B1if no message payload information

Hi i am trying to purchase order scenario.  order process successfully. but when i open in Msg It's Show Below only....
and also most of the time i am getting below error
com.sap.b1i.xcellerator.XcelleratorException: XCE001 Nested exception: com.sap.b1i.bizprocessor.BizProcException: BPE001 Nested exception: com.sap.b1i.xcellerator.XcelleratorException: XCE001 Nested exception: com.sap.b1i.xcellerator.RejectedException: XCE208 resource is busy B1Server|company = ESPL-LAP-050|TESTCOMPANY|

Ad 1.
Change message log settings like this:
You need log level set to 'Full message'.
Ad 2.
Check this thread:
Error in Messagelog in B1i
Kind regards,

Similar Messages

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    We are trying to send the payload information back to the client for a failed BPEL Transaction from B2B's b2b_instancemessage view. We are enqueing messages to IP_OUT_QUEUE using BPEL. We see the payload coming correctly in the B2B Business Message Reports. But we don't see the payload coming in the b2b_instancemessage view for failed B2B transactions. How can we see the payload in b2b_instancemessage view for failed B2B transactions as well? or How can we retrieve the Payload information from B2B?
    Any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks. - Sam.
    Edited by: user12049162 on Dec 4, 2009 2:04 PM

    I am not sure about the PDK API to get the group name. But using LDAP API its easy to get the User Group.
    If you find the answer to get the group name using PDK API, Please update in forum. It will really help others.
    --Balaji S                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

  • Wsdl validation fails for request message payload from custom schema

    Hello. I am having a problem which I cannot seem to work around. I have defined a schema to serve as a template for the request message payload of a bpel process. The schema is very simple:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <xs:schema xmlns:logininfo="http://sru/logininfo" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:sru="http://sru/profile" targetNamespace="http://sru/logininfo" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified">
         <xs:import namespace="http://sru/profile" schemaLocation="http://sru/profile.xsd"/>
         <xs:element name="logininfo" type="logininfo:logininfoType">
                   <xs:documentation>Needed information for SRU Login</xs:documentation>
         <xs:complexType name="logininfoType">
                   <xs:element name="email" type="sru:emailType"/>
                   <xs:element name="password">
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                                  <xs:maxLength value="32"/>
                   <xs:element name="product" type="xs:string"/>
                   <xs:element name="ip" type="sru:ipType"/>
                   <xs:element name="timestamp" type="xs:dateTime"/>
                   <xs:element name="xpath" type="xs:string"/>
    (The schema depends on another, which I have placed at the end of this message).
    I import it into the bpel process designer with no problems.
    Upon defining the payload of the request message type to be the {http://sru/logininfo}logininfoType, the WSDL file does not validate anymore:
    Validating WSDL...
    Validating E:\OraBPELPM_1\integration\jdev\jdev\mywork\SRU\BPELProcess5\BPELProcess5.wsdl
    Schema type not found: QName(http://sru/logininfo, logininfoType)
    Validate WSDL: has errors.
    Any ideas?
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <xs:schema xmlns="http://sru/profile" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:sru="http://sru" xmlns:xdb="http://xmlns.oracle.com/xdb" targetNamespace="http://sru/profile" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified" xdb:schemaURL="http://sru/profile.xsd">
              <xs:documentation>Joel Salmerón Viver</xs:documentation>
              <xs:documentation xml:lang="en">General purpose internet profile schema</xs:documentation>
         <xs:simpleType name="emailType">
              <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
                   <xs:maxLength value="255"/>
                   <xs:pattern value="[a-z0-9]([a-z0-9\._][a-z0-9]+)*@[a-z0-9]([a-z0-9\.\-][a-z0-9]+)*\.[a-z]{2,6}"/>
         <xs:simpleType name="ipType">
              <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
                   <xs:pattern value="((\d|[1-9]\d|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.){3}(\d|[1-9]\d|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])"/>
         <xs:simpleType name="labelType">
              <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
                   <xs:maxLength value="32"/>
         <xs:complexType name="addressType" xdb:SQLType="ADDRESSTYPE" xdb:SQLSchema="SRU">
                   <xs:element name="lines" type="linesType" minOccurs="0" xdb:SQLName="lines" xdb:SQLType="LINESTYPE" xdb:SQLSchema="SRU" xdb:SQLInline="true">
                        <xs:key name="linesKey">
                             <xs:selector xpath="line"/>
                             <xs:field xpath="@num"/>
                   <xs:element name="city" xdb:SQLName="city" xdb:SQLType="VARCHAR2" xdb:SQLInline="true">
                             <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
                                  <xs:maxLength value="64"/>
                   <xs:element name="postalcode" xdb:SQLName="postalcode" xdb:SQLType="VARCHAR2" xdb:SQLInline="true">
                             <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
                                  <xs:maxLength value="16"/>
                   <xs:element name="countrycode" xdb:SQLName="countrycode" xdb:SQLType="VARCHAR2" xdb:SQLInline="true">
                             <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
                                  <xs:length value="2"/>
              <xs:attribute name="label" type="labelType" use="required" xdb:SQLName="label" xdb:SQLType="VARCHAR2"/>
              <xs:attribute name="verified" type="xs:boolean" use="required" xdb:SQLName="verified" xdb:SQLType="RAW"/>
         <xs:complexType name="lineType" xdb:SQLType="LINETYPE" xdb:SQLSchema="SRU">
                   <xs:extension base="xs:string">
                        <xs:attribute name="num" type="xs:positiveInteger" use="required" xdb:SQLName="num" xdb:SQLType="NUMBER"/>
         <xs:complexType name="loginType" xdb:SQLType="LOGINTYPE" xdb:SQLSchema="SRU">
                   <xs:element name="registered_date" type="xs:dateTime" xdb:SQLType="TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE" xdb:SQLName="registered_date" xdb:SQLInline="true"/>
                   <xs:element name="lastlogin_date" type="xs:dateTime" xdb:SQLType="TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE" xdb:SQLName="lastlogin_date" xdb:SQLInline="true"/>
                   <xs:element name="lastlogin_ip" type="ipType" minOccurs="0" xdb:SQLName="lastlogin_ip" xdb:SQLType="VARCHAR2" xdb:SQLInline="true"/>
                   <xs:element name="lastlogin_time" type="xs:time" minOccurs="0" xdb:SQLType="TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE" xdb:SQLName="lastlogin_time" xdb:SQLInline="true"/>
              <xs:attribute name="product" use="required" xdb:SQLName="product" xdb:SQLType="VARCHAR2">
                        <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
                             <xs:maxLength value="32"/>
              <xs:attribute name="status" type="xs:integer" use="required" xdb:SQLName="status" xdb:SQLType="NUMBER"/>
         <xs:complexType name="addressesType" xdb:SQLType="ADDRESSESTYPE" xdb:SQLSchema="SRU">
                   <xs:element name="address" maxOccurs="unbounded" xdb:defaultTable="PROFILE_ADDRESSES" xdb:SQLName="address" xdb:SQLSchema="SRU" xdb:SQLInline="true" xdb:defaultTableSchema="SRU" xdb:SQLCollType="address360_COLL" xdb:SQLCollSchema="SRU" xdb:maintainOrder="false">
                        <xs:complexType xdb:SQLType="address358_T" xdb:SQLSchema="SRU">
                                  <xs:extension base="addressType"/>
              <xs:attribute name="main" type="labelType" use="required" xdb:SQLName="main" xdb:SQLType="VARCHAR2"/>
         <xs:complexType name="phonesType" xdb:SQLType="PHONESTYPE" xdb:SQLSchema="SRU">
                   <xs:element name="phone" type="phoneType" maxOccurs="unbounded" xdb:SQLName="phone" xdb:SQLType="PHONETYPE" xdb:SQLSchema="SRU" xdb:SQLInline="true" xdb:SQLCollType="phone363_COLL" xdb:SQLCollSchema="SRU" xdb:maintainOrder="false"/>
              <xs:attribute name="main" type="labelType" use="required" xdb:SQLName="main" xdb:SQLType="VARCHAR2"/>
         <xs:complexType name="loginsType" xdb:SQLType="LOGINSTYPE" xdb:SQLSchema="SRU">
                   <xs:element name="login" type="loginType" maxOccurs="unbounded" xdb:SQLName="login" xdb:SQLType="LOGINTYPE" xdb:SQLSchema="SRU" xdb:SQLInline="true" xdb:SQLCollType="login366_COLL" xdb:SQLCollSchema="SRU" xdb:maintainOrder="false">
                        <xs:key name="loginKey">
                             <xs:selector xpath="."/>
                             <xs:field xpath="@product"/>
         <xs:complexType name="phoneType" xdb:SQLType="PHONETYPE" xdb:SQLSchema="SRU">
                   <xs:extension base="phonenumberType"/>
         <xs:complexType name="profileType" xdb:SQLType="PROFILETYPE" xdb:SQLSchema="SRU">
                   <xs:element name="firstname" xdb:SQLName="firstname" xdb:SQLType="VARCHAR2" xdb:SQLInline="true">
                             <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
                                  <xs:maxLength value="64"/>
                   <xs:element name="surname1" xdb:SQLName="surname1" xdb:SQLType="VARCHAR2" xdb:SQLInline="true">
                             <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
                                  <xs:maxLength value="64"/>
                   <xs:element name="surname2" minOccurs="0" xdb:SQLName="surname2" xdb:SQLType="VARCHAR2" xdb:SQLInline="true">
                             <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
                                  <xs:maxLength value="64"/>
                   <xs:element name="gender">
                             <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
                                  <xs:length value="1"/>
                                  <xs:enumeration value="M"/>
                                  <xs:enumeration value="F"/>
                   <xs:element name="alt_email" type="emailType" minOccurs="0" xdb:SQLName="alt_email" xdb:SQLType="VARCHAR2" xdb:SQLInline="true"/>
                   <xs:element name="addresses" type="addressesType" minOccurs="0" xdb:SQLName="addresses" xdb:SQLType="ADDRESSESTYPE" xdb:SQLSchema="SRU" xdb:SQLInline="true">
                        <xs:key name="addressesKey">
                             <xs:selector xpath="address"/>
                             <xs:field xpath="@label"/>
                        <xs:keyref name="addressRef" refer="addressesKey">
                             <xs:selector xpath="."/>
                             <xs:field xpath="@main"/>
                   <xs:element name="phones" type="phonesType" minOccurs="0" xdb:SQLName="phones" xdb:SQLType="PHONESTYPE" xdb:SQLSchema="SRU" xdb:SQLInline="true">
                        <xs:key name="phoneKey">
                             <xs:selector xpath="phone"/>
                             <xs:field xpath="@label"/>
                        <xs:keyref name="phoneRef" refer="phoneKey">
                             <xs:selector xpath="."/>
                             <xs:field xpath="@main"/>
                   <xs:element name="language" type="xs:language" xdb:SQLName="language" xdb:SQLType="VARCHAR2" xdb:SQLInline="true"/>
                   <xs:element name="logins" type="loginsType" minOccurs="0" xdb:SQLName="logins" xdb:SQLType="LOGINSTYPE" xdb:SQLSchema="SRU" xdb:SQLInline="true">
                        <xs:key name="loginsKey">
                             <xs:selector xpath="login"/>
                             <xs:field xpath="@product"/>
                   <xs:element name="origin" minOccurs="0" xdb:SQLName="origin" xdb:SQLType="VARCHAR2" xdb:SQLInline="true">
                             <xs:documentation>iso3166 a2 country code</xs:documentation>
                             <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
                                  <xs:length value="2"/>
                   <xs:element name="creation_date" type="xs:dateTime" xdb:SQLType="TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE" xdb:SQLName="creation_date" xdb:SQLInline="true"/>
                   <xs:element name="modified_date" type="xs:dateTime" xdb:SQLType="TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE" xdb:SQLName="modified_date" xdb:SQLInline="true"/>
                   <xs:element name="password" xdb:SQLName="password" xdb:SQLType="VARCHAR2" xdb:SQLInline="true">
                             <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
                                  <xs:maxLength value="32"/>
                                  <xs:pattern value="[a-zA-Z0-9]+"/>
                   <xs:element name="hint" minOccurs="0" xdb:SQLName="hint" xdb:SQLType="VARCHAR2" xdb:SQLInline="true">
                             <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
                                  <xs:maxLength value="32"/>
                   <xs:element name="additional" type="xs:anyType" minOccurs="0">
                             <xs:documentation>future expansion</xs:documentation>
              <xs:attribute name="email" type="emailType" use="required" xdb:SQLName="email" xdb:SQLType="VARCHAR2"/>
              <xs:attribute name="active" type="xs:boolean" use="required"/>
         <xs:complexType name="phonenumberType" xdb:SQLType="PHONENUMBERTYPE" xdb:SQLSchema="SRU">
                   <xs:extension base="xs:string">
                        <xs:attribute name="label" type="labelType" use="required" xdb:SQLName="label" xdb:SQLType="VARCHAR2"/>
         <xs:element name="profile" type="profileType" xdb:defaultTable="PROFILES" xdb:SQLName="profile" xdb:SQLType="PROFILETYPE" xdb:SQLSchema="SRU" xdb:defaultTableSchema="SRU"/>
         <xs:complexType name="linesType" xdb:SQLType="LINESTYPE" xdb:SQLSchema="SRU">
                   <xs:element name="line" type="lineType" maxOccurs="unbounded" xdb:SQLName="line" xdb:SQLType="LINETYPE" xdb:SQLSchema="SRU" xdb:SQLInline="true" xdb:SQLCollType="line354_COLL" xdb:SQLCollSchema="SRU" xdb:maintainOrder="false"/>

    IT would help if the people that are working this issue would post the resolve of their problems. Every post I see with this problem someone from oracle replies with needing the source project to replicate the issue and the thread dies....

  • Table for XI (PI) message payload content?

    Hello Colleagues,
    I need to know in what table I am able to find the Payload what is displayed normally under SXMB_MONI for different message processing over XI.
    We need to archive (only) payload content for special interfaces in a usefully way.
    Many thanks in advance!

    Hi Sudhir,
    Many thanks for the providing informations.
    During my investigation I found similar information.
    So, I afraid too that where is no easy way for export message payload.
    Maybe the XML Data Archiving process could be here an answer but i haven't try it before.
    Documented at "XML Data Archiving: Configuration Guide for ABAP Applications".
    Many thanks for support Sudhir!

  • Monitoring SOAP Message Payload

    Can we monitor the message payload after the message is processed by the adapter? If so, where?
    I am doing a HTTP to SOAP scenario. I would want to check if the outgoing payload (after my receiver SOAP adapter finishes processing) is correct. Where can I see this information?

    LOGGING_SYNC is not important with MDT
    add this to
    messaging.syncMessageRemover.removeBody = false
    in Messaging System in visual admin
    then you will see the payload

  • Message payload logging for Uniform Distribute Queue

    Hi All,
    We have a requirement to log the message payload, of every jms message received in a Uniform Distribute Queue in Weblogic.
    Please let us know how can we achieve this.

    If you want to avoid use of the Path Service, then the alternative is to make the destination members highly available. This will help ensure that the host member for a particular UOO is up.
    One approach to HA is to configure "service migration". For more information see the Automatic Service Migration white-paper at
    In addition, I recommend referencing Best Practices for JMS Beginners and Advanced Users
    http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E17904_01/web.1111/e13738/best_practice.htm#JMSAD455 to help with WL configuration in general.
    Hope this helps,

  • Payload information for a service is not avaialable in BTM

    Hi All,
    I am working on BTM I have installed BTM and all my services are getting discovered when I am sending some traffic to them. When I select the particular service in Explorer-->Services to Endpoints I get an entry of my service. When I click on the service I get the details displayed in the lower pane. In the lower pane there is a tab Message Log. When I click on the Message Log tab I get the transactions with the ECID and when I click the search icon(magnifying glass) for a particular row I am not getting any request or response xml but I am getting an information *"no content captured".
    For this I guess I have to create transaction first. So I wanted to create a transaction with Message content logging on selected operation enabled. But when I check this checkbox it asks me to select atleast one operation. Here I am not understanding that from where I can select an operation. Just below this property there is a table but this table is not enabled also it contains nothing. Should this table needs to be populated and we have to select an operation from this table and then check the property? But why this table is not enabled( its is faded) and most importatnly contains nothing.
    Can anyone please tell me what can be the issue. Why I am getting this message and not the payload information.
    Thanks in Advance!!
    Edited by: Roshni Shankar on Jan 15, 2013 3:16 AM

    When you enable logging on a particular operation, BTM would then capture your message payload that would pass that operation during the transaction run and then you will be able to search for messages from the message search tool.
    I am not understanding what you are trying to say by "Here I am not understanding that from where I can select an operation. Just below this property there is a table but this table is not enabled also it contains nothing. ". If your transaction has one or more services, than you should see atleast one operation in this table, which you are seeing as blank. Can you upload a screenshot?

  • Error while processing message payload Element 'CategoryCode&#39

    Hi Experts,
    I am trying to integrate SAP ECC with TM. I have transferred the sales order from ECC to TM, but its not triggering order based transportation requirement (OTR) instead giving an error Error while processing message payload Element &#39;CategoryCode&#39 and all the xml messages are stuck in inbound queue. The screen shot of the issue is as appended herewith. Please advise.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Aunkur De

    Hi Aunkur,
    The issue will generally  come when a mandatory field in XML which you are not sending either or missed.
    Please check if all mandatory fields are mapped properly.
    Best regards,

  • Error while processing message payload Element PI SXMB_MONI (ECC to TM)

    Dear Experts,
    while processing an XML message in TM using receiver interface IntracompanyTransportationRequestRequest_In , we encounter an error message.
    <SAP:Stack>Error while processing message payload Element &#39;StockTransportOrderReferenceIndicator&#39; missing</SAP:Stack>  
    ssee screenshot attached.
    The field StockTransportOrderReferenceIndicator cannot be located in ECC and I cannot find what the system is expecting to populate here.
    Can somebody propose an approach on how to investigate into this error message for the solution?
    thanks a lot

    Hi Salvador,
    Thanks for your reply. We were able to fix that issue. As of now we have managed to send sales order to TM but getting the following error. Messages are getting failed in SAP TM. Even if the product exists in the system (TM) still the error message persists. I have CIFed location, business partner, product from ECC and everything exists in SAP TM with the same business system group. Kindly advise. Did you happen to face any similar kind of issue during your implementation ?
    Thanks & Regards,
    Aunkur De

  • PI 7.1 SOAP Adapter - Message Payload for Failed Messages - Where to find

    We are exposing a webservice through SAP PI.  Occassionaly we have customers calling our webservice and some failure occurs.  The error is usually the way that the customer is calling the webservice (missing elements, misnamed tags, bad content in the WS payload..).  Generally in these cases we can see the error in communication channel monitoring. 
    Here is an example:
    12/12/11 4:39:07 PM   com.sap.engine.interfaces.messaging.api.exception.MessagingException: com.sap.engine.interfaces.messaging.api.exception.MessageFormatException: cvc-complex-type.2.4.b: The content of element 'SupplierInvoice' is not complete. One of '{"":Invoice}' is expected. at line 1, column 227
      12/12/11 4:39:06 PM   request received for a channel
    I understand the issue, but it would be extremely helpful to have the full SOAP Envelope and Payload of a request when it fails.  The communication channel will show a SUCESSFUL message payload with a link to it.  But it does not show a failed one.
    Where can I find the FAILED payload that accompanies this message?  These failures occurs before any mapping or being seen in RTWB Adapter Engine message monitoring...  I did some searching around, but did not find anything offhand.  I would greatly appreciate any pointers from anyone who has crossed this bridge.

    When the web service is being called by external application, the first point of contact would be the sender communication channel which converts the SOAP message into XML message and pass to integration engine ( In case of success )
    But if the web service call fails due to WSDL validation, Authentication issue, Bad content, invalid content type, you would not see the payload in the sender communication channel or in Adapter engine. You can just see error message in the sender communication channel . I have experienced this many times and i always ask the web service team to provide the SOAP message for validation/investigation purpose.

  • Message payload?

    What is a message payload in XI?

    Payload is nothing but the data(data type) provided by u
    and which is displayed in XML format...
    The payload is the actual contents (business data) of a message in the Exchange Infrastructure(this is from the help).

  • How  we can mention varible substitution for diffrent message payloads

    How  we can mention varible substitution for diffrent message payloads,
    My sceanrio like following,
    According the Outbound idoc message,based on the condition the messages to be split into 9 diffrent files.The sender message may or may not satisfied the condition to one or two messages or  all messages.
    I done the mapping 1:N multimapping in messagemapping & Interface mapping too.
    In reciever file adapter i put the variable substiution like as fallows.
    Variable            Refrence
    Name--            -
    Filename -- payload:message_type_1,1,Segment1,1,Segment2,1,Field_1,1
    <b>How we can mention variable substitution for remaining messages in the same communication channel.my message type names are diffrent for all 9 messagetypes.</b> Any ideas pl forward..,
    When i am testing this scenario,able to processing a one file but the file is not placed in the specified target & gives the follwing error:
    'Conversion configuration error: Unknown structure 'ns1:message_type_2' found in document', probably configuration error in file adapter (XML parser error)'.The file is
    In this case Idoc data satisfied the one message condition only.
    If any ideas & suggestions ..?

    Hi Anjan
    You could always put the "FileName" and "Directory" names into the Dynamic Configuration using a UDF in the map - possibly using a value mapping table to determine the correct values. Then simply reference "%Directory%" and "%FileName%" in the file adapter.  This way you do not have to reference payload variables and you set the names in the map. You will need to tick the box for "use adapter specific message attributes" in the file adapter. you UDF code will look something like
    String dir = "/path";
    String fil = "filename.txt";
    DynamicConfiguration conf = (DynamicConfiguration)container.getTransformationParameters().get(StreamTransformationConstants.DYNAMIC_CONFIGURATION);
    DynamicConfigurationKey key = DynamicConfigurationKey.create("http://sap.com/xi/XI/System/File","Directory");
    DynamicConfigurationKey key = DynamicConfigurationKey.create("http://sap.com/xi/XI/System/File","FileName");
    - Stephen

  • Problem in Edit Message Payload in AE

    Hi all,
    actually we have a problem with editing the message payload of a failed message in the adapter engine.
    Messages Editor shows "The version you want to edit is locked"
    Log in NWA shows "EditorDynPage: loadMessage()
    com.sap.aii.mdt.api.exceptions.OperationFailedException: VersionAlreadyLockedException in Method: AdapterFrameworkMonitoringBean: getTransferMessage( Query ). The version you want to edit is locked. Message: Version 1 of message 4eb86ecc-fb6b-0c10-e100-80000a93147c(INBOUND) is already locked for editing.; To-String: com.sap.engine.interfaces.messaging.api.version.VersionAlreadyLockedException: Version 1 of message 4eb86ecc-fb6b-0c10-e100-80000a93147c(INBOUND) is already locked for editing."
    How to delet te lock,  the nwa => problem management => locks shows no locks?
    regards Ralf

    In NWS, you should also have a tab "Database Locks". See detail in this [SAP help|http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nwpi711/helpdata/en/48/b2e0156b156ff4e10000000a42189b/content.htm].

  • How to retrieve updated payload information from completed HumanTask

    after initiating the HumanTask , updating the payload object from java client api
    payload information set into task object.
    taskService.updateTaskOutcome(workflowContext, task, outcome) ;
    after this call the HumanTask will be Completed.
    Now i tried to get the Payload which was updated in earlier step.
    Task task=taskQueryService.getTaskDetailsByNumber(workflowContext, taskNumber);
    XMLElement payload =(XMLElement)task.getPayloadAsElement();
    in the payload, it only contains payload which was at the time of humanTask initiation .
    Can any one help me, how to retrieve the payload information after completing the HumanTask ?
    Thanks in Advance

    I think the below code can be used to update the payload in the HumanTask
    IWorkflowServiceClient wfSvc=WorkflowServiceClientFactory.getWorkflowServiceClient(WorkflowServiceClientFactory.REMOTE_CLIENT);
              //instantiate the TaskQueryService Object
              ITaskQueryService taskQuerySvc=wfSvc.getTaskQueryService();
              //instantiate the TaskService Object. it has the UpdateOutcome method
              ITaskService taskSvc=wfSvc.getTaskService();
              final String password="jcooper";
              final int taskNumber=123;
              try {
                   //get WorkflowContext
                   IWorkflowContext context=taskQuerySvc.authenticate("jcooper",password.toCharArray(), "jazn");
                   Task task=taskQuerySvc.getTaskDetailsByNumber(context, taskNumber);
                   Element element=task.getPayloadAsElement();
                   Element payloadNew=element.getOwnerDocument().createElementNS("http://xmlns.oracle.com/bpel/workflow/task", "payload");
                   JAXBContext jaxbContext=JAXBContext.newInstance("object.path");
                   Marshaller marshaller=jaxbContext.createMarshaller();
                   //new Object() is your Object which you want to update in Process payload
                   marshaller.marshal(new Object(), payloadNew);
                   //update task payload
                   taskSvc.updateTaskOutcome(context, task, "APPROVE");
              } catch (WorkflowException e) {
              } catch (JAXBException e) {
              } catch (StaleObjectException e) {
    Edited by: user12267906 on Nov 28, 2009 7:43 AM

  • JMS Message Selector on Message Payload

    I have a requirement where in;
    A JMS adapter consumes messages from an AQ JMS Topic. We need to make selective dequeue from the Topic. Is that possible to make use of the message selector option on the 'message payload'?
    Message selector works on JMS Header and Properties as far as I know.
    Any insight on this would be of great help :-)
    Manoj Nair.

    It's like almost a month to get a response for such a generic JMS functionality. Looks like the Oracle SOA user base is really low. Anyone with a working example reference.

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