Background processing causing animation to stutter

On click of a button I want to play an animation as well as call a webservice. Once the web service results have arrived and the animation has completed I want to push to the next view. This gives a perceived performance boost as user doesn't feel like he is waiting for the result.
I've managed to do this using event listeners for the webservice result and effectend function for the animation.
However, I noticed that the animation stutters in between i.e. perhaps when the webservice results have arrived. Is there anyway to prevent that stuttering?
I did try suspendBackgroundProcessing but that didn't have any effect.

With all the latest news on Flex I wonder if the main contributors on this forum will still respond to queries with the same earnestness.
I started learning Flex just about a month or so ago and started building an app I was so excited about. I am certainly interested in finishing the app and perhaps do other apps on Flex too.
Can someone just answer "No" if what I'm looking for in my question above is not possible.

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    Hi --
    First off, I want to state that I've spent hours looking over info about this topic in both the Adobe Forums and at the Creative Cow forums. So I finally think I have a handle on what's going on...but the situation still hasn't improved. I need some quick answers here or I'm going to toss my computer out the window.
    Here's the problem:
    Whenever I RAM preview, the AE info panel ALWAYS says "Background Process Status Loading Projects..." It does this no matter what. This can often take ten to fifteen seconds. It's a major time-killer. I have tried multiple configurations in the Memory & Multiprocessing prefs and I always get this problem. What gives?
    It should be noted that my project file is large (40MB). I still get this message in smaller project files, but it stays up for less time (often only a few seconds).
    How can I fix this?
    P.S. Another annoyance is that the project always saves whenever I RAM preview. Another time-killer.
    Here's my Computer:
    Mac OS X 10.6.2
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    Here's my AE Memory & Multiprocessing prefs:

    This also drives me CRAZY!
    Especially with big 'projects'.
    It halts the system for about 30seconds (and I'm on a 12core with 48gb ram!)
    I really dont understand Adobe. You make great stuff but do you ever test it yourself?
    If you are a programma, and you encounter  this in a production, you will go mental.
    Same for the rendering in Multicore, and suddenly for no reason (or some plugin is singlecore only) the rendering drops to 1 core, the system because unusable. Everything stalls, the rendering takes ages! This happens on 4 macpro's with all latest SL and AE updates!
    Still the same old problems like CS4. Please make it better!

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    Thanks in advance,

    This is an interesting post and i'm sory i don't have time to
    experament before i answer
    you could of course run the script as background
    *.sh &
    but that's probubly not what you want
    I think the solution lies in giving the
    proccess a job number %n
    then setting it %n &
    it might even work to
    put something like %java &
    Anyway when it's running fullout
    it is because it is in the
    current terminal process group PID.
    wish i could help more

  • Adobe AIR background process throttled at 5%

    I'm creating an air application that downloads stuff from the web (through httprequest...irrelevant though).
    Oftentimes, while the content is being downloaded (roughly 200mb of data), the user will alt+tab away, putting the air app in the background process.  I've noticed that (at least in windows), this will cause the air app to download extremely slow since the cpu utilization seems to be throttled.  I realize this may be an OS-level optimization, but I don't see why browsers or say bit-torrent clients would exempt.
    This problem isn't really related to downloading, but I think this is potentially a common use-case for an air application.
    I've read an article about cpu throttling via the stage.framerate, but that doesn't seem to do the trick for me.
    Is it possible to forcibly set the cpu or at least turn off the throttling?

    For my particular app, its written in flex and I'm seeing the issue on windows.  I was modifying the stage framerate actually (I think), I didn't try the backgroundFrameRate.
    I'm pretty sure its just being throttled as an optimization at some level (not sure where).  In a separate instance, I was writing an air application written in flex (and windows) where I was NOT downloading something, but it was rendering a cpu-heavy graph.  While I was trying to investigate why my graph was so slow, I looked at the process manager (ctrl + alt + del).  It would always say it was at 5% cpu utilization, which I thought was highly suspicious (certainly didn't feel like 5%).  I eventually realized, that simply having the process manager on top of the application causes the throttling to occur.  All I had to do to prove it was check the "always on top" setting for the process manager, and then bring the focus back on my air app.  It was going at 60% -80% cpu utilization!
    I don't have a sample app, but to recreate one real quick, just have something continuously running (maybe a looped sequence of animation or downloading a huge file), and then bring up the process manager.  You'll notice it'll say something low like 5%.  Then, keep the process manager up while you focus back on the application (maybe on the side) - you'll notice the cpu utilization jump back to normal.
    Thanks for looking into this

  • The request could not be submitted for background processing.

    Post Author: Chriss
    CA Forum: Administration
    It's an BOE XI SR2, on Win2k3 server, with a print cluster with two print spools, handling 3000+ printers. I discovered this error to be intermittent and only on one of the spools. It turned out that the only common factor was an HP4250 print driver. I backed all the 4250s down to 4200 drivers and the intermitent error ("Error in File. The request could not be submitted for background processing.") went from about 100 a day to zero. The other spool had a different version of the HP4250 driver and would on rare occassion cause this error, "Error in File ... Page header or footer longer than a page." but never the background processing error.
    For reference, when I got this error in XI R1, this was the solution for 'the error with one name and many causes':The error "The request could not be submitted for background processing" can be related to a corrupt or wrong versioned crpe32.dll in the Crystal bin folder. Renaming to crpe32.dll_bak and using the repair command in the the "Add/Remove Programs" tool in the "Control Panel" will reinstall the correct dll. Then restart the Crystal services.

    Post Author: krishna.moorthi
    CA Forum: Administration
    For Crystal reports :
    Error : "The request could not be submitted for background processing"
    I think,this was not related to a corrupt or wrong versioned crpe32.dll.
    but the below mentioned is one of the reason for getting this error.
    I got the error when the main report(crystalreports10) having more than 2 subreports not assigned proper tables for the subreports.
    Example: (this code raise the abone mentioned error.)
    rpt.Subreports["subreportname1"].SetDataSource(Exdataset); // Exdatatset.Tables[1]
    rpt.Subreports["subreportname2"].SetDataSource(Exdataset);// Exdatatset.Tables[2]

  • Crystal Reports VS 2008 "The request could not be submitted for background processing"

    I am going to try to explain this issue the best I can. Please let me know if you need any other information or have any ideas as I have exhausted my resources. We have an ASP.NET application that has highly formatted crystal reports in them that the users can export as PDFs. All reports export without a problem when the application is run off of our desktops. The reports use a sql server authenticated user, executing stored procedures, and each subreport is linked by the main parameter. We are using Visual Studio 2008 version 3.5 SP1 with Crystal Reports Basic for Visual Studio 2008 on Windows 7 Enterprise SP1. We have designed the reports in Crystal Reports XI Release 2 ( and imported them into the ASP.NET application. When trying to export the reports as PDFs from the development or production servers, we get the error message below for some, not all, reports:
    System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x800002AD):  Error in File C:\Windows\TEMP\KeyAccountProfile {9FA5C095-77A2-425D-AC6B-8BB66B435336}.rpt: The request could not be submitted for background processing.     at CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.Controllers.ReportSourceClass.Export(ExportOptions pExportOptions, RequestContext pRequestContext)     at CrystalDecisions.ReportSource.EromReportSourceBase.ExportToStream(ExportRequestContext reqContext)
    We have cleared the temp directory on the servers before exporting and are still receiving the error. We have installed Crystal Reports Basic Runtime for Visual Studio ( on both servers. I have identified the underlying issue to one stored procedure/subreport that is causing the report to fail. The weird thing is, when we change the connection to point to development, the stored procedure/subreport runs fine for the report that generates an error when run from production, and the data is the exact same. I have tried rebuilding the subreport but the error still appears even though it runs fine for other reports.
    I have been through the document below, and othe similar issues in the forums, but still have not found a resolution. I was trying to use the "modules" application put since this is an ASP.NET application I am unsure of which executable I should be looking at.
    Thanks in advance for your assistance,
    Brad Hood
    OK.. I did some more investigating on this today. I have found out when I move the sub report that generates the error under another sub report, the sub report in question runs without issue. But when I try and move the sub report that produces the error above any other sub report, the error still generates. Can this get any weirder.... FYI.. there is a total of ten sub reports on this report.

    Hi Brad
    I'm not sure that Modules would show us anything in this case, so let's try a few other things:
    1) Make sure you are using SP 1 for Crystal Reports Basic Runtime for Visual Studio:
    Crystal Reports for VS 2005 and VS 2008 Updates & Runtime Downloads
    2) Seeing as this works on dev, this may be some db inconsistency so enabling the report option "Verify on 1st Print" will be a good idea.
    3) Double check the database client and make sure the same client is used on dev and deployed systems. Actually I take back my Modules negative as this is where it may prove useful. Once you have the Modules logs, look at who is loading the crpe32.dll, then look at that process and see the client dlls.
    4) Check the printer driver; see if there are any updates. Try a different printer driver.
    Ten subreports is not too bad, though not that good either as you are loading the report engine with at minimum 11 simultaneous reports (each subreport is considered to be a report). If a subreport is in a details section and the details section returns a 100 records, you are running 100 + 1 reports. This may lead to memory issues, which may lead to the error.
    If I was a betting man, I'd put most of my money on the printer driver (based on your last addition to your post). What ever money I had left would go to some database issue (be it actual data or client related).
    - Ludek
    Senior Support Engineer AGS Product Support, Global Support Center Canada
    Follow us on Twitter

  • Background processing needed...

    iWeb needs to background process.
    Each shape/rollover/png/navbar/image-resize file needs to be generated as you make it, or in the background if you're working fast. Every time you alter the item's size or appearance on the iWeb page, it should regenerate it, but if you don't alter the item it leaves the generated file untouched. Moving the item on the iWeb page should not alter the already generated file. Altering plain text on a page should not change anything, only the html file.
    There should be an info page like iDVD informing you of background encoding status. You can however save at any time (like iDVD).
    When you come to publish, it should generate all other items that have changed or not yet been background encoded (as it does now).
    Next time you open iWeb to work on it, all encoding is all up to date (as it did it all prior to publish), so any items that have not been changed should be untouched, and only new items need to be encoded and hence published.
    That way, only changed items are generated, not the whole shebang. Thus saving everybody's wasted time and effort in uploading/finding changed files etc.
    It should be perfectly possible as iWeb has an undo and a restore feature, so it is already keeping track of changes all the time.
    What do you think, will this be in iWeb 1.2, iWeb 2.0, or Web Studio Pro 1.0 ?
    Quicksilver G4 Dual 1GHz   Mac OS X (10.4.5)

    This is the F1 documentation for calling a FM in Update task
    Flags the function module func for execution in the update task. It is not executed at once, but the data passed with EXPORTING or TABLES is placed in a database table and a subsequent COMMIT WORK then causes the function module to be executed by the update task.
    This is the F1 documentation for calling a FM in background task
    Flags the function module func to be run asynchronously. That is, it is not executed at once. Instead, the data passed using EXPORTING or TABLES is placed in a database table and the next COMMIT WORK executes it in another work process.
    Hope this helps

  • Problem in background processing of a report

    I am facing a problem while executing a report in background. In foreground its running absolutely fine but in background the job get cancelled every time .
    can any body tell me how to find the cause of the problem and how can we debug the report  in background

    Hi Amole,
    following error is encountered  in background processing
    ABAP/4 processor: GETWA_NOT_ASSIGNED
    job cancelled

  • Could not support request for background processing

    We have a .NET 1.x application with CrystalReportViewer control.
    The application is running on a windows terminal server with approximatively 5 users using the applications and 10-20 logged on doing other stuff.
    When the user tries to preview the report using the CrystalReportViewer  object , the following exception is "sometimes" thrown 
    [translated from dutch]
    error in file C:\Users\*username*\AppData\Local\Temp\35\{B8D10435-A104-4422-A220-6DB483DFC285}.rpt:
    The request could not be submitted for background processing. ---> System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x800002AD)
    The application then terminates and if the user restarts the application attempts to reload the report, it usually loads with no problem .
    It can not be intentionality reproduced but it does happen frequently.
    I have been Googling for this problem , but havn't found any solution.
    On this website however a link is provided to a BO KB article with a possible solution:
    However, the article appears to require a login, my SAP CR account i used to register on these forums does not to work.
    What can we do to determine the exact cause of this problem, or are there any known solution for this problem ??
    If you need any more information please do ask.
    We have a licence for CR 11 and so does our client, what steps would we need to undertake to get professional /payed support from SAP crystal reports for techinal issues like this, is there a way to open a support ticket ?
    Thank you very much for your time, any help is appreciated !

    First I have to apologize for the troubles with CR 11.5 - not sure why that would be, but your frustration is understood. Perhaps sometime in the future we can look at this in another thread (e.g.; it should just work...).
    Anyhow, there is really no compeling reason for you to go to CR 11.5 (there are reasons (see below), but 11.0 is fine with framework 1.1).
    So to start off. Version will need to be updated to SP4. See this|] wiki. As you can see in the wiki, the latest version of CR 11.0 is updated to SP 4 with a version of 11.0.9500.x. Before we even start to look at this, you will have to get to SP4.
    Re. preference for CR 11.5. If the issue is not resolved with CR 11 Service Packed to SP 4, all we have left is; going to CR 11.5 - with the latest SP (SP6) as that is the version I would be testing with. Note that CR 11 is completely out of support now, CR 11.5 is out of patch support (e.g.; no fixes) and any support terminates in June of this year.
    And we have not even started to work the issue. Re-reading your initial post, I am starting to suspect that loading may be the root of the issue here. I'd recommend having a peek at the following:
    The following article specifies CR 2008, but most if not all the points will apply to CR 11.0 also:
    The below will also be good to be aware of:
    The following articles were written by me and may also apply:
    [Crystal Reports Maximum Report Processing Jobs Limit|]
    [Improving Crystal Reports Performance in Visual Studio .NET Applications|].
    I realize I've thrown a lot of info in here, but all of it may apply. In a way I feel like we've ended up across the river without crossing the bridge first, but let's see what comes out of all of this (teleporting worked for Captain Kirk   ).
    - Ludek
    Edited by: Ludek Uher on Mar 10, 2011 7:25 AM

  • Reducing Windows Background Processes

    I'm in charge of my company's data acquisition system and we've finally got everything running about how we want it to.  The last issue we're having is that whenever the screen updates the program slows down measureably.  I've got the program running in a loop that collects data, processes data, waits for user input, sends out commands to other hardware, and then repeats.  The program is configured to only display one data point (64 channels, plus 5 on a chart and three other numeric gauge indicators) of every 100 collected.  The effect this has is that while the program is not displaying data the loop executes in about 2-3ms, but that time jumps to ~60ms when it has to update the front panel.
    My question is: how can improve the performance of my code on a windows XP system?
    Is there some kind of indicator that I should use over another kind?
    Does anyone have a guide on how to disable windows background processes (the computer the DAQ system is on isn't running much, but I'm not a very advanced user in that area)?
    Any other general tips and tricks for this kind of problem?
    I know the best solution would be to move to a real time operating system, but that just isn't an option right now.  Any suggestions on how to improve performance on the system I've got would be appreciated.

    Some clarifications, as requested.  We're acquiring 32 analog channels and 32 thermocouple channels.  The gauges and chart indicators are just a way of displaying a subset of the data in a more obvious form.  All channels are also displayed in numeric indicators.  The program is set up to run a loop with the following DAQ scheme: calculate a timestamp (relative to the start of the program), acquire a single scan of the analog channels, acquire a single scan of the thermocouple channels, and then do other data processing tasks.  There's no set data rate, we're trying to acquire the data as fast as the program will allow, so the 2-3ms loop times is what we see in the output data file.  One data point will occur at time 0.003, and then next would get the timestamp 0.006. 
    Every time the screen is updated, in the post-processing part, the time to execute the whole loop increases dramatically.  In the data file we'd see a point recorded at time 0.006, and then the next one would be at time 0.066 (something to that effect).  Since screen updating seems to be the cause of the slowdown I'm interested in what I can do to get that part to run as fast as possible.
    We're running LabVIEW 7.1, and to get the screen to only update occasionally I have it set to keep a counter going that is incremented each time through the loop.  If the counter gets to the value of 100, then in post-processing the current batch of data is sent to the front panel indicators and the counter is reset to 0.  For all other counter values the data just goes into the output file and the screen indicators are left alone.

  • Background Processing & Update Task

    Are "background processing" and "update task" processing the same? I have a function which is timing out and I need to have it run in the background.  If I used the CALL FUNCTION <name> IN UPDATE TASK, would that provide the same resource level and time allowance as having the logic run via a SUBMIT?

    This is the F1 documentation for calling a FM in Update task
    Flags the function module func for execution in the update task. It is not executed at once, but the data passed with EXPORTING or TABLES is placed in a database table and a subsequent COMMIT WORK then causes the function module to be executed by the update task.
    This is the F1 documentation for calling a FM in background task
    Flags the function module func to be run asynchronously. That is, it is not executed at once. Instead, the data passed using EXPORTING or TABLES is placed in a database table and the next COMMIT WORK executes it in another work process.
    Hope this helps

  • Unable to connect to background process in compressor

    I have tried the solutions posted in support including a complete removal of associated files and re install, but it it still unable to connect to background process.
    Do anyone have a working solution? Thanks

    Well, FCP 4.5 is 4-5 years old now. You can't expect them to support it forever.
    Leopard only supports FCS 2 and FCS 1.5 (i.e. FCP 5.1.x) which explains why your problem wasn't fixed upon upgrading.
    I used to have this problem with Compressor and solved it this way:
    They seem to be many causes though, so I can't guarantee this will work for everyone.

  • Disk Utility Background Process Fails.  Combo Updater doesn't find Disk

    When I start Disk Utility, I get a message "error starting disk utility background process" with a "quit" button which can't be clicked. So, I force quit.
    When I try to run a combo updater (10.4.3 or 10.4.7), the "select volume" window shows no volumes.
    In both instances, the system log tells me:
    DiskManagementTool crashed
    And the console log tells me:
    dyld: lazy symbol binding failed: Symbol not found: _GPTuuidType2Human Referenced from: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DiskManagement.framework/Resources/DiskManage mentTool
    Expected in: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MediaKit.framework/Versions/A/MediaKit
    dyld: Symbol not found: _GPTuuidType2Human
    Referenced from: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DiskManagement.framework/Resources/DiskManage mentTool
    Expected in: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MediaKit.framework/Versions/A/MediaKit
    I have run fsck -y in single-user mode, repair disk and permissions in disk utility from my install disk, and Disk Warrior. Still the same.
    Is there any way I to fix this without rebuilding the machine?
    Powerbook G4   Mac OS X (10.4.3)  

    I had the same problems. I don't know the cause but it surely comes from the "software update" software. In the future I will only use the combo updater that you can find on
    I ended up reinstalling 10.4 from scratch and then running the combo update. It know works fine.

  • Background processes on SAP BW Production stall - kicked off via UC4

    We have the following issue; there 6 background processes available on the BW server. The UC4 (external) scheduler kicked off 3 jobs that in turn was kicking off 3 process chains which were trying to kick off 10  background processes. The result was that 6 background processes were kicked off, seemed to be active (in sm37), but actually stalled (they were not doing anything), it was like they ended up in a deadlock. Normally one would expect the processes to run according to the mechanism that when there are no background processes available, to wait. My guess is that because they were initiated by an external scheduler and demanded more than the total available background processes that mechanism did not work. Has anyone encountered this problem before? And knows why it happens?
    Regards, Meindert

    Hi Meindert,
    If I recall correctly I remember having seen this before as well, and then the root cause actually was the way the process chains work. There was (is?) some dependency on free batch processes in the initialization phase of the process chain which lead to hanging processes if you started a few process chains at the same time and there are not enough free batch processes available.
    I believe this is internal to SAP so probably not caused by scheduling the chains externally, however your external scheduler could maybe take the number of free batch processes into account. I do not know your external scheduler well enough to explain it for that product, I do know how I would handle it with CPS: I'd use queueing to make sure that there are enough free batch processes available, or I would let it monitor the number of free batch processes on the system and if that would become too low, I'd temporarily hold new process chains that needed to start. The chosen option would depend on the priorities of the processes involved, to make sure that the processes with the highest priorities can always start and always have batch processes available.


    Dear All,
    Lock Occuring Frequently in Our development database - Blocking by CKPT background Process.
    After checking the system, found that Drop table command causing the problem.
    Oracle Version, Hp-Unix
    whether any one face this scenario and share how you resolved it?
    Thanks in Advance
    Edited by: user585870 on Jun 10, 2009 10:31 AM

    select substr(DEST,1,10) DEST, DESCRIPTION from x$messages where dest='CKPT' order by DEST;
    i am not getting any description which says that locking the table is CKPT task. There should be a .trc file (trace file) which can be used to diagnose it or i shall wait with you to hear more replies by forum experts.
    Girish Sharma

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