Audio CD not showing in iTunes - Why?

Hi there.
When I insert an audio CD in to my MacBook, the CD mounts on the desktop but doesn't appear in iTunes.
It seems that iTunes knows the disc is there, as I get the pop up box that says "accessing gracenote". But the CD just doesn't appear in the left hand pane.
I'm a fairly experienced mac user, & I've not experienced this on any of my previous machines (iBook / MacMini / Powerbook).
...any ideas?

also posted this question in the MacBook forum. Problem eventually solved by trashing iTunes preference files & the iTunes application, then re-installing iTunes.

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    Deba007 wrote:
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    Shuffle works differently from the "Ipod classic 160GB". There is NO additional help for this issue.
    Message was edited by: 0Ari0

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    I had the same problem on Mac and I can solve this matter at link below:

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    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    I assume you have the Apple TV 1.
    Often a restart of ALL your equipment will help, it may also be a result of instaling or updating security software (check your security settings).
    If problems persist, navigate to Settings > Computers > Your Library on the Apple TV, you may be told you will lose all synced content, but you can sync it back afterwards, you won't lose any purchased content that has yet to be transferred. Then select Settings > Computers > Connect To iTunes, note the passcode that appears on screen, click on the device in iTunes and enter the passcode when prompted.

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    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
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    "Haaga" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:e4t6bv$olq$[email protected]..
    > Any idea where I could find a list of "standard" fonts
    or colors?

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    Thanks & Regards

    Hi SU
    Hope this helps.
    When I connect my iPod touch to iTunes on my PC - under library there is a Music folder and under iPod there is a Music folder. Which music folder isn't showing the track rating?
    If the Library Music folder isn't showing ratings then see A) Updating Ratings in Library Music
    If the iPod Music folder isn't showing ratings then see B) Seeing Ratings in iPod Music
    I have 20000 tracks in iTunes and 5000 tracks on my iPod which I am rating as a listen to them. 1000 have ratings 4000 have none.
    A) Updating Ratings in Library Music
    This is on a PC. When you manually manage music on your iPod the ratings you assign on your iPod aren't automatically synced to iTunes but it is easy to do it manually and only takes a few minutes.
    1) in iTunes on a PC click Music under iPOD, sort your tracks by the Rating column and select 5 star tracks.
    2) Click File > New Playlist From Selection and call it 5 STAR. This creates a new playlist on your iPod.
    3) Right click the 5 STAR playlist and click Export. I save the playlist export file to my Desktop.
    4) Click File > Library > Import Playlist > navigate to the location you exported the playlist to (in my case Desktop), select 5 STAR and import. You may get a warning saying some tracks don't exist, you get this if you change track info in your iTunes library, it'll omit these tracks from the playlist your creating. 5 STAR playlist will appear under iTunes Playlists.
    5) Select 5 STAR under iTunes Playlists and you will see your 5 star tracks from your iPod but the Rating will be blank. Select all tracks, right click, select Rating and then *****. All the tracks will now be rated 5 star.
    6) Right click iTunes Playlist 5 STAR and select Delete, this won't delete your tracks.
    7) Right click iPOD Playlist 5 STAR and select Delete, this won't delete your tracks.
    8) You can repeat this process with your 4 star stracks then 3 star, etc.
    9) an optional step. Once I've rated my tracks I delete them from my iPod.
    I do this process every few weeks when I've got a reasonable batch of tracks to update ratings in iTunes.
    B) Seeing Ratings in iPod Music
    In iTunes iPod Music my tracks are sorted by rating and I mistakenly thought the rating column is blank. I clicked on the Name column to resort and saw some of the tracks had ratings. I then noticed that when I clicked on iPod music it didn't display tracks from the top of the list (my 5 star tracks) which I expected but half way down (0 star tracks) which is why I thought there was a problem. So now when I look at my iPod music in iTunes I scroll up the list to check they are showing ratings before doing A) above.

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    LeesaHeeley wrote:
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    When fist setting up your new iphone you will be asked to log in with an apple id and password. If this did not happen you can then do as you suggested going to settings to itunes and app store and add your apple id login. This apple id login must have already been created for the iphone to accept it. If this apple id is already created but is not being accepted by your iphone you then should shut down your iphone and restart the device.
    Good luck.

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    iPad 2, iOS 5.1.1
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    Let me know when you figure this out. I am experiencing the exact same situation. Just started this morning after I switched my mobileme account to icloud. I can see my iphone in itunes, but when I plug my ipad in, nothing. Not on any computer. I have always been able to sync and charge with no trouble. Now my ipad is slowly turning in to a door stop.
    Thank you!

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    plz plz help me!!!!!
    windows XP   Windows XP  
    windows XP   Windows XP  

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    My ipod touch is not showing in itunes therefore, not syncing. I've gone through the trouble shooting steps about 5 times.

    Did you try here:
    iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for Mac OS X
    If you  have iTunes 11 turn on the Sidebar. Go to iTunes>View and click on Show Sidebar. You can also do a Crtl+S to show the sidebar. The sidebar is where Devices appears. and Control+B to show the Menu bar
    Next try on another computer to help determine if you have an iPod or computer problem.

  • Ipod Nano not showing in Itunes or Windows

    when i connect my ipod to my computer it charges but does not show under itunes or in windows. i've tried all the Rs except one...restore. and the only reason i haven't tried restore is because i can't access my ipod under itunes to run the restore! someone pls help if u can...i'm just about ready to smash the thing!i've spent hours these past two weeks trying to get it to open under itunes with no luck. sometimes it pops up as a "new device that is not working properly", but then it just disappears again and i can't find it under my devices!! somebody, anybody, pls help!
    2nd Gen ipod nano   Windows XP  
      Windows XP  
      Windows XP  

    I have a simelar problem. My wife had an ipod mini which was synced to itunes, I brought her a 4GB ipod nano yesterday and I told her just plug it into the computer and then it will have auto instructions.
    Actually what happens is nothing, I plug it in and it charges, nothing else. I have uninstalled itunes and downloaded it again but it still has my mums ipod mini songs on there.
    basically the ipod does not seem to sync with itunes...any help will be appriciated.

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    5th generartion ipod is not recognized by itunes, why it this?
    thank you.

    iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for Windows
    I would start with:
    Removing and Reinstalling iTunes, QuickTime, and other software components for Windows XP
    If it does not charge
    - Try another cable. Some 5G iPods were shipped with Lightning cable that were either initially defective or failed after short use.

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    Using an iPod Nano 2 G, when I plug it into a Mac, the iPod will not show in iTunes. The iPod will charge, but will not sync. This happens across multiple Mac's, so the issue seems to be the Nano, not the computer(s). The iPod will actually show for about 2 seconds in the left sidebar, then it disappears. Any suggestions about how to either fix this, or maybe how to restore the iPod's software. The iPod otherwise seems to be working correctly, i.e. will play music, etc. we have tried switching ports, cables and computers, same results. 

    Did you do everything here:
    iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for Windows
    Removing and reinstalling iTunes, QuickTime, and other software components for Windows Vista or Windows 7
    Removing and Reinstalling iTunes, QuickTime, and other software components for Windows XP
    Do other USB devices work on the computer/USB port??

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