or at runtime) that the JAXBElement is actually an element with the type CatalogType. So if you're wrong, things won't work the way you expect.
    You can safely ignore this warning if you're certain you're correct; the compiler is just drawing your attention to the possibility. Ideally, you'd have an API that returned the correct type rather than just an Object, but the Unmarshaller class doesn't have that capacity. So you'll just have to check it yourself to make sure it's right.

  • Updates for Acrobat 9 Pro Extended

    I just reinstalled Windows, which involved also reinstalling my copy of Acrobat 9 Pro Extended. When I hit the Check for Updates menu, the message box states There are no updates available at this time. In addition, I have been unable to locate updates for my version of Acrobat on the web site. I would appreciate a link to the update page.

    Thanks for sharing that information. Otherwise, I would not have been attentive to the possibility that the built-in updater would start to function. I found that it kicked in after I installed the update to 9.2.0.
    After installing 9.2.0 and rebooting, I tried the Check for updates menu option, under the Help menu. I got a message to the effect that “The Adobe updater is already running”. Using Process Explorer, I checked the running processes and found a windowless program called AdobeARM.exe (Adobe Reader and Acrobat Manager) was running. I assumed that it was downloading files, so I let it run. After about 10 minutes, it notified me of an update and offered to run it. After it finished, I was updated from 9.2.0 to 9.5.5. I checked the log and verified that it had downloaded and installed all the interim updates to bring me up to 9.5.5.
    Here’s what I think happened. With the release of version 9.2.0, Adobe changed the update procedure. There was probably a period of time that the update procedure in 9.0 and 9.1 would automatically transition to the new procedure implemented in 9.2.0. But that time has passed, and the only message one gets from 9.0.0 and 9.1.0 is that there are no upgrades. That leaves the question as to why the updater did not start working for you until 9.4.5. I think the answer is that the AdobeARM program downloads the necessary files before it makes itself visible and offers to install the updates. Each time you rebooted, AdobeARM, shut down, so it never reached the point where it could tell you that it had downloaded all the updates. When you reached 9.4.5, the time required to download the necessary files had dropped from 10 minutes to a minute or two, so you were finally given the opportunity of having the remaining updates installed automatically. The same thing would have happened to me, if your experience had not made me more cautious.
    Based on this experience, I would recommend the following procedure to update a fresh install of Acrobat 9 Pro Extended for Windows:
    Install the following files in this order:
    AcrobatUpd911_all_incr.msp [optional]
    AcrobatUpd913_all_incr.msp [optional]
    Except for File No. 2, these files are all available as links from the Acrobat 9 Pro Extended for Windows download page:
    For inexplicable reasons AcroProExUpd910_all_incr.msp is only available from the FTP site. The direct link is:
    Based on the information on the following page:, I have indicated that two updates are optional, because they are incorporated in subsequent quarterly updates. I installed them anyway.
    After installing the sixth file, AcrobatUpd920_all_incr.msp, reboot. Open Acrobat, click on the Help menu, and then on Check for updates. If it says the updater is already running, wait for it to finish downloading the remaining updates. As mentioned above, it took about 10 minutes for it to finish downloading files. After the files finish downloading, a new window will appear, telling you downloads are available and offering to download them. Click OK, and you will be updated to 9.5.5.

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